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Chapter 972 Brother Tao

Taoist Tongtian is also in the Great Flowing Light Realm of Yimeng?

Xu Ying was surprised and happy that two old friends, Li Xiao and Taoist Tongtian, were actually here!

He immediately left the former residence of Fairy Danxia with Li Xiao and went to find Taoist Tongtian.

Taoist Tongtian is very weird. He has been in the Yimeng for so many years and rarely talks to people and doesn't have many friends.

Li Xiao took him flying down the Chaos Dao Tree and said, I occasionally visit him, but he is not willing to see me and always has a stiff face.

Xu Ying smiled and said: He is obsessed with Tao and has no other distractions. However, he is a most affectionate and holy person, with the most abundant emotions.

Li Xiao's eyes widened, thinking of Taoist Tongtian's old-fashioned appearance, and also thinking of Xu Ying's description of the most holy love, it seemed that they couldn't match each other.

Senior Sister Li Xiao, your cultivation strength has improved rapidly over the years. Xu Ying looked at Li Xiao and said with a smile.

Li Xiao said proudly: Of course I am very powerful! In the seven thousand years since I left the other side, I have suffered a lot in the sea of ​​chaos, but fortunately I found the Yimeng and became a Taoist master in one fell swoop. Now, my master is Hua Dao Lord, I can beat him to death!

She waved her fist excitedly, wishing she could bring Master Hua over and beat him to death on the spot.

Only in Yimeng do I feel like I'm going home. Wrong, it's not home!

She chuckled and said, On the other side of my home, there are intrigues and intrigues. Without a good person, how can we have a free alliance? The monks here are all gentlemen and fellow-minded people. When I first came here, I played tricks on them, but I later found out How terribly wrong I was.

When she said this, she couldn't help but think of the absurd things she had done before. At that time, she had just arrived in the Great Flowing Light Realm of Yimeng. She was full of arrogance and deceived many fellow Taoists into using their magical weapons and deceiving their magical powers in order to gain a trick. Later he discovered that these fellow Taoists had pure Taoist hearts and had no defense against her. Only then did Li Xiao realize the truth and bowed his head to those fellow Taoists and admitted his mistake.

She suddenly became alert again and said: Junior Brother Xu, you came to Yimeng, don't you have any evil purpose?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: What evil purpose can I have? I was just invited by the leader of the Righteous Alliance to be a guest.

Li Xiao sneered and said: Yes, you are the Chaos Lord. Of course, the leader of the Yi Alliance must respectfully invite you as a guest. Xu, others don't know your details, but I know it very well! You can't even think of deceiving and abducting us in the Yi Alliance. ! Please repent!

Xu Ying pointed to the Chaos Bell above his head and said seriously: Have you seen this bell? This is the symbol of the Chaos Lord, the Chaos Bell. I am a down-to-earth Chaos Lord, and you, the Righteous Alliance Leader, must also be courteous to me. point.

Li Xiaojiao shouted, jumped up, slapped the Chaos Clock with one palm, and shouted: Do you think I'm blind? This is obviously Master Zhong! Master Zhong, please show your true form!

Xu Ying was startled. The Chaos Clock buzzed when she slapped it, but he didn't fight back and hurt her. Xu Ying was relieved.

Li Xiao fell down and saw that the Chaos Clock did not show its original shape. He exclaimed: You have trained Master Zhong to such an extent that you can withstand my blow. You are really not weak. Junior Brother Xu, you and Master Zhong are pretending to be Chaos outside. Zhong and Chaos Lord, I don’t care, but when you get to Yimeng, you can’t deceive like this! Since we are from the same hometown, I won’t embarrass you. After meeting Taoist Tongtian, you can leave and I won’t expose you!”

She hesitated for a moment and whispered: I will teach you some of the Yimeng's exercises. I have also accumulated some wealth over the years, and I will bring it back to you later. Go home and practice well, cultivate your Taoist heart, and be a good person...

She looked at Xu Ying and felt that Xu Ying might still be saved.

Xu Ying knew that she had always been ruthless, but he never thought that she still had a kind side. He smiled and said: Li Xiao, if I were the Chaos Lord, you should stop seeking refuge with the Yi Alliance and follow me in practice.

Li Xiao gave him a hard look: You want me to be your concubine? You want to be beautiful!

Xu Ying quickly defended: That's not what I meant. I meant that if you join my sect, I will be very powerful and spread all over the Sea of ​​Chaos...

Bah! Be your disciple? I might as well be your concubine! At least my status will be higher! Li Xiao spat.

Xu Ying hesitated and said, If you think so, it's not impossible...

Li Xiao smiled and said, Wait until you really become the Chaos Lord!

While talking, they came to a fairy city on the Chaos Dao Tree. Most of the people who settled here were masters of the Yi Alliance.

The Yi League is different from the Dao League. The Yi League does not have the Void Fire Jujube Tree of the Tao League and cannot connect to thousands of universes. However, the people in the Yi League are very powerful. From time to time, you can see people using great magic power to discover the local universe.

This spectacle of other universes appearing in the universe can only be seen in Yimeng.

This is a person with great supernatural powers! The end of the avenue in the Yi League is far less than that of the Dao League, but the power in the middle level is far greater than that of the Dao League.

Xu Ying looked around and had a preliminary understanding of Yi Meng's strength.

There are too many Taoist masters gathered here, several times more than the number of Taoist masters in the Tao Alliance!

He walked over and found many Taoist masters giving sermons along the way, teaching various methods to prolong life in the local universe.

Some Taoist masters give lectures, and most of them study methods to avoid disasters, and there are even methods of transferring disasters to other universes.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said to Li Xiao: The Yi Alliance is too obsessed with their own local universe, and their approach is too extreme. If they fail in the future, I am afraid they will become another Tao Alliance.

Li Xiao smiled and said: Everyone in the Yi League is a kind-hearted person. They will not become those monsters in the Dao League who only know how to seek truth but have no human touch, as you said. There is another thing, your name as Chaos Lord, I can only fool the old man Meng Wu. Don’t mention that you are the Chaos Lord here. In the Alliance of Justice, the Chaos Lord has a bad reputation.”

Xu Ying was surprised and asked quietly: The Chaos Lord maintains the order of the Chaos Sea and can be said to occupy the greatest moral position. Why is the Yi Alliance hostile to the Chaos Lord?

Li Xiao sneered and said: Who needs him to maintain the order of the Sea of ​​Chaos? If he maintains the order of the Sea of ​​Chaos, doesn't it mean that the universe that deserves to be destroyed will be destroyed and the people that deserve to die will die? Who among us in the Yi League can let go? The local universe? Who can let go of relatives and friends? Doesn’t the Chaos Lord want to go against us?

Xu Ying woke up and said with a smile: I see. There is a principled conflict between the Yi Alliance and the Chaos Lord. The Dao Alliance wants to open up the Chaos Sea, and there is also a principled conflict with the Chaos Lord. It is difficult for the Chaos Lord to do both. Good people.

They came to the Immortal Palace where Master Tongtian lived. This Immortal Palace was also called Biyou Palace, and its layout was exactly the same as Biyou Palace in the Three Realms and on the other side.

Xu Ying and Li Xiao knocked on the door to ask for permission. After a while, footsteps came from inside. Taoist Tongtian opened the door and saw Xu Ying. His stern face showed a hint of joy, and he said with a rare smile: It turns out we are old friends. Taoist friend Xu, long time no see.

Brother Tongtian, we haven't seen each other for seven thousand years!

Xu Ying laughed loudly, opened his arms and was about to go forward, but heard a clanking sound as the Immortal Killing Sword was unsheathed and placed on his neck.

——Taoist Tongtian holds a sword in one hand. He is not used to being so close.

At the same time, a ray of power from the Chaos Bell overflowed, suppressing the Zhuxian Sword, making Taoist Tongtian unable to move.

——The Chaos Bell will never allow the Chaos Lord to be injured.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying slowly pushed away the Zhuxian Sword and said with a smile: Master Jian, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you want to give me a kick when you come up? Master Zhong, come and accompany Master Jian. I'll have a few words with Taoist Brother Tongtian. talk.

The big bell was so happy that it immediately flew out of the universe from his body, and the Chaos Lotus also flew out. Two magic weapons, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiched the Zhuxian Sword in the center and flew into Biyou Palace.

Taoist Tongtian let go and let the Zhuxian Sword fly away.

Li Xiao saw another bell flying out and couldn't help but froze. He looked at the big clock and then at the Chaos Clock. Suddenly there was a rumble in his mind: Is this bell really the Chaos Clock of the Chaos Lord? No! , No! If it is the Chaos Bell, and I just slapped it, it still wouldn’t shatter me? This bell must be a bell that Xu Ying faked in order to deceive people!

She looked at the Chaos Clock repeatedly and said to herself: It really looks like it!

When Xu Ying walked into Biyou Palace, Tongtian Taoist looked at the Chaos Bell above his head. It was the bell that had suppressed him just now and made him unable to move, so he took a few more glances.

Xu Ying asked Taoist Tongtian about his experiences over the years, and Taoist Tongtian said: After leaving the other shore, I drifted in the sea of ​​chaos, exploring the wonders of the Nine Paths of Evidence, and I came here unknowingly. There are Nine Paths of Evidence here. He is a good person for cultivating magic skills, so I will stay.”

He did not identify with Yi Meng, but felt that he practiced the Nine Paths and Yi Meng could provide him with the techniques.

That's all.

Xu Ying looked at Taoist Tongtian, but saw that he had completely proved the nine innate avenues in seven thousand years, and couldn't help but be moved, saying: Brother Taoist's cultivation is so advanced, it is admirable. Given time, brother Taoist will definitely You can reach the end of the road.

Nine-Way Evidence-Based, Xu Ying is a self-taught person who has figured out the prototype of Nine-Way Evidence-Based by oneself. Later, when I met Changsun Shenghai, I realized the nine evidence-based principles from Changsun Shenghai, and made rapid progress.

Changsun Shenghai's nine-path evidence was obtained from Taoist Tongtian.

Tongtian Taoists are self-taught without a teacher, and realize the Nine Paths by themselves, and they are not ordinary Nine Paths by evidence, but the innate Nine Paths by mutual evidence, in order to reach the end of the road.

Xu Ying felt that the most enlightened person among the people he met was not Hao Yi, but the old man in front of him.

The understanding of Taoist Tongtian is even far superior to that of Taoist Master. In Xu Ying's heart, he can be compared with existences such as Taoist Alliance Leader!

Taoist Tongtian looked at him and said, I can no longer understand your advanced level of cultivation.

Xu Ying smiled and said: My way is already outside the realm, and my realm is also outside the traditional realm.

Taoist Tongtian understood this and asked him for advice: How can the Tao be outside of it? How can the realm be outside of it?

Xu Yingdao: Nine ways of evidence-based, self-contained. I jumped out of the nine ways of evidence-based, and the natural way is outside of it. I created the acquired avenue myself, and I am the end of the acquired avenue. My realm is the realm of the master of the Tao. This means The realm is outside of it. I follow the Great Way of the Heaven and Heaven and unify the Great Way of the Innate, in order to prove the truth of the Great Way.

Taoist Tongtian asked: What are the paths beyond the nine paths?

Xu Yingdao: Currently there is only void and heresy.

Tongtian Taoist said: In other words, Nine Paths Evidence-Based, still has great potential?

Xu Ying nodded: There is a lot to do. I looked at the sea of ​​chaos with a broken knife, and I felt that there are still many avenues that have not been opened up. I was hunted, encountered other universes, and found that there are new avenues of heaven and earth.

He told Taoist Tongtian about his various discoveries and the visions of chaos in the sea of ​​chaos. Taoist Tongtian listened quietly and asked questions from time to time.

Li Xiao was confused by what he heard and gradually couldn't understand. He had to look for the big bell, the Zhuxian Sword and the Chaos Lotus, but he saw that the Zhuxian Sword and the Chaos Lotus were also floating in the air, listening to the big bell's preaching with concentration.

Li Xiao shook his head: Do you even work so hard on magic weapons?

Xu Ying and Tongtian Taoist studied the secrets of the Chaos Avenue. The two got excited about talking, and unknowingly they each used their unique skills.

Xu Ying is erudite, and his knowledge is as profound as the vast sea of ​​chaos. When he takes action, his magic power is extremely powerful, and he does not look like a Taoist realm existence.

Taoist Tongtian's seven thousand years of practice, coupled with Hao Yi's self-sufficiency, allowed him to advance in the nine innate realms, and his cultivation reached the peak of Taoist masters. However, his own Taoist power is beyond the reach of even Taoist masters in the Great Perfection realm. .

Especially when Xu Ying discussed Tao with him this time, it made him understand by analogy, and he had an astonishing understanding of the Avenue of Chaos, so much so that the other eight innate avenues also followed suit!

The two of them were discussing Taoism and fighting skills. When they started fighting, they really shocked Yi Meng.

The leader of the Yi League, Wu Zheng, looked from a distance and said in surprise: When did such a strong person appear in our Yi League?

Shen Tu Lun glanced at him and said, He is from the other side. He is called Tongtian Taoist. He is an old friend of Li Xiao.

Wu Zheng was extremely surprised: How talented is the other side? This Chaos Lord is from the other side, and Taoist Tongtian is also from the other side.

Shen Tu Lun said: There is also Taoist Master Zuolian. He is near the end of the road and he also comes from the other side. But he is the predecessor of the other side, the spiritual universe.

Wu Zheng nodded lightly, looked at Biyou Palace, and said softly: If many outstanding geniuses suddenly appear in a place, it is not because of good luck there, nor is it because someone secretly planned the arrangement. It is because a person was born there. Big shot. Big shot has changed the environment there, so that people's potential can be brought into extraordinary use, so that many people have the opportunity to bloom, so it gives people the illusion that talents are emerging. But in fact, talents are everywhere, but they are buried in ordinary times. That’s all.”

Shen Tu Lun felt the same way and said: The emperor who founded the country has very talented people from his hometown. This fellow Taoist Xu, his hometown must be full of talented people.

Wu Zheng said leisurely: I hope it will be a good thing for our Yimeng.

Xu Ying and Tongtian Taoist had a discussion, and each came to his own conclusion. They didn't really fight, but the movement of magical powers was truly earth-shattering.

When they landed, they realized that there was a sea of ​​people outside Biyou Palace, all of whom were listening to the lecture.

Brother Taoist! They greeted Xu Ying and Taoist Tongtian.

During these days, Xu Ying discussed Taoism with Taoist Tongtian. He explained the mystery of chaos and the nine evidences in simple and easy-to-understand terms, attracting them.

In particular, the questions and answers between Xu Ying and Tongtian fully demonstrated the intelligence and talent of the two geniuses, allowing everyone to gain a lot.

Taoist Tongtian has a withdrawn personality. He originally did not have many connections and foundations in the Yi League, but now he suddenly has many followers.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ying thought to himself: Brother Tongtian Taoist can now gain a foothold in the Yi League. Changsun Shenghai will definitely achieve success in the Tao League in the future. I wonder what will happen to their master and disciple?

He bid farewell to Taoist Tongtian and returned to the former residence of Fairy Danxia. With the foundation of discussing Taoism with Taoist Master Tongtian, he saw Fairy Danxia's understanding of chaos clearly and easily grasped it.

As his attainments in the Avenue of Chaos improve, so do all kinds of avenues. With the improvement of all kinds of avenues, the other eight innate paths also increase. The Void Avenue and the alien paths also advance by leaps and bounds. There are great acquired avenues, and I have a self-sufficient posture. !

Unknowingly, many years passed, and the battle between Taoist leader and Di Chen was approaching. Xu Ying was sitting in Danxia's former residence, and thousands of rays of light spewed out from the former residence, forming the shape of a chaotic Taoist tree.

Over the years, his Dao Xiaguang has been connected with the Chaos Dao Tree, becoming one.

Suddenly, Xu Ying noticed an inexplicable throbbing, flying from the sea of ​​chaos and falling into a certain palace palace of the Chaos Dao Tree.

Xu Ying's own Dao merged with the Chaos Dao tree, and he suddenly heard the obscure Dao sound coming from the palace.

Wu Zheng, set up an altar to receive the decree!

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