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Chapter 112 The Mystery of Wei Xu

Xu Ying was stunned. This familiar smell was the smell of Meng Po soup.

Everything in his dream was real.

That was not a dream, maybe it was a return visit to the old place, maybe it was the mysterious power sealed in this place, and a certain memory that was buried in the dust three thousand years ago awakened in him.

Those past events were sealed by Meng Po Tang and forgotten by him, but now they are picked up again.

He relived that memory in his dream, like a dream.

His heart seemed to be on fire, filled with sadness and anger: Why did he have to go through all this? Who is controlling their own destiny?

He was so angry that he wanted to kill someone!

The old man in white, Beichen, looked at him and drank a cup of Meng Po soup, as if nothing happened. He couldn't help but sternly said in his heart: It's like drinking water. The two Taoist friends should have arrived at the Tianshen Temple, right? I hope they can Send the demon-suppressing runes as soon as possible, and don’t let anything happen on the way...

Xu Ying's gaze glanced over, and Beichenzi's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he almost ran away, shouting something bad in his heart: What's that look in his eyes? Does he recognize me?

He was horrified: He remembered me? No, no, I didn't send Jiang Jiatian. I only met him twice. Wuwu Mountain was once, and here was another time. Without the third time, he would never Maybe you recognize me!”

The awe-inspiring look in Xu Ying's eyes gradually dissipated, and he looked gloomy and a little distracted, always thinking about those few months.

Sometimes he suddenly feels that everything around him is still there. However, when he came back to his senses, he realized that he had lost it.

Seeing this, the big clock was about to ring the bell to help him recover, but he saw Xu Ying urging the heart-returning seal over and over again to calm his mind and force himself not to think wildly.

Dazhong sighed secretly and felt relieved: Aying can come out on his own, his Taoist heart is already very strong.

Xu Ying walked slowly in Diqiu City for a week. When he entered this stone city before, he felt that everything was unfamiliar, but now it seemed so familiar.

After all, he had lived here for several months and had wonderful memories.

Finally, they are leaving here.

An Qi showed his true form, and everyone sat on his head. Xu Ying invited Beichenzi to come up. Beichenzi was worried that he had no excuse to go with him. Hearing this, he came to the big snake's head happily.

It smells so good! Beichenzi smelled the scent of the fairy medicine on Zhu Chanchan's body again and couldn't help but twitch his index finger.

Xu Ying asked: Senior Beichenzi is well-informed, and I have something to ask. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has been around for three thousand years, and the Nuo masters rose up three thousand years ago. The Qi refiners disappeared, and the Nuo masters rose up, communicating with heaven and man. Is there any connection?

When Da Zhong heard the words, he couldn't help but listen attentively.

Beichenzi's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: How did I know about such an ancient thing? The Qi Refiners declined and gradually lost their inheritance. Isn't it normal for people to turn to Nuo practice? The Qi Refiners were out of time and eliminated by history. Of course.”

Xu Ying asked: I heard that the decline of Qi Refiners and the rise of Nuo Masters were due to problems caused by the induction of heaven and humans. Have you heard of rumors about this before?

Beichenzi's face changed slightly: Who did you listen to?

When he said this, he came to his senses and smiled quickly: These are all rumors, nothing true. Let alone what happened three thousand years ago, who can tell clearly what happened three hundred years ago? I'm just a little kid. The Nuo master...

you are lying!

Zhu Chan Chan banged his fist on Bei Chenzi and shouted, You are obviously a Qi practitioner, why do you say you are a Tan master?

Beichenzi was punched by her, causing all the magic weapons hidden in her body to rattle and beat back and forth. She couldn't help but be frightened: This little aunt's fist is so powerful!

Zhu Chanchan's punch on him didn't hurt at all, but the magic weapon he had hidden in the Xiyi Realm was almost cracked by the shock, which shocked Beichenzi.

He gathered his energy and saw a series of caves appearing behind him, glowing with purple energy. Those caves were rooted in the purple energy and filled with mist.

Beichenzi smiled and said, Look, I am obviously a Nuo master.

Zhu Chanchan was inexplicably surprised, scratched her head and said: Weird. I can clearly sense the aura of the Qi Refiner's magic weapon from your body.

Dazhong and Gan Qi were also surprised. They originally thought that Beichenzi and the sad old man must be Qi practitioners, but they didn't expect that Beichenzi was actually a Nuo master!

Xu Ying said calmly: I originally thought that Zhou Qiyun was the first person to cultivate both Nuo Qi, but I didn't expect that Senior Beichenzi was the first person to cultivate both Nuo Qi.

Hearing this, Beichenzi laughed and said, I do have some research on Qi refining. What does Demon King Xu want to know? I will definitely tell you everything.

Xu Yingdao: During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Qi practitioner surnamed Dong proposed the telepathy between heaven and man and asked the great mage to communicate with the gods of heaven and earth here. There was trouble in Diqiu, causing everyone in Diqiu to disappear overnight.

Beichenzi's face changed slightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: Has he remembered these things? Isn't his memory sealed?

Xu Yingdao: I dare to ask senior, what happened?

Beichenzi panicked and said, How do I know about such an ancient thing? I am just an ordinary old man passing by. Things that happened three thousand years ago have nothing to do with me...

Xu Ying asked: Where have those people gone? Where have all the Qi Refiners gone? They can't disappear overnight!

Beichenzi gritted his teeth and said: I really passed by this place. I...well, I heard a little bit about the Emperor Qiu incident. It is said that it may be related to the induction of heaven and man during the period of Emperor Wu. At that time, Qi Refining had already left. At the end of the road, in order to live forever, people embarked on another path, which is the induction of heaven and man, infinitely magnifying their own feelings with the nature of heaven and earth.

Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead and he said, They felt God.

Xu Ying wondered: God? Could it be a god?

Beichenzi shook his head and said: It's not a god. The god they feel is not from the world of heaven, but another void, called Wei Xu. Rumor has it that Wei Xu is hidden in the abyss.

Xu Ying was slightly startled. At this time, An Qi was walking on the edge of the abyss, looking for any sycamore trees where Phoenixes could live in the famous mountains and rivers.

He looked down unconsciously and saw that the two worlds of the underworld and the sun were still colliding in the abyss, and a deafening sound came from the ground, like a cow roaring or a dragon roaring.

If you look with your celestial eye, you can still see a huge and slippery body rolling in the lava, but if you look closely, you will see scaly rocks.

The qi masters of that era were unable to ascend, so they infinitely amplified their own induction. They came into contact with the mysterious gods in the Wei Ruins. Under the teachings of those mysterious gods, more powerful induction methods were developed.

Bei Chenzi sweated more on his forehead. He tried his best to choose what he could say, and continued speaking carefully, saying, This powerful induction method allows the Qi Refiner to go very deep into the Tao, go deep into the Wei Ruins, and establish a closer connection with the world of the Wei Ruins. A deep connection. At that time, there was a legend that one could live forever after entering the Wei Ruins. Maybe the disappearance of Emperor Qiu and his reappearance now have something to do with the induction of the Wei Ruins.

Xu Ying's heart beat violently for a few times, and he suddenly thought of the mystery of entering the Tao.

When a Nuo master enters the Tao, if he goes too deep into the Tao, he will feel great terror, as if he hears incredible murmurs coming from the abyss, pulling the practitioner into the abyss!

Xu Ying himself has encountered this situation before!

Could it be that if you enter the Tao too deeply, the great horror you encounter is actually the god of Wei Xu?


However, why did the Qi Refiner establish a connection with the God of Weixu and become a great terror that endangers the life of the Nuo Master?

It is possible to die if you enter the Tao!

This is the consensus of almost all talented Nuo masters, and it has become a dangerous thing!

Suddenly, he took out the two pages of exercises that Yuan Weiyang gave him, and the heavens of Yuandao felt his heart pounding wildly!

The Yuan Dao of the Yuan family is to sense the heavens, which is to cultivate the supreme consciousness and sense the heavens, so as to have powerful and incredible magical powers. The Yuan family is deeply committed to this way!

Maybe you can use this technique to sense the depths of the abyss!

Xu Ying's eyes became brighter and brighter. Although what Yuan Weiyang gave him was only a fragment, it was enough. He originally planned to make up for the shortcomings of this technique and practice it when he could refine Huang Ting's elixir.

But now, he decided to practice in advance, strengthen his spiritual sense, and contact the Wei Xu world that Beichenzi mentioned!

Xu Ying asked: Senior, then the end of the abyss is Wei Xu?

Beichenzi shook his head: I don't know.

Then, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Qi Refiners used heavenly and human induction to establish contact with Wei Xu, which led to the disappearance of the Qi Refiners?

I don't know.

Did those who disappeared go to Wei Xu?

I don't know.

So, this time the ancient world reappeared, was it released from the Wei Ruins?

I don't know.

When Beichenzi asked something that he didn't know, Xu Ying got angry and waved his sleeves: Senior, I don't know anything, so what's the use of you? If you don't know the next question, just ask senior to go down!

Beichenzi looked troubled and thought to himself: I don't know some of the questions you asked, and I know some but can't tell you. There's nothing I can do about it!

Xu Yingdao: Senior should know where Feng Xian'er is now, right?

Beichenzi wanted to answer that he didn't know, but when he thought about Xu Ying's anger just now, he was worried about him running around, and thought to himself: Let him find that silly phoenix, and then you don't have to worry about him running around. When the demon-suppressing rune comes, everything will be fine. , and you can be clean for many years!”

He chuckled and said: Xu Demon King is too irritable, this is not good. But fortunately, I know a few places where there are sacred sycamore trees that can attract phoenixes. Maybe you can find the little phoenix in these places.

Xu Ying turned his anger into joy and apologized to him: Junior just now had a bad attitude. I apologize to senior and ask for your understanding.

Beichenzi smiled and said, What's wrong with you?

When he said this, he was slightly startled and thought to himself: Wait a minute! He asked me a question and I didn't answer, so he got angry. I answered at the risk of my life. When he was happy, he apologized to me and I said he was right. Hmm …”

His hair stood on end: What's wrong with me?

Beichenzi felt sorry for himself and cheered up, saying: If you go to Songshan Mountain, you will probably not find Feng Xian'er. It is said in the Book of Songs that the phoenix is ​​singing on that high hill; the phoenix trees are growing on that rising sun. It can be seen by the phoenix. The sycamore tree above must be a sacred tree. This kind of tree must be planted at the highest place so that it can see the first ray of sunlight every day when the sun rises!

After his explanation, Xu Ying immediately understood. The sycamore trees on Jiuyi Mountain grow on the top of the mountain and are much higher than other surrounding peaks, so they can attract Feng Xian'er to land on them.

Beichenzi said: Phoenixes are good at awakening the bloodline of ancient divine birds. Wherever the phoenix falls, there must be strange birds. We only need to keep an eye on these two things to know whether there is a phoenix there.

Xu Ying sincerely thanked him and said, Without the guidance of our seniors, we would have taken many detours.

Beichenzi smiled and said: Xu Demon King, why are you so anxious to find Feng Xian'er?

Xu Ying pursed his lips to Zhuchanchan and said, Isn't it to protect her?

Beichenzi looked at Zhuchanchan, puzzled: Protect her? Why protect this girl? This girl smells so good!

He didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: Why do we need a phoenix to protect her? With Lao Chan here, it is not easy to protect her? If Xu Yaowang can trust Lao Chan, it is better to go to Songshan. Let's stay in Songshan for a few days and meet this girl for a while. enemies.

Zhu Chanchan was refining the elixir in her body when she suddenly became nervous and said to Xu: I'm being targeted, we must find a place to hide quickly!

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and said to Beichenzi: Then when we get to Songshan Mountain, please ask the seniors for help to defend against the powerful enemy.

Easy to say, easy to say.

Beichenzi agreed wholeheartedly and thought to himself: If we follow them around, searching for some kind of phoenix, I'm afraid those two Taoist friends will have to spend a lot of time to find us. I don't know how long it will take to delay before we can put the demon-suppressing seal on him. . If we stay in Songshan, it will be easier for the two fellow Taoists to find us.

Songshan Mountain was not far away. Anhui Qi swam very fast and arrived at the foot of Songshan Mountain before it got dark.

Today's Songshan Mountain is extraordinary. It has become more majestic and taller. This mountain has become different from before. There used to be seventy-two peaks, but now the seventy-two peaks are pulled out from the ground, and more peaks grow from bottom to top. !

There are thousands of peaks, and together with the seventy-two peaks, they grow on a huge mountain!

The mountain is ancient and majestic, as steep as a wall, difficult to climb. It is covered with clouds and mist, floating among the mountains. There is a surging river flowing down from the mountain. When it reaches the edge of the mountain, it falls like a jade, forming a spectacular waterfall. .

When Xu Ying and others came here, the sun was setting. The setting sun seemed to hang in the gap between the waterfall and the mountain, making the mountain indescribably majestic.

There is still immortal energy lingering in the mountains, which should be where the blessed land of cave heaven mentioned by Pei Du is.

Let's go to the highest peak and see if there are any sycamore trees within a thousand miles. Xu Ying suggested.

Beichenzi naturally agreed and thought to himself: The highest peak is the best. It is easy to give a signal to the two fellow Taoists and ask them to find it as soon as possible.

Xu Ying said: Master Qi, I'm sorry to trouble you.

An Qi said with a smile: You can raise a sword for a thousand days and use it for a moment. Now is the time for me to grow my face!

He pumped up his energy and blood, and suddenly the sword energy flowed around his body. Riding on the wind and thunder, this twenty-foot-long snake with sword energy actually flew up and flew towards the peak of Songshan Mountain that towered into the sky!

Beichenzi was dumbfounded and thought to himself: Not only has this big snake awakened its bloodline, it is also a Qi practitioner practicing Nuo Qi. If he reaches the ascension stage, who will be his opponent?

Fortunately, he doesn't look very smart. He added in his mind.

When we arrived at the Golden Summit of Songshan Mountain, we saw the sun setting, but the Golden Summit was still bright and the sun was shining.

Zhu Chanchan was uneasy and whispered: Ah Ying, the devil is coming soon, I'm afraid he will arrive tonight.

Xu Ying consoled him, As long as Beichenzi is here, just keep your heart in mind.

Zhuchanchan felt uneasy.

Xu Ying said to Beichenzi: Chanchan has an enemy coming to visit tonight. He is extremely powerful. Please help me, senior.

Beichenzi smiled and said: Just let him come. If he has the life to come, he will not have the life to come back!

Xu Ying felt relieved and asked Zhu Chanchan: How will the demon come?

Zhu Chanchan said: The demon is good at seizing bodies, and he is also extremely powerful. If he seizes the bodies of strong people, he will be even more powerful.

Xu Ying was immediately relieved and said with a smile: There is no one here. Except for us, there is no one for him to seize. What's more, Master Zhong is here, so the devil can't even think of seizing anyone's body.

Zhuchanchan said: I hope so.

Songshan Mountain has a circumference of three thousand miles. There is a fairy light in the mountain, shrouding Sima Cave Sky. This cave is bigger than Jiuyi. It is said that Immortal Deng ascended here and left a piece of land for his ascension.

At this time, as night falls, Nuo masters, children and clan elders from the Pei family, Cui family, Li family and other aristocratic families are still digging in this cave, trying to find the treasure of the ancient immortal.

The major aristocratic families knew that they could not monopolize this blessed land, so they dug together and became the gold captain.

These days, they have suffered countless casualties, but they have also obtained a lot of treasures.

I dug it! I dug it!

Suddenly, excited shouts came from the cave sky, and a Nuo master happily informed the clan elders, saying: We dug up an immortal corpse!

The clan elder was surprised and happy.

————I highly recommend the new work I Got You to my friends. It is an endless stream of horror and focuses on suspense reasoning. The first copy has been completed and is ready for slaughter!

PS: Today’s two chapters have exceeded 10,000 words, is it considered an explosion?

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