Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 334: Greet them with 40 mutant beasts!

Lu Feng was distressed. Myanmar suddenly intervened and disrupted his plan.

The key reason of the other party was disgusting. What did they mean by supporting their Xuanfeng Alliance?

They said they wanted support from the other party.

They are all shameless guys.

Although Myanmar is not strong in the international arena, compared with the Xuanfeng Alliance, the crushing of the number of people and soldiers is a huge trouble.

If they really fight, unless they use extreme means, they really can't do anything to the other party.

But once extreme means are used, it will get out of hand and even cause unnecessary trouble.

So, there is only one way now, that is to take down Boya before Myanmar.

As long as they take down Boya, Myanmar will have no reason to take action, after all, the other party is using the excuse of supporting their Xuanfeng Alliance.

But this is also difficult.

Myanmar is stronger. Once it sends enough soldiers, it will be easier to take down Boya than them with overwhelming advantage.

So, we must find a way to stop Myanmar's speed.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng called Yang Ming and Hong Xi and ordered directly: "Both of you should send people to Boya. When the Dalai Lama invades, carry out the decapitation operation as quickly as possible and control the people."

Yang Ming and Hong Xi nodded together. Seeing Lu Feng's serious order, they also went out to make arrangements as soon as possible.

Then, Lu Feng went directly into a room in the manor, and then a thought entered the game.

There is a way to stop Myanmar, and even if it is well operated, it can scare Myanmar.

That is the mutant beast.

When he appeared in the East Suburb Fortress, he saw Lin Jiao leading a few people in. When he saw him, he stepped forward and said: "Boss, these people are the ability users we just recruited in the East Suburb Fortress. We have already inspected them."

Her tone was still excited.

After the boss destroyed the Li family, his reputation rose, and many ability users have come to rely on him during this period.

Lu Feng looked at those ability users.

Inspected, it means that they can be trusted.

Moreover, the crisis of the hexagonal beasts has begun to take shape, and recruiting more people with special abilities can also increase the strength of the Qingfeng base.

As time goes by, not only will the strength of zombies and mutant beasts increase, but the probability of people with special abilities appearing among humans will also increase.

In the background of the game, this is all caused by the increase in a kind of energy contained in the air.

Therefore, in the future, when the Shidong Alliance splits and the princes fight, it is also very important to recruit people with special abilities from each other.

When those people with special abilities saw Lu Feng, they also had a kind of awe in their eyes.

You must know that this is the most powerful person in the entire Shidong Alliance, except for Emperor Yan.

In the end times, being able to rely on a strong person who controls a powerful force is also a choice for many people.

When Lu Feng saw Lin Jiao, he also asked: "Lin Jiao, do you know where there are mutant beasts?"

He had killed Li Lin before and got the ability to summon beasts, which can control summoned beasts.

With the unlocking of the second stage ability and the increase in the beast crystal fruit that Li Lin exploded, the number of summoned beasts he can control is very large.

The summoned beasts he controls now are just the cubs of those mutant beast kings.

He can also control a lot of mutant beasts, so now he is going to control a group of mutant beasts to stop the Burmese army.

You know, low-level mutant beasts like the killing dog are not afraid of old-style pistols, and rifles are needed to cause some damage.

Moreover, the old-style guns in reality are much weaker than those in the game world.

Therefore, as long as some slightly stronger mutant beasts are controlled, the weapons of Myanmar may not cause fatal damage to them.

Moreover, even if some die, it is not a pity. There are many summoned beasts in the game world that are not at the level of mutant beast kings, and they can be used as cannon fodder.

Lin Jiao reported: "Boss, there are three places with mutant beasts on the edge of the eastern suburbs. I have received reports from the patrol team and am about to send people to eliminate them."

"Give me the location." Lu Feng said.

Lin Jiao nodded, took out an information ball, marked the three locations, and handed it to Lu Feng.

After getting the location, Lu Feng also went directly out of the Eastern Suburbs Fortress, opened the information ball, and moved forward according to the location on it.

The first location on the information ball is next to a small town.

This small town surprised Lu Feng.

Because it was the town where the one-eyed tiger and the bandits were stationed.

At first, he needed the one-eyed tiger to continue to act as a bandit to deal with the Li family. Now that the Li family has dealt with the one-eyed tiger, they have also been completely incorporated into the East Suburb Fortress and organized into a battalion of guards.

So, this town was abandoned.

Those mutant beasts are in the mountains behind this town.

After Lu Feng went up the mountain, he saw those mutant beasts. They turned out to be a group of mutant gray wolves. There was no mutant beast king. It was purely the habit of gray wolves that made them gather together and hunt in groups.

When Lu Feng arrived, they had already surrounded a mutant beast and were surrounding and gnawing at the bodies of those mutant beasts.

As if they had discovered Lu Feng's arrival, they stopped immediately, stared at Lu Feng, and let out a low roar.

Almost the next moment, these gray wolves moved at the same time and rushed directly towards Lu Feng.

The hunting nature of wolves will not let any living creatures approach when eating.

At that moment, Lu Feng did not hesitate and directly activated the speed ability, the tiger beast ability, and the energy barrier energy, and the second-level ability was unlocked at the same time.

His figure disappeared in a flash, and the mutated gray wolves were stunned for a moment, and then, a shadow rushed into them at an extremely fast speed.


A mournful cry sounded out, and a mutated gray wolf was punched by Lu Feng to the ground, which directly caused a layer of dust to form on the ground.

The gray wolf also lay on the ground and would not move for a long time.

Lu Feng's figure flashed and appeared behind another mutated gray wolf again. He punched the gray wolf to the ground again.

As he moved in a flash, the gray wolves were unable to react at all, and were shot down to the ground one after another, unable to get up.

The few remaining gray wolves realized something was wrong and wanted to escape, but at the speed at which Lu Feng unlocked his second level ability, they couldn't escape at all.

In the blink of an eye, all these gray wolves were lying on the ground whining, severely injured and unable to get up.

Counting carefully, there are a total of 13 mutated gray wolves.

Lu Feng walked up to one of them, knelt down and began to use his summoned beast ability to condense runes to control the gray wolf.

The mental power unlocked by his second-level ability was not something that the mutated gray wolf could resist. In an instant, the summoned beast runes were imprinted into the gray wolf's head.

The gray wolf looked at Lu Feng, and his eyes lost the ferocity. Instead, he whined at him, as if to say that he was hurt and uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also walked towards the other mutated gray wolf and controlled it.

After controlling the 13 mutant gray wolves one after another, he took out a bottle of life potion from the backpack space and poured it into the mouths of the mutant gray wolves.

The injuries of these mutated gray wolves were serious, but after feeding them some life potion, each of them suddenly became more alive and began to wander around Lu Feng.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also continued to set off to the second place.

It was a small factory in the suburbs, and there was a group of mutant hyenas gathered inside, probably 11 of them.

It seems that there are many of these hyena mutated beasts, just like the killing dogs.

However, this hyena mutant beast is much stronger than the killing dog.

When these hyenas saw his appearance, they also surrounded him. With a wave of his hand, the previous group of mutated gray wolves appeared and surrounded these hyenas.

At this time, the hyenas were frightened and subconsciously retreated together.

But as Lu Feng rushed into them, he saw that these hyenas, like the mutated gray wolves before, were all smashed to the ground, and then controlled by the summoned beast ability.

After being fed the life potion, the hyenas became more energetic and gathered around him.

Lu Feng then headed to the last place.

This time there was a nest of mutated giant snakes, with 10 in each nest.

The size of these mutated giant snakes is very huge, you can refer to the disaster of the wild python.

Moreover, there was a giant snake that was so huge that he could stand on top of its head with that body.

This turned out to be a giant snake with the potential to become the mutant beast king.

Moreover, the power of this giant snake is indeed very strong.

He summoned the mutated gray wolves and mutated hyenas to surround him. Several of them pounced on the giant snake, but were all thrown away by its tail.

However, to Lu Feng, this giant snake was not a threat. After taking action, he easily subdued it.

After taming these 10 mutant giant snakes, Lu Feng now has 34 cannon fodder mutant beasts.

These 34 mutant beasts attack together. If there are no powerful people such as espers or laser weapons, many people will be useless against these mutant beasts.

Even those with abilities, if their numbers are small, will be easily torn into pieces by these mutant beasts.

This is why people with summoned beast abilities are said to be very terrifying in the later stages.

However, other summoned beast ability users cannot be like him.

After controlling these mutant giant snakes, Lu Feng searched the surrounding forests and collected 40 mutant beasts, and then quit the game with a thought.

40 mutated beasts beckoned the Burmese army, which was enough for them to drink a pot.

Back in the lobby of the Wind Manor, Lu Feng also asked Xiaozhi: "Where are the Burmese soldiers gathering, and where do they want to enter Poya?"

Xiaozhi immediately said: "Master, the other party's people have gathered at the border and are about to cross the road of the Korona Mountains and enter Poya. Moreover, the person in charge this time is named Thaye, who ranks third in power in Myanmar."

"Moreover, Thayer controls the most fighters and has great ambitions. He always wants to squeeze out the first two during the election, so he has set his sights on Boya."

"If we can occupy Poya and get this natural seaport, it will be of great significance to Myanmar and will be of great help to him in the next election."

"Send me the location." Lu Feng told Xiaozhi, then left the hall directly, and asked the red lizard to prepare a helicopter and fly to the direction of the Korona Mountains.

He was somewhat looking forward to what would happen when the mutant beast army in the game world collided with the modern army.

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