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Chapter 109: Cutting off the grass must remove the roots

The three of them were relieved when they saw the words on the yellow paper. The old man with a sad face said: I will go to the Temple of Heaven to get the demon-suppressing runes. You two will stay here and keep an eye on him. There is no room for failure!

The woman in red clothes said: The sealing rune is of great importance. At this time, in the autumn of troubled times, if something goes wrong on the way, it would be bad. I will accompany you!

The sad-faced old man thought for a moment and said, Okay. The situation is urgent. Let's go back quickly. Xu Ying will only bother Taoist brother here.

The old man in white said: Don't delay on your way, lest I get worried.

We understand! The sad-looking old man and the woman in red clothes left in a hurry.

The old man in white clothes looked towards the Shendu City and saw that Xu Ying had killed Shi Beihuang in one minute, then continued to rush into Shi Mansion, raised the bloody stone ax and started killing, and blood flowed into a river for a while.

No matter who comes, kill them all with one axe. Even if they can't be killed with one axe, Xu Ying will be stunned with the sound of the bell!

This killing was also accompanied by the sound of the pipa, which was very urgent and exciting. The sound of the pipa was full of murderous intent. Whenever Xu Ying killed someone, it would be loud and noisy. When Xu Ying put away the axe, it would slow down.

Even though the old man in white was well-informed, he couldn't help but be frightened: If I let him continue killing like this, I'm afraid more memories will wake up, and he will be out of trouble before they can use the sealing runes!

Suddenly, there was a heart-stopping fluctuation in Shi Mansion. Shi Mole woke up from seclusion and rescued his tribe.

Even if his life was cut off by the Pure Yang Strange Fire and his soul was severely damaged, he was still a Nuo Immortal who opened the Nine Heavens Cave!

However, the moment he broke out of the seclusion, the big bell was raised by Xu Ying, and he and the seclusion hall were held under the bell.

Also held under the bell with him was a pure Yang strange fire. The power of the strange fire was activated, and the fire was blazing under the bell. Shi Mole's screams were heard incessantly, and they were so shrill that they resounded throughout the city of God!

The big bell hangs above Shi Mole's head, with layers of light walls rotating, engraved with all kinds of things on the inside, and textured patterns on the outside, which circulate endlessly.

Shi Mole was trapped under the bell. Regardless of his body, soul, or the realm of Xiyi, all the pure Yang fire was ignited, which made the Nuo Immortal look ferocious and beat the light wall crazily!

The light wall was shaken by the beating, but it was never broken.

Outside the clock, Xu Ying's figure was flying around the big clock, and one palm after another was printed on the wall of the clock. The big bell vibrated, and its power exploded. The sound of the bell stimulated the pure Yang strange fire, making the strange fire even more powerful!

The pure yang strange fire restrained Shi Mole's secret power of the spring. Xu Ying noticed this and burned him with the strange fire.

The red clothes were floating in the air, and they could not help but follow Xu Ying's figure. The red clothes were flying around the big bell in the air, and the sound of the pipa became more and more loud and exciting, and the sound was life-threatening!

In the sky of Shendu, powerful figures looked at this scene, and their hearts palpitated.

Suddenly, under the big bell and in the sea of ​​fire, Shi Mole activated his hidden scene and hid in the hidden scene, hiding his form and resisting the burning of the strange fire.

Xu Ying's cultivation is about to be exhausted, and the strange fire in the sky has scorched Shi Mole's Xiyi Domain, making it difficult to break into the hidden scene hidden in Yongquan's secret place.

Zhu Hongyi felt the strings of the pipa in her hand suddenly loosen, and she felt relieved. She hurriedly embraced the pipa and left without daring to stay for a moment.

At this moment, the wall of light of the big clock shook slightly. Xu Ying was startled, and stopped holding his hands, retaining the last trace of his cultivation. The strange fire that filled the sky under the big bell suddenly disappeared and returned to a small flame.

Da Zhong was stunned and asked doubtfully: A Ying, what's wrong? Do you still recognize me?

Xu Ying looked at it in surprise, wondering why it would ask such a strange question.

The big clock said: You suddenly became so scary just now. You brought the power of the stone ax to the extreme, and also fully activated the power of the strange fire. Even I was sacrificed by you, releasing the maximum power. You just seemed like Become a different person!

Xu Ying laughed and said: Master Zhong, I have always been me, there is no other person. I just suddenly felt that I should sacrifice the stone ax and strange fire like this, without thinking too much about it.

After hearing this, Da Zhong felt relieved and said with a smile, I don't want anything to happen to you.

It breathed a sigh of relief. Although Xu Ying's performance just now was scary, he was still the same Xu Ying as before and did not suddenly become another person.

Xu Ying was moved and asked: Master Zhong, did you notice something passing through the light wall and entering the clock just now?

Dazhong was surprised and said: My wall of light is my own Taoist image. How could something pass through my Taoist image without being noticed by me? Are you dazzled?

Xu Ying said: I clearly noticed a strange thing passing through the light wall and entering the clock...

Zhu Chanchan came over and praised: You are worthy of being the protector I chose. Ah Ying, your skills as a stall master are indeed good! The big bell is also very powerful!

An Qi quickly said: What about me?

Zhuchanchan glanced at him but said nothing.

Xu Ying asked: Chanchan, did you see anything entering the bell?

Zhu Chanchan shook her head and said, I've never seen it.

Xu Ying asked Jian Qi, but Jian Qi did not see him either. Xu Ying pondered, let the big bell disperse the light wall, and said: Let's go to the hidden scene of the ancestor of the Shi family. I always have an ominous premonition.

Da Zhong suddenly became nervous and said quickly: We can trap him and refine him to death because we have the upper hand. If we fight head-on, I may not be able to protect you!

Xu Ying insisted on going in, but Da Zhong could only say: You must not leave the area covered by my bell mouth later. If you go out, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you!

It dispersed the wall of light and hung high above the heads of Xu Ying and others. Without its suppression, the Xiyi Domain of Shi Mole, the Nuo Immortal, was immediately released, and a burnt Xiyi Domain appeared in front of them. .

If you want to enter the Xiyi Domain of the Nuo Immortal, you need the Nuo Immortal to guide you, or a powerful being to break through the boundary with force, just like the sword energy from Shuikou Temple, forcibly opening the Xiyi Domain.

However, Shi Mole's Xiyi Realm was burned by the Pure Yang Strange Fire and the space was shattered, revealing it to the world.

From the outside, it looks like paper that has been riddled with holes. Walking in through the burned holes, you can see that the sky is still burning, the five fairy mountains have been set on fire, the mountains, rivers and lakes have been burned dry, and the Tianhe River has been burnt. Cut off the flow!

Shi Mole's Xiyi Territory has a more formidable air. Black air is everywhere in the air, and it is squeaking and running like black burning rats, scurrying around all over the sky.

Zhu Chanchan quickly grabbed Xu Ying's hand and felt relieved.

Xu Ying looked around for it, and after a while, Yujian flew downwards, passing through a burnt-dry yellow spring and going deep into the ground. The underworld has nine twists and turns and goes deep into the ground. There are thick and tangled lines hanging everywhere, criss-crossing and terrifying.

This should correspond to the position of Shi Mole's feet. We are flying down along his left leg!

Xu Ying looked around and said to An Qi and Dazhong, I haven't noticed before that there is such a place in the Xiyi Territory.

He walked all the way and finally arrived at the deepest part of the Xiyi Domain, stopping in front of Shimale's hidden scene.

It was a sea of ​​​​netherworld. There were lotus leaves in the sea, covering several acres. Six lotus leaves were floating on the sea. There was a lotus in the center, with white petals and pink tips. The lotus was in full bloom, and the stone was sitting in the flower. Showing solemnity and solemnity.

Xu Ying took Zhu Chanchan and flew forward. The big bell rang nervously and lowered the light wall to protect everyone.

Master Zhong, it shouldn't be necessary. Xu Ying landed on the lotus, glanced at Shi Mole, and said.

The big bell still refused to move away from the wall. Zhu Chanchan stepped forward to look at Shi Mo Le, and saw only a piece of human skin left in Shi Mo Le, sitting there, lifelike!

The back of his head was cut open, from the back of his head down his neck, to the tailbone behind his back!

It's like he didn't wear human skin, he just ran out naked with his flesh and blood, leaving his human skin here!

Zhuchanchan, who was not afraid of anything, was so frightened by this scene that she hurriedly hid behind Xu Ying.

The big bell still did not disperse from the wall, and said in a deep voice: Ah Ying, if someone enters this place and eats the ancestor of the Shi family, then he probably hasn't left yet!

Xu Ying, Gan Qi and Zhu Chanchan felt awe in their hearts and looked around hurriedly. Zhu Chanchan even murmured in her heart: The world seems to be even more miserable now than when I was there!

The underworld sea is calm and calm, like a bright mirror.

After a while, there was no movement.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said: The person who ate the ancestor of the Shi family should have left. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave as soon as possible!

He immediately activated the Sword Control Technique and flew upwards with Zhu Chanchan in his arms.

The big bell still didn't dare to show any signs of neglect. As it flew up, the light wall still covered everyone.

Xu Ying flew to a very high place and looked down inadvertently. He saw a smiling face floating under the calm sea of ​​hell.

That smiling face occupied the entire sea of ​​​​the underworld, staring at him faintly.

A chill surged up in Xu Ying's heart, and he couldn't help but shudder, but he saw that face slowly sinking, gradually disappearing into the darkness deep in the sea of ​​​​underworld.

The big bell flew out of Shi Mo Le's Xiyi Domain, and then the light wall dispersed, quickly shrunk, and penetrated into Xu Ying's mind, thinking: A Ying is getting weirder and weirder. I wonder if his memory awakening is good. It’s bad.”

Xu Ying was walking on the ruins of Shi Mansion, looking around, and suddenly grabbed an injured Nuo master from the Shi family and said, Where is Shi Jingtang?

The Nuo master said: The young master has escaped and is missing.

Xu Ying left him behind and looked around, but could not find Shi Jingtang's whereabouts.

Shi Jingtang was responsible for collecting ghosts and practicing magic skills for Shi Mo Le. Those Nuo masters outside the city who were fishing for side gates were under his command. Shi Jingtang contributed a lot to Shi Mo Le's ability to open the Yongquan Secret Treasure to reach the level he is today.

If he escapes, he will also practice Shi Mole's magic skills in the future, and I don't know how many people will be harmed! Xu Ying walked out of Shi Mansion and frowned.

An Qi said: Ah Ying, don't worry. The ancestor of the Shi family is dead, and the big family of the Shi family has also fallen. The major families are like vultures that eat carrion. If they smell the smell of corpses, they will definitely swarm up and even gnaw the bones clean! If this Shi Jingtang doesn't leave, he will definitely be eaten up by all the major families!

Da Zhong said: Master Qi is right. The fate of the Zhou family is first, and the fate of the Shi family can be imagined! You don't need to worry about Shi Jingtang escaping.

Outside the city of God, the old man in white saw Shi Jingtang escaping from the city in a distance. He was relieved, picked up a chess piece, and whispered: Now the dynasty of God has shown signs of decline, the imperial power is on the verge of collapse, and the generals are attacking Ziwei. This Shi Jingtang is one of the generals who invaded Ziwei in the sky, and he has the potential to become an emperor in the future!

He showed a smile, played with the chess pieces and said: It is inevitable to defy God's will. Shi Jingtang should have suffered this disaster. However, after this disaster, he will escape to the outside of the Great Wall, where fortune will turn around. From now on, he will rule China and achieve great hegemony.

Just as he said this, he suddenly saw a bright sword light rising into the sky in the city of Shendu, paused in mid-air, then suddenly turned around and shot out of the city!

The direction of that sword light was clearly the direction in which Shi Jingtang escaped!

The old man in white was stunned, and the chess piece in his hand exploded with a bang.

At the same time, the sword light traveled quickly, fell from the sky, and stabbed Shi Jingtang who was running away!


Where the sword light fell, the terrifying sword power exploded, and countless sword energy shot out in all directions, destroying the mountains and forests within an area of ​​​​acres!

The old man in white raised his trembling palm to smooth the white beard on his chin, but accidentally pulled off a few white beards.

Auspicious people have their own heavenly appearance, and auspicious people have their own heavenly appearance!

He was in a state of confusion and murmured, Shi Jingtang is the chosen one, a young man with great luck. He will definitely not die here! He will definitely not...

He saw a young man covered in blood rushing out of the dust formed by the mountain forest, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: Shi Jingtang is indeed a future general and is expected to become an emperor!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More bright sword energy flew from the sky, each one as big as a rafter, flew out from the city of gods, and landed on Shi Jingtang's body with a bang as the old man in white looked at him!

The mountain forest was covered by the violent sword energy, and the mountainous area was flattened!

This time, Shi Jingtang failed to come out.

The old man in white groaned and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. A major star related to the future fell like this before he could grow up!

It violates the rules of heaven!

The old man in white clothes looked up at the sky, shouting in his heart, Hurry up and bring down the calamity! Hurry up and kill him! Are you gods living for a living? He has violated the laws of heaven!

However, the clouds in the sky were rolling and relaxing, and there was no hint of disaster coming from the sky.

The old man in white clothes was furious and shouted: You are not going to reduce the calamity, are you? No one cares about it, right? No one cares about it, and I don't care about it either!

Even so, he still stared at Xu Ying closely, lest Xu Ying slip out of his sight.

Xu Ying squandered his last vitality and used his sword energy to kill people hundreds of miles away. After confirming that Shi Jingtang was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Da Zhong and Xian Qi: Yu Jian took the person's head thousands of miles away. I If I still can’t do it, Baili is okay. I’ll get rid of the root and kill him now, so I can sit back and relax.”

Da Zhong said: A Ying, are you sure he is dead?

Xu Ying walked out of the city and said, Master Zhong said, let's go see the corpse and make up for it with a sword.

An Qi praised: Ah Ying is still as cautious as before. This is a good habit.

Zhu Chanchan was stunned, and quickly jumped up and down to follow them, thinking to herself: These protectors of mine don't seem to be good people...but neither am I!

————Thank you to God_Array for the gold leader’s reward! Thanks for being late and apologies to the boss! ! !

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