Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 240 The number one fool in the world!

A stunning appearance that touched the hearts of countless people!

Yue Yunlan slowly walked from the end of the crowd to the high platform. At this moment, she was the focus of everyone's attention.

Even Gu Tengfeng was slightly startled by Yue Yunlan's extraordinary temperament.

He had heard of Yue Yunlan's name before. He had a distinguished status and outstanding talent. As soon as he joined Tianwei Academy, he was the first of the ten "Hidden Dragon Talents". In just two years after joining Tianwei Academy, he had already become a disciple of Tianzi. .

It can be said that such a woman is enough to make any proud man in the empire fall for her.

A group of people couldn't help but drooled at Yue Yunlan's figure. Even the little maid who was following Yue Yunlan looked so pretty and lovely. She was many times better than some so-called "beauties".

"Hehe, miss, look, that idiot is indeed here!" Qiaoqiao saw where Ling Feng was at a glance, and couldn't help but lean into Yue Yunlan's ear and whisper, with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Here he is, I didn't just come to see him!" Yue Yunlan gritted her teeth. When she saw Ling Feng, she felt inexplicably excited, but she saw that there was a stunning girl next to Ling Feng. , she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Especially, even in her opinion, Qin Wanwan's appearance was not inferior to hers.

"Tch, I don't know who pestered Mr. Wenge to find out about that idiot as soon as he returned to Cang Qiong Sect, and then rushed back to the school in a hurry!"

"I want you to talk more!" Yue Yunlan glared at Qiaoqiao and continued walking towards the high platform in the center of the square.

Seeing Yue Yunlan's appearance, Ling Feng had a slight smile on his lips, as if he was reunited with a friend who had been with him for many years.

"Wow, I once inquired about the top ten beauties in Tianwei Academy. Miss Yue Yunlanyue has been ranked first for two consecutive years. She is indeed beautiful and fragrant, and will captivate the country!"

Feng Mo stood behind Ling Feng, drooling while looking at Yue Yunlan, and almost fell off!

Basically, any male student would be amazed by Yue Yunlan.

Qin Wanwan bit her lip, especially when she saw that Ling Feng's attention was also attracted by Yue Yunlan, she became even more angry.

She raised her leg and kicked Liu Yunfei who was standing aside, and said angrily: "Please stop your saliva, it's almost flowing out!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yunfei, Feng Mo, including Ouyang Jing and many others drooled, wiped the corners of their mouths, and giggled awkwardly.

Liu Yunfei looked depressed, "Why are you kicking me? Everyone has the love for beauty..."

"Hmph!" Qin Wanwan crossed her hands on her chest and raised her head proudly, "You deserve it!"

Poor Liu Yunfei has basically become Qin Wanwan's personal doormat.

Bai Jiantao, who is also a disciple of Tianzi in the Intermediate Court, walked up to Yue Yunlan very excitedly and said with a smile: "Junior sister Yue, I never thought that you would really honor me and come to this party tonight."

"What kind of reward is that? Our lady is not here for you!" Qiaoqiao stepped forward to stop Bai Jiantao, and said with his lips: "Get out of the way, my lady is not interested in you."

The corner of Bai Jiantao's mouth twitched slightly, but he quickly squeezed out a smile and pretended to be personable, "Haha, Miss Qiaoqiao really loves to joke."

As he said that, he quickly stepped aside, not daring to continue to stand in front of Yue Yunlan.

Qiaoqiao cast a look at Bai Jiantao that said, "I guess you know what you're seeing." Then he looked up at Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Hey, the number one idiot in the world, why don't you tell me when you see our young lady?" Come out to greet me?”

Everyone followed Qiaoqiao's gaze and found that it was Ling Feng and his party standing in front, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Who is the pretty maid next to Yue Yunlan talking to?

The group of people looked at me and I looked at you. Miyagi turned to look at Gu Tengfeng and lowered his voice and asked: "Captain, when did you meet the eldest lady of the Sky Sect?"

"Damn, she's not talking about me, okay!" Gu Tengfeng glanced at Miyagi and said with a speechless expression.

"Um..." Miyagi scratched the back of his head, "Judging from the title of 'The Number One Big Idiot', it is indeed more in line with you, the captain. After all, except for martial arts, the captain has almost no qualified candidates for all other courses. …”

"Shut up!" Gu Tengfeng blushed and glared at Miyagi so hard that Miyagi shrank his neck and didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Huh? Are you talking about me?"

He Zhongjie blinked, because Tingwei Mansion and Cangqiong Sect had always been relatively close, so he had some friendship with Yue Yunlan and his master and servant.

"Hey, here's your chance!"

To be able to win the favor of such a much-anticipated goddess in front of so many people, what did those little unpleasantness just now mean?

After all, behind Yue Yunlan is the Divine Protector Sect, the Cang Qiong Sect!

He Zhongjie quickly tidied up his somewhat messy hair on the temples, and greeted him happily, "Miss Yue, Miss Qiaoqiao, hahaha, I don't know if you are here, you may not be welcomed from afar, and sometimes you may be greeted from afar..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Yue Yunlan and his servant, as if they had not seen him, passed him directly and continued walking forward.

"Uh..." The smile on He Zhongjie's face froze instantly.

Embarrassing, extremely embarrassing! He Zhongjie's face turned red and he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

I had just been disgraced under Gu Tengfeng, and now I have become another laughing stock!

The students around them all suppressed their laughter, wanting to laugh but not daring to.

"Humph, Stinky Lingfeng, your eyes are straight! Have you never seen a beautiful woman? How can I be worse than her!"

Qin Wanwan couldn't help but cursed in her heart when she saw that Ling Feng's eyes were always looking at Yue Yunlan's master and servant.

At this moment, Ling Feng walked out of the crowd and faced Yue Yunlan and Qiaoqiao. He smiled and said, "Miss Yue, long time no see."

"Tch, another one who is so sentimental!"

"Haha, let's see how he steps down later!"

The surrounding students all seemed to foresee that Ling Feng was about to become the next He Zhongjie. You know, this thorny rose is not so easy to pick.

However, the next moment, everyone was dumbfounded. The little maid next to Yue Yunlan actually rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, and seemed to say with some resentment: "Idiot, what about me? Have you forgotten me? Can’t do it?”

"Qiaoqiao, don't be rude!" Yue Yunlan glared at Qiaoqiao, her beautiful eyes moved, she looked at Ling Feng softly, bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Ling, long time no see."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone didn't know that Ling Feng actually knew Yue Yunlan's master and servant, and the relationship seemed to be quite good!

"Oh my god, Brother Feng is Brother Feng, awesome!" Feng Mo couldn't help but give a thumbs up, because he suddenly discovered that it seemed that all the beauties in the world looked at Ling Feng in a different light.

Ouyang Jing suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Ling Feng had the guest token of the Cang Qiong Sect. It turned out that even the eldest lady of the Cang Qiong Sect seemed to have a close relationship with him.

"As expected of a big brother!"

Ouyang Jing sighed in his heart. For a moment, his admiration for Ling Feng was like a surging river, continuous and out of control...

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