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Chapter 113 The devil attacks at night and the Nine Heavens Bell falls

Songshan Sima Dongtian and other aristocratic families immediately received the news that the royal family Li family had dug up the immortal corpse, and the clan elders brought people there one after another. The major aristocratic families do not have the ability to explore a Cave Heaven Paradise alone, and must join forces with multiple families. Therefore, the benefits obtained from the Cave Heaven Paradise must be equally shared.

Since the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, no immortal corpse has been excavated. This time, the Li family will not try to take it all for themselves!

An elder of the Cui family was extremely excited and said with a smile, The Li family doesn't want to offend all our aristocratic families, right?

The elder of the Zhao family chuckled and said, Unless the Li family doesn't want to be secure, they will have to share it.

Since the invasion of the underworld, not only Yongzhou, but also many new places have emerged in various places. The states and counties that originally ruled various places have lost contact with the counties and towns, and the connection between the states and counties and the divine capital is also very weak. The imperial power lost its power and was unable to rule the local area. Officials in various places were incompetent and unable to rule their jurisdictions.

If the royal family Li wants to maintain its ruling status, it must rely on major aristocratic families.

A group of clan elders led a crowd to the royal family's stronghold in Sima Dongtian. They suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood and saw the Li family's Nuo master lying on the ground.

In the center of the stronghold, a heavy coffin has been opened, and there is nothing in the coffin.

The royal family is in trouble! Retreat immediately!

Everyone knew something was wrong and hurriedly turned around, only to see a young man wearing fairy flowers blocking their way. The clothes he wore were extremely ancient, made of feathers and gold threads, not the style of clothing worn by today's people. There was a turquoise necklace hanging around his neck and a hoopoe accessory on his head.

A ray of fairy light descended from the sky and fell on him, and bursts of fragrance exuded from the fairy flower.

He is like an immortal who strays into the mortal world, unstained by a trace of dust, and the worldly world is just a burden to him.

However, when everyone saw him, they heard whispers in their ears, as if something got into their heads and spoke to them.

The young man in Yuyi smiled slightly, opened his mouth, stretched out a tongue two to three feet long, and licked the face of a female disciple of the Chai family.

The woman seemed to be frightened, and suddenly the flexible tongue wrapped around her neck and threw her up high.

The young man in Yuyi raised his head to the sky, opened his mouth wide, and the head and feet of the Chai woman was stuffed into his mouth!

Everyone exclaimed, and then all kinds of Nuo magic powers flew up, overwhelmingly flying towards the young man in Yuyi. What's more, they directly sacrificed the Qi Refiner's magic weapon obtained from this blessed land of cave heaven and killed the young man in Yuyi!

The young man in Yuyi smiled, and after a while, all the fluctuations subsided.

There were many corpses scattered on the ground.

The young man in feathers was very patient. He opened his mouth and stuffed one corpse after another into his mouth. After finishing eating, they walked towards the highest peak of Songshan Mountain where Xu Ying and others were.

On the highest peak, the big bell rotated quietly and silently, protecting everyone under the bell. No matter Xu Ying, Zhu Chanchan, or the old man in white, Beichenzi, did not sleep.

Only An Qi was lying on his back, his neck stretched straight, and he fell asleep snoring.

He also snores, and when he inhales, his tongue retracts, and when he exhales, his tongue stretches out, swaying like waves in the wind.

Master Qi is so generous. Dazhong praised secretly.

Zhu Chanchan was so nervous that she was trembling. She leaned behind Xu Ying and poked her little head out to look around from time to time. She was still growing, and she was wearing Guo Xiaodie's clothes, which were too loose and leaked air everywhere.

When the cold wind blew on the mountain, the girl's clothes bulged up and she hugged her body tightly, looking pitiful.

Beichenzi found a stone table from somewhere, put a chessboard on it, and started playing chess with himself.

This old man was a scene person. Even at night, a ray of sunlight fell from the sky and shone on him, illuminating the chess table brightly.

No matter what, this old man is indeed full of aura! Da Zhong secretly praised.

Xu Yingze took advantage of Beichenzi's sunshine to thoroughly understand the Yuandao Heavenly Senses on those two pages of gold paper. At this critical moment, he tried to practice the Yuandao Heavenly Senses.

A Ying is too big-hearted and doesn't know how powerful the devil is. Dazhong thought to himself.

However, it doesn't know much about the demon's strength.

Back then, a god was suppressed in the ancient well of the Shishan Desert Temple. It was expected that the strength of the gods and demons should be about the same. But that god was captured and suppressed by the owner of the big bell, and the big bell was not sure about the real fighting power of the god.

Even if Beichenzi can't handle it, he still has me. It thought to itself.

Xu Ying thought about it for a long time, and finally began to activate the Yuandao Heavenly Sensations, adjust his mental skills, and fish out the elixir contained in the black and yellow energy from the Huangting Cave Heaven.

With the operation of the technique, his consciousness gradually improved, and his sensing ability became stronger and stronger!

What's strange is that this time Xu Ying didn't feel like he was standing in the dark, nor did he have the weird feeling of being watched.

The perception of the heavens of Yuandao is extremely strange. When activating this technique, his sensing ability seems to be amplified countless times, and he can easily detect the thousands of heavens hidden in the void!

What a powerful induction technique!

Xu Ying couldn't help but marvel that his spiritual consciousness could even touch the heavens and sense the different colors of the heavens!

He can even touch the ancient consciousness floating in the void. Those powerful ancient thoughts almost no longer rotate. When he touches them, he can hear the majestic Tao sound, which is like the emotion of a great creature, and also like the expression of Taoism. hymn of unknown meaning.

Xu Ying was like a little butterfly entering the grand view garden with blooming flowers.

Now he finally understands why the people of the Yuan family always require themselves to be self-denial, to suppress their desires, and to maintain their absolute sanity.

Because when practicing Yuandao Heavenly Sensation, if you cannot maintain inner peace and tranquility and maintain absolute rationality, you may be affected by various ancient consciousnesses floating in space!

Even when their spiritual consciousness is communicating with the heavens, they will be invaded by evil spirits and heretics!

Therefore, only by restraining desires and staying rational can you save your life during practice.

Therefore, people from the Yuan family will give people a feeling of being cold and distant from others, and they are not enthusiastic.

Probably many Yuan family members died inexplicably while practicing their skills.

Xu Ying thought to himself, No wonder the Yuan family is so sparse.

He activated the Taiyi Guiding Skill, and his spiritual consciousness was either alive or dead. By adhering to Taiyi, there was no possibility of being invaded by external evil spirits. However, the Yuan family was not so lucky.

However, the fate of the Yuan family should be the misfortune brought about by the Yuandao heavens sensing this technique, and has nothing to do with the Huang Ting secret treasure and Huang Ting elixir. If they use a top Huang Ting secret treasure technique, it might be avoided. .

By strengthening your sense of consciousness, can you really feel the gods of another world?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, he took a long breath, activated the Taiyi Guidance Skill, and at the same time transferred the power of the three caves of Niwan, Jianggong and Huangting.

His physical activity, physical strength and spiritual consciousness are constantly improving.

Xu Ying let go of his spiritual consciousness, strengthened his induction, and searched the heavens with his spiritual consciousness, trying to find the Wei Ruins that Beichenzi mentioned.

At this moment, he sensed an evil and powerful thought coming towards the mountain!

The moment this thought came into contact with his consciousness, Xu Ying felt that his consciousness was confused, the world was spinning, all kinds of distracting thoughts came to him, and all kinds of weird and unbelievable pictures appeared in front of his eyes!


Xu Ying clung to Taiyi, gathered thousands of spiritual consciousnesses into one, and took them back into his body.

Hey, you are also very interesting, no worse than the elixir. The thought said in surprise.

Xu Ying opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: Senior Beichenzi, the enemy is coming!

Beichenzi picked up a white stone, held it between his index and middle fingers, and gently put it down on the chessboard. He chuckled and said, Good luck. I noticed it too.

As soon as he dropped the stone, the sky suddenly became brighter, and a small mountain-like white stone fell from the sky and hit the mountain with blazing fire!

Both Xu Ying and Da Zhong couldn't help but admire this move: He is indeed an old monster who is also skilled in Nuo Qi, and his magical powers are superb!


As soon as the white stone landed on the chessboard, it exploded, making Bei Chenzi's two fingers tremble.

Beichenzi's expression suddenly changed, he hurriedly picked up a white stone and dropped it again. This time, he put away his contempt and went all out.

Bai Zi possesses great power and falls into the mountain, causing a wave that destroys the world and destroys the world!

Beichenzi's white stone fell on the chessboard and exploded again. Two of the old man's fingers bled.

Beichenzi said in shock: Little girl Chanchan, who is your enemy?

Zhu Chanchan poked her head out from behind Xu Ying and whispered: Tianmo...


Beichenzi's face changed drastically, and he secretly said something bad. He was so shocked by the demon walking down the mountain that he almost vomited blood. The old man's face turned red and he no longer dared to raise his head. He stood up in a hurry and walked around the chessboard on the stone table. He lifted and dropped the chess pieces. He didn't care about the number of moves in the chess game. He grabbed white stones one by one and hit them on the chessboard!

He groaned secretly in his heart: If I had known that this girl's enemy was the devil, I wouldn't have followed here to join in the fun! This is terrible!

Loud rumbling noises could be heard at the bottom of the mountain, and chess pieces kept falling from the sky, but they kept exploding. Waves of terrifying throbbing surged in all directions, impacting the forest!

Fortunately, this is the hinterland of Songshan Mountain, with many mountains and a vast land, so there is no need to worry about impacting mortals.

White air steamed from the top of Beichenzi's head, and nine caves emerged behind him, filled with purple air. It was clear that he had improved his Qi refining and Nuo techniques to the extreme.

He didn't care whether the chess pieces were in the right place or not, whether they were black or white, he grabbed them all and dropped them onto the chessboard desperately.

However, judging from the place where the chess pieces fell on the mountain, he could not stop the man at all, and the man kept walking towards the mountain!

Soon, Beichenzi's hands were dripping with blood, almost all of his fingers were injured, and there was blood pouring out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

When Xu Ying saw this, he was startled and said quickly: Master Zhong!

The big clock immediately understood and no longer enveloped everyone. Instead, it roared and shrank. It quickly shrank to only the size of a chess piece and got into the chess jar.

Beichenzi twisted the shrunken big bell with two bloody fingers and tried to use his magical power, but the power of the big bell was too strong and it was difficult for him to control his magical power.

Beichenzi vomited blood in his mouth and roared angrily. The spirit behind him appeared. He also stretched out two fingers, pinched the shrunken bell, and performed the magic together!

He finally lifted the big bell. When he lifted the big bell, his arms were shaking. It seemed extremely heavy, like it was lifting the Songshan Mountain with three thousand peaks!

There was a rumble of thunder in the sky, and thunder and lightning moved in the sky, illuminating the dark shadows.

Xu Ying and Zhu Chanchan looked up and saw the wind and clouds in the sky, and the thunder illuminated a huge and simple bell body.

The bell stirred up the wind and clouds, filling the air with thunder everywhere, and descended on the mountain where they were at a speed that seemed slow but was actually very fast!


There was a loud and dull sound in the sky. Xu Ying and Zhu Chanchan saw the space under the bell suddenly jump and crush downwards!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bell vibrated, causing the highest peak to sink by more than ten feet, and then another ten feet!

The man walking from the bottom of the mountain still didn't fall. Suddenly, a fairy light rose up and collided with the big bell.

Rays of fairy light rose up, preventing the bell from falling.

Beichenzi's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were no longer bleeding, but blood was spurting out. He roared loudly, holding the big bell and falling towards the chessboard, but it was extremely difficult!

His white clothes were stained with blood, and the clothes on his body were soaked with blood. The skin of his right arm also exploded. Under the skin, veins danced, and the crisp sound of a bowstring could be heard.


Beichenzi shouted, stretched out his other hand, pressed down his right arm, and pressed down hard on the chessboard!


The last bell rang, and he finally pressed the big bell down. The huge bell in the sky finally fell, and with a bang, the entire mountain peak fell hundreds of feet underground. The violent vibrations caused the surrounding mountains to tilt around. !

The roaring wind set off by this magical power blew all over the mountains in an instant, flattening countless clouds. Even the big river flowing down from the mountain was lifted up by the sound of the bell and flew straight up, blowing to the river a hundred miles away. It’s so embarrassing!

Beichenzi vomited blood from his mouth, fell on his back, and passed out.

Before he passed out, there was only one thought left in his mind: I'm finished. But it's okay, everything is in vain after death. The devil caught this kid and ate him to death...

The big clock fell on the chessboard, and its shape became larger. It was also shaken to the point where old injuries recurred. Cracks appeared on the wall of the clock, and he shouted: Aying, my power is exhausted!

Behind Xu Ying, Zhu Chanchan suddenly jumped out, punched the clock several times, and shouted: You can still persist!

The big bell shouted: It's because the energy and blood have been exhausted!

Xu Ying stimulated his energy and blood, turned his hands to make seals, and placed palm prints on the big bell one after another. However, he saw that the huge bell that was hit on the mountain gradually became transparent!

Xu Ying worked hard and poured out all his cultivation power. He didn't stop until the giant bell disappeared!

Not dead yet! Zhu Chanchan said in horror.

Xu Ying looked down and saw that the highest peak of Songshan Mountain had become the shortest peak. Near the top of the mountain, a man was lying in a big pit, covered in blood and flesh.

The flesh and blood on his body is still squirming, and his body is constantly being reorganized and restructured!

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat, he kicked An Qi and shouted: Master Qi, wake up!

An Qi woke up from his sleep and said drowsily: A Ying, what's wrong?

Xu Ying picked up Zhu Chanchan, threw it on his head, and then picked up the big bell. Zhu Chanchan shouted: Don't lose that little white-haired old man, I will rely on him to save your life next time!

Xu Ying reached out and held the unconscious Beichenzi under his arm, then quickly ran to the top of Xian Qi's head and said: Quickly go -

I haven't woken up yet...


Okay! An Qi regained his energy and walked away quickly.

————It’s the last three days at the end of the month. I’m asking for monthly tickets to climb the list in order to choose a day to rise. In the last three days, brothers, please push your monthly tickets to a new peak! ! ! Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

Let me explain the problem of not updating on time. The main reason is that I am a 40-year-old nerd and my energy cannot keep up. Moreover, each chapter is more than 4,000 words. It is difficult to have enough energy to write in the morning. Sometimes when I encounter a stall, I usually just It will be postponed until the afternoon. I'm more anxious than everyone else because I only have lunch and dinner when I finish writing. Please forgive me.

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