Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 263 Damn this operation! Someone is going to be in trouble!

Lu Feng looked at the thermal image sent by the detection watch. In addition to the doctor, there were obviously several people in it, probably assistant doctors or assistant nurses.

But after the little girl was pushed into the operating room, the doctor did not rescue her. From the thermal image, the doctor was already sitting on a chair playing with his mobile phone.

The nurse was also standing aside chatting.

And there was no little girl in the image, because the little girl was already dead, her body began to get cold, and the detection watch could not detect the thermal image.

If the doctor was a mediocre doctor who misjudged the little girl's death and tried his best to rescue her after pushing her in, there would be a slight chance of being forgiven.

The scene in front of him showed one thing, that the doctor knew that the little girl was dead, even the assistants knew it.

So, these people could do this.

But knowing that the person was already dead, why did these people still send her to the hospital in a serious manner? ?

Not long after, the crying couple came, and it was obvious that they had paid the fee.


Perhaps Lu Feng understood that this was to earn the other party's fee?

Even after the person died, he still didn't forget to fleece the wool.

From this, he believed what Mr. Liu said.

"Take a video and keep the evidence." Lu Feng also said to the black snake beside him.

"Okay, Mr. Lu." The black snake nodded.

As if knowing that the couple had arrived, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.

The doctor came out from inside, and even his forehead was full of sweat. It was obvious that he had been sprayed with water, showing that he was very tired.

"Doctor, how is our daughter?"

"Please save our daughter."

The couple immediately begged.

The doctor sighed anxiously and said, "You two, your daughter is in a very bad condition. We have tried our best to save her, but we still have to perform a very complicated intracranial surgery. The cost of the surgery may be relatively high. You should prepare 4 million Xuanfeng coins first."

This made the parents look serious. You know, where can they get 4 million Xuanfeng coins at once?

"Please prepare the surgery fee as soon as possible. I will go in and continue to treat your daughter. However, the surgery can only be performed after the money is in place. You know the rules. You'd better do it as soon as possible." The doctor said and went back to the operating room.

Through the thermal image detected by the watch, it can be seen that he sat on the chair and played games again.

Lu Feng frowned even deeper when he heard Hadona's translation.

4 million Xuanfeng coins.

That is 400,000 Dragon Country coins.

This treatment fee is really high. The key is that this is the cost of treating a dead person.

He really didn't expect the hospital to be so shady.

"Husband, what should we do? We don't have that much savings!"

"Let's sell the house, and the savings should be enough."

"But selling the house won't be that fast."

Just then, the hospital staff member who was taking the couple to pay the bill said, "There are ways to raise money quickly outside the hospital."

The couple hurried away as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also took people out, and soon they arrived at a place outside the hospital.

Black Snake approached to check the situation, and then came back to report: "Mr. Lu, it's loan sharks, and the man seems to have gone back to get the property certificate."

"Yeah." Lu Feng frowned more deeply.

Is this hospital not only making dirty money, but also cooperating with loan sharks?

Not long after, the husband hurriedly came with a certificate, which should be the property certificate.

"Notify Chen Bo and ask him to bring someone over." Lu Feng frowned and said to Black Snake.

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Black Snake nodded, and immediately took out his mobile phone and called Chen Bo.

Chen Bo is now the chief of the police station in Wind City. This kind of thing is under his jurisdiction. Now that President Lu knows about this, someone is going to be in trouble.

In the Wind City Police Station, Chen Bo was in a floor-to-ceiling window office on the top of the building, holding a pen and studying.

He never thought that he, a man holding a knife, would pick up a pen one day.

He was naturally learning the local Cambodian language in Wind City. After all, in his current position, it is important to know a little local language.

He finally got a springboard in his life, how could he not work hard.

The phone rang, and he answered it immediately when he saw that it was Black Snake's number.

Black Snake was lucky. Now that he was brought by President Lu, he had to look at the other party's face.

As soon as the phone was connected, Black Snake's voice came: "Boss Chen, President Lu asked you to bring people to the Central Hospital. There is a problem with the medical system. The hospital should charge illegally and collude with loan sharks. President Lu is very angry..."

"Are they looking for death? I will take people and leave immediately." Chen Bo said angrily.

All these events in the Wind City are under his jurisdiction. Doing this right under his nose, isn't it a slap in the face of him as a public servant?

As the saying goes, love what you do. He loves this job very much now. He put on the Xuanfeng Alliance police uniform and left the office. When he got outside, he shouted to a middle-aged man: "Captain Lin, gather everyone and go out with me."

Captain Lin's name is Lin Chao, a retired criminal policeman from Youcheng. He had arrested him before, so they were old acquaintances.

He has reached his current position in the Xuanfeng Alliance, so he naturally knows that he needs his own direct lineage. More importantly, if he wants to do well, he needs professional people to assist him and treat him as a confidant.

He thought of Lin Chao, who had arrested him. The other party happened to retire, so he pulled him over to make use of his remaining energy. At his age, he could still help him for a few years.

Lin Chao looked at the arrogant Chen Bo, as if he was in another world. At first, he won a prize from Qingfeng Network Company and could take his family to travel to Xuanfeng Alliance.

Because Qingfeng Network Company guaranteed it and Xuanfeng Alliance was very famous recently, he came.

Who knew that he would meet Chen Bo as soon as he got off the plane.

How could he not know the other party? He was just a gangster in Youcheng, and he was caught by him.

Who knew that the other party wanted to hire him as the captain of the Xuanfeng Alliance criminal police squadron as soon as he opened his mouth. He was stunned, and suspected that this little gangster had not woken up.

Who knows what happened later? After arriving at the Fengzhidu Police Station, he saw the little gangster in front of him sitting in the position of director openly, and everyone was still shouting to him respectfully. He thought he was dreaming.

Otherwise, how could such a terrible thing happen?

It took him three days to come back to his senses, and then he learned that Chen Hao had also become the warden of the Central Prison No. 1.

This shocked him completely.

What on earth did these little hooligans in Youcheng experience?

As for now, he felt that it was really good, so he joined the job directly.

After all, he had been doing this job for a lifetime, and he was not used to retirement. The key point was that the Xuanfeng Alliance had good treatment. He applied for a long-term work visa. Not only could he receive a pension in China, but he could also receive a high salary here at the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The key point was that this was a legitimate job, not illegal.

"Director Chen, what's the situation?" Lin Chao came to Chen Bo and still addressed him very respectfully.

Chen Bo explained: "The hospital may have received dirty money and colluded with loan sharks. It may be a criminal group. We have to take them down."

"So exciting?" Lin Chao said in surprise.

To be honest, he had not encountered many major cases in his life in Youcheng, and he did not expect to encounter such an exciting thing when he arrived here.

Soon, the entire police station was summoned and set off in a mighty manner.



Lu Feng also went to the outside of the operating room again. The couple had completed the loan and paid the hospital for the operation. They were waiting anxiously outside the operating room. They didn't know the condition of their daughter.

Lu Feng felt a little sympathetic to the two. When they encountered such a thing, it was really not something that ordinary people like them could do. Their daughter was obviously dead, but she was used to squeeze their money.

This also shows that the medical care of the Xuanfeng Alliance is extremely rotten. Even the domestic medical system is not so dark.

The door of the operating room opened again.

The doctor came out again. This time he seemed to spray more water on his face, as if he was going to treat the patient with all his strength.

When he saw the couple, he sighed and said, "It's a pity, you two, I have tried my best to treat the patient, but your daughter still couldn't be cured."

The couple was dumbfounded when they heard this, and then they broke down and cried.

They borrowed money from their real estate to pay for the operation and wanted to treat their daughter, but who knew that the money was paid, but their daughter still couldn't be saved.

After crying for a long time, the couple seemed to accept the fact and immediately asked to get their daughter's body back. But at this time, another doctor came out and said to the couple: "You two, you have to pay 500,000 Xuanfeng coins for the body handling fee before we can let you take the body away."

"???" Lu Feng was stunned when he heard that the translator was Haduo. He thought that cheating the surgery fee was the limit, right? Who knew it was more than that?

There is only more evil heart, not the most evil heart.

The couple completely collapsed when they heard this and fell to the ground.

"Did you take it?" Lu Feng looked at Black Snake.

"Yeah." Black Snake shook his phone.

"Let's go, wait for Chen Bo to bring people and let him deal with it." Lu Feng said, and led people out.

But just when they were about to enter the elevator, the elevator opened, and several security guards came out and surrounded them, each with a bad expression.

At the same time, on both sides of the aisle, there were also several ferocious figures, blocking their way.

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