Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 336 What kind of beast is this?

Following Sayer's order, several squads of soldiers responded and entered the forest.

The organization of Myanmar is quite special. A squad has 7 people. These teams have a total of more than 30 people. Under the leadership of an officer, they immediately went into the forest.

This officer obviously has a lot of experience in jungle pursuit. As soon as he entered the forest, he found the traces of the previous soldiers.

He chased the traces directly, and the people of the following squads immediately followed.

After a distance, he immediately waved his hand: "Stop, there is something ahead."

Sure enough, there was a body under a tree in front.

Two soldiers immediately went over and lifted the body over, but the expressions of the two soldiers were not good. After the body was lifted over, the officer understood.

Half of the head of the corpse was smashed. Judging from the wound, it seemed to be the claws of some beast.

There seem to be only a few beasts on the earth with such powerful claws.

When the officer was puzzled, he suddenly found something sticky falling on his neck.

He subconsciously looked up, his eyes widened in horror.

There were two giant snakes circling on the tree above their heads, staring at them with scarlet eyes.

At that moment, a scream sounded, and when he turned around, he saw a soldier being bitten on the head by a giant snake and dragged up directly.

"What...what is this?" The officer was shocked and hurriedly turned around and ran away, and did not forget to take out the communicator and shouted: "Mr. Sayer, request support, request support, there is a very scary giant snake."

But then, he found that the communicator was useless and the signal was cut off.

How could this happen?

He didn't see at all that several signal jammers were placed on several trees around.

The people who came in had no way to contact the outside.

In other words, the people outside had no way to know what happened inside.

The officer saw that the communicator had lost its effect and ran even more panicked.

At this time, a bigger giant snake appeared and blocked him in front. The huge size of the giant snake made the officer completely pale.

He had never thought that there would be such a giant snake in the Corona Mountains.

Then, he widened his eyes in shock. There was actually a person standing on the head of the giant snake.

What's going on?

Are these giant snakes controlled by humans?

Impossible, people can't do this.

Unless the other party is not human.

The officer felt his scalp tingling.

Before he could react, a giant snake opened its mouth and bit half of his body. He kicked his legs frantically to resist, and after struggling for a while, he stopped moving.

The more than 30 soldiers around were also in a nightmare situation. Not only giant snakes, but also huge gray wolves and huge hyenas appeared and pounced on them.

They fired subconsciously.

The gunshots resounded in the forest, very loud, and shook the birds in the forest away.

But these soldiers soon discovered in horror that their bullets hit those beasts and failed to hurt them.

Even a soldier, who had very good marksmanship, directly swept a gray wolf with a volley. .

But the gray wolf did not fall down, but rushed towards him angrily.

The soldier was dumbfounded, and didn't understand why this happened. Then, he was thrown to the ground.

These soldiers were facing such a situation.

Facing these mutant beasts, they had no power to resist and lost their lives in a moment.

For a while, there was only a trace of bloody smell floating in the forest, and there were corpses lying on the ground, and the footsteps of mutant beasts breaking dead branches when they walked.

Lu Feng was not in a hurry.

He was not trying to eliminate the soldiers of Myanmar. After all, there were so many people, a real army, and it was impossible to eliminate them even if they wanted to. Even mutant beasts would be exhausted.

So, all he had to do was to delay the other party.

Now the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance have taken action. If they delay for some time, they can deal with Boya.

However, he just heard what the officer said.


If he remembered correctly, Xiaozhi said that Sayer was the one who guided this operation and wanted to take down Boya as capital.

Did the other party bring troops in person?

This could change the plan.

He asked Yang Ming to do the decapitation operation.

Isn't Sayer going to be beheaded now?

Thinking of this, he controlled the mutant beasts to rush out of the forest.

At the same time.

Sayer had been waiting for a long time.

He believed that the people he sent were enough to deal with a group of beasts.

More than 30 people with weapons couldn't even deal with a group of beasts, so they could commit suicide.

But Sayer's face gradually became strange, because the communication seemed to be cut off again.

Just at this time, dense gunshots rang out in the forest.

Sayer and his men looked towards the forest and saw dense flying birds flying up. It should be that his people encountered those beasts and fought with them.

Facing modern guns, those beasts were dead.

Soon the gunshots stopped, and the forest returned to silence.

Seeing this, Sayer immediately picked up the communicator again and shouted inside: "Report the latest situation, what did you destroy?"

Unfortunately, there was no response, and it was extremely quiet. .

"Answer quickly." Sayer's tone was a little louder.

But there was still no response.

This was obviously wrong.

"You, go and call them out." Sayer frowned and shouted directly to the soldiers around him.

Those soldiers did not dare to hesitate and rushed into the mountains and forests, but as soon as they stepped into the forest, they were shocked to find that several huge gray wolves pounced on them.

They subconsciously fired, but were shocked to find that the weapons in their hands had no effect on those huge beasts. In a blink of an eye, they let out a miserable howl.

The gunshots and howls really scared Sayer and the Burmese soldiers outside.

"Looking for death." Sayer's face was extremely gloomy.

At this time, he also realized that he was in trouble.

But what kind of beast could actually deal with the people he sent in, and rush out?

As if responding to his doubts, waves of running footsteps sounded.

"Be alert!" An officer next to him shouted immediately.

All the soldiers raised their weapons, and at that moment, they saw huge gray wolves rushing out frantically.

The size of these gray wolves was too large, which was obviously abnormal.

"Fire." The officer shouted immediately.

The next moment, gunshots rang out, but those huge gray wolves suddenly jumped up at that moment. Not only were they very fast, they also dodged most of the bullets.

But even after being shot, those gray wolves did not fall down. They were still steady and fiercely pounced on the soldiers around them.

In an instant, soldiers fell down one after another under their claws.

Seeing this, other soldiers hurriedly raised their guns and aimed at them, but other giant gray wolves rushed out of the bushes, and there were more than 10 hyenas.

These hyenas were also huge in size, and faster, and they rushed into the soldiers who wanted to help in an instant. Then there was a howl, and another group of soldiers fell down.

Some soldiers fired, and dense bullets hit the mutant hyenas one after another. There were blood flowers exploding on the bodies of the mutant hyenas, but they did not fall down. Obviously, their internal organs were not injured, and they were not fatal.

The weapons in the hands of these Burmese soldiers were too weak, and those soldiers were killed and fell in a pool of blood in an instant.

As these mutant gray wolves and mutant hyenas rushed to kill, the Burmese soldiers were completely confused.

But the raid was not over, and then another terrifying giant snake rushed out.

This giant snake was larger in size. With a flick of its huge tail, several people were thrown out and fell to the ground, spitting blood one by one, and never got up again.

Similarly, the soldiers who found them attacked these giant snakes one after another, but the bullets hit them, causing less damage, but arousing their ferocity, and they collided, and the Burmese soldiers flew backwards one after another, with broken bones.

These Burmese soldiers were just ordinary people, and they could not resist the attacks of mutant beasts at all.

"What kind of beast is this?" Sayer looked at the beasts that were shot but not falling to the ground in disbelief.

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