Celestial being

Chapter 210 Two Foundation Building Pills

"Thank you, Captain Ouji. I would like some elixirs that are helpful for foundation building." Yuan Ming said with his hand in hand.

"No problem. Senior Ouji has broken through the Biluo Cave. The most indispensable thing is the Foundation Establishment Pill. Captain Ouji, please give one to Yuan Ming by the way." Xiying said casually.

When Yuan Ming heard this, he smiled secretly in his heart, but still had a respectful look on his face.

Although he has received a Foundation Establishment Pill from Bai Ye, his spiritual root qualifications are really mixed. Even with the blessing of the Nine Elements Art, there is not much certainty that taking one Foundation Establishment Pill will successfully build the Foundation. But if there are two Foundation Establishment Pills, Kidan, things are different.

Of course, if you are lucky, you will successfully build the foundation. This extra foundation building pill is a good thing that has a price but no market.

"Xiao Ying, in fact, these foundation-building pills are hard-earned, and each one has a clear destination." Ouji said with some embarrassment after hearing this.

"Isn't Li Xiao always clear about rewards and punishments, and never treats warriors badly? So that's how he treats warriors right!" Xiying curled her lips and said.

"I haven't finished saying this yet. Although this Foundation Building Pill is very precious, Yuan Xiaoyou deserves this reward." Ouji laughed, took out a wooden box and handed it to Yuan Ming.

"Senior Ou, my qualifications are really average. Building a foundation is still a bit difficult." Yuan Ming said with regret.

"It's not enough. One pill is enough. There are also a lot of foundation-building pills in Biluo Cave. Take a few more. A brave and resourceful monk like Yuan Ming will be able to help again if he succeeds in building the foundation. If there is any mission at dawn, No." Xiying continued.

The other three people also agreed with Xi Ying, and they all felt that there was something wrong with Yuan Ming's qualifications, and one stone was definitely not enough.

Ouji had no choice but to turn over his hands again and took out a wooden box and handed it to Yuan Ming.

"Thank you, Senior Ouji, for your kindness." Yuan Ming took the two wooden boxes overjoyed and turned around to see Xiying Qiao looking at him with a beautiful smile.

Next, Ou Ji, four other monks in the alchemy stage, and Xi Ying began to distribute the items in the storage instruments of Chen Cangqiong, the Big Cave Master, and the Second Cave Master.

Ouji opened a cyan restriction nearby, blocking all probing sight and consciousness.

This scene made Xiao Yao scratch his head for a while, and he wanted to follow Xiying in to see what treasures Chen Cangqiong and others had left behind, but he couldn't get in, so he had to stare outside the restricted area.

Yuan Ming walked to the distance knowingly and opened the two wooden boxes. There was a Foundation Establishment Pill inside each. The whole body shone with star-like blue light, and the atmosphere was even better than the one he got from Bai Ye.

He was secretly happy. With these three Foundation Establishment Pills as a base, plus the blessing of the 13th level of Qi Refining in the Nine Yuan Jue, his confidence in breaking through the Foundation Establishment Stage could really be improved a lot.

Yuan Ming put away the wooden box, sat down cross-legged, and sensed the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ming Yue Jue broke through to the third level, and his soul power increased a lot. He was able to condense six soul crows, and the soul fluctuations of each soul crow were stronger. Both the range of distant travel and the power of soul collision were also significantly improved. .

Yuan Ming glanced at Ouji and others, then quietly released a soul crow, which flew into the distance until it was thirty miles away before the connection with the main body began to weaken.

He nodded slightly and continued to sense the changes that had taken place on the soul crow, as well as the newly acquired ability "soul search".

Through this ability, one can invade other people's consciousness and explore their memories. What's more, they can also forcibly tamper with or erase other people's memories in the future.

It's just that with Yuan Ming's current cultivation level, he can only search the other party's memory, but cannot tamper with or eliminate it.

Even so, he was inexplicably excited.

At the same time, within the cyan forbidden area, Ou Ji took out Chen Cangqiong's storage magic weapon and poured his magic power into it.

There was a "crash" sound.

There were a lot of things on the ground. In addition to six thousand spirit stones, there were also two jade boxes, two bottles of elixirs, the Ten Thousand Ghost Flags, the bloody sword magic weapon from the bloody battle, and hundreds of black bells, but they were soul-catching bells. .

Ouji handed the storage bracelet to the others. The hunched old man and others took turns checking it, and after confirming that there was nothing left inside, they threw it aside.

Ou Ji pointed out the key again, and the two jade boxes opened automatically, containing two jade slips. The stoppers of the two medicine bottles also flew up automatically, each containing an inconspicuous blue-black pill, which emitted a burst of energy. Bitter medicinal aroma.

"Five Zang Pills!" The hunched-backed old man stared at the black pill and exclaimed.

"Oh, this is the five-organ pill that can regulate the five internal organs, rejuvenate the body, and extend life by fifty years?" Ouji was also a little surprised when he heard this.

"This is also the first time I have seen this elixir. It is said that it is almost lost in the world of immortal cultivation in southern Xinjiang." The man in red robe murmured.

The hunched-back old man said nothing, and his eyes did not leave the two five-organ pills. He did not have much life left, so he was obviously determined to get these pills.

The big man in red robe and the young woman in green robe still had a long life span and did not need the Five Zang Pills. They turned their eyes and looked at the two magic weapons, the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner and the Bloody Long Sword.

Ouji looked at the three people and was about to propose a method of distribution.

Xiying raised her hand, and two jade slips floated up and fell into her hands. She said, "I just want these two jade slips, these soul-catching bells, and a thousand spiritual stones."

When other people saw this, they had different expressions.

Ou Ji and the bow-backed old man didn't care. The two jade slips should contain Chen Cangqiong's cultivation techniques. It would be troublesome for outsiders to know that they had Chen Cangqiong's techniques.

As for those soul-catching bells, they are just the most common low-level magic weapons. They were previously assigned to low-level disciples who went out to capture beast slaves. They were useless except for collecting souls.

Although the big man in red robe and the young woman in green robe were quite attracted by Chen Cangqiong's weird soul cultivation methods, Xiying had already taken the lead and they didn't say anything.

Seeing that the four of them had no objection, Xiying made an action that was beyond everyone's expectations. Her hands lit up with a ball of white light, wrapped the soul-catching bells and jade slips, and rubbed them hard.

The soul-catching bells and jade slips were all shattered into black powder and scattered.

"What are you doing?" Ouji said in surprise.

"The Soul Cultivation Technique and the Soul Seizing Bell are forbidden. Once spread, it will be of no benefit to anyone. It is better to destroy it." Xiying said lightly.

Ouji and others were unconvinced by this explanation, but the soul-catching bell was not theirs. They had no objection to how Xi Yingai dealt with it. As for the soul-cultivation technique being destroyed, it would be better if no one could get it.

"The four seniors discuss slowly, I will take the first step." Xiying said, turned around and left the restricted area.

Yuan Ming saw Xi Ying coming out of the restraint, and was about to stand up to greet him, but Xiao Yao got there first, got in front of Xi Ying, rubbed his hands, and asked: "My good sister, you came out so soon? Do you have the choice?" What’s a good thing for my brother?”

"I chose Chen Cangqiong's technique and the soul-catching bell," Xiying said.

"This soul cultivation technique is something amazing. Show it to me," Xiao Yao said excitedly.

"I was destroyed on the spot." Xiying said.

"What?" Xiao Yao jumped up.

"It would be a disaster to keep it, and it would be even more harmful to the Xiao family if I took it. Now I destroyed it on the spot, and it will spread out in the future. Who doesn't know the reputation of our Xiao family for being selfless. Reputation is more important than anything else." Xiying said.

"Sister, you are really smart. No wonder my ancestor keeps saying that you will be in charge of the Xiao family from now on." Before Xiao Yao could finish his sentence, Xiying called Yuan Ming: "Let's go."

Yuan Ming took a few steps forward, and Xiying used a teleportation circle with a flick of his sleeves. The three figures disappeared in a flash and returned to Qingluo Square.

The distribution in Qingluo Square is still going on. Ten Daybreak members holding books stand at the edge of the square, calling people by name.

Those books seemed to record the merits of the people who participated in the mission. Those whose names were called could select corresponding items based on their merits. Half of the items in the square were already missing.

"Brother, you have made a lot of achievements this time. Why don't you get a reward?" Xiying said suddenly.

"Hehe, I went to get it a long time ago. I'm not as generous as you. I felt like I was at a loss in the last mission of killing the young master of Bailong Island." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"I have the nerve to say that the one who yelled in Fangshi was afraid that other people would not know that it was you who took action. I have offended layman Qingshan this time, and I don't know how to make amends later. Just follow. If you see someone, do it. You can't go out. Will Fangshi take action?" Xiying said angrily.

The smile on Xiao Yao's face suddenly froze, and he opened his mouth. After all, he didn't say anything more. He ran towards the people holding books with some dejection, and the pointed hat on his head drooped to one side.

"I'm going to take a stroll first." Xiying dismissed Xiao Yao, and then without waiting for Yuan Ming to speak, he waved a teleportation array very openly and disappeared from sight.

Yuan Ming was just about to find a secluded corner to rest, but Wulu appeared out of nowhere and took Ma Xingkong to Yuan Ming, introducing him enthusiastically:

"Brother Yuan, where did you just run away? It's hard to find a meal for me! Come, let me introduce someone to you. This is fellow Daoist Ma Xingkongma. I believe you already know him. The three of us were fellow disciples of Biluo Cave first, and now we are The alliance broke up at dawn in the same place, so there is no need to call us senior or junior."

"Brother Ma, I have long admired your name." Yuan Ming cupped his hands and said with a hint of admiration for this man.

He broke through the third level of Ming Yue Jue, and his sense of aura became much more sensitive. The mana aura on Ma Xingkong was somewhat similar to his.

"Nice to meet you! I heard Wulu talking about you. Brother Yuan is also from Jin, right?" Ma Xingkong looked at Yuan Ming and said.

"Yes! I didn't expect to see my fellow countrymen here. It's really fate." Yuan Ming said.

The three of them all had the experience of being beast slaves. When they talked about the past in Biluo Cave, there was no sense of alienation between the three of them. If anyone else saw them, they would think that the three of them were close friends who had not seen each other for many years.

"After Brother Ma left Biluo Cave, he has been breaking up the alliance at dawn all these years?" Yuan Ming asked.

"No, I also recently joined the Dawn Break Alliance." Ma Xingkong waved his hand and said.

"Brother Yuan, you don't know something. Brother Ma is now a high disciple of Changchun Guan in the Great Jin Dynasty. He has been practicing in the Great Jin Dynasty for these years. Recently, in order to eradicate the Biluo Cave, he temporarily joined the Dawn." Wulu said.

"Changchun Temple!" Yuan Ming was surprised and a little surprised.

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