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Chapter 982 The Tao is ruthless but affectionate

Jiang Ziliu was dumbfounded and murmured: Xu Ying has finally followed the path of the old thief Dao Ji. Even the universe that gave birth to him will destroy Yin Ji Ji! He is really worse than a beast!

On the surface of the big clock, all kinds of lights are flowing, which is extremely magnificent.

When the texture of the avenue of chaos flips, thousands of avenues such as yin and yang, four images, five elements, and six combinations also emerge.

Immediately, the various avenues fell into a state of chaos, and continued to turn into chaotic textures flowing through the clock.

The bell displayed the profoundness of the Avenue of Chaos. Jiang Ziliu felt that even Hun Tunsheng, the master of the Chaos Palace, would praise it for its exquisiteness when he came here.

And on the surface of the big clock, there is also the Hongmeng Purple Qi, flowing densely, the five innate Tai Tai, infinite, Hunyuan Tai Yi, the ancestor of ten thousand ways, the evolution of reincarnation, the manifold of ten thousand ways!

He even saw the avenue of cause and effect, which was explained vividly by this big bell!

Jiang Ziliu is the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect of the Tao Alliance. He has cultivated the Way of Cause and Effect to the point where he can freely rely on the evidence of the nine paths and stands at the end of the Avenue of Cause and Effect.

His attainments in the Path of Cause and Effect are the highest, but the other eight innate avenues are not weak either. It is just because they are based on the evidence of cause and effect. The achievements of the other eight innate avenues are slightly inferior and they have not reached the end of the path.

However, in his eyes, none of the nine innate avenues of this big clock could find fault. Even with the avenue of cause and effect, he couldn't find any fault at all.

He is no stranger to Master Zhong.

Zhong Daoyou was once treated kindly by us as a big shot. There were thousands of Taoist temples in the Taoist alliance, and at the end of thousands of avenues, Taoism was allowed to be consulted. However, although his wisdom was quite high, he was only imitating after all, and could not reach this step at all.

Jiang Ziliu's eyes flashed. Since it was not Master Zhong, he could only agree.

Xu Ying's cultivation at this time has improved a lot compared to when he protected Wen Nanxun from escaping from the Taoist Alliance. Especially the depth of Taoism has improved astonishingly.

Just when he thought of this, he saw that the size of the big bell had grown to an unbelievable size. As the bell rang, the entire avenue of heaven and earth in the three realms fell apart, shattering and shattering rapidly!

There are actually many masters in these three realms. Jiang Ziliu observed that there are more than ten Taoist masters in the three realms, and their cultivation levels are actually quite good!

These more than ten Taoist masters noticed the changes in the heaven and earth avenues of the three realms, and each used their magical powers. Each of their physical souls became extremely vast, facing the big bell coming from the sea of ​​chaos!

Among them, there is a Taoist master with the strongest cultivation. The path he follows is somewhat similar to the nine-path evidence-based path of the Taoist Alliance, but his cultivation system is somewhat deviated. He is actually cultivating the Taoist tree.

When this man sacrificed the Tao tree, his body transformed into ten thousand, and thousands of incarnations of Tao masters appeared, each with a Tao tree to fight against the big bell!

Those who practice Dao Tree should be in the Chaos Spiritual Root Cultivation System!

Jiang Ziliu's eyes flashed, and he immediately identified the source of the opponent's cultivation system. He thought that the chaotic spiritual root of this universe was a tree, so the Dao tree cultivation system was derived.

The other Taoist masters' cultivation methods are also based on the nine evidence-based methods. There is a person who looks like a young man. His cultivation methods are mixed, but he can unify them. There is another person who has a physical body and a soul, but he is not like a living person, but like a demon.

There is also the Dragon God, who cultivated himself into an immortal spiritual light, and actually achieved a breakthrough and became a Taoist master.

There is also a cosmic soul who is also in the Taoist realm!

Jiang Ziliu also saw a golden-haired monkey and a thousand-armed stone man, who actually became Taoist masters!

In addition, there are several other Tao masters who are also extremely powerful. They all choose one of the nine innate ways to become Tao masters!

How come there are so many extraordinary masters in this three-realm universe? And the number of them is really weird!

Jiang Ziliu was just astonished when he suddenly saw dense crowds of immortal-level experts flying out from the three realms of heaven, earth, and humans. They were also densely packed and rushing towards the big bell!

Here, there are birds, snakes, crocodiles, and other forms, and there is even a black dog, which is also immortal!

Jiang Ziliu was shocked and doubtful, but saw that the person with the highest level of cultivation here was actually an old monk who practiced the Great Way of the Void!

A small three-realm universe has given birth to so many masters, just like a small Taoist alliance. It's really amazing!

Jiang Ziliu couldn't help but admire and said in a low voice, In normal times, we can be introduced to the Dao Alliance. But now, the general trend of our Dao Alliance has become complete, and all the universes in the chaotic sea will be annihilated and turned into Chaos. So it’s a pity for these people.”

Those who rushed towards the big bell were none other than the Void Emperor, the Ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Taoist Wukong, the Ancient Ancestor, the Ancestral God, and others. When everyone noticed that the avenue of heaven and earth in the Three Realms was being crushed by a huge force, they immediately flew over.

How powerful is the Taoist master's cultivation?

With their strength, they can cross the sea of ​​stars in just a moment, and reach the edge of the universe in more than ten days.

Especially the Void Emperor, whose cultivation is the most powerful, takes the first step, and can actually reach the edge of the universe from the Earthly Immortal Realm in half a day!

When he arrived here, he saw that the front was like a vast ocean of Dao realm. Countless avenues burst out with glowing light, submerging the stars in the three realms. Even the immortals in some holy places disappeared into the Dao light before they had time to escape!

Who is it on such a large scale?

Even though Emperor Xu was extremely powerful and was chasing Luo Taizong and Dao Zun back then, his heart trembled when he saw this situation.

He looked out into the universe and vaguely seemed to see an extremely huge clock wall.

The bell wall seems to be rotating, causing the sea of ​​chaos to rotate with it.

Is that the Chaos Clock?

Emperor Xu was a little desperate in his heart, but he still tried his best to mobilize the three realms of heaven and earth that he could mobilize. However, he saw the immeasurable glow coming from behind him, making him as colorful as a peacock.

The Void Emperor shouted violently, activated his magical power, and blasted towards the bell wall that was crushing from outside the universe!


Outside the universe, a loud bell rang. The big bell did not even pause. As the bell rang, a flood of light from the bell swarmed in, drowning the Void Emperor!

Xu Huang's body was shaken, and the rays of light behind him suddenly fell apart!

He looked back and saw the great tide of light surging, flooding all the starry skies in its path at an alarming speed.

At this speed, it would only take two or three days at most for this clock to destroy the Three Realms!

Who is it that wants to destroy my Three Realms? Emperor Xu felt desperate.

Soon, the great tide of light formed by the big bell came to the front of the Earth Immortal Ancestor, Yuan Ancestor, Ancestral God, Qing Xuan and others.

Taiyi Tianzun exhausted his vision and looked out, vaguely seeing an extremely huge face outside the chaos, but he couldn't see who it was.

The Avenue of Reincarnation!

He adjusted the reincarnation, and suddenly the entire three-dimensional universe formed a huge halo under the power of reincarnation, hanging behind his head.

Taiyi Tianzun raised his head and saw the faces of Da Zhong and Xu Ying that looked like ancient gods.

Xu Daozu, Master Zhong!

Taiyi Tianzun was shocked, and then in the sound of the bell, his reincarnation was shattered, the big bell swallowed him, and the rolling light drowned him!

Emperor Xu didn't have time to prepare, but others were already on guard. Sheng Zun, Yuan Ancestor and other Taoist masters each deployed their strongest means and were ready.

However, when the light wave arrived, they saw the two Taoist Masters Xuhuang and Taiyi standing in the light, saying loudly: Fellow Taoists, this light has no malicious intent!

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal sneered: You are not malicious in destroying my heaven and earth avenue? Emperor Xu, Taiyi, your own avenue has been cleansed, and you are no longer the real you!

Everyone activated their magical powers, sacrificed their magic weapons, and blasted them forward.

Emperor Xu sighed and greeted everyone!

As the bell rang, everyone's Taoism was suddenly broken. They all groaned, breathless, and were swallowed up by the tide of Daoguang!

In the light of the light, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal struggled and shouted: Don't even think about changing my way of heaven and earth and turning me into a puppet like Emperor Xu!

Everyone felt that their respective avenues were rapidly changing, being replaced by the avenue within the clock, and they were filled with shock, anger, and fear.

This power was so majestic and incredible that they had no power to resist.

The Holy Lord said desperately: Who is it that has such a deep hatred against the Three Realms?

It seems to be a promise. Taiyi Tianzun said.

Everyone expressed disbelief.

However, in just a few moments, the avenue they practiced themselves was replaced by the avenue within the clock. Even the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, who was shouting that he would never obey, stopped talking at this moment.

Wherever this bell shrouded, all the inherent avenues of heaven and earth in the three realms were destroyed and replaced.

Therefore, the starry sky is still the starry sky, and all living beings are still all living beings, and they have not changed at all!

Even in the underworld, after the light of light passed through, everything remained as usual. Po Meng was still selling tea on the bridge, and the four emperors were in charge of the order of the underworld as before.

The ancestors of the Earth Immortals and others also noticed that the avenues of heaven and earth in the three realms had become extremely intense, and there were even many more avenues of heaven and earth that had never existed before!

Especially Taoist Yuxu, he was even more surprised.

He practiced the Void Avenue and was always trapped in the realm of immortality, because no matter whether it was the Three Realms or other universes, the Void Avenue was incomplete.

However, in the current Three Realms, the Void Avenue has become sound!

He actually sensed that the opportunity to become a Taoist master was approaching!

Xu Ying's move is very strange. Emperor Xu thought.

After that, tens of thousands of immortals faced this tide that destroyed the world. Although the number of immortals was large, even the Tao Master had no effect, let alone them?

As soon as the bell rang, all the immortals fell into the light tide.

The big bell swallowed up the three realms of the universe, and the three realms of heaven, earth, and man were soon submerged in the light of Dao.

In the Immortal Court of the Earthly Immortal Realm, Immortal Emperor Xu Jing held Lan Suying's hand tightly and looked up at this scene. Then the light came in and drowned them.

Not long after, the light dissipated. Immortal Emperor Xu Jing opened his eyes and looked around suspiciously.

Jiang Ziliu stood in the sea of ​​chaos and quietly observed this scene. The various causes and effects of the three realms were clear and distinct in his eyes, without any confusion.

When the big bell annexed the three realms, he finally looked back, showing doubts.

He originally thought that Xu Ying would destroy the three realms and turn them into powder with one blow, but now it seems that Xu Ying did not intend to destroy the three realms.

Xu Ying rolled up his sleeves and saw the big bell spinning and flying up, getting smaller and smaller, turning into an ordinary copper bell over a foot high, floating in the palm of his hand.

In just one or two days, the universe of the three realms was replaced by his own avenue of heaven and earth!

The great path practiced by monks in the three realms was actually replaced by him!

The Three Realms were even refined into the big bell by him, which can be carried around with him.

Fellow Daoist Xu, this kind of magical power is rare in the Chaos Sea. Even at the end of the avenue beyond the Nine Paths, they may not have such powerful Dao power as you.

Jiang Ziliu's voice came, and Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a middle-aged Confucian scholar with a feather fan and a turban, stepping on the Qi of Chaos. There were many lights behind him, forming a road, reaching the end of the avenue. It can be seen that the figure of this Confucian scholar was like an eternity. The immutable gods are imprinted there.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on this brand, and he saw the scene of thousands of universes in the sea of ​​chaos arising and dying in the cause and effect, and countless sentient beings rising and falling in the cause and effect.

Countless lines of cause and effect formed the final road at Jiang Ziliu's feet.

Fellow Daoist Xu is indeed a big shot. In the hundreds of years since the destruction of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, your cultivation strength has made great progress.

Jiang Ziliu looked at Xu Ying and didn't see the Chaos Clock. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, I thought you wanted to destroy the Three Realms, but I didn't expect that you actually let your own avenue replace the Three Realms. You want to destroy the Three Realms. The cause and effect with the Chaos Sea, to avoid the Chaos Sea opening up in the future? What a good method!

When he saw that Xu Ying had included the Three Realms within the big bell, he understood Xu Ying's intention.

If the Dao Alliance wants to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, all the universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos will be destroyed, leaving no one behind. Otherwise, the Sea of ​​Chaos cannot be completely opened up.

These universes were born from the sea of ​​chaos, and they also have to repay cause and effect.

Therefore, Xu Ying replaced the avenues of heaven and earth of the three realms, and even the avenues of heaven and earth of all monks and sentient beings, with his own avenue of heaven and earth, which was equivalent to erasing the cause and effect of the three realms.

During the period when the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was destroyed, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang consulted each other in the new universe, comprehending and integrating the various avenues they had learned and seen before.

Moreover, Nan Kong Yuan, a person from the Yuanshi Realm, demonstrated the method of deceiving the Sea of ​​Chaos in front of him, so Xu Ying was able to use it.

It turns out to be Brother Jiang Dao.

Xu Ying greeted him politely and said with a smile, A little trick from the Yuanshi Dao Realm made Brother Dao laugh. Brother Dao Jiang has been here for a long time?

Jiang Ziliu strode forward, the avenue of cause and effect under his feet became brighter and brighter, and said with a smile: It won't be long. Xu Ying, your method is indeed exquisite, but this still cannot deceive the sea of ​​chaos. Because, you are from the three realms, you are in , the Three Realms are here, if you die, the Three Realms will also die. As long as you die, the Three Realms will be destroyed, and you will repay the cause and effect of the Chaos Sea.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: The cause and effect of the three realms are tied to me. This should be what monks like us have to do. Fellow Daoist Jiang, you are also from an ordinary background. Either you are born or you are at the end of the road. I noticed that the ground under your feet The avenue of cause and effect means that you are connected with these universes and achieve mutual success. But the one that has the greatest cause and effect on you is the universe in which you were born.

Jiang Ziliu sneered, cut off his words, and said: Xu Ying, you want to use the law of cause and effect to make me change my understanding? You are too arrogant. The universe where I was born has long since died, and I just look at it. Nirvana, but I can't do anything to save the common people, so I joined the Tao Alliance! The avenue of cause and effect behind me has tens of thousands of universes, and each universe has countless lines of cause and effect. Do you know their origins?

He paused and said: After the death of my local universe, I stepped into the Sea of ​​Chaos to find a way to solve the catastrophe and save all living beings. I have been searching in the sea for a million years, ten million years, One hundred million years, one billion years, tens of billions of years! I walked through each universe and established cause and effect with the sentient beings there. I treated them as my own people. However, I found that I had no way to prevent them from being like me. The people of the tribe are extinct and dead like that!

Jiang Ziliu waved his hand gently, but when he saw the avenue of cause and effect suddenly dispersed, Xu Ying suddenly saw countless pictures, and the faces of all living beings in the universe were clearly visible!

They live like ordinary people, have their own joys and sorrows, and have their own legendary stories. However, before the catastrophe of annihilation, everything turned into ashes!

In the past countless years, I have traveled through thousands of universes, until I met the leader of the Tao Alliance, and until I had a long talk with him. When I heard his ideas, I was shocked by heaven and earth, and then I entered the Tao Alliance.

Jiang Zi showed admiration and said, The Sea of ​​Chaos is ruthless. The only way to truly prevent this tragedy is to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and see the truth of the Great Dao! Xu Ying, our Dao Alliance may seem ruthless, but in fact it is the greatest of affection.

Jiang Ziliu stretched out his palm and said calmly: You took away the eighteenth Chaos Spiritual Root, which caused the imperfect destruction of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. The Taoist Alliance Leader asked me to come and retrieve this spiritual root. Please don't, fellow Taoist. Make things difficult for me.”

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