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Chapter 997 Planting spiritual roots in the sea

Yuanxu said before he died that he was plotted by the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others?

Xu Ying was slightly startled, understanding the meaning of Yuanxu's words.

Back then, Patriarch Wujie came to Yuanxu and asked him to exterminate the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and plant unparalleled chaotic spiritual roots on the corpse of Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Why did Patriarch Wujie not dare to do it himself, but instead asked him to do it through the hands of others? That's right? It was because of luck. At that time, Patriarch Wujie had already been entangled by the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation, and he was afraid that if he did such a thing, he would be robbed and burned to death by the Heavenly Fire. Therefore, Patriarch Wujie wanted to find a scapegoat.

Xu Ying thought of this, looked at Yuanxu's body, without any sympathy in his eyes, and whispered: Yuanxu, when Patriarch Wujie found you, he told you that he was afraid of disaster and asked you to do it for him. The meaning behind his words How could you not understand the meaning? But you agreed. The purpose of your agreement was to draw chestnuts from the fire and use the power of these Yuanshi Dao realms to help you break through and achieve Yuanshi. Your Excellency, you deserve to die!

His eyes moved to look at the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, and he suddenly offered sacrifices to the white-haired head of the Patriarch Wujie, and activated the Nirvana Heavenly Fire between his eyebrows!

But I saw two white lights shooting out and falling on the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, trying to cut off the chaotic spiritual root!

However, those two indestructible white lights fell on the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, but only caused ripples of black immortal light on its surface, without damaging the spiritual roots of the plant at all!

A sudden thought occurred to Xu Ying. The white-haired head was chopped off at the end of the road. It was like chopping melons and vegetables. He was invincible. None of the masters in the nine halls of the Tao Alliance were his opponents.

Even the leader of the Dao Alliance, Yuanxu, did not dare to challenge him.

However, this indestructible Heavenly Fire of Annihilation cannot harm the black jade Ganoderma in the slightest!

Xu Ying raised the Linggu Bridge and threw it at the black jade Ganoderma lucidum. This treasure was worthy of being the magic weapon of the sixth generation Chaos Lord. A bridge flew out, and thousands of chaos flowed. On both sides of the bridge, visions of the collapse of thousands of universes appeared faintly!


The Linggan Bridge hit the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, and everything was instantly annihilated, and the scene of the collapse of thousands of universes also shattered and dissipated.

The Linggu Bridge was bounced high, and Xu quickly flew up and landed on the bridge, only to find that this Yuanshi treasure had been damaged.

He was startled and looked at the black jade Ganoderma lucidum.

Suddenly, Xu Ying activated the Eight Paths of Reincarnation, holding the black jade Ruyi, and attacked the black jade Ganoderma lucidum. At the same time, in the reincarnation, countless promises each waved a black jade Ruyi and smashed it down at the same time!

Eight reincarnations were flying up and down around the Black Jade Ganoderma, and countless attacks landed on the Black Jade Ganoderma at every moment, causing the Chaos Spiritual Root to bleed all over, and explode one after another with world-shattering power!

Xu Ying groaned, and there was a crackling sound in the eight reincarnations. It was that he was injured by the counter-shock force of Black Jade Ganoderma one after another. Many Xu Ying even died in the reincarnation, being injured by the counter-shock force of Black Jade Ganoderma. Break with force!

Xu Ying's breath was exhausted and he fell down.

In the battle with Taoist leader Yuanxu, he was not seriously injured. Just trying to eradicate this black jade Ganoderma almost killed him!

Xu Ying used his last strength to stabilize his body. Master Zhong quickly flew out and hung above his head. The bell-shaped light curtain fell to protect his whole body from being attacked by others.

Xu Ying looked up and saw that Black Jade Ganoderma was not even injured at all!

The Black Jade Ganoderma has become a trend and cannot be eradicated. Even the existence of the Yuanshi Realm is helpless in the face of this chaotic spiritual root.

Xu Ying took a long breath, suppressed the injury, and glanced at the cosmic flood source in the sea of ​​chaos that was swallowing the energy of chaos.

This cosmic flood source can withstand the impact of the magical power of the Yuanshi Realm existence, but with his strength, he is afraid that he cannot break it.

What frightened him was that even the void was swallowed up by this cosmic flood!

He once had the idea of ​​using the Void Origin to deal with this cosmic flood source, such as draining all the power from the cosmic flood source.

But seeing that the void was also swallowed up, Xu Ying knew that his method would not work.

Even if the Taoist leader Yuan Xu is dead, it cannot change the fate of the Chaos Sea being swallowed up. The calculations of the Unbounded Patriarch, the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others are indeed powerful. The Chaos Sea has been swallowed up and concentrated in a huge flood source. It has become foregone conclusion.

Xu Ying didn't move his eyes away for a long time, continuing to stare at the cosmic flood source, and whispered, But when all the energy of chaos is swallowed up by this cosmic flood source, the stability of the flood source at that time will be unimaginable. . What other power can open it up? Does the Yuanshi in the universe cemetery have such power?

The more the cosmic flood source grows, the more stable it becomes and the less likely it is to be tapped out.

Even now, this flood source cannot be opened by ordinary Yuanshi Dao realm. When the Sea of ​​Chaos is completely swallowed up, Xu Ying is worried that the Cosmic Cemetery will not have the ability to open it up!

At that time, the Chaos Sea will completely die!

I don't know, is there any other way to rescue me?

Xu Ying thought hard, and at this moment, the Chaos Bell broke through the Chaos Sea and flew towards this side. Master Zhong, who was floating above Xu Ying's head, saw this and quickly gave way to one side. But the Chaos Bell did not hang above Xu Ying's head. Instead, it came to Xu Ying and saw a young man in a yellow shirt walking out from behind the bell. He was the spirit of the Chaos Bell.

When those old monsters from the Yuanshi Realm saw that Yuan Xu was dead, they retreated.

The young man in yellow shirt said to Xu, Probably Yuanxu has no use anymore.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and asked, Brother Dao, are you sure you can open up this cosmic flood source?

The young man in yellow shirt shook his head and said: This flood source can no longer be developed.

Xu Ying asked: So, can this black jade Ganoderma be eradicated?

The boy in yellow shirt held up the Chaos Clock with one hand and flew towards the Black Jade Ganoderma lucidum, saying: You can give it a try!

Master Zhong quickly reminded: Master Zhong, my good disciple, don't go!

Cang! Cang! Bang! Bang!

After a while, the boy in yellow shirt returned with a bruised nose and face, shook his head and said, I can't beat it.

Xu Yingwen said: It doesn't matter if we can't defeat it, we will just find a way.

He turned around and looked at the Dao Masters and Dao Jin of the Dao Alliance in the distance, as well as Gu Daosheng, Guo Shoudao and other palace masters. Although these powerful Dao Alliance men saw that Yuan Xu was dead, they still did not leave.

Is it really so important to see the truth of the avenue?

Xu Ying shook his head and walked away, It can make a person forget how to be a human being. It can make a person abandon all sentient beings, abandon morality, do all kinds of evil, and do everything to the extreme. Is the way you see like this the real way?

He waved his long sleeves back, which were longer than his hands, waving back like fairy ribbons.

Yuanxu's corpse flew up, disintegrated in mid-air, shattered, turned into countless fragments of the avenue, and was subsequently annihilated.

The gorgeous stream of annihilation light flowed into the black jade Ganoderma lucidum as Xu Ying's sleeves flicked.

You are also a member of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has fallen into silence, and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has been destroyed. Emperor Zhao, please repay this karma!

With the sound of promise, Yuanxu disappeared into ashes.

Xu Ying walked into the sea of ​​chaos and disappeared from the sight of everyone in the Dao Alliance.

Many years later, there were countless large turtles in the sea, which were chaotic creatures, surrounded by the largest chaotic creature.

That chaotic creature was extremely strong and carried a Chaos Immortal Mountain on its back. There was an Immortal Palace on the Immortal Mountain, and immortals lived in the temple.

Under the eaves of the palace, there is a Bell of Chaos. Occasionally, a bell will burst out, resounding through the Sea of ​​Chaos, and often transmitted to many universes, allowing the powerful people there to hear the bell.

That's the Chaos Lord's patrol.

Someone told his junior, The Chaos Lord is an unpredictable existence, and is rumored to be the master of the Chaos Sea. He is extremely powerful. If you want to make an oath with someone, you can swear to the Chaos Lord, but if you break the oath, you will It will definitely come true, and it will work again and again.”

Nowadays, the Sea of ​​Chaos is getting thinner and thinner. Many monks in the Immortal Realm have walked out of their respective universes and come to the Sea of ​​Chaos. They can actually cross the Sea of ​​Chaos with their physical bodies, so the sea has become much more lively.

As the Sea of ​​Chaos becomes thinner, the power of the Void Dao becomes abundant, and the Void Dao becomes clearer and more complete. Many people have realized the Void Dao and achieved great success.

Some people have encountered the Lord of Chaos patrolling in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Tens of thousands of chaotic creatures flew up and down, drawing beautiful traces in the sea.

Some people also saw that the sea of ​​chaos suddenly became extremely clear, and chaos disappeared. The universes in the sea of ​​chaos seemed to be floating in the void, appearing extremely quiet.

By chance, someone climbed up the Chaos Immortal Mountain and came to the outside of the Immortal Palace. They saw that the Immortal Palace was ancient and deep, and seemed to contain endless Taoist wonders.

But when they walked towards the temple, they found that they could never enter the temple.

On this day, chaotic creatures were swimming, and the chaotic sea in front of them was extremely dense, as if they were not affected by the black jade Ganoderma at all.

These chaotic creatures surrounded the Chaos Fairy Mountain and swam through this sea area, only to see that this sea area was ancient and grand, and each universe was extremely unfamiliar.

The chaotic creatures were not surprised at all by this, as if they had long been accustomed to it.

However, someone was following them from behind, following them quietly. After many years, the chaotic creatures swam out of this sea area, and the man who tracked them followed them to the increasingly thinning Chaos Sea.

The man looked around in surprise and saw that the energy of chaos in this sea of ​​chaos was far less thick than the sea area where he lived, and the pressure of the sea of ​​chaos was also far less.

The Sea of ​​Chaos is really amazing. There is even a thin area where the energy of chaos exists.

The man clicked his tongue in surprise and continued to track the chaotic creatures, only to see that those chaotic creatures had disappeared without a trace.

The Sea of ​​Chaos is too vast, with many unknown places. Even if that person's cultivation is astonishing, he is still full of awe of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Just when he was about to give up the pursuit, suddenly there was a bright light in front of him, and there was countless light coming from him.

The man hurried forward and saw tens of thousands of weird people with ancient looks standing solemnly on a chaotic fairy mountain in the distance.

“So many avenues end!”

The man's face suddenly changed, and his scalp felt numb. He has the best strength in the Chaos Sea, and there are not so many avenues under his command. He didn't expect to meet so many masters here!

At the end of these avenues, I actually worship that young man!

He looked up with strange eyes, and saw a young man with long hair shawl on the Chaos Fairy Mountain, floating on the top of the mountain, doing his own thing.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​chaos was violently turbulent, and a dying universe actually passed through the many seas of chaos and flew towards this side!

With this kind of Tao power, capturing the universe is like searching for something in a bag...

The man was just astonished when he saw the second universe in silence also flying through the sea of ​​chaos, followed by the third and fourth!

The man was inexplicably horrified: Is this the action of a being from the Yuanshi Dao realm?

One after another in silence, the universes flew here. In the waving of the sleeves of the young man on the mountain, the membranes of the universes peeled off and merged with each other!

The man was stunned to see that hundreds of universes in annihilation were merged into one by this person and turned into a huge flood source of annihilation!

This must be a big shot in the Chaos Sea! This time I was tracking the Chaos Lord Clock and searching for the Chaos Lord's whereabouts. I didn't expect to encounter such an astonishing existence! I wonder what this existence is doing by refining these universes into the source of annihilation?

The man was shocked and looked up, only to see the young man on the top of the mountain summoning more universes in a state of annihilation and refining them into the source of annihilation!

After a long time, the number of universes integrated into the Flood of Annihilation has reached more than two thousand. Thinking that he had taken all the dying universes in the nearby sea area, the young man did not continue.

The man looked carefully and saw that the young man also looked a little tired, turned around and walked towards a fairy palace.

In the Immortal Palace, the Yuanshi Dao was full of light, which was very eye-catching.

The man hesitated for a moment and thought to himself: I can't find the Chaos Lord for a while, so why not go and see this senior? Maybe I can get some benefits.

He was about to move forward when a strange man with a description of Gao Gu blocked his way and said politely: Fellow Taoist, stop.

The man hurriedly bowed to the ceremony and said with a smile: This Taoist brother, I am Yuanxu, is the leader of the Taoist alliance. I saw this senior's methods today, which are really earth-shattering and admirable. Therefore, I have rashly paid a visit. Please inform me.

When the weirdo heard the name Yuanxu, he looked at him and his face became even weirder.

At this time, other weirdos also rushed over, surrounding Yuanxu, and they all looked at him.

Yuanxu was surprised, but he was neither humble nor arrogant.

The weird man said: Fellow Daoist Yuanxu, you are no less worthy of this era. You met us accidentally and followed our wake to the future. My master will not see you, so as not to change the past. Please come back.

Yuanxu frowned slightly and wanted to force his way in, but thinking of the strength of that young man, he restrained himself and said: Since we have no chance of meeting each other, can you tell me your name? It can also help us form a good relationship.

The weird man said: I won't tell you my family master's name, but I can tell you that my family master is from the three realms of the universe. Go ahead and don't delay us in planting the chaotic spiritual roots.

When Yuanxu saw the unkind expressions of these weirdos, he immediately bowed and left, drifting away.

The moment he turned around, he saw the thick energy of chaos coming from behind him, drowning those weirdos and the Chaos Mountain together.

Yuanxu was startled and uncertain. He hesitated and walked towards the direction of Chaos Mountain. However, Chaos Mountain was no longer there, and those weird people were also missing.

Are these people people from the future? Is that big shot also a person from the future? What happens in the sea of ​​chaos is really weird. But sooner or later, I can make the sea of ​​chaos clear, and there will no longer be any secrets!

He strolled away in the sea, and suddenly on a whim, he mobilized the two paths of cause and effect and calamity to calculate the universe of the three realms, and realized that there was a person in the universe of the three realms who was going to the Taoist League to become a disciple!

And this person is the same person as the big man he saw when he entered the future this time!

Yuanxu's heart beat violently twice, and by some strange mistake, he immediately sent a message to the Taoist Alliance.

There will be a big shot coming from the Three Realms to the Dao League. The journey will be difficult and dangerous. Please escort him quickly and there will be no room for error!


In the thin sea of ​​chaos, thousands of chaotic creatures surrounded the Chaos Fairy Mountain and flew towards the lower sea area.

And where they flew over, huge flood sources of annihilation, like fire lotuses, were planted in the sea of ​​chaos. Many flood sources of annihilation have matured and transformed from the state of annihilation to the state of grand mist. On the wreckage of the universe Grow huge chaotic spiritual roots.

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