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Chapter 983 Chaos Cause and Effect

Xu Ying sighed, shook his head and said: Have you ever thought that if countless universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos were wiped out and countless people were killed, and the Dao Alliance finally opened up the Sea of ​​Chaos, it would be discovered that you were wrong and there would still be disaster. There is still annihilation, and you still cannot see the truth of the Great Way. What will you do then?

Jiang Ziliu sneered and walked towards him, his momentum getting stronger and stronger: Xu Ying, you want to mess with my Taoist mind? I can cultivate to the end of the road, how can I be messed with by you?

His face was solemn: As a practitioner, you can ignore your own life when seeking the truth, let alone the lives of others? If you don't do it because it may be wrong, then everything in the world will be impossible!

Xu Ying stopped trying to persuade him.

Jiang Ziliu is different from Zhenjun Dao Ji. Dao Ji seems to be the most ruthless, but he is always persuasive. Jiang Ziliu seems to be affectionate, but he is hard-hearted.

Since I can't persuade you, I can only see the real chapter in my hand!

He put the clock away.

Zhong Ye now has the three realms of the universe within him. Although he is powerful, it is still far from enough to face beings like Jiang Ziliu who have cultivated the path of cause and effect to the end.

Even Xu Ying didn't feel confident when facing Jiang Ziliu now.

After all, Jiang Ziliu is one of the nine halls of the Taoist Alliance, and he has cultivated the nine innate ways into an evidence-based existence!

Hundreds of years ago, Xu Ying fought against the palace masters of the Dao League, and both the True Lord Yongle and the master of Miaojian Palace died in his hands.

Over the past few hundred years, his Taoism has greatly improved, but Xu Ying has no idea how far his strength has reached and whether he can compete with the Nine Halls of the Tao Alliance.

He sacrificed the broken knife, and the broken knife was immediately complemented by his Dao. The nine reincarnations rotated, opening up the sea of ​​chaos, as if there were nine more universes behind Xu Ying, becoming the source of his Dao power!

His Taoism has improved, and the power that Broken Sword can exert is much greater than before!

Xu Ying pointed his sword at an angle, and the light of the sword turned the surrounding sea of ​​chaos extremely clear, making him seem to be standing in the void.

Jiang Ziliu looked at this scene in surprise. Thousands of avenues appeared under Xu Ying's feet, as if he was standing at the end of the avenue!

The sword of the Chaos Lord is really extraordinary. Even if you are a remnant, holding this treasure, you can pull you to the end of the road!

Jiang Ziliu exclaimed, The previous generation of Chaos Lords was indeed unfathomable. Unfortunately, you are not the end of the road after all!

He struck out with one palm, and with the power of his palm, the avenue of cause and effect flowed behind him, forming the first cause and effect universe!

With his second palm shot, the cause and effect has been proved to be a calamity, forming a calamity universe!

When the third and fourth palms are struck, one goes from reverse evidence to reincarnation, forming the reincarnation universe, and one to forward evidence to killing, forming the killing universe!

In an instant, Jiang Ziliu took out nine palms, and nine evidence-based ones formed nine universes dominated by different avenues behind him. In these avenue universes, the heaven and earth avenues flowed without any stagnation!

The Master of the Nine Halls is indeed different from other Hall Masters. Other palace masters, such as True Monarch Yongle, use the avenue of time and space to evolve the nine innate ways, such as time and space, chaos, time and space, cause and effect, time and space, reincarnation, etc.

However, Jiang Ziliu directly used the Avenue of Cause and Effect to prove the other eight innate avenues. The power of his Taoist and magical powers was more than a thousand times that of True Monarch Yongle?

He struck out with nine palms, and the overwhelming power hit him, giving people the feeling that the sea of ​​chaos was about to be opened up by him!

Moreover, his palm power follows the magic of cause and effect. With one strike, cause and effect are locked, leaving Xu Ying nowhere to hide or escape!

As the saying goes, cause and effect does not exist in the sea of ​​chaos. It does not mean that cause and effect does not exist, but that cause and effect becomes chaotic, thus giving people the illusion of non-existence.

After all, Jiang Ziliu has reached the end of his path of cause and effect. Even the sea of ​​chaos cannot turn his path of cause and effect into chaos!

Xu Ying urged the long sword, raised the sword with both hands, met Jiang Ziliu's nine palms, and slashed it down boldly!


When the sword light fell, I suddenly saw that among the nine reincarnations, time and space were split layer by layer. There was a promise in each time and space reincarnation. They held a long knife high in their hands and slashed towards Jiang Ziliu!

At this moment, countless promises were made, and Xiang Ziliu was cut off!

In the infinite time and space of the nine reincarnations, countless promises were slashed with the sword, and the order of the avenues used by each promise was actually different!

The trends of their sword techniques are also different, and their moves are different!

At this moment, Xu Ying used the unique skills of True Lord Yongle to their fullest potential, even to a level of sophistication that True Lord Yongle could not match!

It's just that Xu Ying can borrow the power of the past, but cannot borrow the power of the future. He can only exert half of the strength of Zhenjun Yongle in the past and future.

But it’s no small matter!

Countless Xu Ying slashed down with his sword at the same time, bursting out with an almost Yuanshi-like terrifying power, facing Jiang Ziliu's Nine Palms!

Jiang Ziliu immediately recognized Lord Yongle's unique move. Even when the sword fell, he actually had the illusion that a being from the Yuanshi Dao realm was attacking him!

The most frightening thing is that he even saw endless light flowing under Xu Ying's feet, forming a road to the end of reincarnation. Behind Xu Ying, an incomparably majestic figure burst out with infinite light, walking from the end of the road, gradually turning into a Be real!

Behind countless promises, there is an extremely majestic figure!

Who is that?

Jiang Ziliu was shocked in his heart, but he didn't think much about it. With one step, he raised the avenue of cause and effect to the extreme. Xu Ying immediately saw himself in countless reincarnations, all facing Jiang Ziliu's nine palms!

Promise, time and space reincarnate, cause and effect are difficult to determine!

Jiang Ziliu's sneer came, You used Zhenjun Yongle's unique skills to deal with me, but you are still a little short of Taoism!

There is only one Jiang Ziliu, but his nine palms appear in all the past time and space that Xu Ying intercepted. This is the wonderful use of the Avenue of Cause and Effect.

This is similar to how Xu Ying used the broken knife to stand at the end of the road and defeat the True Monarch Yongle!

The two palms collided, and the Chaos Sea exploded. The nine reincarnations shattered. In the reincarnations, countless promises exploded and died!

And the promise in front of Jiang Ziliu exploded with a loud bang, killing him on the spot!

However, among the nine reincarnations, there was one Xu Ying who was only severely injured. The long knife in his hand was broken, but he did not die.

That Xu Ying suddenly looked like a butterfly flying upside down, galloping away in the sea of ​​chaos!

The moment the long knife cut off the nine reincarnations and collapsed, the extremely majestic figure behind him suddenly flew backwards and disappeared at the end of the avenue.

Jiang Ziliu breathed a sigh of relief, his clothes were dancing, his big sleeves were fluttering, and he followed Xu Ying and chased away!

Xu Ying flew quickly in front, causing a surging undercurrent to roll up in the chaotic sea. Jiang Ziliu followed this undercurrent and quickly caught up to Xu Ying's rear.

Suddenly, he felt alert, and he saw a finger that seemed to gather all the light in the universe, pointing towards him!

Original Dow!

Jiang Ziliu's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately remembered the finger that Emperor Chen used to almost kill the leader of the Tao Alliance under Xu Ying's guidance!

His figure flashed rapidly, and he mobilized nine evidences at the same time to meet Xu Ying's finger!


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, an extremely bright light beam burst out in the chaotic sea. The light beam was straight, slender at the front end, and thick at the back end, and was billions of miles long!

This beam of light penetrated Jiang Ziliu's two palms. His two palms were one behind the other, and the front and back were bright!

The beam of light rubbed his temples, penetrated the sea of ​​chaos behind him, and flattened the sea of ​​chaos!

The corners of Jiang Ziliu's eyes trembled, and beads of sweat fell from his temples.

Xu Ying's finger actually pierced the mark at the end of the Cause and Effect Path behind him, causing a big hole to appear in each of his hands where the Cause and Effect Path was branded!

If he gets hit, I'm afraid even I will fall into his hands!

Jiang Ziliu was frightened for a while, calmed down, and hurried forward to pursue him.

Fortunately, although his Dao practice is high, his Dao power has not yet reached the end of the road. If his Dao power is on par with mine, I am afraid that I will definitely die with just one finger! He is injured now, we cannot let him escape!

In front of him, Xu Ying suppressed the Taoist blood that surged into his throat, and with the help of Jiang Ziliu's palm power, he quickly escaped far away, and said in a low voice: The Master of the Nine Halls is worthy of being a giant of the Taoist Alliance, and his strength is still incomparable! Unfortunately, my sword was struck by He must stop it, otherwise he will definitely be able to summon the Chaos Lord Taihuang into the present world!

The majestic figure behind him was the Chaos Lord Tai Huang, who was almost summoned from the brand to the present world by his sword.

Unfortunately, the sword attack was interrupted by Jiang Ziliu and he was unable to summon the Emperor Tai.

Xu Ying's body suddenly shook and he turned into a chaotic creature. His limbs swam and whizzed away, and his speed suddenly increased.

Behind him, the Avenue of Cause and Effect was like extremely bright silk threads, whizzing and swishing through the sea of ​​chaos, as if entering a realm of nothingness, as if there was no resistance at all.

The chaotic creature that Xu Ying transformed into felt itchy wounds on its body, and bright causal lines grew from the wounds, getting longer and longer, connecting with the causal lines traced from behind!

Xu Ding hurriedly shook his body, but even if he turned into a chaotic creature, he could not get rid of these causal lines.

More and more threads fell on him, and gradually the threads of cause and effect weaved into a web, slowing down Xu Ying's speed.

The chaotic creature transformed by Xu Ying suddenly swam with its limbs, and a raging sky fire of death ignited in its body. The next moment, it turned into a huge flood source of death, roaring and rolling in the sea of ​​chaos, with great momentum.

The sky fire burned crazily, trying to refine those causal lines.

Jiang Ziliu chased after him, his soul emerged behind him, and grabbed the big net of cause and effect. The big net came out of the source of annihilation, and the other end was caught in his hand.

The flood source of annihilation advanced suddenly in the sea of ​​chaos, rushing east and west, with a terrifying momentum.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziliu couldn't help but admire: You were injured like this by me, but you still survived, and you hurt my finger and escaped here! With the realm of Taoist Master, you are the only one who has achieved this step! However, You are at the end of your rope!

He was about to close the net, but at this moment, the Flood Source of Nirvana broke through the Sea of ​​Chaos with a roar and entered the void!

Jiang Ziliu's Yuanshen pulled the causal net and was also pulled into the void.

Jiang Ziliu followed closely and rushed into the void, only to see the flood source of annihilation soaring in the void. Suddenly, the sky fire quickly shed away, and a humanoid thing rushed out of the flood source in the fire!

The flood was like a stream of fire flowing into the man's body.

That man was none other than Xu Ying. While running, he continued to practice his own Dao, and in just a few moments, he healed the Dao injury Jiang Ziliu left him!

At the same time, Jiang Ziliu Yuanshen pulled back the net with force and caught Xu Ying. In the great web of cause and effect, Xu Ying remained calm in the face of danger and waved the broken knife. In an instant, the nine reincarnations reappeared, cutting through the void with a bang!

Xu Ying cut off all the causal lines in the injury and finally escaped.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he gained his freedom, Jiang Ziliu's nine-path evidence-based palm power had already crushed the void and came to him!

Xu Ying held the sword and struck it down diagonally. When the sword fell, the void was torn apart immediately, and a magnificent scene of opening up the world appeared in the void!

In front of Jiang Ziliu, it was like the universe was opening up, and the sword light was so terrifying that even his nine evidence-based palm powers were broken layer by layer!

This broken knife must be a Yuanshi Dao tool, a Yuanshi treasure!

Xu Ying's technique was also extremely subtle. He opened up the universe in a place where there was nothing in the void. It was really something out of nothing. It was so wonderful that it was even better than the Emperor Chen of that day!

However, the next moment, the long knife broke!

The sound of chi chi chi came, and lines of cause and effect penetrated his figure!

Xu Ying, although your magical powers are unparalleled and astonishing to me, your cultivation is still too poor.

Jiang Ziliu's voice came from the opposite side, his tone was indifferent, If your cultivation level were a little higher, maybe even I would be defeated in your hands.

Xu Ying let out a muffled groan and flew away, suddenly smashing into the void and disappearing from the void.

Jiang Ziliu immediately escaped into the sea of ​​chaos, and countless lines of cause and effect were flying, passing through the sea of ​​chaos, and tracking the phantom that was running away!

Xu Ying is the fish in the sea of ​​chaos, and he is the fisherman who has plunged his spear into the belly of the fish. Although the prey is fierce and cunning, it can never escape his trap.

Jiang Ziliu caught up and frowned when he saw that in just a short moment, Xu Ying had activated the nine evidences and healed the injuries.

During the battle between the Taoist leader and Di Chen, he was also amazed at the nine evidences of the Taoist leader, which put him in a situation of immortality, which was really amazing.

However, he did not expect that he would see the nine evidences of the Dao Alliance Leader in Xu Ying's body, and it would be effortless to heal the Dao injuries!

This promise is like a combination of Taoist leader and Emperor Chen!

The two chased and fought, fighting in the sea of ​​chaos for decades. Jiang Ziliu still couldn't catch Xu Ying, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

He found that Xu Ying became more and more calm in the face of his pursuit, and even occasionally took the initiative to turn back and fight him with two moves before drifting away.

If it weren't for his exquisite karma, he might have been thrown away by Xu Ying and disappeared.

Got you!

Jiang Ziliu suddenly realized something, and suddenly tightened the line of cause and effect, turning it into a snare, catching a huge creature in the sea of ​​chaos and pulling it towards him.

However, the huge thing was very heavy, and Jiang Ziliu dragged it for a long time before pulling it close.

What was caught in the net was indeed a chaotic creature.

Jiang Ziliu sneered: Xu Ying, you can't get rid of me even if you turn into a chaotic creature. Do you know why?

The chaotic creature spoke human words and said: Because the sea of ​​chaos cannot eliminate cause and effect, it is only chaotic cause and effect. However, the avenue of cause and effect is also the cause and effect state of Tao. Jiang Ziliu, after fighting with you for these years, I have understood this a little.

Jiang Ziliu was about to speak, but he saw the chaotic creature turned into a human body. It was Xu Ying, and he escaped from the net of cause and effect, holding a big net of cause and effect in his hand.

Jiang Ziliu, you claim to have exhausted the cause and effect, but you were deceived by the cause and effect of the Chaos Sea.

Xu Ying grabbed the big net of cause and effect and pulled it back with all his strength.

Jiang Ziliu's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly avoided, only to find that one end of the causal thread on the causal network was indeed connected to him, but it was not this end that Xu Ying pulled, but the other end!

He suddenly looked back, dumbfounded, frozen there, at a loss.

No way! This can't be true!

His expression was dull, and he saw extremely thick causal lines pulling at a universe, floating from the sea of ​​chaos.

That was the universe that gave birth to him. It had been extinct for tens of billions of years, and now it suddenly appeared in front of him.

But, everything in this universe has been extinct...

His mind was clouded.

He saw with his own eyes that the past, future, and everything else in this universe were all extinguished and turned into the nourishment of the Annihilating Heavenly Fire, which could never reappear.

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