Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 245 Shocked, a three-foot wall of energy!

"Boy, you will definitely lose miserably!"

Ye Nanfeng was tall and muscular, and his aura was as suffocating as that of a lone wolf.

Although the East Campus Sword Team has always been ranked at the bottom among the five colleges, the members who can join the sword team are undoubtedly the best among the East Campus students and are quite strong.

Gu Tengfeng actually asked Ling Feng to show mercy to him, which stung Ye Nanfeng's pride for a moment.

All geniuses have pride, and so does Ye Nanfeng!

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged as he slowly walked to an open space ahead and slowly drew out the Red Fire Golden Wind Sword.

"Newcomer, I admire your courage, but I will definitely defeat you within three moves!"

With a sneer on his lips, Ye Nanfeng walked step by step to the opposite side of Ling Feng. With each step, his momentum increased. He wanted to use his overwhelming advantage to tell this newcomer what a real strong person was.

"Damn it, Lao Yu, it's rare for this guy Ye Nanfeng to be serious!" The disheveled young man Lin Mochen also put on his robe and looked at the two sides looking at each other with interest.

"Lin Guigui, do you want to bet and see if Ye Nanfeng can beat that newcomer within three moves?"

The man called "Lao Yu", whose full name is Yu Sixian, sounds gentle and gentle, but in fact, he is a gambler and a lustful person like Lin Mochen, and he must be quite strong.

You know, these guys are all former "hidden dragon talents". Although they are not top-notch, they are much better than ordinary geniuses.

"Of course we have to bet!" Lin Mochen's eyes widened when he heard the word "bet", "Come on, come on, the market is open, Ye Nanfeng is facing off against the newcomer!"

"Needless to say, I will buy Ye Nanfeng!"

"That's not necessarily true. The captain has already said that the newcomer will definitely not be easy. I will buy that newcomer!"


When Gu Tengfeng saw the mess these guys were creating, he kicked them over and said, "Quiet, motherfucker!"


Xue Xiaolin sighed softly. In the competition between the sword teams of the five academies, if they expected this group of people, Gu Tengfeng's efforts in the last year would all be in vain.

Once upon a time, none of these teenagers were full of passion, but unfortunately, the cruel reality made them decadent.

The overall strength of the East Campus Sword Team is indeed too weak!

Dream is really something too far away...

At this time, Ye Nanfeng's momentum had reached its peak. Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his red fire golden wind sword pointed at the ground, but he had no intention of taking action first.

"You are really crazy! However, arrogance requires capital!"

Ye Nanfeng raised his sword eyebrows, and in an instant, he kicked off his legs on the ground, bursting out with an extremely terrifying energy. He was like a tiger descending from the mountain, and rushed out. The long sword in his hand was like a fang, and a sword light flashed.

"sulfuric acid!"

Purple lightning flashed, and Ye Nanfeng's sword was like thunder, incredibly fast.

"What a speed!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. The disciple of Tianzi was indeed a disciple of Tianzi. What's more, this Ye Nanfeng was a member of the same team no matter what, and was different from the ordinary rabble.

His strength is even better than that of He Zhongjie.

No wonder Gu Tengfeng limited himself to three moves. What he valued was his explosive power.

With an explosion within three moves, he would never lose to this Ye Nanfeng.

Ling Feng secretly admired Gu Tengfeng's vision and was even more sure that his decision to join the East Campus Sword Team was definitely a correct decision.

The fierce sword energy is coming towards you!

Ye Nanfeng's sword came out like crazy, whipping up a strong wind that swept up Ling Feng's robes and made his black hair dance wildly.

However, Ling Feng's face was extremely calm, and for a moment, he seemed to have made a trick!

"First lock, open!"


Like floods and rivers bursting their banks, Ling Feng's momentum exploded in an instant and actually increased by more than ten times!

Ye Nanfeng's expression changed. The sword blade that thrust out seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall of air. The blade buzzed and deviated by three inches!

"This..." Only then did Ye Nanfeng realize that he had underestimated this newcomer. His explosive power was indeed incredibly powerful!

"It's this explosive power!"

Gu Tengfeng became excited. The last time he saw Ling Feng's sudden burst of power in a one-on-four fight in the sword fighting arena, he was probably using the same secret technique.

Xue Xiaolin, a woman in red standing next to Gu Tengfeng, couldn't help but her eyelids twitching.

" could there be such a terrifying explosive power? The aura of the six meridians suddenly surged to forty meridians!"

This is simply appalling and unbelievable!

However, this is the truth, the truth seen with your own eyes!

In an instant, the surrounding area of ​​three feet was covered by Ling Feng's powerful aura, as if there was a violent hurricane, with Ling Feng as the center, pushing away all the air in the area.

Ye Nanfeng secretly activated his true energy, and his robes were hunted and danced wildly, even being torn apart by the sharp wind blade.

The terrifying aura disappeared in an instant. Ling Feng's aura immediately stabilized, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

It had been a month since I had properly opened the Hunyuan Forging Qi Lock. I didn't expect that this time I fully opened the Hunyuan Lock, it would release such a terrifying momentum.

The three-foot wall of energy just now even startled him.

"Good boy!" Ye Nanfeng tightened his grip on the sword in his hand. He did not dare to be careless anymore and stared at Ling Feng. "In this case, I will no longer be merciful. Boy, look at the sword!"

There was no such contempt in Ye Nanfeng's tone, and he completely regarded Ling Feng as an opponent of the same level.

"What I wish for!"

Ling Feng stood proudly, motionless as a mountain, faintly displaying the sword posture of "Breaking Mysteries from All Directions".

Ye Nanfeng is obviously a speed warrior. To fight against him, one must either use force to overcome skill or use speed to defeat the enemy!

And "Bafang Po Xuan" is the first-class swordsmanship in Kuai Jian style.

A faint light of fire spread in Ling Feng's palm.

Facing an opponent like Ye Nanfeng, Ling Feng also didn't dare to be too confident.

"Attributes are infuriating!"

The members of the East Campus Sword Team once again stood stunned on the spot.

It's not that they haven't seen the attribute Qi before, but it's a bit shocking that a warrior in the Pulse Condensation Realm actually possesses the Earth Fire Qi at the "Demon Lord (Shen Yuan Realm)" level!

"Perhaps, this young man can really change the current situation of our East Campus Sword Team!" Xue Xiaolin had a glimmer of hope in her big, beautiful eyes.

Perhaps this year, the East Campus Swordsman Team will never be eliminated in the first round again!

Ye Nanfeng felt as if he was in a furnace hell. He was sweating profusely and his complexion changed drastically.

He never expected that this little yellow-lettered disciple would be so defiant.

"Damn it, have the guys in charge of admissions been kicked in the head this year? Such a perverted guy was not selected among the ten 'Hidden Dragon Talents'!"

Ye Nanfeng secretly regretted it. If he was beaten by this newcomer today, he really didn't know where to put his old face!

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