Celestial being

Chapter 265: Tracking (please vote)

Seeing this, Gu Qiulong's expression changed for a moment, and he took out a large number of spiritual stones from his storage bag to replace them.

This situation has happened several times. During this period, Gu Qiulong almost spent more than two thousand spirit stones. His originally calm and composed face gradually turned into a frown, and a lot of blood oozed from his forehead. beads of sweat.

This was the ninth time that he had replaced the magic circle spirit stones. When he had almost exhausted all the spirit stones in the storage bag, a sudden change occurred.

As a sound of thunder came from above, dazzling lightning flashes suddenly appeared on the purple wooden pillars, quickly running down the wooden pillars, seeming to attract the natural thunder and lightning outside, causing the entire dungeon space to shake violently.

The purple magic circle on the stone platform also suddenly lit up, and its speed accelerated several times.

Streams of white spiritual power surged out from those spiritual stones and poured into the winged bird eggs.

The dazzling electric arcs on the purple wooden pillars were also absorbed by the stone array, transforming them into softer thunder and lightning power, which was poured into the winged bird eggs.

Purple arcs of electricity appeared on the winged bird egg, the bright and dim lines on the surface disappeared, and the blood color also faded a lot.

Seeing this situation, Gu Qiulong stared at the blood egg motionlessly, with an extremely nervous expression on his face.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he basically understood the whole story. It turned out that Gu Qiulong was coveting the eggs of the winged bird and had tied Gu Qiu Ming here.

When he first arrived in Xiaohu City, he did not immediately go to Zhenling Pavilion to hatch the eggs because he was afraid that this would happen. Later, when he met an old acquaintance named Gu Qiuming, he came to visit with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, things were still developing in the direction he was worried about.

This winged bird egg was not only extremely precious, but was also given to him by Xiying. Naturally, he couldn't give up. His thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, and he began to think of countermeasures.

Just after thinking about it, he still didn't have much clue. After all, he had to find the opponent's location first, which made him quite troubled.

Even though the Zhenling Sect is not as good as the Changchun Temple, there are still monks in the alchemy stage, and it is not something that an outsider like me can search and move around at will.

"Gu Qiulong, if you are willing to return this egg, I can pretend that this has never happened. In addition, in return, I can tell you the traces of another thunder attribute spirit beast." Gu Qiuming suddenly opened his eyes and said .

"What spiritual beast?" Gu Qiulong turned around and asked in surprise.

"Thunder Earthworm Beast!" Gu Qiuming said slowly.

"It's really the Thunderworm? Where is it?" Gu Qiulong was overjoyed, and his attention temporarily turned away from the blood egg.

The Thunder Lobster is a rare thunder-attribute monster. Its strength can reach level three when it reaches adulthood. Its value as a spirit beast is extremely high, no less than that of a Winged Bird.

"It's in the Yuxu swamp, less than a hundred miles away. The thunderworm beast is still a young beast, and it has just entered the second level. I also accidentally discovered the traces of this beast. As long as you can return the winged bird egg to Ha Gongdao Friend, I will take you to capture that thunder worm beast." Gu Qiuming said.

When Yuan Ming heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. The Zhenling Sect was located quite far away from Xiaohu City and Yuxu Swamp, two to three hundred miles away. This meant that Gu Qiuming and the two were not in the Zhenling Sect at the moment!

He had always thought that the two of them were somewhere in the Zhenling Sect, so he was at a loss. If the two of them were outside, things would be much easier to handle.

While Yuan Ming continued to listen to the conversation between the two, he looked at the dungeon environment attentively, trying to discern some clues.

The dungeon was extremely humid, with water dripping from the walls and flowing downwards.

In such a humid and watery environment, it seemed that the two of them were indeed near Yuxu Marsh.

But other than that, there's no other useful information around.

Yuan Ming tried his best to mobilize the power of his soul and try to spread it out, but he couldn't do it at all. There seemed to be an invisible cover around his soul, and the soul power could not break through it at all.

"It seems that my ability to spread my soul power before was indeed caused by the improvement in the quality of Heixiang." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly looked upward.

Three long bells sounded from above, followed by four more bells, and then three more bells, seven, eight, and twelve.

"Up three, down four, tight seven, slow eight, flat twelve. This is the Taoist temple bell. Is there a Taoist temple nearby?"

Yuan Ming used to be involved in a wide range of things, and he knew the origin of the bell as soon as he heard it.

He was about to continue snooping when his eyes suddenly fell into darkness, but the possession time ended.

Yuan Ming's consciousness returned to its original form, and after a moment of silence he stood up and walked out, quickly leaving Zhenling Sect.

He did not summon the Qingyun Crane or sacrifice the magic weapon, but used the wind agility technique and rushed to Xiaohu City first.

At the same time, three figures also left the Zhenling Sect quietly. Following Yuan Ming far behind were three Zhenling Sect disciples.

The leader is a bald man, and the other two are a tall and lanky young man, and a young woman with heavy make-up. The bald man's cultivation has reached the foundation building stage, and the tall and thin young man and the young woman with heavy make-up are both at the peak of Qi refining.

The three of them obviously used concealment talismans or magic weapons. Not only were their auras vague, but their bodies also blended into the surrounding environment, making them difficult to detect.

Yuan Ming quickly advanced forty or fifty miles, and a dense black pine forest appeared nearby.

He suddenly veered off course and swept into the woods.

The three people following him were shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly quickened their pace and entered the black pine forest, but there was no trace of Yuan Ming here.

"Did that person discover us? He wanted to try to escape!" The tall and thin young man looked ugly.

"Have you found your kingfisher?" The bald man looked at the young woman with heavy makeup.

The young woman put her fingers to her lips and whistled.

A blue bird fell from a nearby big tree, landed on the shoulder of the young woman with heavy makeup, and chirped a few times.

"Kingfisher said that the man walked under this big tree and suddenly disappeared." The young woman said.

"Disappeared suddenly? Did he use a concealment spell..." The bald man muttered to himself with his sparse eyebrows furrowed.

Before he finished speaking, his legs suddenly became weak and his body began to sway.

"No, someone used poison..." The bald man suddenly changed his color.

The same goes for the tall and thin young man and the young woman with heavy makeup. The two of them were in even worse condition. They fell to the ground one after another and fell into coma. The same was true for the cyan bird.

The bald man suddenly felt light-headed and in a daze. He reached out with difficulty to reach for the storage bag on his waist, as if he wanted to take out something.

However, he only extended his hand halfway before his consciousness completely blurred and he fell to the ground.

Yuan Ming, wearing the gray cloak, walked out from behind the big tree, holding the Tiantian Cauldron in his hand, with an extinguished incense stick inserted in it.

This is a seven-step incense stick. He mixed the poisonous flowers he got from the flower branches into it, which greatly increased the toxicity of the incense. The effect was really good, and the bald man, a monk in the foundation building period, was easily fascinated.

Yuan Ming put away the Heaven Stealing Cauldron, came to the side of the bald man, held his head with one hand, and used his soul-searching power, and soon discovered something.

This bald man's name is Zheng Da. He was originally a casual cultivator near Xiaohu City. Later, he fawned over Gu Qiulong and joined the Zhenling Sect. He usually did some dirty things for Gu Qiulong.

This time, he and two others followed Gu Qiulong's order to monitor Yuan Ming, and then waited for Gu Qiulong's order to kill Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming was not angry, but instead looked happy.

Zheng Da received this order from Gu Qiulong three days ago. The two met in a mountain forest outside Zhenling Sect. After Gu Qiulong gave the order, he flew towards the southwest, which was in the direction of Yuxu Swamp.

Gu Qiulong may not have actually gone to the southwest, but this is an important clue that can be referenced.

Yuan Ming then performed a soul search on the other two people, and the information he learned was far less detailed than that of the bald man, but the meaning was similar.

He then took away the three people's stored magic weapons, and flicked out three water arrows, piercing the eyebrows of the three people.

Since these three people want to kill him, Yuan Ming will naturally not let them go.

He then fired three more fireballs, reducing the three corpses to ashes, shattering their bones and scattering ashes.

He carefully wiped out all traces in the woods before stopping.

After doing this, Yuan Ming immediately took out a map around Xiaohu City and searched southwest from Zhenling Sect.

Yuan Ming paused and found a Taoist temple called "Shuiyun Temple" in the southwest of Zhenling Sect, near the Yuxu Swamp.

"It should be right here!" He didn't waste any time and rushed there immediately.

Shuiyun Taoist Temple is a secular Taoist temple built between two hills. It has a tall gate and a majestic temple. It covers an area of ​​20 to 30 acres and is very popular.

It was completely dark now, and many rooms in the Taoist temple were still lit.

Yuan Ming did not enter rashly. He stopped outside Shuiyun Temple and released three soul crows to investigate. At the same time, he called out flower branches and asked them to go into the ground to search.

Time passed little by little, and neither the soul crow nor the flower branches had been harvested yet.

Just when Yuan Ming was secretly anxious, the dark clouds in the sky lowered, and it started pouring rain again. A thick thunder and lightning burst out from the clouds, tearing apart the dark night sky.

The tail end of the thunder and lightning swept behind Shuiyun Temple, and suddenly turned, as if it was guided by something.

Yuan Ming recalled what he saw when he was possessed, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He immediately took up the white jade shuttle and flew there. At the same time, he spread his consciousness and quickly discovered something.

"Sure enough, it's here!" He stopped and looked at a high ground not far away.

A purple-black wooden pillar protruded from the ground there. It was the same purple-black wooden pillar that he saw when he was possessed. The top was charred black.

Yuan Ming took out a yellow talisman. This was an earth-escape talisman that he bought at a high price at the Xiaohu City Talisman Shop. It had similar effects to the earth-traveling talisman and could escape underground.

He collected two soul crows, leaving only one to guard outside, and activated the Earth Escape Talisman to sneak into the ground.

Huazhi also came to the back mountain at this moment and lurked down from the other side.

Yuan Ming followed the thunder-inducing purple wood downwards and easily found the basement. He hid in a corner and secretly looked toward the dungeon.

In the dungeon, Gu Qiulong was still trying his best to activate the magic circle to hatch the winged bird eggs, but did not notice the movement outside.

Gu Qiuming was still locked in the dungeon, his clothes were messy, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. It seemed that the negotiation between the two ended in failure, and Gu Qiuming was even beaten.

The shape of the winged bird egg placed in the center of the magic circle changed drastically at this moment. All the blood on the eggshell had disappeared. Instead, the whole body was flashing bright silver, and there were even traces of lightning flashing on it.

Not only that, there were two thin cracks in the eggshell, making it look like it was about to break.

(Fellow Taoists, please help cast your monthly votes at the beginning of the month)

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