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Chapter 971 Old Friend of Yimeng

As the figure approached, Xu Ying looked carefully and saw that the temperament of the Yi Alliance Leader was completely different from that of the Tao Alliance Leader Yuan Xu.

Yuanxu, the leader of the Dao Alliance, has a noble and peaceful temperament. He is unassuming in appearance and unassuming in his actions, but he is full of energy when walking in the sea of ​​chaos. The Dao dances with it. Even the sea of ​​chaos cannot cover up his brilliance.

Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, gives people a simple feeling. His appearance is not outstanding, he looks like an ordinary person, with ordinary appearance and ordinary height.

He is so ordinary that one glance at him and one forgets his appearance and his clothes.

He realized that when he came into contact with the Sea of ​​Chaos, he became one with the Sea of ​​Chaos, and when he came into contact with other avenues, he became one with other avenues.

Like light and dust.

Previously, he was able to resist the powerful blow of the Chaos Clock, relying on the power of the Chaos Sea to disperse the power of the Chaos Clock into the Chaos Sea and then dissipate it.

With two completely opposite people, it's no wonder that one formed the Dao Alliance and the other formed the Yi Alliance.

Thinking of this, Xu Ying smiled and said, Thank you, Brother Dao, for your kindness. Since Brother Dao has kindly invited me, how can I dare to refuse?

With the Chaos Clock and so many Chaos Strange People around, he was not afraid. If the Yimeng had any ill intentions, they would just bulldoze it.

Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, smiled and said, Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, for the compliment.

Demon Lord Wu Yin whispered: Leader, he is the Lord of Chaos. Isn't it that our Yi Alliance wants to resist the oppression of the Dao Alliance and the Lord of Chaos?

Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, smiled slightly and said: This time, that time.

Demon Lord Wu Yin did not understand its meaning.

Xu Ying summoned Da Zhong and Chaos Lotus. When Da Zhong saw Chaos Bell, he was so nervous that he stammered and could not speak. Chaos Lotus was also not good at sociability and hurriedly got into Xu Ying's body and hid in the universe.

Everyone set off.

The Yi Meng is opposed to the Dao League, but its power is far less than that of the Dao League. The people in the Yi League are often the abandoned disciples and sons of the Dao League, or they are people in some universes who do not want to be manipulated by the Dao League.

They formed an alliance and set up a general alliance in the Great Liuguang Realm to show their opposition to the Dao Alliance.

When Xu Ying and others arrived at the Great Flowing Light Realm, what they saw was an extremely huge tree of innate immortal spiritual light!

This giant tree floats in the sea of ​​chaos, full of brilliance. Surrounding its branches and leaves are countless galaxies, countless!

This root is a chaotic spiritual root, but the size of this spiritual root is beyond imagination, and it actually covers the universe under the branches!

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying couldn't help but marvel, and murmured: This Chaos Spiritual Root is probably the number one Spiritual Root in the Chaos Sea...

Wu Zheng, the leader of the Yi Alliance, smiled and said: The Chaos Sea is too big and full of surprises. Maybe there is an innate spiritual treasure in the Chaos Sea that has the power of this Chaos Dao Tree. But this Chaos Spiritual Root is extremely special. It is a senior The spiritual root refined from the Dao tree.

Xu Ying flew closer with them and entered the universe of the Chaos Dao Tree.

This universe is born with a prosperous Taoism, and the number of avenues is astonishing, reaching 80,000 kinds of heaven and earth avenues, but it has not reached the terrifying level of the Hunyuan Universe. Even so, it is no small matter, far beyond other universes.

Yimeng has many immortal halls here. In the sky above the immortal halls, various avenues of rays of light are misty and uncertain. There are many monks practicing beside them, comprehending the mysteries of the rays of light on the avenues.

The biggest difference between Yimeng and Daomeng is that people in Yimeng believe that the purpose of seeking Tao is not the truth of the Tao. Our Yimeng's purpose of seeking Tao is to nourish our universe and the sentient beings in our universe.

Wu Zhengdao, the leader of Yimeng, said, The Taoist League can throw away everything. Family, friendship, master and disciple, and preaching are all vain to them and a burden on their pursuit of Tao. But to our Yimeng, it is the only thing in the world. Emotion is what makes us monks tirelessly explore the mysteries of the Tao, hoping to use the power of Tao to make true love permanent in the world!

He was quite eager and led Xu Ying to visit this ancient and magnificent Chaos Dao tree, saying, The owner of this Dao tree is named Danxia, ​​and she is a strange woman who practices the Dao of Chaos. She is also the founder of the Yi Alliance. Human, the first generation leader of the Alliance of Righteousness. Leader Danxia is extremely accomplished in the Avenue of Chaos. She is obsessed with the study of Taoism and turns a deaf ear to the outside world. Gradually, she reached the end of the Avenue of Chaos, and then she discovered her own universe. In silence.”

Fairy Danxia wanted to save her own universe, but found that it was impossible. She tried in every possible way, but failed to save anyone.

Since then, Fairy Danxia has felt that Taoism is not the ultimate goal of a monk. In fact, her family, relatives, friends, and clansmen are her meaning in the sea of ​​chaos. She formed the Yi Alliance in the hope that people in the future will not be like her. The misguided path of seeking the truth while ignoring those around you.”

The leader of the Yi Alliance, Wu Zheng, was filled with emotion. After a moment, he said, When I met Fairy Danxia, ​​the Yi Alliance had already begun to take shape, but she could not bear the torment of her Taoist heart, and finally decided to practice her supreme Taoism. In exchange for a possibility with the Sea of ​​Chaos. She left behind this Dao tree, which was transformed into the Dao. After she transformed into the Dao, the Sea of ​​Chaos derived this universe based on the Dao tree. Her last wish during her lifetime was to In exchange for her own moral conduct, she can return to her homeland.

Xu Ying looked at the universe shrouded in the Chaos Dao Tree and said, Has the hometown she cherished so much reappeared?

Wu Zheng shook his head: It happened again.

Xu Ying was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

Wu Zhengdao: It's really reappeared. The newly born universe, the number of galaxies, the layout, and the shape are exactly the same as the Danxia World back then.

He looked strange and said: Even the civilizations and people born here are exactly the same. However, there is no Danxia Fairy born.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment, looked at the sea of ​​chaos outside the universe, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and murmured: This sea area is really mysterious and unpredictable.

The two of them were looking at this magical Taoist tree, and suddenly a voice sounded surprised and happy: Xu Ying? Xu Ying! It's really you!

Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a familiar graceful figure. He couldn't help but be stunned. A memory came to his mind and he smiled and said, Li Xiao, why are you here?

The woman running towards her was none other than Li Xiao, a disciple of Master Hua of the Universe on the Other Side. Back then, Master Hua ordered Li Xiao to monitor Xu Ying's every move, ready to plot against Xu Ying and take his life at any time. Unexpectedly, Li Xiao took Master Hua's Lingxing Gate and fled.

Xu Ying didn't expect that he would meet this shrewd woman here.

Li Xiao rushed forward and was about to hit him with his fist. Wu Zheng coughed and glared at her majestically. Li Xiao then put away his fist and said with a smile: Xu Ying, why did you come to Yimeng? You are late. , you will call me senior sister from now on!

Wu Zheng was slightly embarrassed and said: This is the Chaos Lord...

Leader, don't be deceived by him!

Li Xiao's eyes widened and he said, He is Xu Ying, the bane of us on the other side, not the Chaos Lord!

Wu Zheng waved his hand and said: Okay, okay, you go down first.

Li Xiao reluctantly left, turned around three times, and threatened Xu Ying fiercely: If you dare to deceive the leader, I will hang you under the Lingxing Gate later!

Xu Ying said yes.

Wu Zheng led the way and led him to the former residence of Fairy Danxia, ​​where there were various insights left by this strange woman during her lifetime.

Xu Ying watched all the way. Fairy Danxia's understanding of the Avenue of Chaos was indeed far beyond that of others. No wonder she could reach the end of the Avenue of Chaos.

She wants to understand the principles of chaos and be able to identify all kinds of chaotic avenues in the sea of ​​chaos. Then she transforms into a Tao, merges into the sea of ​​chaos, and recreates the Danxia universe of the past. This is how she can recreate such a vast number of avenues. come out?

It may not be difficult to restore the sun, moon and stars, but it is difficult to restore all living beings. That is incredible!

Could it be that the end of chaos can really achieve this?

Wu Zheng, leader of the Taoist Alliance, smiled and said: After Fairy Danxia passed away, our Yimeng stayed here and had many conflicts with the Taoist Alliance. But fortunately, with the protection of the fairy, we are still safe.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and asked for advice: Master Wu, with all due respect, the strength of the Yi Meng is simply not enough to compete with the Taoist sect. How does the Yi Meng survive until now? It can't be Fairy Danxia's Dao tree, right? Although Fairy Xia is the end of the Dao of Chaos, her strength may not be comparable to the leader of the Dao Alliance and Jinyu Temple Master.

This sea of ​​chaos is still the territory of the Chaos Lord after all. In the battle between the Dao Alliance and the Yi Alliance, who dares to show off?

Wu Zheng, the leader of the Yi Alliance, took a deep look at Xu Ying and said, The name of the Chaos Lord can stop babies from crying at night, and can scare the immortal strong to death. The Chaos Lord is ruthless, and the road is for the public. He will eradicate the remnants of disaster in the Chaos Sea. Who will Do you dare to act arrogantly in front of the Chaos Lord?

Xu Ying smiled broadly: What fellow Taoist said is true.

Wu Zhengdao: Between the Taoist Alliance and the Righteous Alliance, there has always been a small quarrel between the younger generations. Although the grudges have been deep, neither side dared to fight decisively with the Chaos Lord around. But fortunately, the Chaos Lord of this generation has appeared. Well, his strength is not very good.

The smile on Xu Ying's face froze and he said angrily: In other words, the previous generation of Chaos Lords is dead and this generation of Chaos Lords is incompetent. The Dao Alliance and the Yi Alliance can have a life-and-death showdown.

Wu Zheng smiled and said: It also depends on whether the current Chaos Lord is willing to reward the Yi Alliance.

Xu Ying smiled brightly: Even if the Chaos Lord doesn't want to reward this face, he can't help it. After all, his strength is not as good as the Yi Alliance and the Dao Alliance.

At this time, the Chaos Clock made a clanging sound, which was very majestic, as if it was dissatisfied with the promise and failed in the face of the Chaos Lord.

Wu Zheng looked serious and said: But our Yi League has absolutely no intention of disrespecting the Chaos Lord. Our Yi League, from top to bottom, recognizes the Chaos Lord's rule over the Chaos Sea!

Xu Ying laughed and said with a smile: I will never interfere in the battle between the Dao Alliance and the Yi Alliance, so don't worry, Brother Dao.

Wu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The leader of the Dao Alliance is about to have a decisive battle with the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. I think Brother Dao wants to seize this opportunity and catch them all in one fell swoop while they both suffer losses. Your target is not only the Dao Alliance, but also the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Xu Ying said leisurely, Brother Dao has a good plan. But in this battle, Di Chen's goal is the Yuanshi realm, and the goal of the Tao leader is not this realm? If in the decisive battle, who of the two of them will break through? The Yi Alliance will definitely be defeated!

Wu Zheng smiled and said: No matter who wins or loses in this battle, our Yimeng will never lose.

Xu Ying's eyes made contact with his, and she felt that his eyes were firm and his Taoist heart was stable. He didn't know where his confidence came from.

I want to stay at Fairy Danxia's residence for a few days. Xu Ying said.

Wu Zheng understood, said goodbye and left, suddenly stopped again, and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, although you are now the Lord of Chaos, and you are guarded by the Chaos Bell, and you have countless chaotic people under your command, you still have a weakness, which I am afraid is extremely fatal.

Xu Ying asked for advice: Brother Tao, please tell me.

Monks in the Chaos Sea often need to swear an oath when they encounter a dilemma, so someone swears an oath to the Chaos Lord. If in the past, when the Chaos Lord was alive, his avenue was too strong, a wave of waves could obliterate those who broke the oath. .”

Wu Zheng said, But now, the Chaos Lord is you. If someone deliberately plots against you, all they need to do is arrange some avenue ends, swear an oath to you, and then break the oath, use your fluctuations in the avenue to trace back, determine your location, and kill you. If nothing else works, let many Tao masters swear an oath to you. In the life and death duel with you, if all the Tao masters break their oaths, your own Tao will fluctuate like the tide. In the life and death duel, I can take the opportunity to take your life.

Xu Ying was horrified and bowed to thank him.

Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, returned the courtesy and turned to leave.

Xu Ying sat down and calmed down. The method mentioned by Wu Zheng, the leader of Yi Alliance, can indeed be used to deal with him, and it is absolutely effective!

Being a Chaos Lord brings a lot of troubles.

Xu Ying thought about how to solve the problem. At this moment, he noticed some slight fluctuations in his path.

He had an insight into cause and effect and immediately realized that someone in the Chaos Sea swore to the Chaos Lord. As a result, cause and effect fell on him, causing ripples in his path.

Xu Ying carefully looked at these causes and effects, and found that the number of these causes and effects was actually countless, countless!

Following these lines of cause and effect, his consciousness could extend to every corner of the Chaos Sea, and he could see everyone who swore an oath to him, and their oaths turned into lines of cause and effect connected to his own avenue.

Moreover, many people have been wiped out by the fluctuations of his own avenue!

Fortunately, during this period, not many masters have sworn to me.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, immediately took out the broken knife, connected the cause and effect of his oath with the broken knife, and whispered, Although I am not strong enough, but with Master Dao, I am strong enough.

For a long time after that, in the universe of the Chaos Sea, whenever someone violated the Chaos Lord's oath, they would no longer be turned into ashes by the sound of a bell, but a sword light would fly and cut them in half, which was quite bloody!

The big bell flew out and asked: Ah Ying, does Wu Zheng, leader of the Yi Alliance, really have a chance of winning?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I don't know either. However, the leader of the Yi Alliance is proficient in calculations. I can't say that he is really sure of defeating the leader of the Dao Alliance and Di Chen.

Da Zhong asked: Master Zhong, does Fairy Danxia have higher attainments in chaos, or does your old master have higher attainments in chaos?

The Chaos Clock made a soft sound, showing contempt.

Da Zhong said to Xu Ying: Master Zhong said that Fairy Danxia is far inferior to it. Ah Ying, why do you sacrifice the near for the far?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Master Zhong is right. It's just that Master Zhong's Chaos Taoism is so profound that I couldn't understand it for a while. But I can understand what Fairy Danxia left behind. Fairy Danxia's understanding can be understood. It’s the steps to climb the peak. Only when you reach the top can you study Master Zhong’s Taoism of Chaos.”

Da Zhong suddenly realized.

At this time, Li Xiao's voice reached Xu Ying's ears: Xu Ying, I'm here to find you!

She rushed in like a storm, and Xu Ying stood up to greet her, saying, Senior sister, long time no see. Master Hua Dao is dead, and the other shore is also dead.

Li Xiao said: When I became a Taoist master, I was also aware of the Nirvana on the other side. I used the Lingxing Gate to resist the fate of Nirvana and was not implicated. By the way, there is an old friend of yours in the Yi Alliance.

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Who?

Taoist Tongtian.

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