Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 265: The more you try to hide, the more obvious it becomes! You need to make money!

Xuanfeng Alliance, a sudden piece of news about medical treatment has attracted everyone's attention, especially in China. After Qingfeng Network Company released this news, it directly became a hot search.

《Xuanfeng Alliance recently cracked a medical case, the hospital colluded with... Now Xuanfeng Alliance has arrested a total of 43 people including the dean, doctors, and medical officials, and the case is still under further investigation!》

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It is about the Central Hospital.

Domestic netizens were all incredulous:

"It's hard to believe that there are such shady hospitals. It turns out that people can make money from the dead and go bankrupt."

"I didn't expect that the Xuanfeng Alliance Medical Care was so shady that such a thing happened."

"Hehe, the above poster thought that there is no such thing in China? Check the news that Mr. Wang was still charged for treatment three days after his death!"

"There is also a certain southern province where the hospital returned the medical insurance money to the elderly 8 months after his death, and the family was notified to pay the additional fees!"

"Some people are naive and still think that the Xuanfeng Alliance is chaotic? I think the Xuanfeng Alliance Medical Care is not that shady, at least they still arrested him."

"Haha, some people don't think that China is better than the Xuanfeng Alliance? It was left unresolved in China and no one could be arrested."


For a time, this news caused a huge wave, and the heat of the discussion seemed to involve domestic medical care.

Qingfeng Network Company

Wang Kai was just finishing reviewing a document when he saw the head of the news department hurried in: "Mr. Wang, the people from the News Office asked us to take down the news about Xuanfeng Alliance Medical. Other platforms have also been cleared."

"???" Wang Kai was stunned: "What the hell? This news bothers them? They have to take care of all the hot search news?"

The head of the news department immediately explained: "I inquired about it, and it seems that this news resonated with the domestic people and involved domestic medical care, so..."

"Got it, take down the news!" Wang Kai sighed and ordered.

He knew how powerful the network covered by the domestic medical system was.

But it was really overbearing, so they had to take down the news.

It's just that this hot search news disappeared all of a sudden. Isn't it a cover-up and treating people as fools?

Think about their various charging items, aren't they just treating people as fools?

Wang Kai shook his head and didn't dwell on it. After all, he has money now. If he really has any disease, he also has special medical channels and special VIP treatment.

Just as Wang Kai thought, the medical news that was originally extremely popular suddenly disappeared. Who could have guessed what happened?

For a while, the complaints on the Internet became louder, and many people even posted videos to mock them directly.

Unfortunately, who cares?

Xuanfeng Alliance.

Chen Bo took Lin Chao to the Wind Manor early in the morning and met Lu Feng.

Lin Chao was still shocked when he saw him again.

Such a young person turned out to be the controller of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

There is no young person in the world who can do this, right?

People of the same age in China are still studying in college or entering a confused internship life.

"Governor!" Chen Bo!

"Your Excellency the Governor." Lin Chao.

When Lu Feng saw the two of them, he also asked: "Besides the Central Hospital, what about other hospitals?"

He cares a lot about places like hospitals. This is a place to save the dying and the wounded. Since it is his territory, he will never allow such black-hearted termites to exist.

Chen Bo immediately reported: "I took people to investigate other hospitals in Wind City and found that many hospitals have this kind of situation. Moreover, they have more or less some connection with the medical director we arrested. It can be said that it is the same as in China, a rotten medical system."

"..." Lu Feng was silent after hearing this.

Chen Bo used the domestic medical system as an analogy, and he understood that there were problems as a whole.

It's just that the medical system of the Xuanfeng Alliance doesn't know how to be low-key and restrained, and it doesn't have that much energy to turn unreasonable into reasonable.

Therefore, he can't let the medical system of the Xuanfeng Alliance have the opportunity to turn unreasonable into reasonable.

It must be rectified.

Lu Feng said coldly to Chen Bo: "Investigate thoroughly. If you don't have enough experience in investigating hospitals, you can go to China to find someone to help. No scum can be let go."

"Okay!" Chen Bo replied immediately.

To be honest, he really doesn't have much experience in this area. After all, those hospitals are going to do something. If you don't know the medical knowledge, you can't start to investigate.

As for other people in other police stations? Don't count on it.

So, after leaving Wind City, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Yang Ming.

Tianzhou City.

Qingfeng Tea City, Yang Ming was also making tea with Kai Ye.

The two sides not only cooperated with the engineering team, but also with the Huimeng Wine Agency. Now they often hang out together to drink tea and keep in touch.

Yang Ming saw Chen Bo calling and answered with a smile: "Chen Bo, what's the situation? Call me?"

Chen Bo immediately said: "Yang Ming, do me a favor and find someone who knows the medical field. Mr. Lu asked me to thoroughly investigate the Xuanfeng Alliance Hospital System. I am blind, and none of the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance Police Department can be used."

"Got it." Yang Ming also responded. Among their Qingfeng people, Chen Bo is their own person, and they are incomparable to Kai Ye and others.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Kai Ye: "Kai Ye, is there anyone familiar with the medical system, especially those who understand the twists and turns inside? The Xuanfeng Alliance wants to check the medical system, but they are short of people who can be used."

When Kai Ye heard this, he said directly: "Looking for that guy Tan Ming."

"Tan Ming, who?" Yang Ming was puzzled.

Grandpa Kai explained: "He is just a blockhead. He used to be in charge of the medical department of Tianzhou City. When he found the problems of the hospital, he wanted the hospital to be rectified, but he didn't think that the whole medical system was like this. If one hospital was rectified, it would affect the whole system."

"Then, as you know, the medical system put pressure on him through connections, but he was still stubborn and kept looking for evidence. As a result, the more evidence he found, the greater the threat. Then he stepped down and the matter was left unresolved."

"If this kind of person is given power, he can really find and solve the problems of the entire medical system. Unfortunately, in front of a system, his personal power is too small."

"Besides, if the water is too clear, there will be no fish. His nobleness and integrity are a sin in some big environments."

When Yang Ming heard this, he did not hesitate: "Grandpa Kai, please help me make an appointment with this Tan Ming. The Xuanfeng Alliance should need talents like him."

"Yes." Grandpa Kai nodded.


Time is running out.

The review of the Xuanfeng Alliance medical system continued. The director of the Central Hospital and Dachai were tried and executed at the fastest speed, and the public was informed.

Lu Feng was satisfied with the result, and then asked Chen Bo to continue investigating and cleaning up the entire medical system.

After that, he did not care about this matter anymore, but asked someone to send a few jars of wine. He had exploded two special skeletons before.

These two special skeletons can be soaked in wine, and drinking can restore vision. He thought about soaking the skeletons in wine and then giving them to researchers in the game for research.

After entering the East Suburb Fortress, the research department has become more large-scale and has more talents. As long as there are talents in this area, the knowledge they have is much more than in reality.

Letting them crack it is definitely easier than the research institute in reality. Moreover, if the researchers in reality crack it, the Xuanfeng Alliance should not have such people, and there will be troubles of leakage at that time.

After Lu Feng smashed the two special skeletons, he put them into the wine jars respectively, and then sealed them and brought them into the game.

But once he entered the game, he saw the information about the wine through the game exploration skill:

[This is a special kind of wine soaked in bones. After drinking, it can restore vision (the wine has not yet fully taken effect, the effect is limited, and it will take two days to take effect!)]

Lu Feng was a little surprised to see the note. He thought that the wine would take some time to take effect, but who knew that it would take effect in such a short time.

Two days passed in a flash. After Lu Feng entered the game again, he checked the notes of those wines and found that the wine had taken effect.

[This is also a special kind of wine soaked in bones. After drinking, it can restore power. ]

Seeing this, he took a jar of wine out of the game and returned to the Wind Manor. He was about to ask someone to find a few myopic people, and saw Baguda rushing in.

As soon as he saw him, he reported: "Your Excellency the Governor, the mask production line you need has been prepared, and some of the materials have been purchased."

Lu Feng nodded. After obtaining the gene active liquid mask technology before, he treated the mask as the second industry of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now that the production line is ready and the materials have been bought, I will find a time to make the mask.

Now the Xuanfeng Alliance is not only going to build large-scale infrastructure, but also recruit so many teachers. Later, he also plans to comprehensively increase the wages and benefits of police officers and soldiers, which all require money.

So, we need to make money.

Lu Feng nodded first, and then ordered Baguda: "Baguda, go find some people with myopia, and then give them this jar of wine to drink. Well, drink it for a day or two. I need them to do an experiment."

Baguda was immediately confused. Why did the governor suddenly want to find people with myopia and let them drink?

However, the governor ordered, so he did it, agreed, and moved the jar of wine away.

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