Celestial being

Chapter 848 Acacia Tree

As Fairy Yunluo's goddess dharma was defeated, the tree-man's body that was broken into two parts moved again. The lower half of the tree-man lifted up the broken upper half and pressed it on his body again.

The broken place lit up with green light, and the two tree body parts merged into one in the blink of an eye. There were no scars at all, and it looked as if there was no injury at all.

The tree man opened his huge mouth and roared at Fairy Yunluo in the air, but it was not angry, but full of ridicule.

Fairy Yunluo gritted her teeth and was about to take action again.

"Fellow Daoist Yunluo, don't be impulsive. This tree man is a little unusual." At this moment, Yuan Ming flew over and reminded Fairy Yunluo to calm down.

"Did Fellow Daoist Yuan see something?" Fairy Yunluo asked, suppressing the anger in her heart.

"Fellow Daoist Yun Luo's illusion magic power has condensed into a Tao Seal. Even if he is dealing with a monk in the middle stage of the Dharma Appearance, it is impossible for him to have no impact on the opponent, let alone a mere monster?" Yuan Ming said.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, there is no need to comfort me. The most powerful skill of the Su Nu sect is the charm technique. The illusion magic power is not considered top-notch. It is normal to miss." Fairy Yunluo shook her head and said.

"Yuan is not comforting fellow Taoist Yun Luo. In fact, when the tree man was fighting with fellow Taoist Yun Luo just now, Yuan was not just standing in the distance and watching. He also launched some kind of soul attack, which also had no effect." Yuan Ming turned over his hands. He took out the Soul-Destroying Sword and looked at the curse rune on it.

Fairy Yunluo looked at the Soul-Destroying Sword and felt the astonishing cold power contained in the sword. She was secretly frightened, and then asked: "So what does Yuan Daoyou think is the problem with this tree man?"

"Yuan feels that it is not that the tree man's soul is different and can resist our soul attacks, but that the tree man in front of him is simply a puppet. The real body is not here. No matter how we attack, it will naturally be in vain. Yuan Ming shook his head and said.

Fairy Yunluo's body trembled slightly and then she said: "Fellow Daoist Yuan's words are reasonable. I wonder if there is any solution?"

"I have just used my spiritual sense to carefully investigate, but I did not find the true form of the tree man. However, the spiritual power contained in this puppet is of great importance. If it is about to be destroyed, I do not believe that the true form of the tree man can survive. As soon as it appears, we will There will be a chance to really kill it!" Yuan Ming said.

"This is indeed a way, but this tree man is very capable. Even if you and I join forces, it will be difficult to defeat, let alone kill them. Are those spiritual beasts that Yuan Daoyou plans to wait for you to come over?" Fairy Yunluo He frowned.

"If I face another monster, I may not be able to do it, but if I want to deal with this tree man, it is not difficult to kill it." Yuan Ming smiled slightly.

Without waiting for Fairy Yunluo to ask, he flew forward and soon reached the sky above the giant tree man, waving his sleeves.

A large array of flags and array disks were shot out, forming a magic array in the void, which was the formation equipment of the Eight-pole Golden Lock Array.

The tree man below seemed a little uneasy when he saw Yuan Ming's actions. Two extremely thick trunks sprouted from the tree body, like two huge arms, and they waved in the air.


Countless branches and leaves shot out densely, like countless arrows raining down. Every branch and every leaf contained amazing power, heading straight for Yuan Ming and the Baji Golden Lock Formation.

Although Fairy Yunluo didn't know what Yuan Ming was going to do, she didn't let the tree man disturb her. With a sweet shout, two white rainbows shot out, which were the two white flying swords just now.

The flying sword flashed below Yuan Ming, circling and slashing.

White sword energy shot out and collided with the incoming branches and leaves.

In the earth-shattering loud noise, clouds of spiritual light and storms spread out in all directions, the spiritual energy of the world was shaken away, and the nearby space trembled as if it was about to collapse.

Yuan Ming paid no attention to these, and made secrets with both hands in the air. Many of the equipment of the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation lit up with dazzling golden light, and then suddenly dispersed, turning into a series of spiritual lights that shot downwards, and disappeared into the ground near the tree man in a flash. .

The giant tree man was fighting head-on with Fairy Yunluo. Seeing this, he wanted to stop it but it was already too late.

Dazzling golden light emerged from the gap, forming a huge golden light pillar that enveloped the tree man's body.

The tree man was startled and did not care to fight with Fairy Yunluo. The two thick tree trunks like arms waved in an attempt to wipe out the light beam.

However, thick chains shot out from the light beam and wrapped around the tree man, getting tighter and tighter.

The tree man roared angrily and tried to free himself by waving the tree trunk, but it was of no avail. Instead, he was entangled in more and more chains, and soon he was completely unable to move.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan's formation cultivation has reached such a level that he can set up a sixth-level formation with just a wave of his hand. Could it be that you are already a sixth-level formation master?" Fairy Yunluo asked in astonishment.

"While protecting Daoist fellow Taoist Yun Luo, Yuan had something in his heart and made an unexpected breakthrough." Yuan Ming said half-truthfully.

Fairy Yunluo stared at Yuan Ming with her bright eyes, her heart filled with turmoil.

When several people were hunting the jellyfish monster earlier, Yuan Ming was still having a hard time setting up the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation. At that time, his formation cultivation was at the peak of level five, but within a few days the opponent actually broke through to level six.

Fairy Yunluo was born in the Zhongzhou Pure Girl Sect. Although she has not practiced formations, she also knows that the sixth level formation master is the watershed in the formation, blocking the steps of countless formation masters.

If you can't break through, you can only be an ordinary formation master, but once you cross it, you can join the ranks of formation masters, and you will receive great courtesy from giant sects such as Tiansheng Academy, Taixuan Sect, and Mingyue Palace.

"Alright, let's talk about Yuan's matters later. Let's work together to kill the tree man and force out its true form." Yuan Ming said, waving his hands in the air.

One after another red formations appeared in the air, condensing into many formations, forming a large red formation in a few breaths.

Meteor and fire shower!

Although it is not as good as the Baji Golden Lock Formation, it is still the best among the five-level formations.

Raging flames ignited in the red array, and fireballs as huge as meteorites shot out from the array, hitting the tree man with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

The tree man could not move as he was hit by meteorite fireballs one after another. His body was soon riddled with holes, and his body was still blazing with flames.

The tree man roared in fright, spitting out the green light from before, trying to intercept the flaming meteorites in the sky, and his body also glowed with bright green light, trying to heal the wounds.

Yuan Ming smiled slightly and waved his hands again. Gold and blue light flashed through the void, and a green magic circle and a golden magic circle appeared in the air.

Countless wind blades and golden sword shadows fell across the sky, also hitting the tree man.

Hundred Fissures Storm Array!

Taiyi Sword Shadow Array!

The tree man's body was completely submerged, and his angry roars were swallowed up by countless attacks.

This is the fighting method of a sixth-level formation mage. He waved his hands and formed many formations to form an overwhelming attack. The monks at the Dharma phase stage were unable to resist and could only dodge.

Deep beneath the tree man, a gray figure sneaked quietly, approaching the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation arranged underground.

"Damn, where did the two evil stars come from? The tree slave I have worked hard to cultivate for thousands of years was beaten like this, damn, damn..." The gray figure roared in his heart, but his actions were extremely careful, not leaking any breath.

The gray shadow was not slow and soon came to the vicinity of the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation. He opened his mouth and spat out a stream of gray light, heading straight for an formation flag.

At this moment, streaks of white light suddenly shot from the side and rolled towards the gray shadow.

The gray shadow was shocked, and immediately gave up attacking the Eight-Jin Golden Lock Formation, turned around and fled downwards, but a charming woman's voice sounded in his ears: "Fellow Daoist Yuan really guessed it right. The tree people outside are really puppets. I didn't expect that there is a tree demon named Lianli in the world." exist."

Gray Shadow was shocked and couldn't help but pause.

At this moment, white light flashed across the soil below, and the figure of Fairy Yunluo appeared out of thin air, only a few feet away from the gray shadow. Countless white light strands shot out from her body, and she hooded her head towards the gray shadow.

The gray shadow trembled and suddenly turned into a dozen identical gray shadows, fleeing in all directions.

Fairy Yunluo didn't panic at all. She waved her hand down casually, and threads of light appeared in the soil on all sides, forming a net that caught all the gray shadows.

The big white net quickly tightened and floated in front of Fairy Yunluo. In the big net, the gray figure showed its true form, but it was a person with a big head and a short body. The whole body was covered with bark-like wrinkles, and it looked weird, half human and half tree. exist.

"The Lianli tree is also called the acacia tree. It is said that the red thread that leads Yue Lao to love is made of silk from the acacia tree. I didn't expect it to be so ugly." Fairy Yunluo looked at the Lianli tree demon up and down, frowning, with a look of disgust on her face. .

Lianli Dryad whined, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Fairy Yunluo ignored it and pointed a finger.

A ray of white light fell into the center of Lian Li's tree demon's eyebrows, and the demon immediately fell into an illusion and remained motionless.

The woman flew upwards and soon reached the ground.

Yuan Ming's attack has also stopped, and the person has landed on the island ground.

The huge tree man had completely fallen to the ground at this moment, half of his body was missing, and the remaining part was scorched black, and he seemed to be dying.

However, Yuan Ming did not take it lightly and still imprisoned him with the Eight-pole Golden Lock Formation.

"Thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist Yunluo," Yuan Ming said.

"It's not hard. If Yuan Daoyou hadn't noticed the specific location of the Lianli tree demon through his emotional fluctuations, I wouldn't have been able to catch it. It's just that the demonic power of the Lianli tree demon is only about level five. It is really like this The true form of the tree man?" Fairy Yunluo asked.

"It's not right to say that it is the real body. It can only be said that the Lianli tree demon is the controller of the tree man. The Lianli tree is not actually a very powerful tree demon. This demon has special demon power and can fuse with most spiritual trees to speed up its growth. Growing up, in ancient times many great powers captured the Lianli Dryad and asked him to take care of the spiritual tree garden." Yuan Ming said eloquently.

Ever since he refined the Immortal Tree into the Life Spirit Plant, he has been paying close attention to all kinds of strange spiritual trees. A few years ago, he saw the record of the Lianli Tree in a spiritual tree book.

"Since we can only cultivate spiritual trees to grow, why did this tree man become the puppet of the Lianli tree demon?" Fairy Yunluo asked with some confusion.

"Maybe it's due to the unique environment of the abyss! The aura of heaven and earth here is too violent, which will damage the intelligence of monsters. Perhaps the tree man's soul was severely damaged, and the Lianli tree monster took advantage of it. This is what caused the current situation. situation." Yuan Ming touched his chin and concluded.

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