Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 337 Are they coming for Mr. Sayer?

Sayer's face had turned very ugly.

He hadn't expected that he would encounter such trouble before entering Boya, when he was ambitious to occupy Boya.

What's going on with the Corona Mountains?

Why are there such terrifying beasts?

Moreover, the giant snakes and gray wolves seemed to have united.

He had never encountered such a thing before.

Roar! ~

A mutant gray wolf roared, pounced suddenly, and a soldier fell into a pool of blood after its sharp claws slashed.

A short section of the mountain road was already full of corpses as these mutant beasts pounced.

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Da da da!

More intensive gunfire sounded!

It was the soldiers who caught up from behind, organized by an officer, who formed a queue and fired wildly at a mutant gray wolf.

With the advantage of numbers, dense bullets hit the mutant gray wolf one after another, and then the mutant gray wolf fell down with a whimper.

Obviously, these mutant beasts are not afraid of single gun shooting, but such organized shooting, with enough numbers, can also cause fatal damage to them.

Because they also have weaknesses.

As the first mutant gray wolf fell, the Burmese soldiers were excited.

More and more soldiers gathered behind and began to shoot at the second mutant gray wolf.

Another mutant hyena was also treated in this way.

The mutant hyena seemed to sense the danger and wanted to escape, but this time it was not only intensively shot, but also accompanied by several melons thrown.

It was directly blown and rolled out, and a hideous wound appeared on its abdomen.

After that, it faced a burst of dense bullets. After it whimpered and screamed, its body was covered with blood and it could no longer get up.

The mutant beasts began to suffer casualties.

In the mountains and forests, Lu Feng was not anxious, because those mutant beasts were originally cannon fodder.

Moreover, the space on the mountain road was limited, so the Burmese attack was limited, and the people behind had no way to continue coming up.

In other words, at the same time, only a fixed number of people could deal with those mutant beasts.

So, he stood calmly on the head of the giant snake, staring intently at the scene of the human-beast melee over there.

He was looking for Sayer's figure.

It was not easy to find a person in the dense crowd, but Sayer had a noble status that other soldiers did not have, so other soldiers would give him guidance.

Now he just had to find a soldier who could give him guidance.

And he found it quickly.

A group of soldiers gathered around one of the middle-aged men,

and Lu Feng immediately fixed his eyes on the middle-aged man.

The other party's clothes were completely different from those of other soldiers, not to mention officers' uniforms, and so many soldiers rushed over to guard.

The identity of this guy was self-evident.

"Go kill that guy." Lu Feng said to the giant snake under his feet, and then jumped off the head of the giant snake.

The giant snake also rushed out suddenly the next moment, and its momentum was more powerful than other giant snakes.

The battle became more and more chaotic on the mountain road.

"Kill them, kill them for me." Sayer was extremely angry. When he saw the mutant beasts being killed by his soldiers one after another, he roared crazily.

The officer who led a team of soldiers to guard Sayer reminded him worriedly: "Mr. Sayer, we should retreat to the back first to avoid hurting you. I don't know what's going on with these beasts. They are too crazy."

Sayer was obviously a person who cherished his life very much. He nodded and retreated after hearing the words of the officer.

But at this moment, a cry of surprise sounded: "Damn, how can there be such a big snake? It's different..."

Sayer looked in the direction of the sound and saw a bigger snake rushing out.

This giant snake was not only bigger in size, but also seemed to have scales on its body. Its scarlet eyes made people feel oppressive.

"Attack it, kill it first." An officer shouted crazily.

At one time, the soldiers in the formation all pointed their guns at the giant snake, and bullets rained down like rain, hitting the giant snake.

Obviously, no matter how many bullets there were, they could not hurt the giant snake.

After all, this was a giant snake with the potential to become a mutant beast king, and its strength was much stronger than that of an ordinary giant snake.

It ignored the soldiers who shot at it and rushed through directly, opening a path for the formation.

I saw a line of people being blown away, rolling on the ground and never getting up again, and those soldiers could do nothing to it.

There was even a team of people who fired several rockets directly at it.

Boom! ~

The violent explosion pushed the giant snake out, and the explosion made it bleed in several places on its body, but in a blink of an eye, it immediately got up and continued to rush towards Sayer.

This scene scared the soldiers in Myanmar.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Can't you do anything to it?"

"No, it's rushing towards Mr. Sayer!"

Everyone noticed this situation.

This terrifying giant snake that just appeared had a target, and even Sayer discovered that the target of this giant snake was him.

"Damn, what's going on?" Sayer looked at the unstoppable giant snake, his face turned very ugly.

Did he provoke this giant snake? Why did the other party come for him?

The key is what kind of snake is this, even rockets can't deal with it.

Moreover, why would the huge gray wolf and the huge hyena attack their army with these giant snakes?

This is not in line with the laws of nature, or it is completely unreasonable.

While he was astonished, the giant snake had already rushed to his front, and no one could stop it, and it even ignored the soldiers who stopped it.

"Stop it." Sayer subconsciously shouted to the soldiers who were protecting him, and his face was also panicked.

But as he finished speaking, the soldiers around him, including the officer, turned around and ran away, obviously frightened by the horror of the giant snake.

Several rockets couldn't do anything to the giant snake, what use were the guns in their hands? Isn't it courting death to face this giant snake?

"???" Sayer saw this scene, his face was extremely ugly.

These bastards, if he could survive, he would definitely kill them all.

But at that moment, a huge shadow had already enveloped him. It was the giant snake, and its huge mouth bit down on him.

"I'm done..." Sayer said blankly, and the next moment he felt a stench covering him.

After a moment, the giant snake turned around and left, leaving half of Sayer's body on the spot.

In the forest, Lu Feng saw this scene through a telescope.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, he immediately controlled the mutant beasts to retreat.

Roars and hisses sounded one after another.

After the giant snake killed Sayer, it ran towards the forest from where it came without looking back. It passed by the dead body of a mutant gray wolf, bit the body directly, and then rushed into the forest.

The mutant gray wolves and mutant hyenas did the same. After a roar, they picked up the bodies of the mutant beasts next to them and rushed into the forest, ignoring the Burmese soldiers.

This was naturally controlled by Lu Feng. When these mutant beasts died, they had to take the bodies away, otherwise, the bodies might cause some trouble.

But these scenes made the Burmese soldiers look at each other in bewilderment.

Some soldiers even didn't know that the giant snake was rushing to kill Sayer, and were about to fight with those beasts, but who knew that they retreated.

At this time, a panicked voice sounded:

"Mr. Sayer is dead."

"Mr. Sayer was killed by the giant snake."


Instantly, a panic began to spread rapidly among the Burmese army.

No one even dared to believe that such a thing would happen.

Mr. Sayer led them through this mountain road and was attacked by a group of beasts.

Moreover, they seemed to be here to assassinate Mr. Sayer, and they killed Mr. Sayer under the protection of the army.

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