Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 266 This product can destroy an industry!

As soon as Baguda left Wind Manor, he called his secretary and asked her to find some people with myopia.

He would never procrastinate on what the governor ordered and would do it as soon as possible.

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However, he was also curious about what was so magical about this wine that he had to let people with myopia drink it?

Could it be that this wine could cure myopia?

This was impossible and unreasonable.

Looking at the jar of wine in his hand, he immediately arranged for someone to send some bottles of wine to his office. After all, the governor ordered to find more people with myopia to drink it and to divide the wine into bottles for better distribution.

When Baguda returned to his office, the bottles had been delivered.

He immediately divided the jar of wine into the bottles of wine.

Just after the wine was filled, the secretary came in puzzledly: "Mr. Baguda, the myopic people will come soon. They are all our official staff. I don't know what you want to find the myopic people for?"

Baguda looked at his secretary wearing glasses and ordered: "Korana, you are also myopic, you also take a bottle of these wines, and you will drink them every day from now on. The rest of the wines will be distributed to the other myopic people. You must record the situation and tell me every day."

Since the governor has ordered it, there will definitely be problems after drinking this wine, and he must pay attention to it in time.

Korana looked at the wines puzzledly.

What is Mr. Baguda doing? Let her find the myopic people just to let them drink these wines?

However, after this person ordered, she immediately asked someone to take away the wines, keeping one bottle for herself, and all the others were distributed to those who found the myopic people.

After get off work, Korana returned to her home with the wine.

She thought of Mr. Baguda's words, and immediately took out the bottle of wine, then poured a glass of wine and drank it.

The wine seemed to be normal wine, and there was no special taste.

After a while, she felt that her eyes seemed to have a warm feeling, very comfortable.

After myopia, my eyes often dry, and I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time.

After a day of work, Korana was a little tired. After eating something and drinking two glasses of wine, she went into the bathroom to take a shower and then went to the bedroom to rest.

This sleep, Korana slept until the sun rose, and then stretched very comfortably.

When she woke up, she rubbed her eyes but was stunned.

She was surprised to find that her myopia seemed to have improved a lot.

She couldn't believe it and confirmed it. She did find that she could see things more clearly without glasses.

This was not an illusion.

She hurriedly put on the glasses, and found that the degree of the glasses was too high for her now, and she was a little dizzy. .

As a person who wears glasses for a long time, she immediately judged that her vision had definitely recovered more than 100 degrees.

Before, she was 500 degrees of myopia, and now it is definitely only 400 degrees.

This made her look incredible.

Then, he thought of the wine that Mr. Baguda gave him, and Mr. Baguda specifically asked for people with myopia.

Is it the effect of the wine?

She couldn't help looking forward to it, and went to the office hall after washing, and then asked people to find those people with myopia.

These people had already drunk the wine yesterday.

When those people with myopia arrived, they all looked at Corana in disbelief.

"Secretary Corana, what's the matter with the wine? It's amazing. I found that my myopia has recovered a little."

"Yes, I have also recovered a lot. I think that after drinking that bottle of wine, my vision will be completely restored."


Obviously, after these people with myopia drank the wine, their eyes were affected and their vision was restored.

After Corana confirmed it, she hurried to Baguda's office to report: "Mr. Baguda, the wine you gave is amazing. It can actually restore myopia. People who drank the wine have recovered a lot of myopia. If they keep drinking, myopia can be restored."

"Sure enough." Although Baguda had some guesses, he was also very shocked to get a definite answer.

He hurriedly said, "Korana, you continue to drink that wine and report every day."

The Governor-General was so amazing. He took out two kinds of wine. One kind of dream-returning wine was already amazing. I didn't expect that he would take out this kind of wine that can restore vision.

No one would believe this if it was spread out, right?

If those eyewear companies knew about it, they would shake their heads wildly and shout: Impossible?

This is definitely a product that can destroy the eyewear industry.

Next, Baguda and Korana were looking forward to it more and more.

So, after Korana got off work today, she drank some more wine and then lay down on the bed.

Soon, the comfortable warmth in her eyes appeared again.

She knew that this was the effect of the wine again.

The next day.

Korana got up early again.

After waking up, she habitually touched the glasses on the bedside and put them on.

But after putting on the glasses, she found that the scenery in front of her became very blurry.

This is because the degree of the glasses is much higher than the degree of the eyes.

She then remembered that she drank that wine again yesterday.

She quickly took off her glasses, and her vision became clearer than before.

"Who would dare to believe such a magical thing if they didn't experience it themselves?" Korana sighed, feeling that she was experiencing a science fiction event.

On the third day, she still got up early.

After using it for three consecutive days, Korana was completely shocked.

Because her vision had almost recovered by half, and it was only three days.

This recovery speed was simply shocking, and she stayed for a long time.

Even for the laser surgeries that the hospital is advocating now, the time for examination-surgery-recovery is far more than three days.

Korana hurriedly took out a pair of glasses that she had discarded before.

She didn't expect that the glasses that used to be covered with dust could still be used.

When she returned to the Governor's Office to work, she immediately called all the myopic patients who gave her wine.

As soon as they met, those myopic patients thanked Korana again:

"Secretary Korana, thank you so much, my myopia has recovered by more than half!"

"Yes, thanks to the wine you gave me, I can basically take off my glasses."

"After drinking these wines, I feel that I can take off my glasses too."


Seeing this, Korana also found Baguda again, and reported with a shocked face: "Mr. Baguda, you can never imagine the effect of this wine, it's incredible, it's so shocking, that small bottle of wine can actually make my 500-degree myopia recover by more than half, and the same is true for other people. What kind of wine is this? It actually has such an effect?"

"I know." Baguda heard the report, said a word and hurried out. He naturally wanted to report to the governor, and also wanted to ask the governor if this wine could also be promoted?

If this wine is promoted, it will set off a big wave, and those glasses companies are afraid that they will cry.

If no one is myopic, who will they sell their myopic glasses to?

In the Wind Manor

Lu Feng also entered the game again, holding a few jars of wine to the research department, and called Guo Zhen at the same time.

In the research department, including Cheng Sisi, everyone looked at the boss in confusion, wondering what he would do with a few jars of wine.

Lu Feng directly instructed Guo Zhen: "These wines can restore myopia. It should be caused by the special ingredients in them. I need you to find an expert in this field to analyze this special ingredient and write it down as a data formula and give it to me."

"Okay, boss, let me handle it!" Guo Zhen nodded. Although he didn't know the boss's purpose, he didn't need to know, just do it directly.

After Lu Feng arranged the things, he also quit the game with a thought, and returned to the Wind Manor, and saw this guy Baguda coming. .

"Your Excellency the Governor." Baguda immediately reported to Lu Feng when he saw him: "The wine you gave is amazing. After I asked people to drink it, people with 500 degrees of myopia drank a little every day. In just three days, myopia was mostly restored. Can you believe it? It was just three short days."

Lu Feng was surprised to hear this.

This speed is indeed incredibly fast, and the effect of the wine is so strong. If it is cracked, this wine will be more popular than Huimeng wine for a period of time.

At least those myopic patients will definitely not be able to resist the temptation of this wine.

There are 1.8 billion myopic patients. This wine will make money no matter how much it sells. If the price of the wine is increased by one more zero, it is unknown how many small goals it will be.

Moreover, it can treat myopia, which can also protect the eyes. Drinking it more often can also prevent myopia.

Therefore, the market for this wine will never disappear.

"Governor, I wonder if this wine can be promoted? It is definitely a cash cow." Baguda asked impatiently.

"I am still talking to others about this wine, not so fast." Lu Feng made up a sentence, and then said: "However, I have a facial mask now, and the magical effect should not be less than this wine. Didn't I ask you to prepare the production line and purchase materials before? Now take me to the production line."

"Ah?... I'll take the Governor!" Baguda was stunned when he heard Lu Feng's words, and hurriedly led the way.

He remembered that the Governor had asked him to build a facial mask production line and bought a lot of materials. He also reported to the Governor.

What did he hear now?

He knew exactly how magical this wine was. Could there be anything more magical than this wine?

But the Governor said so, so it shouldn't be false, right?

Thinking of this, he became more and more excited, and his pace quickened.

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