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Chapter 978 The Sea of ​​Chaos Does Not Need Justice

This series of changes, like a flash of lightning, is dazzling.

From the leader of the Dao Alliance standing on Lingque Mountain, using himself to make up for the spiritual root of Lingque, turning defeat into victory, to Di Chen learning Xu Ying's magical power to reverse the situation of the battle, to flying to Lingque Bridge to suppress Di Chen, to Di Chen learning the Yuanshi Dao Zhi and almost The number of changes that occurred during the execution of the leader of the Dao Alliance was so fast that everyone was stunned.

Later, the existence of the Yuanshi Realm personally took action and smashed the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron against Di Chen. Emperor Chen used his Dao fingers to hit the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron, but was attacked by the Dao Alliance leader and was killed by the Yuanshi Dao Cauldron. This scene made everyone even more shocked. The person was stunned and could not recover for a while.

The dignified leader of the Dao Alliance did not defeat his opponents by relying on his own strength. Instead, he took advantage of the geographical location, ambushed the most precious Lingguo Bridge, and relied on an existence from the Yuanshi Realm to defeat his opponents. This was despicable.

The Dao cauldron raised by Di Chen, who used his Dao Exhaustion Realm to challenge the existence of the Yuanshi Realm, blocked this blow, which was even more amazing. It made people realize that before he was killed, most of his feet had already stepped into this place. realm.

Xu Ying landed on the boat where Di Chen was. Looking at Di Chen, he suddenly remembered Xu Fu on Kunlun Mountain. Both of them were about to succeed, but were suddenly forcibly obliterated by an irresistible force.

Xu Fu was unfortunate. He tried his best to survive the catastrophe, but he was replaced by someone else and his mouth was silenced.

Xu Fu was lucky again. Xu Ying made arrangements in advance and eventually became a fool Ah Fu and survived.

Emperor Chen is different from Xu Fu.

Di Chen's goal is not to ascend, but just to kill the Dao Alliance leader Di Zhao, seek justice for the Hunyuan Immortal Emperors of the past generations, and get rid of the fate of being manipulated.

He also has another goal, which is to use the great pressure from the Taoist leader to break through and achieve Yuanshi.

He almost succeeded, but fell short at the last moment.

He is unfortunate. Although Xu Ying is still there, Xu Ying cannot save him like he saved Xu Fu.

Xu Ying saw the loneliness in Di Chen's eyes and understood the despair in his heart.

The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty can no longer escape the fate of destruction.

To resent the enemy's shamelessness?

Do you want to despise your opponent's dirty tricks?

To laugh at the enemy for hiding a Yuanshi Realm existence as a backing, don't you have enough courage to fight him fairly?

All this is meaningless to Di Chen now.

The Sea of ​​Chaos doesn't need justice. If you lose, you lose.

Di Chen suppressed the soldiers of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty who were about to move, and said in a hoarse voice, Return to the court——

The soldiers of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty originally wanted to avenge Emperor Chen and killed the Taoist leader, but they all stopped after hearing this.

Return to the court——

One building after another, the ships set sail one after another and sailed into the void.

Hutunsheng, Gu Daosheng and other nine hall masters were not far away. Seeing this scene, they hesitated but did not stop them.

Taoist leader Yuanxu did not stop them and watched the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty's building fleet go away.

The leader of the Yi League, Wu Zheng, frowned slightly. Xu Ying was originally invited by him to be a guest of the Yi League, but now he is on the ship of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. What should he do?

The void shook, and a fire jujube tree rose slowly, appearing in front of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty's fleet. Temple Master Jinyu and the evil Taoist stood under the tree one after another, looking towards Xu Ying.

Fellow Daoist Xu, the battle between Taoist leader and Di Chen has ended. I am leaving the Sea of ​​Chaos. Do you want to go with me, fellow daoist? Temple Master Jin Yu asked again.

Before this battle, she had already asked once, and Xu Ying readily agreed, even leaving behind his status as Chaos Lord.

This time, Xu Ying heard the question again, but hesitated and looked at the pale Di Chen.

Seeing this, Master Jinyu said, Do you want to think about it for a few days, fellow Taoist?

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Temple Master Jin Yu said: Then give fellow Taoist five days. After five days, I will set off to return to the Great Void.

She broke off a branch of the jujube tree and asked the evil Taoist to go and give it to Xu Ying, saying: Five days later, if the Taoist friend stirs this branch, the branches and leaves will turn into boats, carrying the Taoist friend from the void. , meet me.”

The evil Taoist came to the boat and handed the jujube branch to Xu Ying.

Temple Master Jin Yu took a deep look at Xu Ying from a distance and said: Today's Sea of ​​Chaos has become extremely dangerous, and now is a rare opportunity to leave. If it doesn't come within five days, I will leave the Sea of ​​Chaos and go to the Great Sea. Void, fellow Taoist, please don’t delay.”

Xu Ying accepted the fire jujube branch and solemnly said yes.

The evil Taoist followed Jin Yu and the two of them gradually moved away.

Di Chen's face was pale, his eyes were bleak, and his voice was hoarse: Xu Ying, why did you teach me your magical powers to help me win?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: You are talking about the magical power of opening the sky? That is not my magical power. It was the magical power taught to me by Yuxu Tianzun in the black coffin. The Yuanshi Dao Finger is not the magical power created by me, it is also the magical power of Yuxu Tianzun. My magical powers, I learned them by accident.”

Di Chen looked at him with a majestic expression and a questioning look on his face.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and said: I taught you my magical powers because your situation is very similar to that of a friend of mine. He was also harvested, and he also planned in every possible way, trying to counter-harvest, trying to get rid of his destined fate, and trying to ascend.

Di Chen asked: Who is he?

Fool Afu. Xu responded.

Di Chen was startled for a moment, then suddenly became furious and shouted: You compare a fool with me? Xu Ying, you are so bold! Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Your Majesty has run out of gas, so why bother to support yourself? You can't kill me. Your Majesty was arranged by Emperor Zhao to become the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor of this generation, but he found out the secret of the death of all the Immortal Emperors in the past. He was unwilling to accept it. Only after being manipulated by others did you deal with the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, steal the power of the Dao Tianxi, and reveal the true face of Emperor Zhao. These actions of yours are very similar to the fool Ah Fu.

Di Chen groaned angrily.

Xu Ying said: I have been manipulated and harvested by others since I was a child, and I lived in an environment like Mogasuri's. When I saw you, I couldn't help but think of Mogasuri's experience. Therefore, I have great sympathy for you and want to help you.

Sympathize with me?

Di Chen was stunned and suddenly laughed, Do you sympathize with me? I am the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, the most powerful person born in tens of thousands of universes. Do you sympathize with me? I control tens of thousands of universes and the life and death of all living beings. With supreme power, I give an order and countless people die through fire and water. My joy and anger affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Do you sympathize with me?

Xu Ying nodded slightly and looked at him sympathetically.

After a while, Di Chen calmed down his anger and sneered: I can't stop you from sympathizing with me, so you can do whatever you want. Xu Ying, why didn't you agree to leave with Temple Master Jin Yu?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I am the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, and I must find a chance for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty to survive.

Di Chen's body was straight, but big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He shook his head and said: At that time, because I couldn't keep you from the hands of the Dao League Nine Halls, I said this. My original intention was to kill someone with a borrowed knife. If the Dao League were If you are jealous of talents, I will kill you. I have bad intentions, so you don’t have to take it to heart. You can leave with Temple Master Jinyu. Temple Master Jinyu comes from the overseas world of chaos. She has a weak temperament and has taken the initiative to avoid all kinds of cause and effect over the years. She You can leave the Sea of ​​Chaos. Follow her and you will be safe.

Xu Ying smiled and said, How can I be in danger?

Di Chen snorted and said: As a big shot, no matter where you go, you will be attracted by others. The Dao Alliance will attract you, the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty will attract you, and the Yimei League will also attract you. The Chaos Lord's lineage will even directly let you Be the Lord of Chaos! But these are just uses!

He coughed violently, spitting out blood in large mouthfuls. The blood rotted away as soon as it spurted out, without any power at all.

Di Chen's face turned a sickly red and said: The Taoist League and the Yimeng have roped you in as their thugs. Even the Chaos Lord's lineage is in urgent need of the next generation of Chaos Lords because of the death of the Chaos Lord. That's why they let you take the lead. ! Also, do you think I really want you to become the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor? If you become the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, you will suffer the trillion-year calamity of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and use your body to trigger the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation!

He coughed loudly again, blood spurted out, and the smell of decay erupted when he landed on the ground.

Xu Ying frowned and looked at him silently.

Many ministers of the court hurriedly came forward to help Emperor Chen and asked him to sit down. Many courtiers also tried their best to heal his injuries.

However, Di Chen was hit by the Yuanshi Daoding and his life was cut off. This blow shattered all his avenues and completely erased the mark of the avenue at the end of his path.

The treatment methods used by these courtiers could not save him at all.

Di Chen sat on the throne, panting, shaking his head and saying: Xu Ying, in order to become the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, in addition to possessing peerless cultivation, you must also dare to sacrifice your life for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. You can't do it for Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. The person who gave up his life in the Immortal Dynasty, so the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor will definitely not be you.

Xu Ying asked: Are you someone who dares to sacrifice your life for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

I am!

Di Chen looked at the Huangji Capital, which was getting closer and closer, with a proud expression, and said, I am someone who can give up my life for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty! Before I became the Immortal Emperor, I swore that I could use my life to , in exchange for the continuation of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Xu Ying was slightly startled, that was not what Di Chen said in the past.

The former Emperor Chen once said that everyone in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was mediocre and unworthy of exchanging his own life for the lives of these ordinary people. Therefore, he would never die for all living beings like the previous Immortal Emperors.

Di Chen's eyes were distracted, but he smiled and said: Before I die, I will use this body of mine to absorb the misfortunes of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and prolong the life of the Immortal Dynasty! Promise, I will save the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty , and become the Immortal Emperor who will go down in history!

Xu Ying saw that his situation was extremely bad and frowned slightly.

The building fleet sailed into the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and many courtiers immediately set up the emperor's throne and the throne and flew towards the Immortal Court.

Xu Ying wanted to approach, but was blocked by someone, saying: Fellow Daoist Xu, please stay. Your Majesty will take the fate of thousands of universes into his own hands and will not tolerate any interruption.

Xu Ying sighed, his consciousness fluctuated, and he searched for Yuan Weiyang's whereabouts.

Yuan Weiyang did not show up for this duel between Di Chen and the leader of the Dao Alliance. He should have stayed in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty to take charge of the overall situation.

Not long after, Yuan Weiyang came to look for him and promised: Di Chen must die. The leader of the Dao Alliance has laid out many means to get rid of Di Chen. There must be a purpose. I have a terrible idea that has not been verified. I am afraid that Hunyuan will die. The Immortal Dynasty will surely fall. You leave with me, and we, husband and wife, will go to the Great Void with Master Jinyu to avoid this dispute.

Above his head, the Chaos Clock sounded displeased and made a clanging sound.

Yuan Weiyang looked at the Hunyuan Immortal Court and saw the misfortunes coming one after another. In the sky above the entire Huangji Imperial Capital, cosmic phenomena suddenly appeared one after another, ranging from far to near, and different from each other.

The catastrophes of various universes and the Hunyuan Universe have long been connected, and the catastrophes of these universes are actually coming to the Hunyuan Immortal Courtyard at this moment.

Yuan Weiyang hesitated and said, Okay! I'll go with you!

Xu Ying was about to take out the fire jujube branch when he suddenly froze and saw the figure of Taoist leader Yuan Xu appearing not far away.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought, but Taoist leader Yuanxu nodded slightly to him, indicating that he had no ill intentions.

Xu Ying stepped forward and Taoist leader Yuan Xu smiled and said: Chaos Lord's Taoist and magical powers are indeed very powerful. Di Chen learned your skills and almost killed me, which made me quite embarrassed. If it hadn't been for me. There is also a back-up plan, and he will definitely die in your hands.

He treats people and treats people like a spring breeze, leaving no ill feelings at all.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: Brother Dao chose the venue for the decisive battle very cleverly. I thought that in addition to taking advantage of the power of the Ling'an, you also had another purpose in choosing the venue for the decisive battle at the Zhongting Boundary Ruins.

Taoist leader Yuanxu hesitated and said with great interest: Dare you ask for advice?

Xu Ying said in a deep voice: The reason why the sixth generation of Chaos Lord Daoyuan cut off the Linggan and took the upper half of the Linggan to refine it into the Linggan Bridge is because if the Linggan continues to grow, it will form a cosmic flood source. This flood source It will inevitably grow to an extent that no one can open up. The flood will continue to swallow up the Sea of ​​Chaos until it is completely engulfed. This incident made me suddenly think of the scale of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, which was about the same size as the Atrium back then.

Taoist leader Yuan Xu smiled and said, What do you mean?

If the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is extinct, the new spiritual roots born from the corpse of this Immortal Dynasty will definitely be no less than the spiritual root, and the cosmic flood source born will inevitably be opened up by no one.

Xu Ying said, It will continue to grow and get bigger and bigger until it engulfs the entire Sea of ​​Chaos. The Dao Alliance takes opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos as its own responsibility, but there are infinite universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the Sea of ​​Chaos is also infinite. How can we open up the Sea of ​​Chaos? With your ability, Brother Dao, I'm afraid you will never succeed.

Yuan Xu, the leader of the Dao Alliance, laughed and said: My ability is indeed incompetent, but I found a way to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos. I lost the battle with Di Chen, defeated by you, but our Dao Alliance won, won Defeat the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and also defeat the Chaos Lord!

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: Your plan is indeed clever, but Di Chen is determined to die. He has already brought the tribulations of thousands of universes into his body. He has entered silence himself to extend his life for the Hunyuan Universe.

As soon as he finished speaking, the misfortunes surging across the universe suddenly stopped in the sky above the Imperial Capital.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky, but saw that time and space seemed to be still, and the rays of light formed by the catastrophe of the universe were motionless.


In the Hunyuan Immortal Courtyard, immeasurable calamity suddenly broke out, splashing out in all directions like fireworks, and out of control like the tide crushing the coast, rushing in all directions with a surging sound!

Amid the mighty tide of calamity, a cry like a landslide and tsunami could be heard: Your Majesty, he has died——

Xu Ying was shocked and looked in disbelief.

After all, Di Chen still couldn't hold on to the moment when he took the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty into himself and became extinct.

The existence of the Yuanshi Realm personally took action and the avenue was shattered. How to enter silence?

Beside him, Taoist leader Yuan Xu shook his head slightly and said, Emperor Chen is too idealistic. He took the initiative to lead the catastrophes of thousands of universes, but instead gathered the catastrophes in Huangji Imperial Capital, prompting the silence of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Destruction breaks out.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on his face and suddenly asked: Are you the emperor?

Taoist leader Yuan Xu smiled slightly and said: Promise, the Hunyuan Universe is about to be destroyed. This catastrophe of annihilation must be unbelievable. Even existences like you and me may not be able to survive this catastrophe of annihilation. Still. Leave early.

He turned around and left, waving his hand from a distance, and his voice came from afar: You and Di Chen defeated me, but you lost completely!

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