Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 244 East Campus Sword Team!

Ling Feng pushed the door open and what he saw was not the scene of the sword team members training hard as he imagined, but an empty hall.

In this empty hall, there are several rows of the same weapons in the gravity room. Obviously, there is also a place like the gravity room in the sword team's training venue.

This is not surprising. As a training place for the most elite elites in the East Campus, it seems strange that there are no such facilities.

"Where are the people?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and with a hint of curiosity, he walked to the stairs leading to the second floor.

However, while still at the stairs, Ling Feng heard a burst of noise.

"big big big!"

"Little! Little! Little!"

"Haha, buy it and leave! Three sixes, leopard! Kill them all!"

Accompanied by a loud laugh, there was a group of people complaining, "Lin Mochen, are you cheating? I'll kill you!"

"Damn it, Lao Yu, you can't afford to lose. You just fired eighteen kills in a row. You will definitely win next time!"

"No more fun, no more fun! Who doesn't know that your family runs a casino? We are all brothers under the same roof. Isn't it appropriate to cheat our crystal coins like this!"

"Let's play, let's keep playing! Oh my god, look at your tricks, I'll give you the crystal ticket, let's keep playing!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Then, there was another noisy sound of "big big!" and "little little little!"

Ling Feng frowned when he heard this. Did he come to the wrong place?

Is this a casino or a training ground?

At this time, in the open space on the second floor, several shirtless guys were gathering together to gamble. The person sitting on the bank was a disheveled young man, and the group of people were having a great time.

On the other side of the conference table, there were three other people, two men and one woman.

The person with his back to the gate is Gu Tengfeng, the captain of the East Campus Sword Team.

"Hey, brothers, all our hearts are broken!"

Miyagi sighed, looking at the team members who had no fighting spirit, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"It doesn't matter, I believe everything will change after Ling Feng comes. I have no doubt about this!" Gu Tengfeng grinned broadly.

Sitting on the right side of Gu Tengfeng was a woman wearing a red tight dress. She gave Gu Tengfeng a somewhat complaining look and said, "Captain, even so, the chances of our East Campus are still too low, and it is almost impossible to be represented. Tianwei University competes with the sword teams of several other universities. Is it worth it for you to give up the opportunity to directly join the Black Armor Forbidden Army for an unrealistic dream?

"It doesn't matter whether it's worth it or not. This is my choice." Gu Tengfeng smiled faintly. His appearance was not handsome, but full of a masculine aura. His face had sharp edges and corners, like an ax chopping a knife. General chisel.

No one can change what he believes in.

The woman in red sighed softly. In fact, she was also an old member of the sword team who had followed Gu Tengfeng. She was not willing to give up her former ideals so easily.

But, with such a sword team...

"Sister Xiaolin, you don't know the captain's temper. This is the captain's last year at Tianwei Academy. No matter what, he wants to fight to the end!" Miyagi smiled at the woman in red, "Wait a minute. After you see that Ling Feng, you will know that the captain is indeed right. "

At this time, Miyagi suddenly saw Ling Feng standing at the door, stood up suddenly, and said with a smile: "Ling Feng, you are here so early!"

As soon as Gu Tengfeng heard that Ling Feng had arrived, he directly lifted a stool and threw it towards the group of animals who were still playing dice. son!"

"Fuck, boss, I'm going to win them all again soon!"

The man named Lin Mochen immediately complained, but when he saw Gu Tengfeng's sharp gaze, he shrunk his neck and immediately closed his mouth, not even daring to fart.

"Hehe, this is the new team member I told you about, Ling Feng! With him in our East Campus Sword Team this year, the Jedi can have a big fight and avenge their previous shame!"

Gu Tengfeng's eyes held extremely strong confidence, not only in himself, but also in Ling Feng.

He believed in his own vision and was absolutely right about this yellow-labeled disciple!

"Oh my god, are you a disciple with a yellow character?" One of the dark and strong guys saw that the word "yellow" was clearly written on Ling Feng's epaulette, and couldn't help but frowned, "Boss, in our team There is a shortage of people, but no one wants people of this level even if they are thrown into the third team, right?”

"Oh? If you can take advantage of Ling Feng within three moves, I, the captain, will let you do it!" Gu Tengfeng glanced at him and said coldly.

"That's not necessary. How dare I compete with you, captain, for my seat?" The strong black man waved his hand quickly, "But I do want to try and see how much this boy you admire so much, captain, is really worth."

The dark and muscular man retrieved his robe from the stone platform beside him. After quickly putting it on, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Feng, pursed his lips and said, "My name is Ye Nanfeng, and I am a member of the first team. Although Boss Gu is very optimistic about you, I still want to see your strength, do you mind?"

This Ye Nanfeng, apart from Gu Tengfeng and Miyagi, is a very capable member of the East Campus Sword Team. He was just promoted to Tianzi Disciple this year.

It can be said that after Gu Tengfeng leaves, he will have a great chance to become the next captain of the East Campus Sword Team.

"Of course I don't mind." Ling Feng looked indifferent, "I also want to see how strong my future teammates are and whether they will hold me back!"


As soon as these words came out, several team members next to him took a deep breath. They didn't expect that a newbie who had just arrived could have such a loud tone. Even disciples like them didn't look down on him.

He is worthy of being chosen by Gu Tengfeng!

Xue Xiaolin, a woman in red, looked at Ling Feng and found that Ling Feng was only at the sixth level of Pulse Condensation Realm. She couldn't help but frowned slightly, "Captain, is he really capable?"

"You'll know it after I've beaten you." Gu Tengfeng smiled casually, "In that case, Ling Feng, Nan Feng, you two are limited to three moves. Let's compete a little and be merciful."

Ye Nanfeng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't worry, captain, I will definitely not be serious about treating newcomers!"

Gu Tengfeng glared at him and said angrily: "What are you thinking about? I'm talking to Ling Feng, asking him to show some mercy to you!"

"This..." The corners of Ye Nanfeng's mouth twitched. He stared at Ling Feng for a long time, but found nothing unusual. He gritted his teeth, drew out his sword, and said loudly: "Captain, please be a little joking. It’s not funny! Since you praise this kid so much, let me, Ye Nanfeng, try to see how much he weighs!”

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