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Chapter 1000 The Most Powerful Treasure

Dao Yin felt Xu Ying's surging Tao power, which was no less than his own, and even vaguely surpassed him.

If he completely unifies his Tao power, his cultivation will indeed be higher than mine. However, how difficult is it to unify his Tao power? Especially since the method he practices is a chaotic state method, it is even more difficult.

The cultivation of the chaotic state is extremely complicated, and it first requires the attainments of the Taihuang Dao of Reincarnation. Not many people can do this alone. Secondly, the monks need to have an extraordinary understanding of the Dao of Chaos, and at least they must reach the end of the Dao of Chaos.

But the most important thing is to subdivide your past infinitely and separate yourself from every minute fragment of time.

Use this self as an independent individual to comprehend, practice, develop magical powers, and experience everything in the sea of ​​chaos.

These selves, when faced with choices, have different choices, and the directions of their lives are therefore different.

A person's experience cannot be repeated, but in the chaotic state, all choices have been experienced again.

In this way, countless selves form their own chaotic state.

This kind of cultivation method is complicated to talk about, and it is even more complicated to practice. Even in Dao Yin's eyes, it is a method that is impossible to master.

Moreover, the state of chaos is not the purpose of cultivation. The purpose of practicing this method is actually to unify the state of chaos, thereby improving one's Taoism and power countless times!

This is even more difficult.

This kind of cultivation method was impossible to master, but Xu Ying managed to master it.

Not only that, the unity of chaos is about to be refined by Xu Ying!

As he said, what he lacked was just a little firepower. So he let me kill him before, but when the situation was complete, he immediately came to me and increased his firepower by fighting me!

Dao Yin thought of this and felt a little angry in his heart, He is so brave!

However, he would not let his emotions interfere with his Taoist heart. Even if he had a trace of anger, it would quickly dissipate.

Fellow Daoist Xu, let me show you the true power of the Yuanshi Dao Realm!

Daoyin bowed one by one, and when his waist straightened up, his physical body had become extremely majestic.

Xu Ying raised his head and saw that Daoyin no longer looked like the old man he had just been. Instead, he was replaced by a giant standing proudly in the sea of ​​chaos!

He is like a giant living in the sea of ​​chaos. He can open up heaven and earth with every move he makes. There are even wisps of chaos energy floating on the surface of his skin.

Where his body stood, the surrounding avenues formed their own, making him seem to be standing at the center of the universe!

This is Daoyin's true form, the original form of his physical body!

Dao Yin clenched his fists, and with this heavy clenching, the thin Chaos Qi in the surrounding Chaos Sea also became sticky, turning into pieces of suspended Chaos Stones!

Although the rocks are not big, they are extremely heavy!

Dao Yin punched him, and his physical body was like a perfect and beautiful Yuanshi treasure. His great path flowed in the physical body, and the soul and the physical body were as close as one!

If Xu Ying's heaven-opening magical power contains the power to open up the world in every blow, then Daoyin's punch contains the power to directly open up a universe!

The boundless Dao power is brewing in this punch, and it will explode at the moment it hits Xu Ying. Everything, even the Great Dao, even the Yuanshi Treasure, will be blasted to pieces!

Facing this punch, Xu Ying was as small as an ant, looking at the oncoming fist that was getting bigger and bigger. This time he did not use the Yuanshi Dao Finger, nor did he use the Kaitian Divine Power.

Neither the Yuanshi Daozhi nor the Kaitian Divine Power can exert all the power of his acquired Dao.

The Taoism contained in his acquired Dao is so exquisite that the number of Dao included in it has already reached millions!

However, the reason why the acquired avenue is so powerful is not because of these millions of avenues, but because these millions of avenues are unified, and the unified acquired avenue presents a simple and beautiful state.

As long as Xu Ying can unleash the power of acquired avenues, it is equivalent to unleashing the power of millions of avenues!

Moreover, the acquired avenue is by no means a simple superposition of the power of millions of avenues, but a qualitative leap similar to the nine evidence-based ones.

There are a total of 362,880 evidence-based methods among the nine ways of evidence-based methods, and the number of millions of ways of evidence-based methods is like the universe in this sea of ​​chaos, endless and countless!

Xu Ying mobilized the Houtian Dao, punched out, and the power penetrated directly to the end of the Houtian Dao!

At this moment, infinite light even appeared behind him, and his brand was looming in the light!

One of the two was incredibly big, and the other was about the size of an ordinary person. However, the punch thrown by Xu Ying's slender body met the domineering and unparalleled punch of Daoyin's physical body Yuanshi, and unexpectedly burst out with power that was not inferior to the other's!

The moment the two fists collided, the many chaotic people on the wisteria saw large and small universes being born and destroyed around the two people, like large and small bubbles, rapidly expanding and then bursting in an instant.

Each cosmic bubble contains a strange avenue of heaven and earth, forming a system of its own.

If these cosmic bubbles had not been burst by the remaining power of the confrontation between the two, it is impossible to say that wonderful universes could really be born in this sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying's Dao power exploded to the extreme, and suddenly his breath became unstable, and countless versions of himself appeared behind him, but they returned from the state of Hunyuan Dao to the state of chaos!

This momentary flaw was immediately caught by Dao Yin.

Dao Yin's extremely huge body moved in the sea of ​​chaos with great dexterity, like a huge white elephant dancing. His thick feet landed on the tips of the lotus that had not yet bloomed, surprisingly agile and quick!

His figure appeared behind countless Xu Ying almost instantly, and punched Xu Ying there!

At this moment, countless Xu Ying suddenly merged with the Xu Ying who faced Daoyin's attack, and instantly returned to one body!

Xu Ying mobilized the acquired avenue to meet this blow!


The strange people of chaos standing on the wisteria saw that in the distant depths of the sea of ​​chaos, the universes of all sizes bloomed like fireworks, gorgeous and magnificent.

Countless selves emerged behind Xu Ying, like a long dragon with no end. An invisible figure moved and appeared in the center of the long dragon in the distance.

His speed is extremely fast, and other people would not be able to react at all and would be killed by him. However, all the promises in front of him suddenly merged into one, leaving only one promise to meet his attack!

It's just that Xu Ying's unified state is too weak. If he is not careful, he will be impacted by Daoyin's physical magical power, and falling from the unified state will bring great danger.

Daoyin flashed rapidly, appeared and disappeared, and kept attacking Xu Ying, who had fallen out of the unified state.

Everyone on the wisteria was dazzled, but they saw Daoyin's extremely huge body suddenly appeared and disappeared, and Xu Ying also changed with it. Countless promises are lined up neatly, extending to the depths of the Chaos Sea, sometimes arranged left and right, sometimes up and down, sometimes left, east, and right, sometimes left, south, and right north.

Moreover, the closing directions are also different. Sometimes they appear near the wisteria, and sometimes they appear in the extremely distant sea.

Hutunsheng frowned slightly and looked away. In this short moment, he actually felt dizzy.

The reason for the dizziness was not the complex and changeable battlefield, but the fact that he found that he could not understand the two people's Taoism.

He was promised and encouraged to cultivate at the End of Chaos. In the history of Chaos Sea, there are no more than ten people who can surpass his achievements on the Avenue of Chaos.

But Xu Ying is definitely one of them.

It was natural that he couldn't understand Xu Ying's teachings.

He couldn't understand Dao Yin's Taoism because Dao Yin's Taoism was too high. Although he was not as accomplished as him on the Avenue of Chaos, his achievements in other aspects far surpassed his.

At this time, there was suddenly a loud roar, and countless Xu Ying was thrown everywhere like dolls, with their limbs scattered!

Hutunsheng's heart tightened: Brother Xu Dao has been defeated!

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly saw countless broken doll-like Xu Ying suddenly closing together and joining together again, turning into one person, but his complexion was not as good as before, and his aura was also somewhat weakened.

Obviously Daoyin's blow just now still hurt him!

Xu Ying, you want to use my power to help you break through the end of the acquired path, but this is just your wishful thinking!

Dao Yin attacked Xu Ying like a violent storm, his voice loud and deafening, I am in the Yuanshi Dao realm, and my control of Dao power has reached an unimaginable level! You can't borrow even half of my power from me, let alone borrow it. My power breaks through!”

His offensive became more and more fierce, his shape changed, and his speed became faster and faster. The unified state promised by him is often broken by him, and countless bodies are scattered and die!

This situation is getting more and more dangerous. Dao Yin has found Xu Ying's flaw. Now he is targeting the flaw. With his methods, it won't be long before he expands his advantage and takes Xu Ying's life!

Suddenly, Xu Ying was once again beaten from the state of Hunyuan to a state of chaos, and countless Xu Ying was thrown out like dolls!

Daoyin spread his five fingers, and in an instant the boundless Dao power enveloped all the promises, turning them into reincarnations of all sizes, causing these promises to fall into reincarnation!

As long as Xu Ying falls into reincarnation, he will never be able to return to the state of Hunyuan Dao, and he will be at his mercy!

At this moment, suddenly each of the promises that fell into the reincarnation was compatible with the reincarnation, and each offered a piece of jade Ruyi, black and bright, countless jade Ruyi flew out of the reincarnation, and smashed it towards Daoyin one after another!

Dao Yin was hit by countless attacks, and he swung out a palm, trying to break all the jade Ruyi. However, although those jade Ruyi were repelled by him, they did not break.

He was awe-inspiring in his heart: This dark Ruyi is part of the black jade Ganoderma lucidum! This thing carries great cause and effect, so naturally it will not be broken by me. If it is broken by me, I am afraid that the cause and effect will fall on me. !”

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly saw countless jade ruyi suddenly closing together and returning to one body.

Is this thing also in a state of chaos?

Dao Yin was awe-inspiring, logically speaking, this treasure cannot be refined into countless possibilities like Xu Ying, but this treasure is called Ruyi, and maybe it really has some strange abilities.

Xu Ying offered jade Ruyi as a sacrifice. When Dao Yin saw this, he chuckled and said, Fellow Daoist Xu, if you can't defeat him, then you have to sacrifice the magic weapon. If you act like this, it will be difficult to refine Hunyuan.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. In the battle just now, he was beaten so badly by Dao Yin that he almost died in Dao Yin's hands.

Just as he was about to put away the black jade Ruyi, Dao Yin slowly pulled out a whip and said with a smile: Since you used the magic weapon, I won't be polite.

Xu Ying felt a sudden thought and put away the black jade Ruyi.

Dao Yin did not put away the whip.

Xu Ying clenched his fist, offered the jade Ruyi, and said with a smile: Dao Yin, this treasure of mine is extraordinary. It can be transformed into infinity. If you take away the whip, I will also take away Ruyi. How about it?

Dao Yin smiled and said: My whip is also extraordinary. It was a magic weapon that I used to refine demons. This weapon is called the Qiankun Ruyi Whip. My donkey was originally a strong man, and I used this weapon to tame him.

Being able to be called a strong person by him is certainly no small matter. Xu Ying had also seen that donkey. It was unruly and had a wild aura, which gave people a great sense of oppression. Being able to subdue it shows how powerful this whip is.

Xu Ying stopped talking, and suddenly sacrificed Yu Ruyi, and transformed into infinity, turning into countless Yu Ruyi and hitting Daoyin!

Dao Yin offered up his long whip, but saw that the long whip was like a dragon, flying through Yu Ruyi, heading straight towards Xu Ying. At the same time, he did not dodge, punched away Yu Ruyi in front of him, and then went to kill Xu Ying!

Those jade Ruyi fell on him. Although it hurt a lot, it was not easy to hurt him.

If his Qiankun Whip falls on Xu Ying, it will be a big deal.

At this moment, all the jades merged into one, and Xu Ying grabbed it in his hand. He knocked it on the long whip with a clang, and the long whip rolled back!

What a great magic weapon!

When Dao Yin saw Xu Ying, he was also shocked and countless figures appeared, and he immediately slapped him with his palm!

Suddenly, countless promises in front of him disappeared quickly, leaving only one promise standing in the extremely distant sea of ​​chaos.

Dao Yin rushed forward, grabbed the long whip and swung it out suddenly, penetrating the sea of ​​chaos and sweeping towards Xu Ying there!

Xu Ying received this blow and was knocked out of countless bodies, breaking the Hunyuan state. Dao Yin was overjoyed and hurried to the front, only to see Xu Ying shrinking back and reappearing in an extremely distant place in an instant.

Dao Yin swung the long whip and whipped it away. Xu Yingji raised his hand to resist, but seeing that his figure was unpredictable, he avoided Dao Yin and only contended with the long whip, but there was not much danger.

Dao Yin was looking for the opportunity to kill with one strike, and suddenly he was slightly startled and discovered something, causing large beads of sweat to appear on his forehead.

The number of promises has changed from countless to numerous!

While he was cracking his whip, he discovered that countless promises overlapped, and the extended distance was constantly shortening!

This shows that Xu Ying is truly integrating, truly achieving Hunyuan, from countless selves to countless selves!

My whip is not the supreme treasure of the Origin. Even if I sacrifice it, it will not be as powerful as my fist.

Dao Yin suddenly realized that Xu Ying was using the power of the Qiankun Ruyi Whip to help him refine and unify himself in various chaotic states!

If he succeeds, his power will surpass mine!

When Dao Yin thought of this, he immediately put away the Qiankun Whip, rushed to Xu Ying, and punched out!


Xu Ying was hit and floated backwards. Dao Yin started to chase after him, but saw Xu Ying's figure suddenly stopped, and his footsteps landed on an extremely huge chaotic spiritual root.

Dao Yin looked up and saw that this chaotic spiritual root was completely black, like an extremely dense jade, with eight wish-like leaves.

And above these eight Ruyi leaves, an extremely huge cosmic flood source is rotating.

This spiritual root is none other than Black Jade Ganoderma!

His eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he saw that the place Xu Ying stepped on was exactly the stem of the wish-shaped leaf where the black jade Ganoderma lucidum was cut off.

Brother Daoyin, I'm afraid no one can refine this chaotic spiritual root now, right? Xu Ying asked.

Dao Yin said: The power of this treasure exceeds the existence of the Yuanshi Dao realm. It is extremely difficult to refine it.

Xu Ying threw up the black jade Ruyi in his hand, but saw the jade Ruyi fly out and turn into a leaf of Ganoderma lucidum, connecting with the broken part.

But what if part of this spiritual root has been refined by me? Can I sacrifice this treasure? He smiled.

Dao Yin was shocked and clenched his fists. He saw that the Black Jade Ganoderma began to waver slightly under Xu Ying's urging!

Xu Ying smiled and said calmly: Brother Dao, I hope you can help me break through and refine all the chaotic states before you are beaten to death by me!

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