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Chapter 110 The Lost Ancient City

He left the capital city and struck a sword on Shi Jingtang's body.

The major aristocratic families in the city of God are still paying attention to Xu Ying's movements, and news keeps coming.

The scene just now was so shocking that every family had to re-examine Xu Ying.

Previously, they only regarded this rural snake catcher as a young man with a good mind, a tool that could help them ascend. If they invite Xu Ying to come to the capital of the gods, they can make Xu Ying their retainer and help them decipher the fairy books they collected.

Later, news spread that Xu Ying was an immortal. In their eyes, Xu Ying changed from an exploitable retainer to an edible elixir of immortality.

Even if the method is used properly, such as cutting Xu Ying's flesh while letting the Zhou family's Nuo master treat him, he can continuously produce immortality medicine!

It can be said that everyone can eat it!

But now, Xu Ying is different in their eyes.

This tool that helps them ascend, this human-shaped elixir that helps them live forever, is covered with sharp fangs!

Although the Shi family is a new aristocratic family, it is still an aristocratic family, and there is a Nuo Immortal in charge. Unexpectedly, overnight, the Nuo Immortal Shi Mo Le was severely injured, and then was killed by Xu Ying. die!

Although Shi Mole was eaten by evil, in the eyes of the people in Shendu, he was promised to be burned to death.

If these aristocratic families come up with any crooked ideas again, they have to consider whether it is worth it.

The means of making promises are frightening.

An Qi showed his true form, a big snake of more than 20 feet, leaving the capital of the gods. Xu Ying and Zhu Chanchan sat on the top of the big snake. Zhu Chanchan worked hard to practice and refine the elixir in her body.

She hid outside the Tushita Palace for more than six thousand years, stealing fairy medicines and turning herself into a medicine man. Especially when refining the fairy medicines, the fragrance was so fragrant that it made people's fingers twitch.

Not to mention the devil, even Xu Ying wanted to hold this girl and take a few bites to satisfy his craving.

Ah Ying, this girl is really capable of attracting demons.

Dazhong also felt the allure of Zhu Chanchan and whispered, Even I feel that if she can be used as medicine and refined into my body, my power will be greatly increased!

Xu Ying urged Pei Du to teach him the Heart-Returning Technique, and suppressed the idea of ​​holding the girl and chewing it, and said: This way, before the demon came, we were about to be turned into demons by her. I don't know where the little Fengxian went. Where?

The reason why he was in such a hurry to leave the Divine Capital was because Zhu Chanchan was too tempting. This girl is a fairy medicine in human form, which will definitely attract the devil. As a protector, Xu Ying will definitely not be able to deal with the devil, but Feng Xian'er can.

Feng Xian'er is a phoenix, the nemesis of demons and gods, so Xu Ying had the idea of ​​​​taking Zhu Chanchan to find her.

Brother Xu!

Suddenly, a familiar voice came. Xu Yingxun looked up and saw Yuan Weiyang and Xiao Bo leaving the divine capital at some point and coming to see them off.

Xu Ying asked Xian Qi to stop. Yuan Weiyang and Xiao Bo climbed onto the back of the snake and came to the top of Xian Qi. Xian Qi swam forward again, but at a much slower speed.

Yuan Weiyang sniffed the air and said in surprise: It smells so good! After saying that, he looked at Zhu Chanchan in surprise.

Xu Ying was moved and said: Brother Yuan, I have enemies all over the world, and you still dare to come to see me off. I don't know what to do.

Yuan Weiyang said seriously: You have come to see me, but you have encountered so many plots. It is because my Yuan family is unable to protect our guests. You are leaving now, how can I not see you off?

Xu Ying was thinking about another person and asked, How about my sister?

A smile appeared on Yuan Weiyang's face, and Uncle Xiao behind him coughed. Yuan Weiyang's smile disappeared and she said expressionlessly: My roommate is naughty, and my mother ordered her to be a prostitute at home and not to go out. Brother Xu, I'm here We came to see each other off, but you asked about your roommate when we met, which is a bit rude.

Uncle Xiao nodded slightly and said to himself: This response is quite appropriate.

Xu Ying felt regretful in his heart and said, I have been thinking of my sister like this from time to time recently.

Yuan Weiyang looked solemn and said: My sister-in-law is in the boudoir. She is not married yet, so you must not have any wrong thoughts.

As soon as he said this, Xu Ying had an evil thought.

However, he and Yuan Ru only had a relationship between a man and a woman, but he and Yuan Weiyang were close friends. The two of them sat on top of Xian Qi's head and talked about the way of cultivation, exchanging ideas.

Xu Ying explained his revised Jiangong Yanyue Furnace Cauldron Technique. Jiangong Yanyue Furnace Cauldron Technique is a secret of the Guo family. He only intercepted the operation method of Yanyue Cave Heaven and did not disclose the power. The backbone of the law.

I suspect that there are some evil beings in the world, such as the master of Niwan Palace, hiding in the dark. They spread Nuo methods and often leave loopholes.

Xu Ying said, Brother Yuan, you are extremely talented and smart and delicate, and I am not as good as you. If you refer to this method, you may be able to understand the Yuan family's method of refining the elixir, and you can help your ancestor Yuan Wu. Plan to prolong his life and avoid misfortune in his old age.

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Xiao couldn't help but feel moved.

This generous gift is really too valuable.

There was a strange emotion flowing in Yuan Weiyang's eyes. He calmed down, put away the fragments of the chapter, and said: The kindness King Xu Yao showed to my Yuan family is unforgettable. Although my Yuan family is in decline, we still repay the kindness. I know that Brother Xu has not opened up the Huang Ting Secret Treasures and cannot make further progress in spiritual knowledge.

He took out a golden book from his arms, tore off the first two pages, and gave those two pages to Xu Ying.

Uncle Xiao's expression suddenly changed and he said: Young Master...

Yuan Weiyang ignored it and said with a smile: My mother will definitely not agree with me teaching you the Yuan Dao heavenly induction passed down by the ancestors of the Yuan family. However, as the future head of the Yuan family, I will make the decision today to teach you the first half of this technique. Give each other a gift.”

Xiaobo hesitated for a moment but did not stop him.

The generous gift that Xu Ying gave was so valuable that it was the savior of the Yuan family. Even if Yuan Weiyang brought out all the Yuandao heavens as a gift, it would still be difficult to compare with this generous gift!

Xu Ying accepted the fragment of Yuan Dao Heavenly Sensation and said with a smile: How about this, you and I compete to see who can first understand the secret method of refining the elixir in Huang Ting.

Yuan Weiyang's eyes lit up, he became competitive and said with a smile: Okay! But, is Demon King Xu interested in taking a gamble?

Xu Ying also had a young mind and asked: How to bet?

Yuan Weiyang's eyes flashed and he said: I have a sister that you have met. If you understand the refining method of Huang Ting's elixir before me, I will make this promise to you.

Behind him, Uncle Xiao was so anxious that he stamped his feet and shouted, Alas! Alas! Master, how can we do this?

An Qi felt dizzy from being stepped on by his feet, and said quickly: Old man, step on me gently! You stepped on my brain and knocked it out.

Uncle Xiao was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he was extremely anxious: How can there be any reason to marry yourself off if you lose the bet? Besides, it is wrong to be a householder in Yemen, and the old lady will definitely not agree!

Xu Ying felt eager in his heart and laughed loudly: Okay! It's a deal! But if I lose, I won't have a sister to marry you. How about...

He looked at Zhu Chanchan who was practicing hard, and his heart moved slightly: Why don't you promise this girl to Brother Yuan...

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: If you lose, I don't want your sister, as long as you do one thing for me. I haven't figured it out yet, and I will tell you when I figure it out in the future.

Xu Ying was overjoyed and said with a smile: You will definitely lose!

Yuan Weiyang shook his head and said: This is not necessarily the case. I will go all out.

Me too!

Yuan Weiyang jumped down from Xian Qi's head, waved goodbye to him, turned around and returned to the capital of the gods, Xiaobo followed him, sighing all the way. Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: Uncle Xiao, don't tell your mother or the old lady about this.

Uncle Xiao sighed: Sir, paper cannot contain the fire...

What he wanted to say was that he couldn't hide this matter from the old lady for long, but Yuan Weiyang was thinking about another thing, saying: You are right. I will choose the right opportunity to tell him that the name Yuan Rushi means, I was originally born as a girl!

Uncle Xiao was stunned.

An Qi carried Xu Ying and Zhu Chanchan to swim among the mountains, heading towards Songshan Mountain.

The earth continues to shake, and new mountains and rivers emerge from the large cracks, making Mount Song extremely distant.

Suddenly, a soul-stirring roar came from the forest ahead, shaking the mountains and fields. Xu Ying looked up and saw a huge creature squatting under a large waterfall, surrounded by countless huge beasts. Judging from the size, it was no smaller than An Qi.

They seemed to be the subjects of the behemoth, kneeling around the behemoth and worshiping Him, just like mortals offering sacrifices to gods.

The huge creature was an unknown creature with long forelimbs and short hind legs. Black fireworks were billowing all over its body, but they did not ignite the forest. Flames floated around its body like patterns.

His aura was extremely terrifying. It was the aura after the ancient bloodline was awakened. Gong Qi also had a similar fierce aura, but Gong Qi was not as strong as him. He was also a Qi Refiner, so he covered this up very well.

This is a prehistoric beast that is not yet mature.

The big bell couldn't help but marvel. It appeared from behind Xu Ying's head and said, This kind of creature is a born king, and it is also the god of the ancient world. All beasts sacrifice to them, giving them incredible divine power.

It clicked its tongue in wonder and said: In my master's time, there were not so many beast kings and gods. Strange, where did these guys come from?

The Beast King God roared, and suddenly the giant beasts around him rushed towards this side, and the target was Zhu Chanchan who exuded a strange fragrance!

An Qi urged Ba Snake Zhenxiu, and he was suddenly a hundred feet long. He opened his mouth to bite a giant beast, and with a swing of his body, he overturned a group of giant beasts that rushed towards him!

He is a Qi Refiner of the Demon Clan, and in terms of wisdom, he is far superior to these giant beasts.

The beast king god was furious and jumped towards him. An Qi's aura was not as strong as his. Knowing that he was no match for him, he quickly said: Ah Ying!

Xu Ying stood on Xian Qi's forehead and raised the stone axe. Immediately, a fierce power that shook the earth erupted. Blood filled the air. A beam of ax light fell. The head of the beast king fell to the ground. The huge corpse slid forward and came under Xian Qi. Then he paused.

That stone ax was a magic weapon forged by a clan of giants from ancient times. They drank the blood of countless giant beasts, and countless beast kings and gods fell under the axe. Now that he has sucked the blood of the beast king, he is even more ferocious!

When I activated this axe, I saw that there was a beast king god in the vision of the surging sea of ​​blood, adding a bit more power!

As soon as this beast-king god died, other giant beasts fled in panic. Trees fell down and hozens scattered, disappearing without a trace.

Xu Ying put away his fierce soldiers and saw a majestic stone city not far away. He immediately said: Master Qi, let's stay there tonight. Drag this beast king god over and eat this tonight.

An Qi said yes, rolled up the body of the Beast King God with his tail, and walked towards the stone city.

They continued to move forward, only to see steep mountains on both sides, craggy cliffs, chopping with knives and axes, and strange rocks like ghosts and gods, growing out of the cliffs, looking hideous and terrifying.

Stone City is at the end of the canyon, with upright city walls and orderly streets.

Xu Ying looked up and saw two ancient characters written on the city gate.


Weird name. Xu Ying looked away.

Xian Qi shrank in size, swam into the city, and walked on the streets. On the streets of this city, there was white mist rising from the steamers of steamed bun shops, and the wine in the tavern still smelled of wine.

They passed a teahouse, and the tea in the cup was still hot!

There was a windmill made of paper stuck on the straw pole of a salesman leaning against the corner of the street. The windmill was still whirring, but the salesman and the children who were chasing him were nowhere to be seen.

There is no one in the whole city!

Not to mention people, there wasn’t even a mouse!

This city is eerily silent!

It was as if all living things in the entire city suddenly disappeared, and then the time in the entire city was fixed at the moment when people disappeared. The food in the city would not rot, the fires would not go out, and the tea would not get cold.

Xu Ying jumped down from the big snake's head and opened the drawer of the bun shop. The buns inside were hot and soft, with the aroma of green onions and meat.

He put down the buns and frowned slightly. There was braised beef on the street, red and with tendon.

The wine in the wine shop next door is still warm and filled with the aroma of wine, mixed with the aroma of beef, which makes people's mouth full.

Da Zhong asked in confusion: What happened to this city? Where have the people in the city gone?

An Qi put down the body of the Beast King God and said, Ah Ying, there is food here, do we still need to cook?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, It's best not to touch the food here.

Suddenly, there was a rumble and vibration in the distance, and the other half of the stone city slowly emerged from the diffuse fog. It seemed that the time seal had just been released and emerged from the long river of time.

However, the residents of the city disappeared.

Zhu Chanchan also woke up and looked around curiously, wondering: Where is this place?

She has grown taller and looks to be in her teens. She is a cute girl, but her clothes are a little short.

Zhu Chanchan hurriedly opened Wan Qi's mouth, entered Wan Qi's body, and put on Guo Xiaodie's clothes inside, but they seemed a bit big and empty.

This place is called Diqiu.

Suddenly a voice came, and Xu Yingxun looked up and saw an old man in white walking briskly into the stone city. He had seen the old man in white clothes on Mount Wuwu, together with the old man with a sad face.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: The white-haired old man I saw in the Second God's Capital last night who was facing off against the head of the Cui family was him! What is he doing here?

The white-haired old man chuckled and said: Diqiu disappeared during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The entire stone city disappeared and became an unsolved case. I didn't expect to encounter this mysterious city here! Little friend Xu, it's better to meet by chance than to invite me. I didn't expect to meet you here. Meeting you again here, you and I are really destined.

He thought to himself: This kid is a rabbit that doesn't sit in its nest, running around. Wouldn't it be bad if he escapes from my sight? I will simply join them, and he won't be able to escape!

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