Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 236 The sound of a piano brings harmony between heaven and man!

At this moment, the singers on the high platform retreated behind the scenes, and a young man who looked like the host of the party came out and said with a loud smile: "Everyone who has just joined Tianwei Academy, welcome to all of you." Coming to the party, I am Bai Jiantao, a disciple of Tianzi from the Central Academy!"

Tianzi disciple means a mainstay force in Tianwei Academy.

Tianwei Academy recruits nearly a thousand Huangzi disciples every year, and in the end, less than 10% can pass the numerous tests and be promoted to Tianzi disciples!

This Bai Jiantao's aura is like a sword with all its edge sharpened, but he always exudes an unstoppable aura. He is worthy of being a disciple of Tianzi, he is truly amazing!

Everyone quickly calmed down, not daring not to give face to this disciple of Tianzi.

"Our Tianwei Academy has a long history and encompasses all kinds of academics. It has never been a place to train martial arts. However, among the Huang Zi disciples every year, there will be some students with outstanding talents! Now, I would like to invite Huang Zi from the East Campus. Disciple Qin Wanwan plays "Spring Snow" for everyone!"

"Qin Wanwan?"

Feng Mo, who was next to Ling Feng, suddenly widened his eyes, "Brother Feng, I didn't expect that Miss Qin can also play the piano!"

"Yeah, that's awesome!" Jiang Xiaofan nodded repeatedly. Apart from being able to dance with a gun and a stick, this guy didn't know a lot of Chinese characters, let alone any music.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. He also didn't expect that the unruly and willful young lady could actually have this ability!

The next moment, I saw a graceful figure slowly walking up to the high platform, holding a burnt wood guqin in his hand. His calm and serious look had a different charm compared to his usual aggressive attitude.

The yellow-lettered disciples in the audience who came to the other four courtyards immediately exclaimed, it turns out that there are beauties of this level hidden in the east courtyard!

Suddenly, the audience burst into deafening cheers!

The Huangzi disciples who have just entered Tianwei Academy are undoubtedly receiving the most rigorous training. It is a rare opportunity to relax like this, so naturally each one is more excited than the other!

Today, Qin Wanwan was dressed very solemnly, wearing a gorgeous light blue flowing fairy skirt, which was bright and eye-catching, adding a bit of beauty.

In the hazy night, under the soft starlight, she sat quietly in the center of the stage, gently plucked the strings, and played a beautiful and moving piece of music.

It has to be said that Qin Wanwan's piano skills are quite good. Although most people present are definitely not proficient in poetry and poetry, they can at least be moved by her piano music and experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

Qin Wanwan closed her eyes, immersed in those beautiful melodies. As her fingertips beat, strings of beautiful notes soaked into her heart like autumn rain!


An absolute master luthier!

Even if Qin Wanwan fails to reach the peak of martial arts in the future, if she concentrates on her piano skills, she definitely has the potential to become the chief luther player in the palace.

Accompanied by Qin Wanwan's beautiful and moving music, Ling Feng's mind showed an image of a lonely swordsman dancing his sword under the moonlight.

Listening to the sound of Qin Wanwan's piano, unconsciously, her whole body seemed to sink into a very mysterious state, as if she was one with the nature of heaven and earth.

"This woman..." Ling Feng's heartstrings seemed to be plucked.

It is said that one can know the elegant meaning by listening to a stringed song. The sound of the stringed instrument can express a person's inner world. He heard a different kind of voice from Qin Wanwan's piano music. She didn't seem so unreasonable.

At some point, Li Bufan, a young man who was as cold as frost for thousands of years, also appeared at the party. Accompanying him was a man who looked somewhat similar to him. He was a few years older than Li Bufan. Obviously, he It's his older brother.

Judging from his clothes, he should be a disciple of Tianzi.

This person is none other than the Sixth Young Master of Taiwei Mansion, Li Bufan’s biological brother, Li Buju!

There are many heirs in the Taiwei Mansion, but Li Bufan and Li Bugu are from the same mother, so their relationship with each other is naturally much better than that of other brothers.

"Extraordinary, you regard all the beautiful women in the world as rubbish. Why are you attracted to this woman's music today?"

Li Buju turned to look at his ninth brother Li Bufan and smiled slightly.

Facing his brother, Li Bufan's expression was slightly gentler, but still as cold as ice, "Sixth brother was joking."

In fact, wherever he looked, it was Ling Feng!

This is the only peer who can be on an equal footing with him, so that he can't forget it all the time. The only thing he thinks about is when he can completely leave Ling Feng behind!

Finally, as the last beautiful note fell, Qin Wanwan slowly opened her eyes, her hands still resting on the strings, unwilling to put them down...

Her eyes seemed to be searching, who understood her own voice?

"Pah! Pah! Pah!..."

Ling Feng applauded her calmly. At that moment, his mind seemed to have sunk into a state of harmony between man and nature, and even his knowledge of the sword seemed to have improved.

To be able to play piano music to this extent is definitely a master of piano art!

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of applause, accompanied by some cheers.

"Today I finally understand why Teacher Su seems to like Miss Qin so much. It turns out that Miss Qin is also a talented woman!" Feng Mo touched his chin and sighed repeatedly.

As for Zhou Kai and Ouyang Jing, they had already found Zhou Yun, squeezed through the crowd, and rushed to Zhou Yun's side.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. With the help of Qin Wanwan's piano music, he briefly entered a state of harmony between heaven and man. Based on this alone, tonight's trip was not in vain.

After a long time, Qin Wanwan slowly stood up, bowed to the audience, and then walked off the stage with her guqin in her arms.

She gently lifted the hem of her skirt and slowly walked down the high platform. Everything she passed was filled with water!

"Miss Qin, I admire your talent very much. I wonder if we can have some in-depth artistic discussions!"

"Junior Sister Qin, I am actually very knowledgeable about Guqin music scores. I can play "Three Plum Blossoms" and "Sunset Flute and Drum"..."

"Hahaha, Miss Qin, we must be close friends. I actually have a collection of many famous guqins!"

A group of young people who were fascinated by Qin Wanwan's talent and appearance gathered around Qin Wanwan, surrounded by her cousin Liu Yunfei as an escort. The crazy crowd still refused to let go.

Qin Wanwan frowned. She changed her calm and elegant attitude on the stage. She glanced at those lewd guys and said with a cold face: "If you don't block the way, good dogs, get out of my way!"

Sure enough, this is the true character of this unruly young lady!

However, this only aroused the desire to conquer those young men, and they even entangled her in every possible way.

Just when Qin Wanwan was so angry that she wanted to run away, she suddenly caught sight of Ling Feng, bit her silver teeth and shouted: "Smelly Lingfeng, listen to me, the first thing I want you to do is... Help me get rid of these annoying flies!"

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