Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 267 The Sky-Swallowing Dragon Python!

Early next morning.

Feng Mo and Yang Jun returned the same way and headed to the activity area of ​​Huang Zi's disciples.

As for Ling Feng, he went deep into the area where Tianzi disciples were active.

His target has always been the fifth-level monster. This has never changed.

A fifth-level monster, equivalent to a powerful person in the Divine Origin Realm.

Ling Feng was no match for him in a head-on confrontation, but with the two killing moves of the "Tian Zhuang Sword Art" and Zifeng's ability to rob Shou Yuan, he might not be able to fight.

If he could counter-kill a fifth-level demonic beast, he would be able to secure a place in the top ten with just this demonic pill.

The journey took about half a day.

With a flash of purple light, Zifeng finally appeared and jumped onto Ling Feng's shoulder.


Zifeng stretched long. With his compact figure and young face, no matter what he did, he always gave people a very cute and cute feeling.

"You guy, you've been sleeping for a full month. If I didn't call you, you wouldn't have fallen asleep."

Ling Feng couldn't help but complain.

"What we elemental lifeforms are best at is sleeping." Zifeng's cute little face wrinkled, "You have to know that as long as we elemental lifeforms sleep, we can continue to become stronger, which is the envy of other races. Not coming."


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. No wonder Wen Tingguang said that the flaming ghost had been sleeping for at least eight hundred years. It turns out that such creatures can become stronger while sleeping.

I’m so envious!

"Take you to do something serious!" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and told Zifeng his plan.

His plan is that as long as his Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique can leave a few wounds on the body of the fifth-level monster, Zifeng can take advantage of the situation and use its ability to absorb life essence to make the monster age rapidly.

When the life force of the monster beast is drained by Zifeng, it is not an easy task to seize the demon pill.

"That's it." Zifeng clapped his hands repeatedly after hearing this, "We can have a good meal again."

Ling Feng was secretly envious. Although humans claim to be the primates of all things, in fact, in many aspects, their talents are far inferior to those of other races.

About half a day later.

Ling Feng and Zifeng came to the top of a canyon blocked by dense forest.

"According to my perception, there seems to be a fifth-level monster living here."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, feeling like he had unlimited vision, which was very refreshing and comfortable. You can detect the enemy's presence, but the enemy cannot counter-detect your location.

This is definitely much easier to use than the divine sense induction of those powerful people in the Shenyuan Realm.

"Let's eat, let's eat!" Zifeng became excited. The vitality of a fifth-level monster can definitely give it a full meal.

Ling Feng calmly said, then jumped vertically along a towering ancient tree.

In the canyon below, in addition to the violent and violent breath of the monsters, there is also a faint fragrance.

Wherever powerful monsters roam, there are usually rare treasures from heaven and earth.

This can be said to be the consensus of all warriors in Xuanling Continent.

Since this fifth-level monster chose to live here, it is naturally because of the special environment here, where an extremely rare fruit from heaven and earth grows.

Along the steep rock wall, Lingfeng went all the way down.

Inside the canyon, there was darkness. The further down you go, the more you can't see your fingers.

A faint light began to glow from Zifeng's body, like a ball of fireflies. Although the light was not strong, it was enough to illuminate the road ahead.

"This function is quite useful."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. This kind of light was very confusing and would hardly attract the attention of the monsters below.

The cliff was very steep, and Ling Feng did not dare to spread his wings easily, so he could only climb down the cliff little by little. After fearing for half an hour, he finally found a place to stay.

Concealing his aura, Ling Feng found a path among the messy trees and vines, and gradually approached the lair of the fifth-level monster.

"It seems like someone beat me to it."

In the perception of infinite vision, Ling Feng "saw" that the other two disciples of Tianzi were sneaking closer to the lair of the fifth-level monster like himself.

Their purpose did not seem to be to kill the fifth-level monster, but to seize the opportunity to harvest the strange fruits of heaven and earth in the monster's lair.

Although the auras of those two people were well hidden, they still couldn't hide it from Ling Feng's Heavenly Eyes.

"Interesting." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, and a plan to drive away tigers and devour wolves was immediately born.

Let the two unlucky guys lure away the fifth-level monster first. As long as you get the Heaven and Earth Strange Fruit, refine it, and then kill it back to deal with the fifth-order monster, wouldn't it be more reliable? !

"Hmph, let's do it!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he crawled on the ground. With the cover of those trees and vines, no one could find him.

Then, Ling Feng concealed his aura and got closer to the two humans who were also lurking in the dark.

"Hmph, sorry!"

Ling Feng thought to himself, then picked up a piece of gravel and shot it at the two humans at a tricky angle.

The two Tianzi disciples were carefully trying to avoid the perception of the fifth-level monster when they were suddenly attacked. They immediately panicked, thinking that they had been discovered by other monsters.


At the last moment, the two alert disciples of Tianzi immediately drew their swords, and powerful auras exploded.


You don't need to think about it to know that their aura immediately alerted the fifth-level monster guarding the monster's lair.


With a high-pitched roar, the terrifying aura belonging to the fifth-level monster immediately began to fluctuate rapidly with it as the center.


"Damn it!"

The two Tianzi disciples were immediately frightened and their faces turned pale.

A fifth-level monster!

Although they had the courage to sneak over and try to fish in troubled waters, they definitely didn't have the courage to confront the fifth-level monster head-on!

However, time did not allow them to think about it. They sensed two powerful auras invading their territory. The fifth-level monster, the Sky-Swallowing Dragon Python, immediately roared and pounced on the two Tianzi disciples like a bolt of lightning.

"Run away!"

The two Tianzi disciples were so frightened that they even dared to stay here, so they immediately ran away.

And the sky-swallowing dragon python was chasing after them, vowing to devour the two intruders.

Soon, the auras of the Sky-Swallowing Dragon Python and the two Tianzi disciples gradually disappeared from Ling Feng's perception. In other words, they were at least a thousand feet away.

"Hey, thank you very much!"

Ling Feng climbed out from the bottom of the vines, patted the soil on his body, and put a smile on his face.

The fruits of heaven and earth in the lair of the Sky-Swallowing Dragon Python belong to you!

(PS: The fourth update. I was in a nervous mood yesterday and didn’t write much. I will continue to update in the evening~Thank you for your support! Please recommend votes and monthly votes, thank you!!!)

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