Celestial being

Chapter 847 The Leader of the Three Realms

"What! Stealing the Heavenly Cauldron!" A flash of surprise flashed in Su Yingxue's eyes.

"Don't make this matter public. Judging from that man's actions, he is also a very cautious person. It would be difficult to handle if he alerted the enemy and caused the other party to run away." The young man said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Su Yingxue had regained her composure and nodded.

The woman then took out a fist-sized white ball from her sleeve and raised it high above her head.

"Leader, this is the two-world bead in the teleportation array of the Void Prison. I have fetched it for you. Now you can leave here at any time and return to the Izumo Realm." Su Yingxue said in a respectful tone.

The young man took the Two Worlds Pearl into his hand with a casual move.

"Don't worry, this prison of nothingness is actually quite good and suits my taste very well. I think it is necessary to conduct a selection here." The young man played with the two world beads for a while and said with a smile.

"The leader is selecting here?" Su Yingxue was slightly startled.

"What, you don't think it's appropriate?" The leader of the Three Realms asked in a relaxed and casual tone.

"I don't dare, it's just the Demon King of Hell..." Su Yingxue hesitated.

"If he dares to stop me, I don't mind having another dharma clone." The young man said lightly, then stood up, raised his hand and threw the two realm beads back, and Su Yingxue quickly caught them.

Then, the young man raised his arms, twisted his neck, stretched out comfortably, and let out a breath of dirty air.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "crackling" sound of bones exploding.

Su Yingxue's face changed color, and she waved her hand to create a golden light, which was thrown into the young man's chest. There was a cyan ball hanging there.

The golden light hit the blue bead and merged into it in a flash.

The young man ignored Su Yingxue's actions. There was a dense sound of flapping wings under the hem of the cloak. Three pairs of thin and transparent cicada wings with golden veins stretched out, reflecting a metallic luster.

At the same time, a large amount of black energy began to flow out from under his body.

The nearby demonic energy faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the surrounding rocks became pitted, and then dented at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The black energy on the young man's body suddenly erupted and swept away in an instant, flooding the entire Demonic Wind Cave, and the stone walls in the cave quickly disappeared.

The mountain above had no support and began to collapse. Countless large and small stones fell down, but they all disappeared after hitting the black air.

Some of the prisoners who were forging their bodies in the demonic wind were overwhelmed by the black energy before they understood what was happening, and became silent again.

In the blink of an eye, the black energy swallowed up everything in the Demonic Wind Cave, rising higher and higher, like a wild beast out of its cage, galloping away outside.

Everything he passed was swallowed up by the black energy, leaving only a dead nothingness.

"Su Wu, you bastard..." The extremely angry voice of the Hell Demon King came from outside.

The young man laughed, and more black energy surged out of him.

At the same time, Yuan Ming, who had no idea about this, had already started his journey again. He and Fairy Yunluo continued to search for traces of the sixth-level monster.

one year later.

On the vast sea, a white-feathered seagull with a wingspan of hundreds of feet flaps its wings and soars freely in the sky.

Its eyes were fixed on the sea, constantly observing the changes in the waves, as if it was looking for something.

Suddenly, it swooped down into the sky, flapped its wings forward at the same time, and a strong wind roared out, hitting the water with a "bang", like a giant hammer falling, smashing a "bang" on the sea. Huge pit.”

And in the "giant pit", a huge blue-backed fish demon that looked like a whale also came out and sprayed a column of blue water dozens of feet thick at the seagulls that rushed towards it.

However, a large green light suddenly appeared on the seagull's body. It suddenly increased its speed and dexterously avoided the water column. In the next moment, it was at the top of the fish demon's head, and a pair of sharp claws stabbed directly into the fish demon's eyes.

Just hearing a "plop", the fish demon's eyes were pierced by sharp claws. Under the pain, the fish demon suddenly went crazy, but the seagull grabbed the fish demon tightly, shook its wings, and took it up into the sky. .

Only then did the sea water pushed away by the strong wind gradually fall back, smoothing the "huge crater" in the sea.

The seagull also screamed twice proudly at this time, and then continued to catch the dying fish demon, looking for a foothold on the sea where it could enjoy its lunch in peace.

Soon, a green island came into view.

The island is very large, with forests of green trees and carpets of grass so dense that you can't even see the color of the soil.

In the center of the island, a large tree hundreds of feet tall is bathing in the sun. Its branches are lush and its thick crown blocks the sky. However, there are many gaps between the branches and leaves, and the sunlight cast from it falls on the island. on, like spots.

Seeing that there was a place to stay, the white-feathered seagull flew straight over without thinking too much.

But as soon as it approached the "island", the ground of the "island" suddenly shook for a moment, and a thick branch of the big tree suddenly lengthened and shot out, directly piercing the seagull and the fish demon on its claws, staining it with blood. Red vines.

The white-feathered seagull did not die, but vibrated its wings vigorously, trying to escape.

The ground nearby cracked open again, and seven or eight branches of about the same size shot out, entangled the white-feathered seagull, and soon strangled it to death and sent it to the big tree.

A large mouth appeared on the trunk of the nearly 1,000-foot-high tree, and it swallowed the white-feathered seagull and the fish monster in one gulp, making a sound of chewing.

In the distance, two figures were hiding in the clouds. Looking at this scene from a distance, they were Yuan Ming and Fairy Yunluo.

"I can't believe that there are tree people growing in the abyss. I remember that the tree people all live in the alpine rainforest in the northwest of Zhongzhou Continent. How come they are at the sea now?" Fairy Yunluo asked in wonder.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe the trees on the island were affected by the abyss, so they developed spiritual intelligence and became tree demons." Yuan Ming thought of Tianchan's motherly aura and said.

"Anyway, the demonic power of this tree has reached level six, which just meets our requirements. We are really lucky this time, and we found a suitable target in just one year. It's just that the tree demons move slowly and rarely leave themselves. territory, if we use the previous method to deal with it, I’m afraid it won’t work.” Fairy Yunluo nodded and then said.

"That's not necessarily the case." Yuan Ming said with a slight smile.

After reaching the sixth level of formation mage, his formation ability has undergone earth-shaking changes, his vision has also improved to a higher level, and he naturally has a new understanding of his own strength.

"Really? It seems that Fellow Daoist Yuan is already confident. However, things are different now than in the past. Now that I have achieved Dharma status, in order to repay Fellow Daoist Yuan for my previous kindness, I will let you take the lead in this battle." Fairy Yunluo said gently. He smiled, and then rushed forward immediately.

After breaking through the Dharma Form, Fairy Yunluo's speed greatly increased. With just a flash, she reached the sky above the tree man. The two white flying swords she had used when fighting the jellyfish monster were shot through the air, turning into two white giant swords and slashing fiercely. To the giant tree man.

The white flying sword was still halfway through, when it emitted a large hallucinogenic light. Yuan Ming felt that his soul was faintly shaken, and he hurriedly looked away.

There were two loud "clang" sounds, and the two branches of the giant tree man firmly blocked the white giant sword, seemingly unaffected by the hallucinogenic effect of the giant sword.

A trace of surprise flashed in Fairy Yunluo's eyes, and she kept using magic spells with both hands, activating the illusion magic path seal in the magic image.

The two giant swords suddenly burst into dazzling white light like the sun, and countless white light strands flew out from them, wrapped around the tree man's torso, and penetrated.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he flew back more than a hundred feet to avoid being involved by Fairy Yunluo's magical power.

I saw the huge tree man move for a moment and finally fell into Fairy Yunluo's illusion.

Fairy Yunluo's mouth showed a hint of pride, and she appeared in front of the tree man. The seal that sealed the magical power appeared in the palm of her right hand, and she pressed it towards the giant tree.

Dozens of rope-like white lights shot out and rushed toward the giant tree.

The sealing magical power of the vegetarian sect, binding the immortal!

But at this moment, the huge tree man who fell into the illusion suddenly moved. Branches suddenly shot out, carrying afterimages to stab Fairy Yunluo who was close at hand. It was obvious that the illusion just now was just a pretense.

Fairy Yunluo looked frightened, but she did not panic. She disappeared from the place in a flash, and then appeared opposite the giant tree man, with a flick of her sleeves.

Three silver rays of light shot out, but three silver flowers went straight to the tall tree man, and were nailed to the trunk of the tree.

The flower lit up with a dazzling silver light, and three powerful forces of space erupted from it. The nearby void immediately twisted like a whirlpool, and the tree man's tall body immediately twisted and broke into two pieces with a "click" sound.

"This wave of space power...is it the power of the Hundred Flowers Picture?" Yuan Ming, who had already retreated to a distance in mid-air, murmured to himself when he saw this scene.

He was not dissatisfied with the results of Fairy Yunluo's battle. This woman could kill the tree man cleanly and neatly, saving him trouble.

Fairy Yunluo didn't stop after the blow, and waved her sleeves again.

Three more silver flowers shot out and went straight to the tree man's roots.

But at this moment, the tree trunk at the base of the tree man split open, revealing a big mouth.

A ray of pure and unusually green light shot out, and then split into three, hitting three silver flowers respectively.

"Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" made three loud noises, three green lights exploded, and the three silver flowers were annihilated.

Fairy Yunluo was originally very confident in her attack, but she didn't expect it to be broken by the opponent so easily, so she stopped holding back and made a seal with both hands.

A ray of white light rushed out from the top of her head and turned into a graceful female figure. Her figure was almost perfect, exuding the noble aura of the Nine Heavens Goddess. Her huge jade hands pressed towards the tree man.

With a "bang" sound, the tree man's two bodies were knocked to the ground by the goddess Dharma.

Hundreds of ropes of white light shot out from the goddess's appearance and wrapped around two parts of the tree man's body. This time, they successfully wrapped around the tree man's body and finally submerged into it.

Seeing this, Fairy Yunluo breathed a sigh of relief and was about to stand down.

"Watch your back!" Yuan Ming's voice came.

Fairy Yunluo woke up with horror. A huge tree stump emerged from the ground behind her at some point. The tip was extremely sharp and was stabbing her back.

At the critical moment, the goddess Faxiang turned around in a flash, and grabbed the sharp tree stump with two giant hands in time, causing it to pause slightly.

Fairy Yunluo took this opportunity and immediately retreated to a safe place. However, a cracking sound came from the front. The woman looked up and her expression became extremely ugly.

The sharp tree stump turned black at some point, suddenly breaking through the obstruction of the goddess's hands and piercing through it.

The goddess's appearance suddenly collapsed. Fairy Yunluo's face turned pale, her body swayed slightly, and the aura around her body dropped a lot.

The Dharma is a condensed form of the monk's own magic power and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Once the magic power is defeated, it will be greatly damaged.

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