Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 295 Don’t mess with me! Life countdown!

More and more people received the Xuanfeng mask, and then went to a special area to remove their makeup and began to try to apply the mask.

But once they applied the mask, these people all felt a very comfortable feeling.

The feeling that the pores on the face were dilated, as if absorbing something was so wonderful.

I have used so many masks, but this comfortable feeling is the first time I have experienced it.

This alone shows that the Xuanfeng mask is definitely not simple.

On the other side, Ou Ya's deputy looked at Rost who was sitting on the ground and didn't know what to do, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the Ou Ya lounge.

The chairman is over there.

The chairman of Ou Ya is Ms. Mistra.

As a woman, she is very clear about the needs of women, so she can accurately grasp the female market, allowing Ou Ya to always occupy the position of the world's number one skin care product group.

She has seen what happened at the booth outside, her face was extremely gloomy, and she said to the secretary next to her: "Go and investigate what happened to Rost?"

"Okay, ma'am." The secretary nodded hurriedly.

Mistra couldn't help but get angry when she saw the people surrounding the Xuanfeng Mask booth and the somewhat deserted Ouya booth.

It was the first time that Ouya Group's exhibition was so deserted.

She felt that this was an unprovoked disaster.

She was absolutely confident in her products, but she had to use this method to deal with an unknown mask product?

Is this a joke?

Mistra was even more angry when she looked at the LCD screen. She took out her mobile phone and called Boris (Chapter 291) of the organizing committee: "Please stop the content played on the LCD screen immediately. We have invested so much advertising fees in you. That is the place to play advertisements. If you continue to play these contents, Ouya will not participate in this event next year."

Boris heard Mistra's words on the phone and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

You know, Ouya is the world's number one skincare group. If they don't participate, the authority of this event will at least be reduced by a large margin.

The key is that Ouya's sponsorship and advertising fees are very high.

He investigated what happened almost as quickly as possible and immediately asked the technical department to stop the content played on the LCD screen.

What a joke? You keep slapping your sponsor in the face like this. Do you think you make too much money?

But a moment later, bad news suddenly came. The secretary hurriedly said: "Mr. Boris, it's bad. There is a problem with the LCD screen. Our network can't control it."

"How could such a mistake happen? Isn't Fuskey one of our best technicians in France?" Boris's face changed drastically.

The secretary confirmed again: "It's true. Mr. Fuskey and his team have tried their best, but they don't understand what's going on. He said that it might be controlled by a super powerful hacker, but they can't find any traces."

Boris hurriedly shouted: "Quick, unplug the LCD screen, it can't be played anymore."

The secretary nodded hurriedly.

Not long after, all the LCD screens in the exhibition went black and could no longer play any pictures.

Boris went to the scene to confirm it in person before he felt relieved.

Then, they looked at the Xuanfeng mask.

If it was controlled by a hacker, the only one who could be more powerful than Fuskey was the one in the Xuanfeng Alliance, right?

When Boris thought of that hacker, his body trembled.

The network of Ruishi Bank has not been properly maintained yet.

Everyone knows that it was done by the hacker god of Xuanfeng Alliance.

It is better to pretend that he does not know!

His own company is also related to the network. It would be terrible if he offended him.

Ruishi Bank is going to be in trouble, and his company can't resist it.

Just at this time, a burst of noise suddenly sounded at the Xuanfeng mask booth.

It was time for some women to experience the Xuanfeng mask, and they took off the Xuanfeng mask on their faces.

When the Xuanfeng mask was taken off, they looked at the mirror in front of them in disbelief. .

Their faces were visibly whiter.

That effect is more terrifying than having a medical beauty treatment.

"This... Is this the effect of the Xuanfeng mask?"

"It seems like an injection of hyaluronic acid cream!"

"This effect is amazing, no wonder Ou Ya is targeting the Xuanfeng mask."

"This is because they know that their position as the world's number one mask is going to be taken away."


Boris looked at this scene in surprise.

He didn't know what these women's faces looked like originally, but after taking off the masks, their faces were all very white.

It really felt like they had injected hyaluronic acid.

Mistera was also attracted, but her face became even uglier.

She had been staring at this scene, and naturally knew what the effect of the Xuanfeng mask represented.

The key point was that the people around them actually used their Ou Ya as a background again.

Damn it, Ou Ya really didn't target the Xuanfeng Alliance, she didn't know anything about it.

She couldn't even wash it off now.

The people who felt the most deeply were naturally the skin care product enthusiasts, bloggers, sales agents around them...

They saw the masks used by those women with their own eyes, and some of them were even their companions, so they knew what their facial skin looked like before.

But now, it was like they were much younger.

That rosy and white face was not the same face as before.

This effect was incredible.

Can a mask really have such a terrifying effect?

Then, without any hesitation, they surrounded the Xuanfeng Alliance to grab the trial quota.

Suddenly, the surroundings became more chaotic.

This scene was naturally seen by people from other skin care companies, and they all showed incredible expressions.

They are engaged in skin care products, and it is hard to believe that a mask can have such an effect.

Huang Xin appeared next to them with several employees. Seeing the scene of Xuanfeng Mask being surrounded, he murmured: "I knew it would be like this."

After the two female colleagues used the Xuanfeng mask, he already knew the effect of the mask.

He must get the agent for this mask.

At the same time, he really wanted to slap himself.

He had contacted the other party so easily before, and he actually wanted to promote the other party. What a joke, the other party's product needs his promotion?

He begged the other party to give the agent and order.

If he knew this effect before, he would definitely hug his thigh directly, and beg to be an agent.

Xuanfeng Mask became completely popular.

Especially as the effect was reported, everyone in the entire exhibition knew about it.

Beauty reporters from various countries rushed over to shoot and interview.

Naturally, because Ou Ya was afraid of the effect of Xuan Feng Mask, the news of framing Xuan Feng Mask also spread. After being known by these beauty reporters, they reported it directly.

This is definitely the hottest news.

The magical effect of Xuan Feng Mask, coupled with the fact that the world's No. 1 skincare group was framed because of fear, will attract the attention of countless people.

This news was broadcast in various countries in a short time.

Mistra also saw this news very quickly.

This made her so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

She really didn't do it, Ou Ya really didn't want to frame the other party.

Damn Rost, she must kill the other party.

Ruthjia Group is also a large international skincare group. At this time, the people of Ruthjia Group also looked at the display stand of Xuan Feng Mask in disbelief.

"It's incredible that a small Xuanfeng Alliance actually has this technology."

"Yes, the effect of this mask cannot be compared with that of our group!"

"It seems that the mask market has also been changed!"


At this time, a young man said: "It can't be changed. It's just a new product. Isn't it enough to get their agency rights or their technology?"

The people of Ruthjia Group looked at this young man and didn't dare to answer.

This is the devil, Kevin, the son of the chairman, who does all kinds of evil.

Although they think that Xuanfeng Mask will not give them agency at all, let alone the opportunity to get technology, but if they reply to this evil young man, who knows whether the other party will be moody?

In a corner of the venue, there was also a person looking at the location of the Xuanfeng Mask Exhibition and reporting into the headset: "It is certain that the hacker of the Xuanfeng Alliance may be in the team. These Dragon people must be related to the governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance... OK... I will find an opportunity..."

At the same time, Lu Feng also looked in the direction of the Ruthjia Group booth in the lounge. He looked at the black man Swat next to him with a murderous look on his face: "Is that black Kevin inside?"

Swat said coldly: "Inside, it's that young man. This time I won't let him leave Franc alive."

"Let me see this unlucky guy." Lu Feng followed the other person's gaze and saw Kevin.

This guy's life began to count down.

However, evil will be punished, and it is not worth sympathy.

Just at this time, Xiaozhi's voice suddenly sounded: "Master, I found something unexpected! It seems that someone is monitoring us, and I found that they have been monitoring the master and his party since the beginning of the Xuanfeng Alliance. These people seem to have other purposes for the master."

"Did you find out who it is?" Lu Feng frowned immediately.

No matter who it is, since they are hiding in the dark and monitoring him, it means that the other party is very likely to have bad intentions.

"I found out..." Xiaozhi heard Lu Feng's words and immediately reported the other party's identity to Lu Feng. Then, Lu Feng's face became gloomy.

He doesn't seem to have offended this country, right?

The other party actually sent someone to cause trouble for him?

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