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Chapter 979 So what about sacrifice?

The leader of the Dao Alliance regarded me as his opponent and said that I also lost to him. It's really ridiculous. I just taught Di Chen a few magical skills, and then I beat you half to death. I had to ask the Yuanshi Realm being behind the Dao Alliance to save you. field.

Xu Ying shook his head gently. He had no grudges with the Dao Alliance Leader, nor did he have any grudges with the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. He just happened to be involved in this dispute by them. How had he ever thought of fighting with them?

As for the current Chaos Lord and the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, they are just things imposed on him by others.

The victory or defeat mentioned by Dao Alliance Leader Yuan Xu has nothing to do with him.

He just acted based on his likes and dislikes. He thought Di Chen was pleasing to his eyes, so he helped Di Chen. He thought the Chaos Lord was good, so he agreed to become the next generation of Chaos Lord.

That's all.

I left the Three Realms only because others said that I lacked the heart to seek the Tao, so I stepped into the Sea of ​​Chaos to seek the true Tao. These disputes have nothing to do with me. Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

From the moment he stepped out of the Three Realms, he was a seeker, and the Great Way was his pursuit.

As for the so-called right path, it has nothing to do with me.

Xu Ying thought of this and offered fire jujube branches again.

Leaving the Sea of ​​Chaos, avoiding these disputes, and studying the avenues overseas of Chaos is currently his best choice.

At this time, a deep voice was heard: I, the Wuji King Xiao Jishan, would like to take the place of the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor and suffer immeasurable calamity and burn immeasurable heavenly fire!

Xu Yingxun looked up and saw that in the Hunyuan Immortal Courtyard in the distance, a sudden light burst out, and the Wuji Dao burst out. In the Wuji Dao light, the figure of Wuji King Xiao Jishan emerged, getting bigger and bigger, becoming more and more majestic!

Xiao Jishan is actually pulling the energy of disaster scattered in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty into his body!


His own avenue suddenly burned and turned into a blazing fire of annihilation. Although he was at the end of the road, his own cultivation strength was far inferior to that of Di Chen. Before he could absorb the calamity in Huangji Capital into his body, he could no longer bear it and began to die.

At this time, Taoist Zuo Xiangyi's figure appeared in the sky above Huangji Imperial Capital, and his voice was low, but it spread throughout the countryside.

We come from all living beings. At this time, we should sacrifice ourselves to give hope to all living beings. In the future, there will be more of us coming from all living beings.

He sat cross-legged in the air, and infinite light emerged behind him, appearing at the end of his own road, actively attracting the fate of heaven and earth, and setting himself on fire.

On the other side, Qianyuan King Xue Renju rushed into the air, sat down cross-legged, formed a seal with his hands, one hand held up to the sky, and the other hand touched the ground, and said calmly: Qianyuan King Xue Renju, although he is not the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, he was also burned by the fire. The heart of suffering for all sentient beings.

Figures walked high into the sky one by one, King of Ruiguang Liupingshan, King of Liuli Pei Bolin, King of Samsara Fu Tingyan, Marquis of Destiny Weng Tingsui...

The nine kings and eighteen princes of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, the two prime ministers on the left and the right, and the thirty-six heavenly generals, each of them are powerful figures sitting cross-legged, inducing the misfortunes of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and incorporating them into themselves.

They use their own way to evolve the universe, trying to restrain the disaster.

Soon, the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana ignited in many people's bodies. The Heavenly Fire was raging, burning their universe to the point of collapse and falling into Nirvana!

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked from a distance, and saw that in just a short moment, Wuji King Xiao Jishan had been burned to nothing but a hollow shell. The flames were burning under his skin, and the flames were coming out of his eyes, nostrils, and mouth. .

The Wuji King Xiao Jishan has been burned to nothing.

Xu Ying frowned slightly. Although the misfortune of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was terrifying and even the Tao Master might not be able to escape, the existence at the end of the avenue should be able to escape.

However, these people at the end of the road took the initiative to sacrifice their lives to save all living beings and try to extend the life of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Husband, with their strength, there is no way they can continue the life of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Yuan Weiyang looked at the sky above the Immortal Court, shook his head and said, This catastrophe is bound to swallow up all the universes of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and wipe out everything. They are not Emperor Chen, and the calamity they can absorb is just a drop in the bucket.

In the body of Wuji King Xiao Jishan, the unburnt calamity turned into annihilating heavenly fire and flew out, swallowing up the heaven and earth avenue of Huangji Imperial Capital!

Many strong men from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty flew out, trying to use their own lives to absorb more disasters, burning their bodies with heavenly fire to prolong the life of the Immortal Dynasty.

There were balls of sky fire floating in the air, which were the masters of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty who were burned to death.

They came one after another, which made Xu Ying couldn't help but feel moved.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, put away the fiery jujube branches, and said to Yuan Weiyang: Madam, I still have some unfinished karma with the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. After this karma is over, let's leave the Sea of ​​Chaos and go to the Great Void to be at ease.

Yuan Weiyang nodded softly and said softly: I am all in accordance with my husband.

Xu Ying walked in the void, and not long after, he arrived outside the Huangji Imperial Capital. The thousands of chaotic spiritual roots that guarded the Huangji Imperial Capital were also filled with heavy calamity at this moment, and began to decay under the erosion of the calamity.

Xu Ying came to the palm of the giant stone statue of Yuanshi Yuanshen, and saw eighteen chaotic spiritual roots piercing into the void and chaos, absorbing the energy of the void and chaos.

However, now, these eighteen chaotic spiritual roots have also decayed!

Especially the eighteenth Chaos Spiritual Root, which was recreated by Yuan Weiyang from Yuanshi Daoqi and was not a real Chaos Spiritual Root.

At this moment, this Chaos Lotus has withered, and flames are burning around it. It can no longer support the avenue and destiny of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Xu Ying invited Chaos Lotus out, bowed and said: Second Master Lian, do you still have any way to mend the sky at the moment?

From the chaotic lotus, the little girl in the lotus skirt flew out and looked up at the annihilated lotus.

At this moment, the lotus was burned to ashes, and what followed was the collapse of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the Hunyuan Universe!

The little girl in the lotus skirt was about to fly forward and use herself to make up for the great road of heaven and earth. Suddenly, the other seventeen chaotic spiritual roots made a crackling sound, and each spiritual root began to collapse, just like the Kunlun Mountains were broken, and the broken mountains fell from the sky, towards Smash the stone statue of Yuanshi Yuanshen!

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, he hurriedly grabbed the little girl in the lotus skirt, and quickly retreated with Chaos Lotus!

Yuan Weiyang retreated with him, looking up at the sky with a pale face. Around the seventeen spiritual roots, more spiritual roots began to break and collapse, and the raging calamity fire followed them!

These thousands of chaotic spiritual roots guard the surroundings of the Imperial Capital. At this moment, all the spiritual roots are breaking and burning!

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked at this shocking scene, and the same thought suddenly came to their minds: The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is no longer able to recover.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's eyes fell on the Chaos Lotus, his eyes were strange, and he murmured: If the Second Master Lian is the eighteenth spiritual root that the Hunyuan Universe has been looking for, then why does the Second Master Lian have no luck?


His eyes shone brightly, Er Master Lian was taken away by the founder at the beginning of the Hunyuan Universe before it was formed! She has never experienced everything in the Hunyuan Universe, so she naturally has no luck! She has no luck, that is, Said... Mr. Lian, come with me to save people!

The little girl stood on the Chaos Lotus and followed him in confusion.

Xu Ying was so excited that he flew to the Huangji Capital and murmured: If you are the eighteenth spiritual root of the Hunyuan Universe, then the meeting between you and me is not an accident, but someone arranged for you and me to meet. This The purpose of sending you to me is to use my hands to save all sentient beings in the Hunyuan Universe today.

He flew to the Emperor's Capital, and his vast spiritual consciousness immediately enveloped the entire Hunyuan Universe and reached everyone's ears.

All soldiers of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty listen to my order: Now that the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is about to disappear, I have brought the eighteenth Chaos Spirit Root to evolve the majesty of the universe. Entering the new universe can avoid disaster! All soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty , the migrating people, go to the new universe to avoid disaster! All the soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty, the migrating people, go to the new universe to avoid disaster!

He spoke loudly and his voice echoed everywhere.

Upon hearing this, Chaos Lotus immediately sacrificed its universe. This universe was not very big, not comparable to the size of the Hunyuan Universe, but it was a brand new universe, a newly born universe.

This universe is suspended outside the Hunyuan Universe to avoid being infected by disaster.

Promised calls are still ringing out in various places, and many monks from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty have already begun to take action, borrowing various magic weapons to rescue nearby people and go to the Huangji Imperial Capital.

However, in the Imperial Capital, only a few people responded to the promise. More and more people came forward, using themselves as containers to absorb the misfortune that wandered between heaven and earth, trying to delay the outbreak of misfortune.

The sky was violently turbulent. When Di Chen absorbed the calamity of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty earlier, thousands of universes appeared in the sky. Now, instead of being submerged by the sea of ​​chaos, these universes were instead pulled by the calamity. They seemed to be breaking through the sea of ​​chaos. Imprisoned, like coming to the Hunyuan Universe!

This scene made Xu Ying frightened and reminded him of the Zhongting Ruins.

The Ruins of the Atrium Realm are the ruins left by the destruction of the Atrium Universe and the tens of thousands of universes under its jurisdiction!

The tens of thousands of universes under the jurisdiction of the Atrium Universe were originally supposed to be scattered in the sea of ​​chaos, just like the tens of thousands of universes under the jurisdiction of the Hunyuan Universe.

But the corpses of these universes gathered together to form a strange place like the World Ruins!

This shows that when the calamity broke out, these universes were pulled by the calamity of the atrium and broke through the sea of ​​chaos. Tens of thousands of universes hit the atrium one after another and became a whole!

Xu Ying's eyes twitched wildly, the fate of Hunyuan Universe will be the same!

These bastards!

He looked towards the Immortal Courtyard and saw that there were many soldiers in the Immortal Courtyard, but they were flying into the air in rows, bringing calamities into their bodies, and they were often burned completely by the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana!

These soldiers have strong cultivation base, high skills, and possess many magic weapons. If they take action, they will definitely be able to save more people of the Hunyuan Universe!

However, these people would rather die, but not many responded to the promised call.

Yuan Weiyang suddenly said: Husband, they are soldiers of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor Di Chen, and they are the most loyal to Immortal Emperor Di Chen. Emperor Chen died to delay the disaster, and they will also die to delay the disaster. You are not worthy of your name. , you don’t follow your words, so not many people listen to your orders.”

When Xu Ying heard the words, he suddenly woke up and said loudly: All the soldiers of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty listen to the order: I am the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor Xu Ying. The emperor passed away and made me the emperor. I inherit the throne. In this time of crisis, I am single. We are weak, but I hope that all the officers and men will inherit Emperor Chen's legacy and be united with me in the difficult times.

His voice became louder and more shocking, causing the soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty who were eager to die to save people to stop and look towards Xu Ying.

The late emperor did not look down on me because of my weakness. Instead, he entrusted the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty to me. Now the building is about to collapse. Even if the late emperor is resurrected, it cannot be restored.

Xu Ying said loudly, I remember the sages said that if the land is saved and people are lost, everyone and the land will be lost; if people are saved and lost, the land will be saved. Now the destruction of the Hunyuan universe has become a foregone conclusion. Today, my emperor responds, and I sincerely ask all the soldiers to We attach great importance to all living beings, and migrate all living beings to the new universe for the future!

As soon as the word future fell, many soldiers moved to various departments in the Immortal Courtyard to mobilize ships one after another. Seeing this, the other soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty also went to help.

Seeing this, Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little melancholy in his heart, and whispered: Now that I am naming the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, I am connected to the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Once these people are saved, I will abdicate in favor of others. , get rid of cause and effect, and still go to the great void.

Yuan Weiyang stood beside him and said: The living beings in the Hunyuan Universe are also burdened with the catastrophe of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. When they enter the new universe, their catastrophe will catch up with them, or they will turn into powder.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he looked up at the Chaos Lotus. He saw the Chaos Lotus holding up the new universe and flying towards the Chaos Sea with great effort.

The being who opened up the Hunyuan Universe back then must have great supernatural powers. He could count on this day, so he handed over the Chaos Lotus to me.

Xu Ying said, Since he has seen a corner of the future and knows that I will save the bells of the Hunyuan Universe and enter the new universe, then he must be sure to save the lives of these people.

His eyes were dark and he said, We just have to live up to our true intentions.

When Yuan Weiyang heard the words, he flew up and his voice came from far away: I am the great sacrificial wine of Hunyuan Universe. In this time of crisis, I should enter the world to save people!

In the Immortal Courtyard, many female fairies also flew out and flew to different directions in the Hunyuan Universe under the leadership of the Empress.

Yuan Weiyang is the master of the Void Dao. He is proficient in the Void Dao and can make buildings and ships travel through the void, coming and going extremely fast.

Boat after boat of people were sent to the new universe, and Xu Ying came to the new universe, where he towed many large ships and sent the people on board to the new world.

Time passed day by day, and Emperor Huangji was entangled in calamity. The universes in the sky were getting closer and closer, and the Sky Fire of Annihilation had begun to burn across the universe.

The great road between heaven and earth is gradually decaying and broken.

The buildings of Hunyuan Xianting gradually decayed, their speed became slower and slower, many stars were broken, and time and space became as fragile as burned paper.

Many buildings are trapped in such time and space, unable to move.

The officers and soldiers on the ship looked ashen.

Outside the new universe, Xu Ying ushered in the last fleet of tower ships. The Empress, Yuan Weiyang and a group of soldiers from the Immortal Dynasty brought the last remnants of the Hunyuan Universe.

Xu Ying responded to them and sent these survivors to Xinzhou.

However, the Empress and the Immortal Dynasty soldiers did not enter the new universe, but stayed outside the new universe.

Xu Ying looked at them in confusion and said, Empress, what are you...

The Empress smiled and bowed: New Emperor, we monks are burdened with heavy tribulations and are no better than ordinary people. If we enter the new universe, we are afraid that it will bring disaster to the new universe, so we will not enter.

Xu Ying's heart trembled and he said in a hoarse voice: You will die in the Hunyuan Universe!

The Empress smiled and said: In the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, countless soldiers have sacrificed their lives, so we don't care if there are more of us. If it can gain one more way for all sentient beings to survive, so what if we sacrifice?

She suddenly used force to push Yuan Weiyang into the new universe, and whispered: Weiyang Grand Sacrifice Wine, you are not from the Hunyuan universe, you still have life. Follow the new emperor, don't let him become a faint king!

Xu Ying stood at the edge of Xinzhou and waved goodbye to the Empress and the others.

Behind him, the Chaos Lotus became brighter and brighter, with golden light, turning into a lotus that held up the entire universe.

Gradually, the people on the opposite side were submerged by the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying sighed, returned to the New Universe, selected some young monks, and led them to various worlds in the New Universe, arranging the habitats of the sentient beings in the Hunyuan Universe, helping them build cities to resist beasts, and teaching them how to practice.

After all this was done, Xu Ying was finally able to rest.

He took out the jujube branch and fell silent.

The girl who broke off the branches and waited for him to leave the Sea of ​​Chaos together had left a hundred years ago.

Will we see you again in the future, Master Jinyu?

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