Ling Feng looked up and naturally quickly recognized that the person who came was a disciple of the Cang Qiong Sect. He smiled faintly and immediately stood up to respond.

"I am Ling Feng. Senior brother has come from afar. Please sit down and rest."

The Cangqiong disciple quickly waved his hand, took out a baggage from the Naling Ring, and said respectfully: "Master Ling, this is what Mr. Wenge asked me to send to you. Now that my mission is completed, it is time to return to the sect. The door is gone."

"This..." Ling Feng took the baggage and said with a smile, "Okay then, senior brother, walk slowly!"

After seeing off the Cang Qiong Sect disciple, Ling Feng turned around and walked back to the courtyard.

"Brother, who was that guy just now? His aura looks quite scary. Isn't he a student from our Tianwei Academy?" Ouyang Jing stepped forward and couldn't help but ask.

"It was an 'old' friend of mine who came here to deliver something. He can be regarded as a messenger." Ling Feng smiled faintly and did not reveal his relationship with the Cang Qiong Sect.

Although he is nominally a distinguished guest of the Cang Qiong Sect, there is no need to show off this relationship.


Everyone nodded, only Yang Jun was thoughtful.

His vision is no better than that of ordinary children from aristocratic families, and there is no way he would mistake the badge of a disciple of the Cangqiong Sect.

Yang Jun was secretly glad that he didn't offend Ling Feng too much. Otherwise, if he really had to fight with Ling Feng, the grass on his grave would soon be as high as his waist.

Ling Feng took the baggage and returned to his room.

After he arrived in the Imperial Capital, he asked a courier to deliver a letter to Cangqiong, telling Wen Tingguang that he had arrived in the Imperial Capital, and also slightly mentioned that he was the head of the Wenxian Sect.

The main reason is that he doesn't want Wen Tingguang to make a wasted trip to the Wenxian Sect the next time he heals the head of the Cangqiong Sect.

"I didn't expect the imperial capital's couriers to be very efficient."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and slowly untied the baggage.

He was a little curious, what would Wen Tingguang send to him?

When he opened the bag and took a look, Ling Feng's eyelids jumped suddenly.

"Regenerate Golden Needle!"

What catches the eye is a neat row of gold needles, embedded in a needle bag sewn with gold threads.

"one two three……"

Ling Feng carefully counted and found that this row of golden needles had one more than the eight recycled golden needles he requested to make that day, a total of nine!

Ling Feng couldn't help but swallowed. With his current wealth, even if he added in the Wenxian Sect's inventory and spent everything, I'm afraid it would only be one regenerated golden needle. And the Cangqiong Sect is worthy of being the Divine Sect of Protecting the Country, with rich heritage. Extraordinary, in less than three months, he created nine regenerative golden needles for himself.

Plus my original one!

"Haha, what an unexpected surprise!" Ling Feng was overjoyed. With these ten regenerated golden needles, he could use the regenerated needle array to perform acupuncture on Yan Cangtian. Although he did not dare to say that the poison in his body was completely eliminated, But it is not difficult to resolve it by 30% to 50%.

Perhaps, using the method of dripping water through stone without using the Azure Cloud Pattern Pill, Yan Cangtian's eyes can be cured over time.

However, Ling Feng didn't know exactly how long it would take.

Continuing to look through the baggage, in addition to the recycled gold needle, there is also a letter.

This letter was naturally written by the old man Wen Tingguang to himself.

The content on Wen Tingguang's letter was very simple, that is, he told himself that the regenerated golden needle had been completed under his supervision ahead of schedule, and he asked someone to deliver it to him. In addition, he said that he was very busy for the time being, and when he had time, he would come to Tianwei Academy to talk to him when he had the opportunity.

In addition, it was also mentioned that Yue Yunlan and a group of disciples went to participate in the sect's mission, so they were unable to return to Tianwei Academy for the time being. After she comes back, you can get together.

After Ling Feng read the letter, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile, thinking that the word "get together" was a bit ambiguous.

He and Yue Yunlan are just friends between gentlemen.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

In the first half month of coming to Tianwei Academy, most people have adapted to the one hundred lap training. For example, Ling Feng and other students who have completed the training with outstanding performance have even raised the weight of 500 kilograms to Seven hundred catties, or even a thousand catties.

In addition, the devil taught Leng Jianfeng and finally began to guide the students in the practice of swordsmanship.

From the sword technique, sword moves, and sword skills, from the shallower to the deeper, it also explains the true meaning of the sword, which is the so-called sword intention.

Of course, the sword is just a representative, it can also be the intention of the sword, the intention of the fist, the intention of the spear...

However, in the Tianbai Empire, sword cultivation is the most common, so I will use Sword Intent as an example to explain from simple to deep.

Of course, in addition to the professors of the martial arts training association, this knowledge is also taught in the classroom by instructors of theoretical and cultural courses.

All in all, this half month gave Ling Feng a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the martial arts system.

Only now did he realize that what he had realized by chance was actually sword intention!

Oh no, strictly speaking, it is just the sword fetus. When the sword fetus completely evolves into the shadow of the sword blade, it can be regarded as the real sword intention.

However, this discovery really surprised Ling Feng, because whether it was Leng Jianfeng or the instructor of martial arts theory, they all said that such a thing as sword intent, even among Tianwei Academy, is one of the best, even The existence of one in a thousand.

Not to mention the yellow-character disciples, even among the Tian-zi disciples who have gone through numerous screenings and assessments, there are less than a hundred students with sword intent!

Ling Feng, on the other hand, is a different kind of person, a yellow-lettered disciple with "half-step sword intent".

It's no wonder that Gu Tengfeng was so excited when he sensed the fluctuation of Ling Feng's sword intent.

At this moment, in the imperial etiquette class.

The person responsible for teaching imperial etiquette is also a female instructor, and she actually looks pretty good.

However, there is no harm without comparison. The existence of Su Qingxuan, a beautiful tutor, makes everyone completely uninterested in this female tutor's courses.

"Okay, that's it for today's imperial etiquette."

The female instructor snorted softly, and when she saw the lazy students in the class, she thought to herself: "These hateful students, when the mid-term grading comes, I will give you a C grade!"

Everyone finally made it to the end of get out of class, stretched themselves out one by one, and left the classroom.

Going through imperial etiquette is simply more difficult than undergoing martial arts training taught by devils.

Maybe he was used to being abused by the devil's cult. If he wasn't abused once a day, his whole body would feel weak.

Qin Wanwan pretended to pass by Ling Feng casually, slipped him a note, then cast a "threatening" look at Ling Feng, and left triumphantly.

Ling Feng opened the note and saw five beautiful small characters written on it: Wait for me in the library!


Ling Feng frowned. If he had known it, he would not have agreed to this woman's three conditions even if he had known that they were "a loss of power and an insult to the country"!

"Brother, I'm a little confused about the boxing technique that Master Leng taught me yesterday. Please give me some pointers."

Jiang Xiaofan is a complete martial arts fanatic. No matter what class he takes, his mind is filled with martial arts, martial arts, martial arts...

"I'm going to the library. If you're interested, come together." Ling Feng said lightly.

"Ah? The library?" Jiang Xiaofan quickly took a few steps back, "Brother, go ahead. I'll wait for you to come back in Tianshu East Courtyard."

This guy has a big headache when it comes to reading. If he goes to a place like a library where his eyes are full of books, he will probably faint immediately.

"The more you read, the more enlightened you will be!" Ling Feng sighed softly and patted Jiang Xiaofan's shoulder.

Suddenly I remembered that there was a roommate in Tianshu East Courtyard, Feng Mo, who went to the library every two days, not knowing what the library had a fatal attraction for him.

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