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Chapter 999 Unification of Dao Power

Under Dao Yin's seat, the donkey said: Master, could it be that Xu Ying was so stunned by our killing that he planned to fight us to the death on the edge of the wisteria? If this is the case, perhaps he can be killed in one fell swoop to avoid future troubles!

Dao Yin smiled and said, I hope so.

Over the years he has been chasing Xu Ying, the Chaos Sea has become extremely thin, the energy of Chaos has become increasingly rare, and universes are floating in the seemingly void Sea of ​​Chaos. Without the suppression of the energy of chaos, the universe is many times larger than before.

Daoyin suddenly remembered that he had not seen monks from other universes for a long time.

It may be that these universes have become too large, making it difficult to fly out of the universe. Few people can fly out.

He thought, It's possible that someone could fly out, but saw nothing outside, like void, and went back.

Today's sea of ​​chaos, except for the promise that always appears and disappears, is actually so dead.

Dao Yin looked at such a dead sea of ​​chaos, worried about gains and losses in his heart, and unconsciously thought of Xu Ying's problem. If in the future, the Sea of ​​Chaos is completely swallowed into the flood source, but they are unable to open up the flood source, what should they do then?

He was a little confused, but then he became alert: This is my fate that has disturbed my Taoist heart and prevented me from seeing the truth of the Tao.

He quickly regained his composure and continued to follow Hun Tunsheng to Wisteria's location.

On the way, from time to time, you can see groups of areas rich in the energy of chaos. It seems that there is another sea of ​​chaos hidden inside, and there is also an infinite universe in it. When people see it, they will unconsciously arouse a lot of reverie.

Dao Yin rode a donkey through a chaotic area, and saw a gentle young man standing outside the chaos. He seemed to want to go in, but for some reason he stopped outside.

Dao Yin looked at it for a few times and suddenly showed a shocked expression.

This young man is handsome and very clean, with neat clothes, neat hair, and neatly trimmed beard at the corners of his lips.

But what surprised Dao Yin even more was that this young man's cultivation was really powerful. He was already at the pinnacle of the Tao Master Realm. He was extremely proficient in the Nine Paths based on internal and external evidence.

No, the path he takes is similar to that of Yuan Xu. There are 362,880 kinds of evidence based on his nine paths! There are 720,000 kinds of evidence based on internal and external evidence!

Dao Yin felt pity for the talent, stopped the donkey, and asked with a smile: Fellow Taoist, who are you? Why do you stay here?

When the young man saw him, he did not dare to neglect him and said politely: I am Changsun Shenghai. I am the leader of the Tao Alliance. Because I miss my wife, children and disciples in the spiritual world, I stayed here and never saw my senior. I forgive you. I dare to ask my senior. call?

Seeing how polite he was, Dao Yin smiled and said, Are you the new leader of the Tao Alliance? You are not inferior to Yuan Xu, but you are a good young man. My name is Dao Yin, a scattered person in the universe cemetery. Since you are in love with the spiritual world, why Don’t want to go in?”

Changsun Shenghai looked at the sea of ​​chaos with a sad expression.

There may be an Imperial Realm hidden in this sea, and maybe the other side still exists. Taoist Master may not be dead, and maybe the spiritual world also still exists.

Maybe, and my lover.

There was bitterness in his heart, and he shook his head and said: The Sea of ​​Chaos is just a sea of ​​illusion. Even if I return to this sea, even if there is a spirit world, a wife and children in this sea, I can't change any of their results.

He laughed, but his smile seemed a little ironic: I will only be fooled by the Sea of ​​Chaos again! I will only become a plaything of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Dao Yin stopped and looked at the sea area with a faint gaze. After a moment, he said: In this sea area, maybe the universe that gave birth to me is hidden. It may still exist. My old friend, my lover, children, descendants , maybe they are all still there.”

Changsun Shenghai turned to look at him and asked doubtfully: Senior, do you also have the same troubles as me?

Dao Yin had many feelings and said: Even if you have reached Yuanshi, you are still a plaything of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and you will be fooled by the Sea of ​​Chaos.

He paused and said: Back then, I was addicted to monasticism, to breaking through one realm after another, and to all kinds of charming avenues. I wanted to discover the truth of the avenue. I ignored the kindness of my parents, the love of my wife, I neglected the company of my children. Finally one day, I achieved the supreme realm. I was ecstatic. I wanted to tell my parents. I wanted to share the joy with my beloved wife. I wanted to hold my children and tell them how I feel now. Only then did I realize that the most precious thing in my heart was not the Dao, but them.

Changsun Shenghai looked excited and said, You should tell them that you care about them more than anything else!

When I wanted to tell them, they were already gone. My universe was dead.

Dao Yin was silent for a moment and said, Back then, I traveled through the Sea of ​​Chaos and found the sea area where they existed. I went back to the past fifty-eight thousand times. I accompanied my beloved wife and children, and I stayed with my two elders with all my heart and filial piety. I tried to save them countless times. But never once did I succeed.”

Changsun Shenghai clenched his fists and said: It was the Sea of ​​Chaos that caused all this!

Yes, it was the Sea of ​​Chaos that caused all this.

Dao Yin was in high spirits and said, That's why we need to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, witness the true avenue, and prevent these tragedies! Fellow Taoist Changsun, I think you are gifted and talented. I'm afraid it will be wasted if you practice alone.

He got off the donkey's back and said with a smile: Although the Cosmic Cemetery is a place of death and silence, there are concentrated the secrets left by countless most powerful beings in the universe in the Sea of ​​Chaos. They are hidden in the Yuanshi Dao Palace, this The Dao Palace is the first holy place in the Sea of ​​Chaos. You ride my donkey to the Universe Cemetery to meet the Dao Emperor. The Dao Emperor will take you into this holy place!

Changsun Shenghai felt inexplicably grateful and thanked him, saying, Brother Taoist, why don't you go to the Universe Cemetery with me?

Dao Yin smiled and said: The Lord of Chaos has made an appointment with me to fight, how can I leave without saying goodbye? Otherwise, wouldn't I be ridiculed by him?

Changsun Shenghai was startled when he saw Hun Tunsheng standing on one side: Xu Ying wants to have a decisive battle with Senior Dao Yin?

Dao Yin raised his hand and asked Sun Shenghai to sit on the donkey's back and urged the donkey to leave.

Changsun Shenghai waved goodbye and said: Brother Daoyin, Xu and I have a long history, and we know his character well. He was just blinded by the sea of ​​chaos, but he actually has a good heart. If you are willing to invite Brother Dao, you can let him live. !”

Dao Yin smiled and said: He is the Chaos Lord, so I'm afraid it's not easy to change his mind. But if there is a chance, I will give him a way out.

Changsun Shenghai felt relieved, and the donkey carried him away, disappearing into the vast sea of ​​chaos.

Dao Yin smiled at Hun Tunsheng and said, It has delayed fellow Taoist a little time. Let's continue on our way.

Huntun Sheng said yes and led the way ahead.

The surrounding sea of ​​chaos is dim and dim. In some places, the energy of chaos is strong, and in other places, it is thin. Some of these dense areas of chaos belong to the past, and some belong to the future. They are the chaotic state of Tao.

In the past, the Sea of ​​Chaos was so thick and viscous that these strange areas could not be seen. If you were not careful, you could walk into them and return to the past or future.

But now that the Sea of ​​Chaos is thinning, these strange areas have become clear.

The thinner the sea of ​​chaos becomes, the more Dao Yin feels that the sea of ​​chaos is vast and endless.

They walked for an unknown amount of time and finally came to the place where Dao Yin killed Xu Ying. They saw thousands of strange people from chaos standing on the wisteria, as if they had never moved away from their nests since Xu Ying's death.

But Dao Yin saw them thousands of times on the way to chase Xu Ying!

These chaotic creatures have been transformed into a state of chaos, and there are no one knows how many of them there are in the sea of ​​chaos.

Dao Yin looked around, but Xu Ying was nowhere to be seen, so he smiled and said, Fellow Daoist Xu, you invited me to fight here, why don't you show up yet?

At this time, I saw the wisteria dancing gently, its extremely thick innate spiritual roots winding like a dragon, slowly hanging down, stretching its body.

On the leaves of the wisteria, Xu Ying's faces actually grew, and they all smiled happily and said: Brother Dao Yin, you are finally here. Be patient!

They are like the fruits of the wisteria.

Dao Yin snorted and said calmly: Fellow Daoist Xu, don't pretend to be a ghost. Please show up!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the light in the chaotic sea light up, and the extremely bright light was reflected, and a great road was paved, extending to his feet.

Daoyin looked towards the road, but saw that the avenue of this road was somewhat strange, unlike any avenue he had seen before.

He had never seen this kind of avenue before, but he felt that this kind of avenue was extremely simple and had an extremely simple beauty.

But at the same time it is extremely complex.

This complexity is reflected in the flow of the avenue. When this avenue flows, you can see thousands of branches, extending in different directions.

Every branch is a wonderful avenue, even the Nine Innate Paths and the Avenue of Void are among them.

At this time, another promise came from the other direction of the Chaos Sea. It was just like this. The road was paved under the feet. The Taoism was extremely simple and wonderful.

However, if you look closely at the two acquired avenues, you will find that there are subtle differences and they are not exactly the same.

There's something wrong with Xu Ying's chaotic state!

Dao Yin's eyes lit up and he immediately understood what the problem was. He turned himself into a chaotic state. There are infinite possibilities in the chaotic state. In other words, every one of his acquired avenues is related to the starting state. It’s different from time to time! This is why his Tao power cannot be combined into one!”

Just when he thought of this, he saw the chaotic sea light around him shining brightly. Up, down, left, right, in all directions, one after another promised to step on the acquired road and walk towards this side!

This scene was extremely shocking even to Dao Yin, allowing him to see the power of the chaotic state!

The acquired roads at the feet of the thousands of promises are actually merging with each other, and the promises on each road are also merging with each other.

As they walked, there seemed to be countless figures behind them. Apparently, many of them were already merging with each other on the way here!

Dao Yin felt awe-struck when he saw this situation.

When he asked Xu Ying if he could unify himself in the chaotic state, Xu Ying nodded. He asked again whether Xu Ying could unify the Tao power in the chaotic state.

At that time, Xu Ying shook his head.

Could it be that now he can unify the Dao power in the chaotic state?

Daoyin's pupils shrank, and the unification of Dao power in the chaotic state meant that Xu Ying unified countless selves and countless possibilities in the chaotic sea, making himself the only true self!

At that time, all the promised power will be gathered and refined into one!

The promise at that time was that when all chaotic states were unified, there would be no past and no future!

Every moment of his past will be integrated with himself, and every moment of his future will be the present!

In the past, Xu Ying was just a monk who looked like both a Taoist master and a Taoist. His strength was close to Yuanshi. But if Xu Ying unified the Tao power in the chaotic state, then his Tao power would be the first to reach the state of Yuanshi, possessing immeasurable magic power!

Fellow Daoist Xu's practice is really eye-opening.

Dao Yin sincerely praised, Your acquired path is indeed wonderful. Even if you have cultivated to this point, I can't help but admire you. Is your acquired path complete?

More Xu Ying came and merged with each other. The leader of the shadows shook his head and said: It still lacks some fire. I hope Brother Dao will not hesitate to teach me and make up for the lack of fire.

Dao Yin looked at Xu Ying who was still merging, and said with a smile: You and I are opponents, how can I help you break through? Xu Ying, I originally planned to kill you, but on the way here, someone interceded for you, I I just thought, if you can abandon your prejudices, follow me into the cosmic cemetery, and open up the sea of ​​chaos together, we can all still be Taoist friends.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I am the Lord of Chaos. If I don't resist you, who else will resist you? Brother Dao, to be honest, I have planted all kinds of chaotic spiritual roots in the past and future of the Chaos Sea. Countless cosmic flood sources are growing and maturing. The energy of chaos they absorb even far exceeds the black jade Ganoderma lucidum.

Dao Yin's face darkened and he sighed: I want to save your life, but it's impossible. The other Yuansi in the Universe Cemetery must have received this news, and they will definitely not allow you to act recklessly! It's better that you die in the hands of others. Death in my hands.

Xu Ying smiled happily and said, Brother Dao, please help me break through!

Of the thousands of promises just now, there is only one person left now, but it seems that the situation is still a little unstable, and one or two promises will be made from time to time.

Although the light of the acquired avenue under his feet is more brilliant and the avenue is more complex and changeable, at the same time, due to the subtle differences in the thousands of avenues, the acquired avenue shakes slightly and branches off into other roads from time to time.

Dao Yin snorted and pointed out his finger. Xu Ying smiled slightly and raised his hand to meet him. The moment their fingers collided, suddenly countless figures of Xu Ying appeared densely behind Xu Ying, forming a straight line. , extending infinitely long, deep into the sea of ​​chaos!

But at the next moment, all the promises were suddenly withdrawn and merged into one, and they actually took Daoyin's finger safely!

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