Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 235 Five Academy Joint Party!

sinking to the west...

After a day of training, everyone returned to their respective residences with their tired bodies in their hands.

When they returned to Tianshu East Courtyard, a group of teenagers took a nice bath and then sat side by side in the yard, enjoying the rare leisure time.

"Brother Feng, Ouyang, what is the second phase of your training today? Isn't it exciting!"

Feng Mo, the roommate who was not selected, asked curiously.

He Yiming and Yang Jun also stretched out their ears, obviously very interested in this mysterious "second stage training".

"Exciting, so exciting!"

Ouyang Jing shook his arm and threw a stone sword weighing more than a thousand kilograms in the double gravity area for two hours, almost dislocating his arm.

It's really hard to imagine how perverted these two perverts, Ling Feng and Li Bufan, were.

For two full hours, these two guys were silent, and they were actually practicing basic sword skills!

"I'll do it! I really envy you!" He Yiming said excitedly.

"Envy..." Ouyang Jing rolled his eyes, "Put it down. After you experience it, you will know how happy weight training is."

As he said that, Ouyang Jing seemed to have remembered something, his expression suddenly became "ambiguous", he looked at Zhou Kai with a smile, and said with saliva: "Well, Brother Kai, I told you last time that I wanted to pursue your sister. Things..."

Zhou Kai quickly pushed Ouyang Jing away, "Ouyang, if you really mean it, just pursue Xiaoyun yourself. As long as Xiaoyun likes it, I will definitely have no objection!"

"But you have to help!" Ouyang Jing scratched the back of his head. This guy was usually very showy, but when he saw Zhou Yun, he seemed to have seen his nemesis, and he couldn't even speak.

"How can I help?" Zhou Kai shook his head, "I'm good at fighting, but I really can't help you with this!"

At this time, Feng Mo suddenly jumped up with a coquettish look on his face, "Humph, of course you have to seek my opinion on this kind of thing. What do you think I read in the library when I read a lot of books every day?"

After saying that, Feng Mo actually raised his eyebrows at Ling Feng proudly, hinting at the "little secret" that only the two of them knew.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. If this guy came up with an idea, it would most likely be to go to bed...

That book "Emperor, A History of Romantic Love" is so fresh in my memory!

Ling Feng said he didn't quite understand Feng Mo's coquettishness...

"When pursuing a woman, the first thing is to be attracted to her. The second thing is to show your personal charm..."

As soon as Feng Mo came out, he was indeed very eloquent. The "animals" next to him were stunned for a moment, and they secretly sighed, Master Feng is Master Feng!


Zhou Kai's head went dark when he heard that. He packed up the chairs and returned to his room. Before leaving, he left a message, "Damn it, I won't help you lie to my sister!"

Ouyang Jing listened with great interest and rubbed his hands together excitedly.



Ling Feng saw these guys' eyes shining and shook his head. These guys were still too relaxed during the day!

"By the way, when I was studying Imperial History yesterday, Instructor Su said that tonight there will be a party for students with yellow letters from the Fifth Academy. It seems that students from the East, South, West, North and Central Schools can participate. There will also be a party at the party. You can meet those Tian Zi disciples and Earth Zi disciples. Ouyang, this is your chance! I guess your Zhou Yun will also go!"

Feng Mo suddenly said with excitement.

Because today is exactly one month since the new generation of Huangzi disciples joined Tianwei University, in order to enhance communication among students, this joint evening party of the five colleges is open to students from all Tianwei University.

For students of Tianwei Academy, communication is also an important ability.

After all, it is not impossible for the elites who come out of the Tianwei Academy to become high-ranking officials in the empire in the future, or even rank among the three nobles and nine ministers.

Therefore, Tianwei Academy often holds social activities such as parties for wealthy nobles.

"Really?" Ouyang Jing gritted his teeth, obviously not believing it!

"If you go, you have a half chance, if you don't go, you have a 0% chance. Ouyang, you are still a young boss after all, don't you even have the courage?" Feng Mo used the provocation method to provoke Ouyang Jing and said with a smile.

"If you die, you will die! If you go, go!" Ouyang Jing clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and said: "Feng Mo, let's all go! Let's go together. Brother, will you go too?"

"I want you to go." Ling Feng curled his lips, "I'm not interested!"

"Brother, you can't be so heartless! My brother's happiness for the rest of his life depends on you!" Ouyang Jing looked pitiful and could barely hold Ling Feng's thigh.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, thinking about how when he first met Ouyang Jing, a serious young man with a straight face and clear eyes, how could he know that this guy was so sultry at heart!

"What does your happiness for the rest of your life have to do with me?"

"Brother! As brothers, we have this life, but no afterlife!"

"..." Ling Feng was speechless.

"Brother! You are my spiritual support. I can't move forward without you!" Ouyang Jing said shamelessly.

"I'm afraid of you! I'm going, why don't I go!"

Ling Feng felt depressed for a while. He had been so unlucky for eight lifetimes that he had such a brother with "a thief's heart but no thief's courage"!

"Brother, I will go too!"

Jiang Xiaofan originally wanted to stay and spar with Ling Feng, but seeing that Ling Feng was going to attend the joint party of the Five Institutes, he also wanted to see what a luxurious party in a big city was like.

As a result, the seven-person team from Tianshu East Campus (eventually including Zhou Kai), all members were dispatched, and their destination was the central square of Tianwei Academy!

The central square is where all the students came to Tianwei Academy for various tests that day. The area of ​​​​this square is definitely enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

However, the protagonists tonight are the 800 yellow disciples who have newly joined Tianwei Academy.

Because at the joint party of the five colleges, you can see those disciples of Tianzi who have successfully cultivated, so tonight, the attendance rate of those rookies is almost as high as over 80%.

About 80% of those who can enter Tianwei Academy are wealthy families from various states and counties. Therefore, the friendship between students often symbolizes the friendship between families and sects.

Moreover, this kind of relationship can lead to Tianwei Academy. Forming a friendly alliance between families is also an excellent way to consolidate the family's status.

However, this kind of "friendship" is usually linked to interests. Generally speaking, it is only the icing on the cake, and it is difficult to provide help when the time is right. This is also inevitable.

At this moment, walking in the central square was crowded with people, and a huge bonfire lit up the night sky, as bright as day!

In the center of the square, a high platform was erected, and those beautiful singers were performing some singing and dancing programs on the stage.

For Yang Jun, Feng Mo and others, they were originally wealthy families from various counties and cities. They had attended such banquets and evening parties frequently, but for Jiang Xiaofan, this was the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair!

This guy looked left and right, and felt that everything was so fresh.

Ling Feng looked at everything around him very boredly. He was not interested in the social activities of the imperial family. If he had this skill, he might as well practice swordsmanship, refine elixirs, and study the "Medicine King's Prescriptions" which would also be great!

On the other hand, Feng Mo's sneaky eyes kept looking around the crowd, presumably looking for beauties from other colleges.

Ouyang Jing was also among the crowd, searching for Zhou Yun's figure. His eyes looked through the autumn water, almost turning into a "Watching Woman Stone"...

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