Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 239 The most beautiful woman in the middle court!

At the right time, the entire venue was in a state of excitement!

The captain of the East Campus Sword Team, Gu Tengfeng, who is known as the "Number One in the East Campus", actually personally solicited a disciple with a yellow character!

This can definitely be said to be the most incredible event in Tianwei Academy in the past hundred years.

Generally speaking, even students with the earth name are not necessarily qualified to enter the second team of each academy's sword team. Ling Feng is just a yellow-name disciple, but Gu Tengfeng actually recruited him to join the first team directly!

He Zhonglei, who was beaten to death by Ling Feng's slap, crawled for a long time before getting up from the ground. When he heard Gu Tengfeng's decision, his eyes widened in disbelief, "Just him? He also Can you join the sword team directly? And it’s the first team? How short is your East Campus sword team?”

He Zhongjie immediately gave him a hard look, which made He Zhonglei shrink his neck in fear and not dare to speak nonsense again.

It's best to be careful when speaking in front of Gu Tengfeng.

This guy is about the size of a gorilla. If he doesn't take action, it's enough. If he does, the consequences will be uncontrollable!

"Hmph, even if Ling Feng is just a disciple with yellow letters, wouldn't he beat everyone in your West Campus to pieces?" Qin Wanwan snorted and retorted.


He Zhonglei choked immediately and kept saying "I, me, me" for a long time, unable to even let out a fart.

Ling Feng took a deep look at Gu Tengfeng. Although he had clearly rejected Gu Tengfeng last time, after Yan Cangtian's reminder, he had decided to join the East Campus Sword Team!

He wants to get in touch with powerful people at a higher level, and the East Campus Sword Team is undoubtedly an excellent springboard.

"How about it, Ling Feng, have you thought it through?" Gu Tengfeng stared at Ling Feng with a pair of bright eyes.

His eyes were full of sincerity, even interesting and pleading.

"Ling Feng, please join us no matter what!"

Seeing that Ling Feng had not replied for a long time, Miyagi gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "You may not know that for those of us students who have reached the age of twenty-three or four, this year is probably the last year that we can still represent The East Campus participated in the team sword fighting competition.”

Miyagi paused, his eyes slightly red, "After this year, Captain Gu will have to leave Tianwei Academy, maybe be transferred to the Black-armored Forbidden Army, or maybe enter the court. He has no more opportunities! And you, You are his hope. In this last year when he is about to leave Tianwei Academy, no matter what, let our East Campus Sword Team defeat a strong team in the Fifth Academy Sword Team Competition. This is Captain Gu’s! It’s my wish too!”

Ling Feng was stunned. Looking at these two tall men, he felt their dedication to the sword.

That kind of persistence has become something imprinted in their bones, which makes people moved.

"I didn't mean to refuse." Ling Feng smiled faintly, and this smile already made Gu Tengfeng and Miyagi understand the meaning.

"Haha, good boy, you won't make the wrong choice!" Gu Tengfeng stretched out his big hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder so hard that he almost dislocated his shoulder.

"Captain, our East Campus Sword Team has hope this year!" Miyagi was also extremely excited, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Ridiculous!" He Zhongjie lowered his head, a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

What can be changed by recruiting a mere Ling Feng?

Gu Tengfeng is indeed very strong, but among the East Campus Sword Team, only Gu Tengfeng is strong. The other members are uneven!

In a five-person team sword fighting competition, Gu Tengfeng cannot play a decisive role at all.

Especially when facing the two powerful teams of the North Court and the Middle Court, there were three or four evil swordsmen of Gu Tengfeng's level among their sword teams.

Maybe when they fight alone, they may not be able to match Gu Tengfeng, but as long as they cooperate well and cut off the battle flag belonging to the East Campus, they can win the game. Gu Teng Fengkong has great strength, but he can only suffer the taste of defeat many times.

Now, even if Ling Feng is recruited, even if he is indeed talented, there is only about half a year until the Fifth Academy Sword Team Competition, can he still grow enough to compete with those "monsters" who have opened more than fifty veins? The situation is not reached?

In He Zhongjie's opinion, this is absurd and extremely ridiculous.

Not to mention the North Court Sword Team and the Middle Court Sword Team, even their West Court Sword Team can defeat the East Court Sword Team as long as they cooperate well!

"Huh, it's just a case of urgent medical treatment. It's just a peak. It's nothing to worry about!"

He Zhongjie forced down his anger. Now that Gu Tengfeng was standing up for Ling Feng, he didn't dare to mention anything about the life and death arena.

Among the crowd, Li Bufan was obviously intimidated by Gu Tengfeng's powerful aura. He had long known about the crouching tigers, hidden dragons in Tianwei Academy, but he didn't expect that until he actually joined Tianwei Academy, he realized that the masters here were better than him. Hit more!

"Bufan, it seems that Ling Feng is no longer in danger. Captain Gu's intervention will be a hundred times more effective than my intervention." Li Bulu smiled faintly. He is also a disciple of Tianzi in the East Campus. Unfortunately, his qualifications are not as good as his own. This younger brother is such a monster, so he failed to become a member of the East Campus Sword Team.

"Yes." Li Bufan nodded slightly, suddenly becoming very interested in the East Campus Sword Team.

In fact, it is more of a feeling of secretly competing with Ling Feng. Since Ling Feng has joined the East Campus Sword Team, he must also join the East Campus Sword Team!

At this moment, a boiling sound came from behind the crowd, and countless people exclaimed, spreading quickly like a "plague".

"Yes...the most beautiful woman in the Central Court is here!"

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful! Is this a fairy from the Nine Heavens?"

"Where is the eldest lady of the Cangqiong Sect, Yue Yunlan? I heard that she went out to perform a mission. I thought I wouldn't see her, but I didn't expect that she actually came!"

"Haha, today is really a feast for the eyes. I saw a lot of beauties, but the most beautiful one in the Intermediate Court, Yue Yunlan, is the most beautiful!"

Hearing this voice, Ling Feng couldn't help but look back.

It's not because everyone described how beautiful that woman is, but because of the three words "Yue Yunlan".

Wen Tingguang's last letter to him mentioned that Yue Yunlan would return to Tianwei Academy soon. It seemed that she had just returned not long ago.

Under the attention of countless people, Yue Yunlan walked slowly from the outside of the square with light steps.

With her slender figure and elegant temperament, from a distance, she looks like an otherworldly fairy.

Behind her, there was a cute and cute girl, who was naturally her maid who was sympathetic to her sisters, Qiaoqiao.

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