Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 333 Someone wants to pick peaches!

The poisonous spider is not in a hurry. In their line of work, patience is the most important thing.

Boya is doing such a big thing there, it is impossible for the Xuanfeng Alliance to remain indifferent.

Sure enough, not long after, another white man took another video and handed it to him: "Poisonous Spider, the latest news is out. This time Boya really did something too big."

Poisonous Spider took a look at the video and was shocked by the contents of the latest news video.

Only the corpses of civilians were seen on the ground.

It is normal for people to die in war, but it is different if we attack civilians.

Especially when I saw all the corpses being brought out and put together, there were too many ordinary people killed, and the scene was too dazzling.

"How dare the people of Boa do this?" The poisonous spider was frightened: "If the outside world knew that we were involved, we would probably get burned."

The others also nodded in unison, glad that their contact with Nayasna did not leave any clues, and the weapons given to the other party also had the serial number and origin removed.

Even if Asuna said it was them, they would deny it and then bite him back.

The only one who is unlucky in this matter is Bo Ya.

The second news video was also spread in various countries under the control of Xiaozhi.

This kind of news is what everyone pays attention to, because everyone hopes that peace will last forever.

When the Xuanfeng Alliance town was attacked by that kind of firepower, everyone who saw it was shocked and paid attention to this matter.

When the new news showed that the corpses of people were carried out one after another, it aroused public outrage. This is a violation of international treaties.

For a time, countless related organizations and teams began to protest, pointing the finger at Boya with all their strength.

In this case, Xuanfeng Alliance definitely has the conditions to invade and occupy Poya.

In the Manor of the Wind.

Xiaozhi's voice rang in Lu Feng's ears: "Master, international public opinion has almost reached its conclusion. There are more and more voices supporting us, including the beautiful country!"

Lu Feng was simply confused.

He was basically sure who was behind Bo Ya's actions.

Now the mastermind behind this is actually giving him support?

This world is really...

However, these are not important anymore. He knows that the other party cannot achieve the goal of Meiliguo, but the other party gave him a very reasonable reason.

Therefore, seeking common ground while reserving differences, he knew clearly who was responsible, but it could only be Boa who was at fault.

Xiaozhi's voice sounded again: "Master, the people over at F-B-I have already monitored the situation. They should take action against the three of Couric soon."

"There are also these annoying flies." Lu Feng shook his head mindlessly.

Not only Lu Feng was confused by the beautiful country's support, but people like Poisonous Spider were also confused.

But after watching the news video, Poisonous Spider also knew that he should take action: "It is really surprising that China has supported the Xuanfeng Alliance. However, we not only need to control the hacker god, but also control Xuanfeng in the future. Alliance, it’s also necessary to give them a little favor.”

"So, first deal with the God of Hackers, and then find a way to deal with the Governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance. When the time comes, all the debt will be settled on Boa."

Poisonous Spider said, led the people, sneaked into the computer school where Kulik and the others taught, and went straight to the office.

But soon, the faces of Poison Spider and the others changed. There was no one in the office.

It shouldn't be.

The news they found was that this computer school not only had the three hacker gods Couric, but also hired many computer teachers.

At this time, Du Zhuzi and the others saw the computers in the office light up, and a surveillance screen appeared on them at the same time.

It was a group of them in the surveillance picture.

The expressions of Poison Spider and his group changed instantly.

They immediately understood that they had been discovered by the other party.

At the same time, a ridiculing voice also sounded: "Welcome to the Xuanfeng Alliance as a guest. Now that you are here, don't leave."

"Let's go." Poisonous Spider led people out of the office in a panic.

But as soon as he went out, he saw a black figure rushing out of the corner. The figure actually had a pair of horns and a strange kind of skin on his body.

It seemed like a monster, not a human being.

Before the poisonous spider could react, he was hit by the monster.

At that moment, he seemed to feel the power of the car sprinting for 100 meters, and it spurted blood and flew out, knocking people behind him into the air and tumbling to the ground together.

"What kind of monster is this? Kill him quickly." The poisonous spider covered his chest with an ugly expression.

But before his men could take action, they saw a series of incredibly fast afterimages rushing in. As they rushed past, all the people he brought with him fell down.

Everyone had a hideous wound on their neck, and blood was pouring out.

The poisonous spider's eyes widened in horror, looking at the figures that appeared in front of him, and his body trembled out of fear.

The Xuanfeng Alliance actually has such strange power.

No wonder there is no trace of anyone who came before.

As soon as the poisonous spider came up with the idea, he felt severe pain in his neck, and he covered his neck where blood was flowing with his hands.

"It's all settled, let's notify someone to finish it off!" Swat (Chapter 92) retreated from the beast transformation and said coldly.

Swat left the school and went straight to the Wind Manor. When he saw Lu Feng, he reported: "Your Majesty the Governor, the matter has been resolved."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng nodded.

Then it’s time to get down to business.

Xiaozhi's voice also sounded again: "Master, there is good news. Under my control, the people on Boya's side have also seen the news. It seems that the people on Boya's side are also very dissatisfied with what they have done. , there are still people supporting us!”

"What?" Lu Feng was really surprised now.

Then, he realized that Boa and Cambodia, the predecessor of Xuanfeng Alliance, were very similar. They were both chaotic areas with frequent wars.

They have also been under the shadow of chaos, and some people have died due to the impact.

Therefore, the content in the news stimulates the pain in their shadows, which is the source of their anger and is not allowed.

"It's a good thing to have empathy for us." Lu Feng didn't expect such an unexpected surprise, so he made a decisive call to the Dalai Lama and ordered: "The performance is over, it's time to go to Poya."

In the small town of Dodoas, the Dalai Lama has been waiting for a long time. Surrounding him are the Xuanfeng Alliance soldiers who have gathered long ago. They are all full of fighting spirit, waiting for the order to enter Poya.

After receiving the order from Lu Feng, the Dalai Lama ordered the departure without any hesitation.

As those two pieces of news were broadcast on Poya, Poya was also confused.

Yasna was sitting in the office, watching the news video, his face getting uglier: "Damn it, who told Dolona to do this? How dare he do this?"

This was a situation he didn't expect at all.

They, Bo Ya, took action against the Xuanfeng Alliance, but even if they took action, some things should not go too far.

He knew that Dolona was warlike, but he didn't expect Dolona to be so cruel.

"Mr. Asuna, there are voices criticizing us now." The secretary next to him reminded in a low voice, with an equally ugly expression. The news put Boa in a desperate situation.

Asuna said with anger on his face: "Have you contacted Dolona? I want his explanation."

When he saw the news, he contacted Dolona desperately.

"We haven't been able to contact him yet. General Dolona seems to have disappeared." The secretary shook his head hurriedly and said, "The key is that now our people in Poya are starting to oppose us and feel that we can't bring them hope."

When Asuna heard this, his face became even more ugly. He forced himself to calm down, and suddenly shook his head hastily: "No, no, there is a problem."

He immediately turned on the first news and looked at the flash of artillery fire in the town of Dodoas.

Then, he reacted and exclaimed: "This... this was not done by Dolona. They don't have that much firepower, and they can't carry out such an attack at the same time."

He finally knew what was wrong.

If Dolona didn't do it, then who did it?

He immediately looked at the second news, thinking of Duolona who could not be contacted, and suddenly his eyes widened in shock, as if he had thought of something.

"No...impossible, how could they be so scary..." Asuna was frightened by his guess.

But at this moment, a person suddenly ran in in a panic: "Mr. Yasnar, it's bad, Myanmar has made a noise, saying that we have violated the convention, and they are going to use humanitarian measures and send people to attack us." , support the Xuanfeng Alliance.”

"What?" Yasna's face changed drastically.

They are just a small place, and Myanmar is a behemoth to them. If the other party wants to target them, they cannot resist it.

This Burmese lunatic, what does this have to do with them?

But he was helpless. In this chaotic area, in a small place like theirs, as long as someone seized the opportunity, the other party would definitely bite them hard without hesitation.

But now, in the eyes of each other, they can bite each other at will. Now because of those two pieces of news, they have fallen into a desperate situation.

Not only Yasuna, but also Lu Feng in the Wind Manor quickly received a report from Xiaozhi: "Master, the Burmese side actually wants to send people to support us, and they are already recruiting soldiers without concealing it."

"I suspect that they are also eyeing the natural port of Poya, because what they mostly sell is all kinds of logs, ores, carvings and handicrafts... Because of the geographical location, it can only be transported by air, which is very costly. It would be different if there was a port. ”

"Damn it!" Lu Feng suddenly frowned when he heard the news.

He had been planning for a long time, and someone actually wanted to pick peaches.

The key point is that Myanmar and Boya are different. In terms of strength, the Xuanfeng Alliance alone cannot compare with the 60 million people and more than 500,000 warriors.

No matter what, the peach will be picked.

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