Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 266 Panic He Zhongjie!

He picked out the demon pill of the armored demon bull with a sword and threw it to Yang Jun. He looked up at the sky and saw that it was already dusk.

Yang Jun took the demon pill, counted the fourth-order demon pills in his pocket, and said happily: "Brother Feng, I already have five fourth-order demon pills!"

Feng Mo also smiled and said: "Brother Feng, I have enough."

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded, "I'll rest here tonight for the rest of the night. Early tomorrow morning, you can go back to the activity area of ​​the yellow-letter disciples."


Yang Jun and Feng Mo are both smart people, so they naturally know that Ling Feng's destination is in a deeper and more dangerous area.

With their strength, if they get to that area, they will probably only hinder Ling Feng.

Ling Feng glanced around and chose a huge rock to lean on. He cut down the big tree and clung to the rock to build a simple camp. He temporarily set up camp here tonight.

Soon, the three of them built a bonfire. Feng Mo took out the fresh monster meat he collected and cooked it on the bonfire.

After a delicious meal, the three of them took turns to watch the night. It was destined to be a difficult night to sleep.


Ling Feng was on the second night watch. Hearing thunderous snoring in the camp, Ling Feng picked up a wooden stick and fiddled with the bonfire to prevent the flames from extinguishing.

The mountains and forests at night are full of dangers and must not be taken lightly.


Suddenly, Ling Feng heard some movement in the west, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "It seems that all this is not an accident. I have been following you all the way, and you are finally ready to take action?"

It turned out that Ling Feng had already spotted two sneaky figures through the infinite vision, and they had been following them about seven or eight hundred feet away. It was obvious that they were chasing the footsteps of the three of them, following them all the way. of.

And besides the He Zhongjie brothers, who could these two sneaky guys be?

Seven or eight feet away.

He Zhongjie's face was as dark as water. He looked at the body of a headless monster on the ground and took a deep breath.

Along the way, they have seen the corpses of more than a dozen such monster beasts. Each monster died neatly, with no other scars except a sword cut on the head.

It was as if he was killed with one sword.

This phenomenon is terrible!

Very scary.

This also means that Ling Feng has the strength to kill fourth-level low-level monsters with one sword.

Although these monsters are only equivalent to warriors in the early stages of Huayuan Realm among humans, they can be killed instantly with one sword, and so cleanly...

This already gave He Zhongjie a hint of danger.

He asked himself that he could easily kill those monster beasts, but each one was so lightly killed with one sword. He asked himself that he could not do this.

This can only mean one thing, no matter how strong Ling Feng is, his swordsmanship is still above his own!

"Brother, what's wrong?" He Zhonglei turned to look at He Zhongjie. Seeing his expression, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"What's wrong?" He Zhongjie smiled bitterly, "That boy's strength is probably more terrifying than we imagined!"

"Isn't it just killing a few fourth-level monsters?" He Zhonglei snorted coldly: "Brother, a Tianzi disciple like you can kill mere fourth-order monsters instantly."

"'s different." He Zhongjie shook his head, "I'm afraid you haven't noticed that there is a terrible aura lingering in the only wound on these monster beasts. If my guess is correct, it is a sword meaning!"

"Sword... sword intention!" He Zhonglei's pupils shrank suddenly, "Is it impossible? He is the only one who has sword intention?"

"No matter what, it's better to be careful!" He Zhongjie narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Don't rush into action yet, be careful to sail the ten thousand year ship."

He Zhongjie took a deep breath. When he discovered that Ling Feng might have the kind of sword intent that could be called "a super-level killing weapon, an instant kill weapon", he no longer dared to act rashly.

"Let's go, get out of here first!" He Zhongjie grabbed He Zhonglei, "My sworn brother Lei Lingyun is also here. There are still two days left. Let's meet up with Brother Lei first and deal with that Ling Feng together. safe."

Having said that, He Zhongjie immediately left without further delay, no longer daring to follow Ling Feng.

"Huh, you guys can run fast!"

Ling Feng curled his lips. In his perception, the auras of the He Zhongjie brothers gradually disappeared, and he no longer paid attention to them.

They're just two clowns.


Inside the camp, Feng Mo rubbed his eyes and stretched, "It's time, it's my turn to watch the night."

"Forget it, you can go on and rest." Ling Feng sat cross-legged and said, "I'm not sleepy at all."


Feng Mo still got up, sat next to Ling Feng, and said with a smile, "Then let's chat for a while."

"It's better to avoid it." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "If Master Feng wants to talk to me about Emperor Ji's love story, then forget it."

"Haha..." Feng Mo curled his lips and smiled, but there was a hint of loneliness in his laughter that he didn't usually have.

He had always given people the impression of being cynical, lazy, and even a little vulgar and obscene. Ling Feng was a little uncomfortable with suddenly becoming so serious.

"If you have something you want to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

As a doctor, what Ling Feng is best at is naturally observing people's emotions.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Brother Feng's eyes." Feng Mo smiled faintly and suddenly asked confusedly, "What do you think of the name Mo Feng?"

"Mo Feng?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and looked at Feng Mo, "Isn't this your name?"

"Maybe..." Feng Mo smiled faintly, "I don't like this name, nor do I like this surname. Unfortunately, since I was born, I have been burdened with this surname and some... some very disgusting things. thing."

Ling Feng just looked at Feng Mo quietly and said nothing.

This guy seems to be a man with a story.

Mo Feng? Mo family?

Ling Feng didn't know that there was any noble in the empire with the surname Mo, but he could conclude from Feng Mo's words that his identity must be unusual.

Feng Mo fiddled with the bonfire with a thin branch and murmured to himself: "It's better to be called Feng Mo. There's no need to make any choices or fight for anything. Haha, it's better to be called Feng Mo." ! Chic and comfortable!”

"You always walk your own path, right?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and looked at Feng Mo. This wretched guy looked quite mysterious.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I still can't tell you everything."

Feng Mo looked at Ling Feng, hesitated to speak several times, and finally clenched his fists and remained silent.

"Everyone has their own secret." Ling Feng put his hands behind his back, lying flat on the ground, and said calmly: "I only know that we are friends."

"Yes, friends! Good friends!"

Feng Mo also lay down on his arm, holding a small branch in his mouth, "Brother Feng, I hope we will always be good friends."

"You don't change, I don't change!" Ling Feng turned to look at Feng Mo and stretched out his right hand.


The palms of the two young men were held together.

"You don't change, and neither do I!"

Under the starry sky, this is the promise of two teenagers!

(PS: Just one thing to say, Feng Mo’s background is quite impressive.)

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