Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 262 Wine that can cure myopia! Really evil!

While Lin Jiao led people to control weapons and Wang Cheng dug out the mutant beast crystal core, Lu Feng looked at the corpses of the mutant beasts.

Groups of light floated.

This book was first published in πŸ”πŸ— book bar β†’ 96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

This is an explosive thing.

I didn't pay attention just now, and found that there were quite a few things that exploded.

He walked over as if nothing had happened and put all those things into the backpack space.

[Life Potion X1! ]

[Energy Potion X3! ]

[This is a special space exchange card X5! ]

[Special Skeleton X2, this is the skeleton of a special mutant beast of this race. It is difficult for a mutant beast of a race to grow this kind of skeleton. The mutant beast with this kind of skeleton is destined to become the beast king.

Moreover, this mutant beast has excellent eyesight. This special skeleton is cracked and used to soak in wine. After drinking, it can restore myopia! 】

Most of the things that exploded were previously exploded, especially the special space exchange cards, which exploded 5 pieces at a time.

He chose to use it without hesitation, and the backpack space was instantly expanded. Now there is no problem to put a car in the space.

In addition, what attracted Lu Feng's attention the most was the special skeleton.

Can this thing restore myopia after soaking in wine?

This effect seems to be useless, but think about it, in reality, if this thing can be cracked and promoted after soaking in wine, it will be amazing, right?

How many myopic groups are there in reality? He read a news report that there seemed to be 1.8 billion myopic groups, most of which were in Longguo.

Moreover, myopic glasses are different from other glasses. As the degree of the glasses increases, the wearer will have a more obvious feature, that is, the eyes will shrink when looking at the other person through the glasses.

The deeper the degree, the more serious this phenomenon is, so some people say that people wearing glasses are wretched.

It can be said that when the degree of glasses exceeds 700 degrees, the eyes will be asymmetrical with the face when looking through the lenses, and when it exceeds 1000 degrees, it is almost squinting.

In that situation, even if you are kind and stare at the girl, she will think you are vulgar.

Some people are obviously very beautiful and handsome, but their appearance is sealed by thick glasses.

Therefore, after the appearance of laser surgery, many people can't help but do laser surgery.

Unfortunately, there are too many sequelae of laser surgery, and there are too many precautions for eye care after surgery, so many people are also afraid of laser surgery.

If you can recover without surgery by drinking a kind of wine, would you buy it?

You will definitely buy it no matter how expensive it is.

This can become another money-making tree for Xuanfeng Alliance.

Anyway, Xuanfeng Alliance has Huimeng Wine, so it’s okay to have another magical product in the wine series, right?

Then, Lu Feng looked at the character attribute column again.

This time, what surprised him even more was the experience.

Level: LV14

Experience: 428765/819200.

One wave of battle, 420,000 experience.

Can you believe this?

That is to say, he rushed in and killed about 200 cannibals and orcs with mecha weapons.

But this kind of experience is very scary.

The orcs were able to fight against the Shidong Alliance for so long, which shows that the number of the other side is not small.

Lu Feng's eyes lit up a little. This is all experience. If he can attract the orcs and find a way to deal with them, it will be much faster than brushing experience at the Red Leaf Base.

The most important thing is to find some weapons of mass destruction.

Now the Xuanfeng Alliance and Longguo have established a good relationship. I wonder if they can buy some high-powered lethal weapons from Longguo?

For example, light nuclear weapons such as neutron bombs?

Even if Longguo doesn't sell them, let Weisen and Huosi and others pick up their old business and make a cameo appearance. They can always buy them on the international black market, right?

Some capitalist countries dare to sell anything as long as the funds are in place.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng exited the game world. After appearing in the Wind Manor, he immediately called Huosi and Weisen.

He decided to let the two do it, as he might be suspected if he approached Longguo.

Not long after, the two dressed in suits and ties and appeared in front of Lu Feng, looking very decent. Weisen even wore a pair of decorative gold-rimmed glasses.

They looked like arms dealers in the past.

However, one of them is in charge of diplomacy and the other is in charge of the banking system, so it is reasonable to make some changes.

"Your Excellency the Governor!"

The two said respectfully in unison when they saw Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng saw the two, he also asked directly: "Huo Si, Weisen, you used to be in the arms business, is there any way to get nuclear weapons? Small neutron bombs or something like that will do?"

"What?" Huo Si.

"??? Weisen.

The two were stunned by the question.

After a long while, Huo Sichao said embarrassedly: "Governor, this kind of weapon has too much influence. Even if we had channels before, we didn't dare to make it. Think about those Hollywood movies, which one of them is good in the nuclear warhead business? Those movies are not nonsense. Art comes from life, and some things are adapted from real things."

Wisen added: "But one thing is certain, no one who makes this kind of weapon has a good end."

Huo Si said again: "We now have the Xuanfeng Alliance as a backing. The small power is not very large, and the semi-obsolete ones should be able to be made."

"So it can be done?" When Lu Feng heard this, he immediately ordered the two of them: "You guys try your best to do it, I need that thing."

Huosi and Veisen looked at each other.

The two of them didn't understand why this person wanted to buy such a weapon. Was it to increase the defense power of the Xuanfeng Alliance?

The two of them couldn't figure it out, so they simply gave up and retreated respectfully.

If this person gives you an order, just go ahead and do it.

After the two left, Lu Feng entered the game with another thought.

Lin Jiao and the others had finished cleaning the battlefield and were preparing to burn the corpses of the orcs and cannibals.

Seeing this, Lu Feng directly stopped him and said: "Send all the corpses of the orcs and cannibals to the Shidong Alliance and Emperor Yan to claim credit. Since this man has given us the full power of the eastern suburbs fortress, we also have to show our strength, right?"

"In addition, send people to the Eastern Suburbs Alliance to spread the word, saying that our Eastern Suburbs Fortress is not afraid of the orcs. If they have the ability to come to the Eastern Suburbs Alliance, I can destroy them as many as they come."

Lin Jiao and others were stunned when they heard this and were a little worried.

"Boss, this is provoking the orcs."

"Yes, we will be targeted by the orcs when the time comes."


"Do as I say, and we'll see who targets whom!"

Lu Feng said decisively, he knew that doing so would definitely anger the orcs, but this was his purpose.

After all, cannibals and orcs have such high experience.

The key is to have a special game perspective. When orcs and cannibals appear, he can know the location of each other.

Moreover, he knew that what he faced would not be a large group of orc troops.

The reason is simple. After he lets people spread the news, Emperor Yan will definitely let people pay attention to the eastern suburbs. After all, it is related to the food source of the East City Alliance.

Therefore, if the orcs send out large-scale troops, their whereabouts will definitely not be hidden, and the Shidong Alliance will definitely stop them.

Maybe the Emperor Yan would take the opportunity to use the eastern suburbs fortress as bait, waiting for the orcs to appear.

Therefore, there will definitely only be a small force like this this time that can enter the eastern suburbs fortress, and it can only be used as experience for him to harvest.

If we can find the lair of the orcs, then when Vessen and Huosi get the nuclear weapons, how much experience can we gain from this?

Lin Jiao nodded after hearing Lu Feng's definite instructions.

She knew that the boss must have a purpose for doing this, so she didn't ask much. After all, the boss never missed it.

Lu Feng quit the game again. This time he went outside and received a call from Black Snake: "Mr. Lu, I will bring someone here to see you, and the situation may be serious."

"Bring people here!" It was also the first time Lu Feng saw Black Snake speak so solemnly. He thought it must be something important.

On the other side, after Black Snake hung up the phone, he also walked out of the hall and met a middle-aged man from the Dragon Kingdom.

"Mr. Black Snake, how are you?" the middle-aged man asked hurriedly.

"Mr. Liu, come with me." Black Snake also greeted the middle-aged man, and then headed to the Wind Manor.

Mr. Liu hurriedly followed, with hope in his eyes. .

He came to Xuanfeng Alliance to do outsourcing projects for large infrastructure companies. This time he had no choice but to find Mr. Black Snake. He heard from some colleagues that Mr. Black Snake had the title of Governor of Xuanfeng Alliance. relation.

Not long after, Black Snake brought Mr. Liu to Lu Feng.

Mr. Liu was very surprised when he saw Lu Feng. Is this the legendary Governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance?

The other party turned out to be from their Dragon Kingdom, and he was still so young?

"Black Snake, what's going on?" Lu Feng asked doubtfully.

Black Snake immediately introduced: "Governor, this is Mr. Liu, the boss of Long Guolai's engineering company. Mr. Liu, please tell the Governor about the specifics."

Outside, Black Snake's address to Lu Feng had obviously changed. He no longer addressed him as Mr. Lu, but as Governor.

Although Mr. Liu was shocked, he did not dare to hesitate and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty the Governor, you have to make the decision for us. I was originally building the roads around the capital of Wind. Due to an accident, many people in the engineering team were He was injured and had to go to the hospital for treatment.”

"But after the treatment, the hospital charged us very unreasonably. It was obviously just a skin injury, but they actually said that it would cost 1 million Xuanfeng coins for a surgery that I didn't understand the term."

"After the treatment of my employees, there are actually floor fees, department medical fees... more than a dozen various expenses. The cost of treating more than ten people with minor injuries turned out to be as high as more than 5 million dragon national currency. If they don't pay within the limited time limit, , they will sue us for forced collection.”

When Lu Feng heard this, he looked at Black Snake and asked, "Really?"

He finally understood why Black Snake said the truth was serious. Are you kidding me? More than 5 million people were injured more than a dozen times, let alone minor injuries.

If so, then someone is eager to die.

He is working hard to develop the Xuanfeng Alliance, and someone is trying to trick him. If this is true, if word spreads back to China or internationally, the reputation of the Xuanfeng Alliance will be bad.

There are many tourism bureau chiefs from various places in China doing their best to promote the place online, but as a result, an old lady blocks the road to collect tolls, which instantly makes the place notorious, and all the tourism bureau chiefs’ promotions are in vain.

"Yeah!" Black Snake nodded.

"Let's go and take a look." Lu Feng's face was a little gloomy. It was better to check this kind of thing in person.

Soon, Lu Feng, Heishe and Hadona arrived at the Central Hospital, where General Liu's people were being treated.

When Lu Feng came in, he found the hospital very quiet. He did not find anything unusual after a round of inspection until a crying couple came in.

In the ambulance, a very cute little woman was covered in blood and was seriously injured. The couple should be the parents.

The little girl closed her eyes tightly, which was very cute. Perhaps for this reason, Lu Feng subconsciously used the detection watch to check it.

The conclusion he came to made him frown: "I'm very sorry, the target has no life signs, and the rescue time has passed."

In other words, the little girl is dead and it is impossible to save her.

At this time.

A doctor came out in a hurry, checked the little girl, and said to the couple: "The child's injuries are very serious and must be rescued immediately. You should pay the medical expenses and treatment fees immediately."

With that, the doctor pushed the person away.

Someone immediately said to the couple: "You two, please pay the money immediately."

The couple did not dare to hesitate and immediately followed to pay the money.

Lu Feng's brows furrowed immediately.

The little girl had no vital signs, and it was impossible for the doctor not to be able to tell. At this time, he should have rescued her immediately and informed her of the situation, instead of pushing the patient away as if nothing had happened and asking the parents to pay.

He didn't believe that the doctor couldn't even judge this.

If he couldn't judge, he was just a quack. If he could judge, then...

Lu Feng followed the doctor with Black Snake and saw the doctor take the little girl into an operating room.

Lu Feng arrived outside the operating room and pointed the detection watch at the operating room again. Immediately, a series of thermal images of human figures appeared inside.

But when he saw the scene presented by the thermal image, Lu Feng's face became extremely gloomy.

At the same time.

In the monitoring room of the hospital, a security guard was watching a surveillance video with a solemn expression.

The surveillance video was actually outside the operating room.

It was obviously wrong for a hospital's monitoring room to have a surveillance monitor watching an operating room.

"It seems that there are people outside the operating room, and they are all Dragon people." The security guard immediately picked up a walkie-talkie and said, "It may be those Dragon people who did the project before who came to investigate. They may need to be dealt with."

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