Celestial being

Chapter 266 No need for your help

When Yuan Ming saw this scene, he did not rush to take action. Instead, he put on his gray cloak and stayed away from the wooden pillar to avoid being affected by the power of thunder and lightning.

The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and not long after, a thick thunder and lightning shot out of the dark clouds in the sky again, lighting up the night sky.

The purple wooden pillar emits a trace of lightning, and the thunder and lightning in the dark cloud is attracted, strikes the wooden pillar, and is transmitted into the dungeon magic circle.

The winged bird egg greedily absorbed the pure power of thunder and lightning. The already cracked eggshell completely shattered. A wet black baby bird broke out of the shell and fell to the stone platform with a "splat" sound. superior.

The body of this bird is only half a foot long, but its wings are very wide, stretching out over a foot. Thunder and lightning patterns are looming on its skin.

Although it had just hatched, the black baby bird flapped its wings twice and actually took off.

Gu Qiulong was overjoyed. He waved his hand and sent out a white snare weapon to cover the young black bird.

He was only focused on catching the winged birds, and did not notice that two purple and black vines emerged silently from a corner above the dungeon. Several purple spiritual flowers bloomed quickly on them, and a faint fragrance spread rapidly in the dungeon.

Gu Qiu Ming, who was lying on the ground, smelled the fragrance, and his body, which had no strength at all, quickly collapsed completely, and his face showed an intoxicated look.

At this moment, Gu Qiulong grabbed the black baby bird and was about to use the beast control technique to tame it. He also smelled the fragrance of poisonous flowers in his nose, and his hands and feet immediately became a little weak.

The newborn black baby bird was also lying on the ground in a daze due to the influence of the fragrance.

"Who is it?" Gu Qiulong realized that something was wrong, his face suddenly changed color, and he held up a purple crystal bead.

A purple light projected down, forming a purple halo that enveloped the body, isolating the fragrance from the outside.

Gu Qiulong's hands and feet were weak.

But before he could react, the dungeon exploded in all directions, and thick purple-black vines shot out from it, rushing towards Gu Qiulong, intertwining in the space, and the entire dungeon turned into a dense sea of ​​vines.

Gu Qiulong's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly increased the power of the purple aperture.

The top of the flying purple vine flashed with green light and turned into a long cyan sword.

Dozens of green swords pierced the purple halo from all directions, and the purple halo was suddenly riddled with holes and collapsed.

The purple ball also broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Gu Qiulong recited a spell quickly, and the blue light on his body surged. "Whoosh", it turned into a blue rainbow and shot out, passing through the vines in the sky and landing in the corner of the dungeon.

"Water Shape Technique!" Yuan Ming, who was hiding nearby, exclaimed when he saw this.

Water shape is a form-changing spell that turns the visible body into invisible water in a short period of time to avoid enemy attacks.

The Five Elements spells all have similar transformation techniques, and if used properly against the enemy in battle, they can produce miraculous effects.

Yuan Ming has always wanted to learn it, but this kind of shape-shifting technique is already a high-level magic. Not only are there few channels to obtain it, but it is also difficult to master. It was unexpected that Gu Qiulong could actually master it.

Out of curiosity, Yuan Ming did not hesitate at all. He activated the Earth Escape Talisman and approached the stone wall of the dungeon. He took out the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron and put it into the dungeon. There was a lit poisonous incense and Seven Step Down inserted into the cauldron.

With a thought, his consciousness controlled two poisonous incense to float towards Gu Qiulong.

Gu Qiulong had just calmed down, took out an antidote pill and took it to refine the Zhengyun Gong.

He was completely alert at this moment, and immediately noticed Yuan Ming's move, and held out a yellow short sword and a cyan feather fan.

The yellow short sword turned into a yellow rainbow that was several feet long and struck at the Stealing Heaven Cauldron. The cyan feather fan also opened with all its might. More than a dozen cyan wind blades the size of door panels rushed out from the feather fans, spinning and slashing toward the Stealing Heaven Cauldron. .

Yuan Ming sensed the powerful mana fluctuations on the two high-grade magic weapons. He withdrew the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron with a thought, activated the Earth Escape Talisman on his body, and escaped into the distance.

There were several loud "boom boom" sounds, and the wall of the dungeon was beaten to pieces, especially the yellow short sword, which easily penetrated the soil of the wall.

Gu Qiulong's face showed resentment, and just as he was about to continue taking action, his body became a little weak again, and his consciousness quickly became drowsy.

Huazhi and Yuan Ming had fought together many times, and their cooperation had long been adept. Purple and black vines shot at them again, and dozens of green wooden swords were chopped down.

Gu Qiulong bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, using the pain to stimulate his spirit, and slapped his hand on his waist.

A golden figure shot out and landed in front of him, but it was a golden tiger beast about ten feet long, and its aura reached the second level.

This tiger's mouth is as big as a basin, its nose is flat, its ears are drooped, its fangs are crooked here and there, and its body is even shriveled and thin. It looks extremely ugly and does not have the aura of the king of beasts at all.

The golden ugly tiger roared, and its withered body glowed with dazzling golden light. The withered body also became strong and powerful. The tiger's claws shot out golden claws that were about ten feet long. With a swipe of a claw, it easily tore apart all the green swords. broken.

The tiger then let out a roar that pierced through gold and stone, and streaks of sword-like golden light shot out along with the roar, hitting the purple-black vines further away.

These golden lights were extremely sharp, and there were repeated "puff" sounds. The demonic vines that occupied the entire dungeon space were almost swept away, leaving only a pile of broken branches and scraps.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qiulong breathed a sigh of relief.

He was intoxicated by more than one incense, and his will was on the verge of collapse. At this moment, he relaxed slightly, sat cross-legged on the ground, took out an elixir and put it in his mouth. At the same time, he put a talisman on his body and ordered the golden ugly tiger to protect him.

At this moment, all the broken branches and vines scattered everywhere in the dungeon floated up, lit up with green light, and surrounded the ancient autumn dragon and the golden ugly tiger.

The next moment, all the broken vines shot out like a strong bow and a crossbow, hitting Gu Qiulong and the golden ugly tiger with an astonishing momentum!

This is a high-level wood-attributed spell, the Ten Thousand Wood Arrow Technique, which can control ten thousand trees and turn them into sharp arrows. Yuan Ming secretly learned it from Fairy Luo Shui, the elder of Shuijing Palace, and later taught it to Huazhi.

Gu Qiulong did not dodge in the face of the incoming broken vines, and was using all his strength to try to resist the incense inhaled in his body. In his opinion, with the golden ugly tiger around, these broken vines did not pose a threat at all.

However, to his expectation, the golden ugly tiger ignored the broken vines coming from all directions. After his eyes were blurred for a while, his eyes suddenly turned to Gu Qiulong.

But when he saw the golden light flashing across his mouth, the originally large tiger's mouth instantly became more than twice as big, and he suddenly pounced towards Gu Qiulong.

Gu Qiulong stood up in shock. Just now, through his spiritual connection, he sensed that his spiritual pet seemed to be under some kind of illusion and actually regarded him as an enemy!

However, he hadn't driven away the scent yet, and his whole body was still a little limp. Before he could make any move, the ugly golden tiger had pounced on him, biting one of his legs, and tearing it apart.


Gu Qiulong screamed miserably, and his entire right leg was torn off by the ugly tiger. It was swallowed into the stomach, and his body was slapped by the ugly tiger and flew out. He hit the mountain wall and fainted.

However, after the golden ugly tiger had just done this, the confusion in its eyes dissipated. For some reason, it clearly bit the enemy, but it bit off the owner's leg.

At this moment, thousands of vine arrows roared in, drowning the tiger's figure.

Just listen to the loud "rumbling" sound, the solid ground collapsed like rotten wood, and a deep pit several feet in size was knocked out, sending up large amounts of smoke and dust.

The air in the dungeon was humid, and the dust quickly dispersed, revealing the figure of an ugly tiger, crouching at the bottom of the pit. His body was riddled with holes from the Ten Thousand Wood Arrow Jue, and many vines were still stuck on it, stained red with blood. Most of the body.


The ground beneath the golden ugly tiger split open, and seven or eight vines as thick as a bowl shot out, wrapping around the tiger's body extremely quickly.

The wood grain of these vines is dense, and there are blood-colored textures emerging on them, which is completely different from the previous vines.

The ugly tiger was shocked and angry, and its tiger fur exploded all over its body like a hedgehog, shooting out streaks of slender golden light, which was as sharp as the previous golden sword energy, piercing the vines around it.

However, the vines at this moment were different from before. The golden light only penetrated nearly half of it before it collapsed and disappeared.

The blood-striped vines quickly coiled around and used wooden prison techniques one after another, tying the ugly tiger into a rice dumpling in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, there were continuous "chichi" sounds from the vines, and thin bloody vines were shot out, piercing the ugly tiger's body.

The majestic body of the golden ugly tiger shrunk rapidly, its flesh and blood gradually shrank, and its aura continued to weaken.

The ugly tiger roared in fright, opened its mouth and spat out a stream of rich black energy, which wrapped around its body and quickly melted in.

Not far away, Yuan Ming let out a sigh when he saw this. The smell of black energy he had experienced in the underground palace in Snake King Valley was very similar to the black energy emitted by the black stone pillar.

The golden ugly tiger's body absorbed the black energy, and swirling black lines appeared on its surface. The body expanded rapidly, doubling its size in the blink of an eye, and the aura it exuded surged several times, reaching the peak of the second-level middle stage. Faintly approaching the late stage of the second level.

Seeing Chouhu's change, Huazhi was suddenly shocked, and then turned into surprise.

Its mood swings are extremely violent, and the operation of its demon power is also affected.

The golden ugly tiger was keenly aware of this and immediately struggled hard.

A terrifying force exploded, and the nearby air buzzed and trembled. The blood-striped vines that imprisoned the tiger crackled, and cracks appeared.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming hurriedly called out the white ape and threw it into the dungeon space.

The white ape's face was also full of excitement, his big mouth opened, and he let out a cackle of laughter. As soon as he landed on the ground, he turned into a white shadow and shot out, heading straight for the golden ugly tiger.

"I don't need your help!" Huazhi saw the white ape appear, grabbed it with his right hand, and his arm grew tenfold and a hundred times larger.

The ground beneath the golden ugly tiger suddenly cracked, and a giant wooden vine palm the size of a house broke out of the ground and grabbed the golden ugly tiger's body as if it were a kitten or puppy. No matter how hard the ugly tiger struggled, it was all in vain.

At this moment, the white ape also flew towards the golden ugly tiger with both hands.

"Get away!" Huazhi was furious, and the ground cracked open again. A second giant wooden vine palm emerged from the ground and slapped the white ape hard, sending a violent surge.

The White Ape showed no intention of flinching, and punched out, bursting out with a terrifying force that seemed to be a substantial punch, making the ground faintly shake.

Giant palms and fists collided together!

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