Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 221 Your research is very in-depth!

With a heart full of helplessness, Ling Feng still came to the library to accept Qin Wanwan's "invitation".

The library of Tianwei Academy is divided into two parts.

The first part is the collection of various cultures and literature within the empire. The second part is naturally a collection of various exquisite martial arts, techniques, and secret techniques.

Therefore, the areas that students can enter are limited according to their level.

However, relatively speaking, the management of the first part is much looser than that of the second part.

After a while, Ling Feng came to the area specially provided for students with yellow letters to borrow books. Among the crowd, he saw Qin Wanwan at a glance.

I have to say that this woman, even if she is placed in a crowd, cannot stop her beauty and stunningness.

At this moment, there were only a few people in the reading room. After all, there are very few people in Tianwei Academy who advocate martial arts and really like to study imperial culture and knowledge in various fields.

Moreover, the Tianbai Empire also opened a special "Guozijian", which was a place dedicated to training civil servants.

Qin Wanwan was sitting in the back seat, flipping through a thick book. Compared with her usual aggressive and unruly state, when she calmly read the book, she had a more intellectual look. charm.

Behind her, there are more than a dozen "animals", apparently reading a book, but in fact they have a pair of sneaky eyes, and they don't know what they are reading.

"I'm here." Ling Feng's voice was still very cold.

There were many students with yellow letters from other four houses around. They looked up and saw Ling Feng approaching their favorite "goddess". One or two of them couldn't help but snorted softly and thought to themselves: "Who is this guy? He is greeting a beautiful woman like this." , that’s too self-righteous!”

After all, many male students who thought they were attractive had already hit a brick wall with Qin Wanwan.

Unexpectedly, Qin Wanwan actually raised her head, glared at Ling Feng, frowned and said, "Why did you come here! I asked you to wait for me, but you actually asked me to wait for you!"

I wipe it!

The students around me felt dizzy!

what's the situation?

The cold goddess actually spoke, and her tone sounded a little sad and touching?

What is the origin of this boy?

Judging from his cultivation level, it's nothing remarkable. He's just in the early stage of Pulse Condensation Realm!

There are also some students from the East Campus who secretly envy that the chief is always the best, and even the belle of the college is so obedient.

"If you have anything to do, tell me." Ling Feng frowned and got straight to the point, not wanting to waste too much time here.

"Hmph!" Qin Wanwan was already used to Ling Feng's cold attitude, so she didn't say much, directly closed the thick book in her hand, opened her red lips and said softly: "This ancient history of the Tianbai Holy Dynasty cannot be borrowed due to my authority. , you are the head of the East Campus and have sufficient authority, so I hope you can give me your ID badge and I will go through the borrowing procedures."

"Just such a small thing?" Ling Feng threw his identity token to Qin Wanwan, "Is this a condition?"

"Humph, that doesn't count!"

Qin Wanwan pursed her lips, grabbed Ling Feng's identity token, and strode away holding the thick book.

"You!" Ling Feng frowned and couldn't help but go crazy: Ah! This crazy woman! ! !

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng calmed down a little and found a corner to sit down.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw a familiar figure.

That's not their only roommate in Tianshu East Campus who "loves learning", Feng Mo!

Seeing this guy reading books seriously, Ling Feng secretly admired him.

Although Feng Mo's talent is not top-notch in the East Campus, he studies so diligently that he might be able to become a "strategic staff officer" or something like that in the future, which is not bad.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng walked behind Feng Mo and patted his shoulder gently.

Feng Mo immediately felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his whole body shivered. When he turned around and saw that it was Ling Feng, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his "feeling guilty" reaction doesn't seem to be normal!

"It turns out to be Brother Feng!" Feng Mo let out a few deep breaths, and cold sweat seemed to break out on his forehead.

"What book are you reading? You're so excited." Ling Feng took out a book from Feng Mo's hand and saw the cover.

"Emperor Ji, History of Erotic Love"!


Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood and opened it casually to take a look.

Incredible, it even comes with illustrations!

Ling Feng slapped this "heavy" book on the table and said calmly: "Feng Mo, what you are studying is very in-depth!"

"Uh-huh!" Feng Mo said with a serious face: "In literature, we can't just look at the surface. We have to see the essence through the phenomenon. This book is about a woman who fights against fate. I think this It’s a very educational book.”

As he spoke, Feng Mo's voice actually revealed a sense of vicissitudes of life, with a faint hint of criticism.

Depend on!

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people. It's just serious nonsense!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "Then you can study it carefully and I won't disturb you, Master Feng."

"Hehe..." Feng Mo smiled slightly and said, "Brother Feng, this will be our little secret from now on..."

"What little secret?"

The two of them were whispering when they suddenly heard a clear and sweet voice coming from behind. It was naturally Qin Wanwan.

Feng Mo was so excited that he quickly hugged the table and blocked the awesome "Emperor, the History of Romance".

Ling Feng came forward with a guilty conscience and changed the subject: "Um, have you borrowed the book? Please return my identity token to me."

"Hmph, I won't miss you!" Qin Wanwan thrust the token into Ling Feng's hand, "Here, give it!"

Ling Feng was sweating in his heart. If Qin Wanwan, a woman, found out that he had read that kind of indescribable book, he might be in danger of being ruined at any time!

"You haven't eaten yet? Come on, let's go eat!"

After saying that, Ling Feng couldn't help but grabbed Qin Wanwan and left the library. It was too dangerous to stay here!

Feng Mo was moved when he saw Ling Feng trying so hard to "cover" himself, with a trace of tears shining in his eyes.

This is a real good brother!

After leaving the library, Ling Feng let go of Qin Wanwan. Seeing Qin Wanwan's bright eyes staring straight at him, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"It's strange that you actually invited me to eat together?" Qin Wanwan stared at Ling Feng, as if interrogating a prisoner, frowning and said: "Tell me, what other bad ideas do you have?"

"Don't pull him down!" Ling Feng waved his hand and he was freed!

"I happen to be hungry, so go ahead!" Qin Wanwan snorted with an arrogant look on her face and walked quickly towards the canteen.

Ling Feng shrugged and counted the days. Tonight was another day to give Yan Cangtian acupuncture to suppress the poison in his body. It would be a good idea to have a meal to replenish his strength.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng also took a step forward and followed him in large strides.

Thanks to [Immortal Gods Fall into the Mortal World], [Loneliness], [Dusty Memory], and [Just Be Happy Xu] for their reward support, thank you~

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