Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 294 The Internet is just a decoration before artificial intelligence!

In a lounge, Lu Feng saw what was happening in the venue below.

The International Skin Care Products Day venue does not only have a display site, but also a dedicated lounge, which is connected to the display stand. The better the display stand, the better the lounge.

This is obviously someone who is specifically looking for trouble for the Xuanfeng Alliance.


It's just that he is very strange, why are there people in France making trouble for him for no reason?

At this moment, Xiaozhi's voice sounded: "Master, these women were ordered by others. The allergies on their faces were there before. I found clear footage and their medical records. ”

"Moreover, they also had contact with people from Ouya, who gave them a sum of money. I have obtained the transfer record."

"In addition, I may know the reason. The person in charge of Ouya's exhibition this time, the other party's son, has shares in a skin care products company. The other party also had the idea of ​​our display stand this time."

Lu Feng probably understood what was going on when he heard this.

It seemed that he had disrupted the other party's good deeds.

Then this is nothing more than dissatisfaction and wanting to teach them a lesson.

It's a pity that the other party's work was too rough, and Xiaozhi found him so easily.

Even from the perspective of domestic people, this kind of trick is a bit insulting to people's intelligence.

But think about it, this is France. Even if something happens, France will not help the people investigating Ouya, so they will only suffer the loss of being dumb.

This kind of thing is not uncommon abroad.

For example, isn't there news that a domestic couple died in a hotel in an internationally renowned tourist destination these days?

The couple had open wounds on their waists, apparently injured by sharp objects.

Many people may not understand what an open wound is. Anyway, it can probably be regarded as a surgery. Your body is cut open without sutures, and the flesh, bones, organs, etc. inside can be seen.

This can probably be understood as an open wound.

The key point is here, the other party's autopsy results are: I don't know whether it was caused by myself or others.

Isn't this a joke?

Both of them are dead, besides others, it could be myself?

Maybe the couple who thought they would go on a trip together to rent a house went all the way to give each other a break?

Or commit suicide by inflicting a seminal wound on yourself?

Isn't this an insult to people's intelligence?

Just get used to it. This is often the case abroad, just to insult you.

It's a pity that if the other party thinks that their Xuanfeng mask can be manipulated at will, then they are thinking wrong and offending the wrong person.

"I'll go out and take a look!" Yang Ming frowned and led people outside.

Lu Feng ordered: "Cousin, I already know what happened. Remember to ask the person in charge of Ouya, that man, to let him look at the LCD screen at the venue!"

"Yeah." Although Yang Ming didn't understand what was going on, he nodded. According to what his cousin said, he was right.

Around the best display stands at the venue, more and more people were attracted.

Whether they are skin care product enthusiasts, various bloggers, or sales agents, they all point to the Xuanfeng facial mask display stand and talk about it.

"I will be allergic to this mask!"

"I don't know how they passed the review."

"Has this French international skin care product event changed? This product can pass the review."

Yang Qingxue suddenly became anxious. She did not expect such a thing to happen, so she hurriedly explained: "There is nothing wrong with our facial mask. We have all used it."

She quickly asked the translator to translate her words.

Lu Feng asked her to take care of the mask company's affairs. She didn't want big problems to arise from the beginning. The key is that Xuanfeng Mask has been tested on all types of skin and will not have any adverse effects on all types of skin.

It's a pity that her words were translated, and Rossiter was proud of his moth again: "Just because you have used it and it's fine doesn't mean it's fine for everyone. Some skin types may not be suitable for this kind of mask."

"Is it possible that your Xuanfeng mask has not been tested on all types of skin? That's right, you seem to be from the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"There used to be wars there all year round, and there was no technological basis for making facial masks. So, is it normal for something like this to happen?"

These words made everyone around him nod, and they immediately became even more resistant to the Xuanfeng Mask.

"Give way!"

"what happen?"

A team of security guards from the venue came over in a hurry.

After all, people have gathered here, something has obviously happened, and they have responsibilities and must come and deal with it.

When Rost saw these security guards, he said jokingly: "This Xuanfeng mask causes allergies on the user's face. According to regulations, their products must be re-inspected. Everyone, for the sake of the normal order of the exhibition, I think you should ask them to Go out first and undergo product testing.”

Once the product is re-inspected, who knows how long it will take, the other party will have to say goodbye to this exhibition.

The security guards also looked at the people wearing Xuanfeng Mask.

According to the regulations, this is the case, but under normal circumstances it is not impossible to discuss it and adopt a soft approach.

But after they saw that Yang Qingxue's girls all had yellow skin, and that the one they proposed was one of the most famous groups in their country, they seemed to feel that there was no need for a gentle approach, and they just followed the procedures.

Several security guards wanted to step forward, but then they found three men standing in front of the display stage. It was Yang Ming, and he brought a speed user and a hyena beast transformation user.

Yang Ming looked at the security guards coldly: "Everyone, what's the hurry? You have to explain clearly what happened!"

Liao Liyan knew that Yang Ming was someone close to Mr. Lu, and when she saw him, she immediately helped translate.

Yang Ming looked in the direction of Rost: "Are you very proud? Now let me take a good look at the LCD screen in the venue!"

Almost at the same time, the LCD screens playing skin care product advertisements in the entire exhibition venue changed to the same picture at the same time.

It seemed to be a surveillance video, and the video was exactly the three women with allergies on their faces.

The three women seemed to be eating some seafood, and then suddenly they started shouting, and it was them who had allergies on their faces.

The video time was actually the day before yesterday.

The three women were allergic to seafood and had a quarrel with the boss.

After that, the video changed and it became a video of the three women going to the hospital for treatment.

Seeing this scene, the people around suddenly made a commotion. These three women were not allergic to the Xuanfeng mask? They were allergic before.

Liao Liyan finally reacted and shouted angrily: "I was wondering why you put on such thick foundation before. It turned out to cover it up and frame us."

The three women were simply stunned. They never thought that the other party would get such a video, and turned around to run away.

The hyena ability user beside Yang Ming saw this and flashed forward, slapped each of the three women to the ground, and then looked at the security guards coldly.

The security guards instantly felt a layer of cold sweat on their backs.

That kind of eyes seemed to make them feel that the person staring at them was not a human, but a beast.

Several people swallowed their saliva, and without letting the hyena ability user say anything, they subconsciously stepped forward and subdued the three women.

According to the rules, the three women came to make trouble and destroy the reputation of the event day, and they would have to go in for some time afterwards.

Rost's face changed immediately.

He couldn't believe that there was such a thing.

How could the other party get such a video in such a short time?

Could it be that the other party knew that he was going to find these women to frame them?

This is impossible. He only decided who to find last night and found the right person.

Could it be that the other party found these videos in such a short time?

This is even more ridiculous.

The police can't do this, not to mention that the other party is not French.

When Rost was thinking, something appeared on the LCD screen that made him look even uglier, because the next video was actually evidence of him finding several women.

There were even his transfer information and photo data.

Liao Liyan was surprised by Mr. Lu's tricks.

How did he do it in such a short time?

But when she saw this scene, she knew to seize the opportunity and looked at Rost coldly and said, "Mr. Rost, this is you, right? That's also your account, right? I didn't expect that you, Ou Ya, would play such a trick on us."

Xiaozhi got the information that Rost's son had a stake in a skin care product company, and he also knew the reason why Rost targeted them, but obviously he didn't release all the information.

Because of Lu Feng's request, after all, the attention has risen, so let Ou Ya, the world's number one brand, take the blame. It will be more fulfilling to step on the world's number one brand, right?

Rost was completely dumbfounded.

How could the other party get such evidence?

In such a short time.

He now doubted more and more whether the other party really knew that he was going to retaliate?

If so, it would be terrible.

But if the other party found out these in such a short time, it would be even more terrible.

Rost was stunned.

Obviously, he didn't know that as long as it was related to the Internet, there was no safety in front of an artificial intelligence that was 70 or 80 years ahead of reality.

Unless you don't use the Internet.

And obviously, Liao Liyan was not a fool either. She accurately seized the opportunity to promote her Xuanfeng mask and shouted loudly: "I didn't expect that you Ou Ya already knew the effect of our Xuanfeng mask. You were afraid that we would steal the limelight from your Ou Ya mask, so you slandered us in this way. It really lost the demeanor of the world's number one skin care product group."

This was translated and everyone was boiling.

What did the people of Xuanfeng Mask say? Their mask is very effective? Ou Ya knew and deliberately came here to target them?

Thinking carefully, it seems that the person in charge of Ou Ya was the one who was doing something wrong from the beginning, and it was he who hired someone to target Xuanfeng Mask.

"I didn't expect Ou Ya to use such means!"

"Yes, Ou Ya felt threatened, doesn't that mean that Xuanfeng Mask is very effective?"

"If it's not effective, Ou Ya doesn't need to frame them!"


For a while, the situation was one-sided again, but now the victim became Ou Ya.

This sudden change made everyone on Ou Ya's side confused, and they all had question mark faces, and they didn't understand what happened at all.

"Mr. Rost, what's going on?" The deputy immediately stepped forward to ask.

Not only was he confused, he also felt that he was dreaming. The key point was that the damn LCD screen began to repeat the video just now. Wuyi wanted to express one point, that is, Ou Ya framed Xuanfeng Alliance.

"It's over." Rost still muttered to himself and fell to the ground.

He knew very well that if such a thing happened, the Ou Ya board of directors would never let him go. Once investigated, everything would be investigated.

Liao Liyan did not miss the opportunity and took the opportunity to shout: "Ladies, our Xuanfeng mask supply is limited, first come first served."

The surrounding women were immediately moved and hurried to get the mask to try.

Soon, the entire exhibition will be sensationalized by Xuanfeng mask.

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