Celestial being

Chapter 209 Memory restored

Yuan Ming followed Xiao Ying, Xiao Yao and others to Qingluo Square in Qianshan, where all the Biluo Cave disciples were escorted.

After looking at the crowd for a few times, he suddenly frowned.

There are many disciples in each hall of Biluodong, but there are very few in Huolian Hall.

In the previous melee, he used the soul crow to explore everywhere, but he did not see the disciples of Huoliantang, and the master of the third cave did not appear from the beginning to the end.

"Could it be..." A thought came to Yuan Ming's mind.

"Who are you looking for?" Xiying's voice came.

"It seems that no one from Huolian Hall is here." Yuan Ming thought for a moment and said, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He still has some feelings for several senior brothers in Huoliantang. This sect is in chaos, and the elders and disciples in the sect may suffer heavy casualties. They are all disciples of the Third Cave Master, and the Third Cave Master was not around at the critical moment. He must have been saved by the Third Cave Master. gone.

After controlling the situation, the Dawn Alliance began to methodically break the restrictions in some important places in Biluo Cave, such as the warehouse of the Furnace Hall, the warehouse of the Fire Hall, etc. A large number of ores, spiritual herbs, elixirs, and even spiritual beasts were transported Come out and place them in different categories at Qingluo Square.

The items confiscated from the disciples of Biluo Cave are also placed here. Looking from a distance, the small half of the square is filled with auras, which is eye-catching.

All the savings from Sanxing Mountain to Biluo Cave over the years should be here.

The members of the Dawn Alliance gathered here one after another, looking at the items on the ground with bright eyes, but no one dared to touch them without permission.

Yuan Ming listened attentively to the discussion of the people nearby and knew that this was the usual practice of breaking up the alliance at dawn. In every mission, all the harvest would be laid out in public and then distributed according to the credit to show fairness.

Yuan Ming thought to himself that the biggest gain from the Dawn Alliance's destruction of Biluo Cave was not these things, but the storage magic weapons of the Great Elder, the Great Cave Master, and the Second Cave Master.

How can truly good things be shared equally?

"Brother Yuan Ming, why are you here?" A somewhat surprised voice came from the front.

Yuan Ming looked up and his eyes moved.

The person who came was none other than Wulu. At this moment, his cultivation in the foundation-building stage was clearly revealed. Although he suffered some injuries, he was not serious.

There was a person standing next to Wulu, but it was Xiao Yao. The two seemed to be familiar with each other.

"Brother Wulu, you are well. Thank you for taking care of me these past three years." Yuan Ming said.

"Brother Yuan, it's a pleasure to meet you. We go to the same destination by different roads. It seems that we are really good brothers." Ulu said as if he suddenly realized something.

Yuan Ming smiled and glanced at Xiao Yao beside him, and said loudly: "More than just good brothers, the two of us have looked after each other since we were beast slaves in Biluo Cave. We are brothers of life and death."

The two laughed together.

Xiao Yao originally had some doubts about Yuan Ming, a spy, but now he found out that Yuan Ming and Qi Shi Wulu, who had made great achievements this time, were so familiar with each other, and they had shared hardships together, and his doubts were gone.

Not long after, a ray of light came from a distance and stopped in the middle of the square. Ouji's figure appeared and announced that the things in the square would be distributed to everyone.

When everyone who broke up the alliance at dawn heard this, they cheered loudly.

During the white night, Huanshi was also among a group of foundation-building monks, and both of them were unscathed.

Yuan Ming and him looked at each other from a distance and nodded. When they saw that Yuan Ming had put on Li Xiao's clothes, they smiled at each other in understanding.

Ouji arranged the assigned manpower, then turned and left.

"Divided things? Let's go, let's go too!" Xiying chuckled and waved his sleeves.

Yellow formations appeared on the ground beneath her, Yuan Ming, and Xiao Yao's feet, quickly forming a yellow formation.

Yuan Ming's eyes were flooded by yellow light. When he came to his senses, they appeared near the gate of Biluo Cave.

Ou Ji, the bow-backed old man and other four monks in the alchemy stage were all here. When they saw Xi Ying and Yuan Ming appearing, they laughed.

"Xiao Ying, are you here? We are waiting for you." Ouji said.

"What are you guys waiting for me to do? You guys have to divide it up first and don't worry about me. But this Yuan Ming has made great contributions this time and must be heavily rewarded." Xiying said with her hands behind her back.

When Ouji and others heard this, their faces were a little embarrassed, and they kept saying that everyone must make decisions together.

"Master Ouji, you're welcome. I just killed Chen Cangqiong and I contributed the most. I want to pick out the things on him first," Xiying said.

Upon hearing this, Ouji exchanged glances with the other three. The hunched old man snorted. The man in red robe and the young woman in green robe looked at Xiying with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Three fellow Taoists, let's do this. According to our previous discussion, the contents of Chen Cangqiong's storage artifact will be divided into five parts, and Xiao Ying will get one of them. Since she wants to pick first, let's pick first." Ouji coughed awkwardly and said.

"Captain Ouji, the three of us were invited by you to break the dawn. We almost died in the battle with Chen Cangqiong just now. Why should she choose first?" The hunched-back old man said bluntly. The three of them didn't understand why Ouji was so accommodating to one of them. A female monk in the Foundation Establishment stage, even if she had just saved them.

"Three of you, you don't know. This woman was born in Honglian Island in the southern region of Southern Border. She is the direct granddaughter of Patriarch Xiao of Honglian Island. She also possesses the innate five elements in one body and is the most talented person on this continent. One of the formation masters." Ouji moved his lips slightly and explained to the three people.

The three of them looked surprised.

The Xiao family on Honglian Island is very famous in the southern region of Southern Xinjiang, and even in the entire Southern Xinjiang. The Xiao family is proficient in the art of magic circle prohibition, and is especially good at refining forbidden magic weapons such as array flags and disks. Many sects in southern Xinjiang are This visit is just to get a good ancestral protection array.

The Xiao Laozu that Ou Ji mentioned was the current head of the Xiao family, and he was also a formation master. His cultivation was said to have broken through the late stage of forming pills, which was rare among formation masters. Regardless of their strength or connections, the three of them are far from comparable.

"Besides, the credit for breaking through the magic circle and killing Chen Cangqiong is obvious to all. The three of them were also indirectly rescued by Xiao Ying. Everyone should be grateful." Ou Ji added.

"Okay, Xiao Ying will choose first." The three hunched-back old men exchanged glances and felt that it made sense.

"Xiao Ying, what do you think?" Ou Ji turned to Xi Ying and asked, automatically ignoring the request to reward Yuan Ming.

"What about Yuan Ming? He was the first to listen to my arrangements. He risked his life to lurk in Biluo Cave three years ago to help me steal Chen Cangqiong's magic weapon. He should be greatly rewarded." Xiying added. .

"Three years ago, I heard that Senior Xiao arranged to enter the Biluo Cave, and we also joined forces with Wulu to look after and protect each other." Yuan Ming said.

"I can testify to this. If you don't believe it, you can call Wulu and ask." Xiao Yao said.

"Indeed, Wulu has reported to me many times that there is a disciple Yuan Ming who is very suspicious. It turns out that it was Xiao Ying's handiwork. He planned for a rainy day and coincided with me. He deserves the award. Breaking Dawn never treats warriors unfairly." Ou Ji said .

"Isn't this person trying to grab the credit after the fact?" the man in red robe said.

The big man in red robe glared at Yuan Ming, and a wave of coercion came over him. The difference in cultivation between the two was too big, but with just a few points of pressure, Yuan Ming felt like a big mountain was pressing down on him, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. , the bones all over the body made a slight crackling sound.

At this moment, Yuan Ming almost felt that his whole body was about to be crushed, and his consciousness and soul were shaking.

The pressure on his body was nothing more than that. His soul was like a flame in the strong wind and could be extinguished at any time. His body also lost the ability to move. He couldn't retreat to avoid this extremely tyrannical pressure.

Yuan Ming used all his strength to run the Jiu Yuan Jue and Ming Yue Jue, desperately resisting the pressure from the red-robed man, but it was of little use.

This huge pressure counterattack inspired his fighting spirit. Yuan Ming's eyes widened, and he used the Ming Yue Jue to the extreme, and the soul power in the sea of ​​​​consciousness rolled like a tide.

Almost at the same time, Yuan Ming's arm heated up, and a huge flow of heat came out of the incense burner mark, rolling into his sea of ​​consciousness.

A shattering sound suddenly sounded in his mind, and his soul, which was on the verge of being crushed, suddenly strengthened at a speed visible to the naked eye, firmly blocking the pressure of the big man in red robes.

"Breakthrough!" Yuan Ming was surprised and happy. His Ming Yue Jue finally broke through to the third level!

Memories of the past flooded into my mind.

The past events are vivid and the memories are gone!

During this period of time, while he was practicing the Nine Yuan Jue to improve his cultivation level, he also did not slow down the practice of the Ming Yue Jue. His soul power continued to grow and had reached the second level of peak.

Yuan Ming originally planned to wait for the incident in Biluo Cave to end, find a place to retreat, and try to break through the third level of Ming Yue Jue. Unexpectedly, with the strong pressure of the red-robed man and the help of the incense burner, he could achieve it in one fell swoop.

Xiying noticed Yuan Ming's change and immediately looked at the man in red robe.

"Your Excellency is so powerful and majestic, you can't bully those who have merit. Captain Ou, you must make the decision." She said angrily.

"We all value peace. It's all trivial. We'll discuss Yuan Ming's reward separately." Ouji said, separating Yuan Ming from the big man in red robe.

"I'm not bullying him. I'm just testing whether he is really capable of lurking in Biluo Cave for such a long time. Not bad, not bad. The boy has a bright future. Dawn has a vision." The big man in red robe put away his pressure and changed the subject.

The hunched-back old man and the young woman in green shirt were a little surprised at Yuan Ming's performance under heavy pressure.

"Haha, it's a little test, Yuan Ming, you won't take it to heart, right?" Ou Ji said.

"Of course, here are all role models for the juniors. The juniors admire the heroic appearance of the seniors in today's battle." Yuan Ming said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Sure enough, heroes come from young. You are from Dajin, right? There will be a big mission in Dajin one year from dawn. Our branch will unite a sect in Dajin for an operation. Why don't you also participate? I guarantee you will be satisfied with this reward. We also need someone who can lurk in advance, so the safety is high, the risk is small, and the reward is big." Ouji said.

"Thank you, Captain Ou, for your appreciation. However, I feel that the recent cultivation is a critical moment for breakthrough, and I may have to stay in seclusion for a long time. I hope you can forgive me, Captain Ou." Yuan Ming said, the reward for Dawn's mission is high, but it is a pity that he knows that he is not suitable to participate.

"What kind of mission? I can do this." Xiao Yao interjected from the side.

"Shut up, it's my ancestor's birthday soon. When we came out, we promised to go back as soon as this time is over." Xiying said.

"It's a pity, but the most important thing in cultivation is experience, as the ancestor said." Xiao Yao wanted to argue, but Xiying glared at him.

Several people nearby heard that there seemed to be a major event on the birthday of the ancestor of the Xiao family on Honglian Island, and they couldn't help but think that if they went to celebrate his birthday, getting a few formation flags would be a great gain.

"I also want to congratulate you on this birthday. I have admired the ancestor of the Xiao family for a long time." The young woman in green shirt said with a smile.

"Of course I have to go to He Yihe." The big man in red also said.

"Yes, yes, let's go together. Today we have lived and died together with two Taoist friends Xiao. Xiao Xiao must introduce them." The arch-backed old man said to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao said: "No problem."

The atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

"I wonder what you want, little friend Yuan?" After hearing this, Ouji turned to Yuan Ming and asked.

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