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Chapter 996 The First Catastrophe

Taoist leader Yuanxu's face darkened, and the two Yuanshi Taoists behind him were unexpectedly injured by the Chaos Bell. The other four Yuanshi Dao realms have not made any move yet, but it is expected that they will not do anything that violates the oath they swore to Xu Ying.

Because if you do that, you will only be attacked by the Chaos Clock and become passive.

With the strength of the Chaos Bell, it will be easy to kill me now.

Yuanxu's eyes flashed as he looked at the big bell. Suddenly the Chaos Bell clanged, flew up into the air, and rushed into the Sea of ​​Chaos, swinging left and right as if fighting an invisible enemy.

An astonishing phenomenon suddenly appeared in the chaotic sea. The bell became bigger and bigger, and the bell wall was like a copper wall hanging from the sky, looming in the sea!

It is like a cosmic bell, with light flowing on the wall and the bell body taking on the shape of billions of galaxies!

And there seems to be a huge thing in the sea of ​​chaos, gathering the energy of chaos, turning into swords, guns, axes, swords, halberds, seals and other treasures, and attacking it!

This scene is as if there is a shocking giant beast hidden in the sea of ​​chaos, making waves, setting off waves of chaos, slapping in all directions!

In the sky, the sea of ​​chaos once suppressed, and there were only a few hundred miles away from the Dao Alliance. The waves formed by the energy of chaos could even brush over the mountains on the remains of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Facing this scene, the thousands of palace masters and disciples of the Dao Alliance also felt a deep sense of powerlessness. The power of the confrontation in the sea of ​​chaos was too strong. It was a confrontation of existence at the original level!

If the Sea of ​​Chaos comes down, I'm afraid they won't be able to escape either!

However, the black jade Ganoderma rooted in the wreckage remained unmoved in the impact of the Yuan Dynasty level, and its whole body shone with light.

The giant cosmic flood source held up by eight Ganoderma lucidum leaves was impacted by the magical power of the original level. However, there were strange textures flowing on the surface, which did not affect the cosmic flood source.

The black jade Ganoderma lucidum and the cosmic flood source are still devouring the energy of chaos.

Yuanxu smiled: It must be the Supreme Saint Tianzun and the others who attack the Chaos Bell! Opening up the Chaos Sea is crucial to them, and they will definitely not allow this plan to fail!

He felt refreshed when he thought of this.

Although the power of the Chaos Bell is strong, after all, it is only the Supreme Treasure of the Origin, not the existence of the Origin Dao Realm.

Facing the siege from the Yuanshi Dao realm, it will definitely be difficult to resist!

Chaos Lord, there are six Yuanshi Dao realm beings behind me. It is only a matter of time before they take action and break through the Chaos Bell's defense. At that time, Xu Ying will undoubtedly die! But!

His eyes flashed, his fighting spirit was high, and his eyes fell on Xu Ying.

Xu Ying seemed to be aware of the urgency of time and took action boldly, using a move that killed Wu Zheng.

In an instant, eight reincarnations were formed, and countless promises stood in the reincarnations, and at the same time, the Yuanshi Dao Finger was activated!

At this moment, all the light of the universe in the sea of ​​chaos seemed to be concentrated at his fingertips!

Xu Ying is a rare opponent. He is stronger than Di Chen. He can be used as a stepping stone for me to break through to the Yuanshi realm! My martial arts body is dead and I have not had time to refine all the Yuanshi Dao Qi. It is just right to borrow him Hands, help me break through!

Facing this unparalleled finger, Yuanxu felt boundless fighting spirit in his heart. Once upon a time, he was also a monk who fought against heaven and earth!

He started from humble beginnings, struggled all the way, defeated all opponents, and sat in the position of the number one person in the Hunyuan Universe.

He established the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and became the first Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. He did it by himself!

His blood boiled and he roared repeatedly. For a long time, he rarely risked his life. Even when facing Di Chen, he mainly used calculations. He relied on the geography of the atrium, the Lingque Bridge, and the Yuanshi Taoists behind him to plot Di Chen to death!

But now, he wants to fight openly and openly, without relying on any calculations!

Even if I lose the battle, I still have a way out!

Yuanxu was furious, and the nine innate paths followed each other's evidence, from chaos to annihilation, from annihilation to killing, and even the order of evidence was completely disrupted!

Xu Ying, I want you to help me achieve Yuanshi!

Yuanxu demonstrated achievements that other Taoist Taoists could only hope to achieve. His nine innate Taoisms were completely disordered in their evidence-based order. In an instant, there were 362,880 evidence-based methods!

And these evidence-based methods each formed a different form of avenue universe behind him!

Three hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and eighty kinds of avenue cosmic forms, like large and small bubbles, hung behind him, like a mysterious sea of ​​chaos!

Dao Meng stared blankly at this scene, ranging from Dao Xian, Guo Shoudao, Gu Daosheng and others, to the outer disciples of Dao Meng. They all felt extremely shocked at this moment.

Even the masters of the Nine Halls such as Gu Daosheng have practiced an evidence-based approach throughout their lives, which is already an achievement that others can only dream of.

However, Taoist leader Yuanxu has achieved complete evidence-based support for the Nine Tao!

At this moment, there seemed to be 362,880 of them, controlling different nine evidence-based Taoist methods, facing the promise and the eight ways of reincarnation, and facing the extremely bright Taoist finger of the beginning!

Everyone in the Taoist League stared at this scene with their eyes fixed on it. The All Saint Master Guo Shoudao was inexplicably excited and murmured: If the sea of ​​chaos is composed of the nine innate paths, then there are only 362,800 in the sea of ​​chaos. Eighty cosmic forms, and these cosmic forms have been completely mastered by the Taoist Alliance Leader!

The promised eight reincarnations, countless choices to create a chaotic future, and countless selves to form supreme supernatural powers are amazing.

But Yuanxu’s Dao universe form is not inferior!

The moment the two people's moves collided, the indestructible light was actually blocked by Yuanxu Shengsheng.

The Yuanshi Dao Finger was unable to penetrate his palm power!

Upon seeing this, all the palace masters of the Dao Alliance were inexplicably excited. Dao Xian praised: Since the alliance leader's battle with Di Chen, his realm has become more and more unfathomable! This Taoist body has already reached the Yuanshi realm!

However, she was not exaggerating. When Di Chen was not as good as the Taoist leader Yuanxu, he almost killed Yuanxu's life with the Yuanshi Taoist finger under Xu Ying's advice.

At that time, they knew that this was a magical power from the Yuanshi Dao realm.

Now that Yuanxu can use his own magical powers to fight against Yuanshi Daozhi and be evenly matched with Yuanshi Daozhi, it can be seen that his Taoism has reached the Yuanshi realm!

It's just that Xu Ying's cultivation improved too quickly. Gu Daosheng frowned slightly.

In the past, Xu Ying's Taoism was superb, and he was proficient in the magical power of opening the sky and the Taoist Finger of Yuanshi, but his cultivation level was only that of a Taoist master. Even if he used the methods of the Eight Paths of Reincarnation and the Past and Future Sutras, he was still easily restrained by the end of the road.

Later, although he made up for the loopholes in his past and future and refined himself into the chaotic state, his cultivation was still his flaw.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, and Xu Ying's cultivation has made amazing progress.

Even the speed of improvement makes Gu Daosheng feel even more stressed at the end of the road.

Even if one promise is like this, one can imagine the superposition of countless promises in reincarnation.

Yuanxu roared repeatedly and attacked Xu Ying. His moves were really fierce, and the power of his moves was not inferior to that of Yuanshi Daozhi!

Xu Ying, how many moves can you take from me?

He was full of energy at this moment, feeling that he had thrown away all restraints, and his Taoist mind was more stable and transparent than ever before.

All kinds of Taoist teachings are now fully integrated, and even insights that have never been comprehended before are now coming one after another.

His Taoism and magical powers are approaching the Yuanshi realm.

Every time he mobilizes his magical power, he can feel that there are countless universes in the sea of ​​chaos, and the avenues in these universes resonate with his magical power!

It's as if he is the master of the Chaos Sea, as if he controls everything in the Chaos Sea!

At the same time, the Yuanshi Daoqi in his body was also constantly being refined, and various great ideas in Yuanshi Daoqi came to him one after another.

The more Yuanxu fought, the more courageous he became. Various Taoist and magical powers were operating more smoothly and smoothly, and the power of his magical powers became stronger and stronger.


Xu Ying received his blow forcefully, and the bodies of the two of them were greatly shaken. They fell backwards and flew away, crushing countless spaces behind them and making the Taoist temples and Taoist mansions in the Taoist alliance sway unsteadily.

Boom! Boom!

The two flew out of the Dao Alliance and crashed into the sea of ​​chaos one after another. Everyone in the Dao Alliance looked up, searching for traces of the two of them. Suddenly, the boundless Dao light lit up in the place where Yuanxu fell. It was like hundreds of thousands of universes suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​chaos, and it became colorful in an instant!

Yuanxu stood in that sea area. Under the sea was the battlefield where Chaos Bell and the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord and others were fighting. From time to time, the aftermath of the Yuanshi Realm's supernatural powers would impact, which was extremely dangerous, but Yuanxu was walking on flat ground. .

Xu Ying, you surprised me. When will your cultivation strength reach this point?

Yuanxu looked shocked and asked from a distance, I received the Yuanshi Dao Qi given by six Yuanshi Dao realms and practiced it for thousands of years before I reached the point where I am now. You are just a Taoist master. During these ten thousand years, Even if you have extraordinary adventures, you can't compare with me. How do you practice? Can you help me clarify my doubts?

In the sea opposite the Dao League, eight extremely bright reincarnation rings suddenly clicked, tearing apart the sea of ​​chaos and illuminating the Dao League.

Then, the sea area suddenly became clear and transparent, turning into an empty space full of glow.

In front of the Samsara Ring, Xu Ying gently raised his hand and saw Yuanshi Dao Qi flowing on his fingertips.

Yuanxu, Yuanshi Daoqi, who has done all kinds of evil for you, is actually just creating something out of nothing to open up the universe to me.

Xu Ying said calmly, In eight hundred years, I have opened up 1,600 universes and obtained countless Yuanshi Dao Qi. You still need to be low-key and scheming to ask for some leftovers from the existence of Yuanshi Realm. And I create it myself.”

I see.

Yuanxu suddenly realized, and sighed, Your life is really good. Yuxu Tianzun and Taihuang have taught you Taoism and magical powers. If you learn their methods, you can create a world on your own in the Taoist realm and collect Yuanshi Daoqi. You still have You can understand more profound Taoism in the process of creating the world. No wonder your power of opening the sky is so powerful, it has improved a lot compared to the past. Hey, this sea of ​​chaos is so unfair!

He suddenly rushed towards this side and sneered: My qualifications are higher than yours, my understanding is better than yours, and my talent is unparalleled! I created the nine-way evidence-based system and the three-card system. If If I get your chance, I will definitely do better than you!

Xu Ying used his hand as an ax and swung it forward. The light of the ax seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. With a click, the sea of ​​chaos in front of him was split open, and a new universe was suddenly born in the sea of ​​chaos!

As Xu Ying swung his axe, the power of the entire universe converged into the light of the axe, facing Yuanxu!


The two magical powers collided, and the 360,000 avenue universe behind Yuan Xu shook violently, and his breath was unstable. However, Xu Ying let out a muffled groan, and the ax light exploded, and the universe that had just been opened was also annihilated in the sea of ​​chaos.

Yuanxu attacked, Xu Ying stabilized his body and activated his magical power. However, Yuanxu's offensive became more and more fierce, forcing him to retreat continuously. The eight reincarnations were also covered with bloodstains, but they were many of the many in the reincarnations. It should be unbearable and the body would explode and die.

Xu Ying took another step back and offered sacrifices to Lord Zhong. Immediately, the precious light around the big bell circulated, protecting his whole body.

Xu Ying, you finally used your magic weapon!

However, Yuanxu is getting stronger and stronger, his offensive is getting tighter and tighter, and his magical powers are becoming more and more sophisticated.

He is on the way to sublimation, with all kinds of wonderful insights constantly coming to him, with new ideas in his mind all the time, and he is getting closer and closer to the Yuanshi Dao realm!

The Yuanshi Dao realm is within reach!

Suddenly, he felt that his own avenue was sublimating and connected to countless universes in the sea of ​​chaos. His physical body and his soul were also on the way to sublimation!

In the sea of ​​chaos, countless avenues are resonating with him. With just a little insight, he can break through to the realm of Yuanshi Dao!

At this moment, a long wooden bridge suddenly rose up from behind Xu Ying and crashed down on Yuanxu's head with supreme power!

Linggu Bridge!

Without thinking, Yuanxu raised his palms and faced the wooden bridge.

This bridge was forged by Daoyuan, the sixth generation of Chaos Lord, and it is also a treasure from the beginning. Daoyuan died in the hands of the Wujie Patriarch, and the Linggu Bridge fell into the hands of the Wujie Patriarch. Later, Yuanxu used this treasure to sneak attack Di Chen, but it was taken away by the Chaos Bell.

At this moment, Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the bridge. Although Yuanxu was frightened, he was not panicked.


His hands were full of flesh and blood, and he tried his best to block the attack from Linggu Bridge.

At the same time, Xu Ying brushed it away with a palm and pressed it on his chest. Yuanxu heard a constant clicking sound, which was the sound of his own ribs breaking.

My Nine Paths of Evidence have reached 360,000 types. Even the most precious treasure of the Yuan Dynasty, Ling Que Bridge, even if you promise, it can't hurt my roots!

Yuanxu smiled and said, I can cure any Tao injury in the world!

As soon as he finished speaking, a black jade Ruyi rose up, passed between his palms, and with mysterious power, knocked on his forehead with a loud sound!

When this blow fell, a large piece of Yuanxu's head suddenly deflated, and his brain material burst out. He felt that his Yuan Shen was confused and the avenue became drowsy.

What kind of treasure is this?

He raised his head, trying to see the black thing clearly. Xu Ying offered the black jade Ruyi and smashed it down again, hitting him on the head again.

The Yuanxu Avenue collapsed, and cracks appeared in the more than 360,000 avenue universes behind him. He was frightened and immediately turned around to escape.

This scene always felt familiar to him.


Xu Ying was behind him and struck him again, Yu Ruyi hit him on the back of the head.

Yuan Xu fell, and he suddenly remembered that the scene when he killed Di Chen was very similar to what he was experiencing now.

At that time, Di Chen was also in a position to win when he was attacked by Linggu Bridge and then killed by the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron.

He relied on Emperor Chen to destroy the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and cultivated the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, a unique chaotic spiritual root, on the corpses of tens of thousands of universes in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Only now, the person who died was replaced by himself.

And what knocked him to death when he was about to reach the Yuanshi realm was Jade Ruyi, which was refined from black jade Ganoderma lucidum.

Could this be my fate?

Just when he thought of this, he saw Xu Ying offering the black jade Ruyi again.

At this moment of life and death, Yuanxu suddenly laughed and shouted: Xu Ying, I fell into the plot of the Supreme Saint Tianzun and others, destroyed tens of thousands of universes, and I can't survive the Yuanshi catastrophe. But you can't survive the Yuanshi catastrophe either! You If you cut off part of the black jade Ganoderma lucidum, your misfortune will be even worse!


Jade Ruyi fell, heads flying, and blood splattered everywhere.

When Xu Ying mentioned Yu Ruyi, the jade bones were dripping with blood and brain matter.

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sol——sol-la-re——, do——do-la-re——

A slightly noisy electronic melody sounded on the old radio.

Time fixed: 21:35 on April 24, 1970.

This is the most beautiful melody in China’s aerospace history.

Even a hundred years later, it was still remembered.

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