Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 251: You are so cruel, aren't you afraid of being beheaded?

After leaving the banquet hall, Baguda and Huo Si hurried to the Wind Manor and excitedly reported to Lu Feng: "Governor, this Huimeng wine is amazing. You didn't see the loss of composure of those rich people, and the bosses of those wine distribution companies were extremely anxious. I hung them as you said, and then came back to report to you."

"Well, try this wine." Lu Feng naturally knew what those people would react to after drinking Huimeng wine, after all, he was the first to know the effect of this wine.

Hadona, who was following him, immediately translated Lu Feng's words to Baguda.

Baguda and Huo Si looked at the wine in front of Lu Feng at the first time.

"Governor, is this Huimeng wine too?"

"Yes!" Lu Feng nodded.

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It is indeed Huimeng wine.

However, these are ordinary Huimeng wine mixed with wine.

One to two, one bottle becomes two bottles.

Huimeng wine is a good wine, but there are only two levels of brewing. One is ordinary materials soaked, and the finished product can be produced in three days. The other is a carefully brewed boutique, which takes a long time.

It would be too monotonous to sell it, and it is difficult to set the price.

If the price is too high, most people can't afford it and are reluctant to buy it.

If the price is too low, it will look low-class before the boutique wine is brewed.

Therefore, the price is difficult to control.

He then thought of continuing to mix the wine. The note is that after continuing to mix the wine, the effect of Huimeng wine will still exist, but the special elements will be less dispersed and the effect will be smaller.

This can make low-level Huimeng wine, and ordinary wine will become high-level. In the future, the boutique wine will be brewed as a collector's edition.

Baguda and Huosi didn't ask much, and picked up the Huimeng wine in the two cups and drank them.

After a moment, the two fell into the mood of Huimeng wine.

When the two men recovered, Baguda said, "Governor, this wine is much weaker than the one given to those people at the banquet."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "This is a blended wine. From now on, this wine will be sold as ordinary wine. The normal one will be sold as high-end wine, supplied to wealthy people or nightclubs such as bars!"

"As for the other fine wine, it will be brewed as a collection level, and the quantity will be limited. It will only be sold to those high-level wealthy people, and those wealthy people will be crazy about snatching it."

This strategy is also the simplest hunger marketing, and it is also a way to increase the level of prestige.

Baguda was the president before, so he naturally understood this principle. Then, he said, "Your Excellency the Governor, the materials purchased from various places have arrived one after another, and employees have been recruited one after another, so Xuanfeng Winery can start production."

"In addition, there is the issue of the price of purchased wine and the wages of employees. This time, Mengjiu is so magical, it will definitely sell well and should make money."

"So, should we increase the price of purchased wine? In this way, there will be more people making wine in the future, and we can purchase more wine."

"And the wages of employees. If the wages are increased, they will work harder, which is good for everything."

He obviously wanted to gain benefits for the people. No matter how much he could gain, he would gain as much as he could.

Lu Feng naturally understood that if you want to make a horse run, you must let it eat grass, so he asked: "How much is the current purchase of wine and how much is the monthly salary of employees?"

Baguda immediately replied: "The wine is 100 yuan per catty, and the employee salary is 10,000 yuan per month."

"So low?" Lu Feng asked in astonishment: "Tell me about your plan, how much do you plan to increase the purchase of wine and employee salary respectively?"

Baguda was talking about Xuanfeng coins.

The exchange rate with Longguo is 10:1, so 100 yuan is equal to 10 Longguo coins, and 10,000 yuan is equal to 1,000 Longguo coins.

At this price in China, it can only be said that the wine is cheap and the labor is also cheap.

You know, this high-proof liquor used to brew Huimeng wine is already the best wine in Xuanfeng Alliance. In Longguo, the cheapest high-proof liquor costs 30 yuan per catty, which is equivalent to 300 Xuanfeng coins per catty. The slightly better ones are 100 yuan per catty, which is equal to 1,000 Xuanfeng coins.

Moreover, the salary of the winery is only 1,000 Dragon Country coins a month.

This is simply too cheap.

In China, even dogs would not do such a job. How could the winery employees have a salary of 5,000? If it is lower, young people will not do it because it is too hot and too tiring.

The salary of a better winery is higher.

The salary of winery employees of companies like Moutai is basically around 15,000. Naturally, such companies are also exceptions and cannot be used as a reference.

This is enough to illustrate the poverty of the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Baguda immediately said: "Your Excellency the Governor, I plan to increase the price of wine by 50 Xuanfeng coins and the salary of employees by 5,000 Xuanfeng coins."

"So little?" Lu Feng was stunned.

In China, this is equivalent to adding 5 yuan to the wine price and 500 yuan to the salary, 1,500 a month?

This price is still extremely cheap.

This made Baguda stunned: "Little?"

He was sure that with such a big increase in salary, those winemakers and factory employees would be excited.

Then, Baguda asked: "Governor, how much do we have to pay specifically?"

Lu Feng thought for a moment and said: "The price of this wine will be raised to 500 Xuanfeng coins per pound! The salary of the winery employees will be raised to 50,000 Xuanfeng coins per month."

This is equivalent to 50 yuan per pound of strong liquor in China, and a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan.

In China, this is still only a normal price and a low salary.

But when Baguda heard this, his jaw dropped and he was shocked: "Governor, such a big increase? Can the winery afford the salary? We also need to purchase materials, which requires costs."

He simply couldn't imagine it.

50,000 Xuanfeng coins a month, which is 5 times the original amount.

If this news spreads, the people who come to the winery to apply for jobs will line up outside the Wind City.

Lu Feng couldn't help but tease: "Baguda, your vision is still a bit narrow. Should the cost be our concern? For a qualified business, the cost should be borne by others in every possible way."

"Now our Huimeng wine is divided into three levels, redistributed wine, ordinary normal, and fine. A 700ML bottle of redistributed wine sells for 5,000 Xuanfeng coins, a normal bottle sells for 30,000 Xuanfeng coins, and a fine bottle sells for 100,000 Xuanfeng coins. You can calculate the profit."

"..."Baguda was a little down when he heard Lu Feng's words.

Qiuqiu grass costs 250 Xuanfeng coins per catty, sweet potato costs 200 Xuanfeng coins per catty, and Zuigen grass costs 150 Xuanfeng coins per catty...

After careful calculation, it costs 5,000 Xuanfeng coins to buy one catty of various materials.

But these materials can soak 50 catties of Huimeng wine, plus the cost of 50 catties of wine, the total cost is 30,000 Xuanfeng coins.

50 jin of Huimeng wine can be exchanged for 100 jin of low-level Huimeng wine, plus the cost of 50 jin of wine, 55,000 Xuanfeng coins.

According to the price of the Governor, 100 jin of low-level Huimeng wine can be sold for 500,000 Xuanfeng coins.

"..." After calculating this, Baguda was silent.

Selling 500,000 Xuanfeng coins, deducting the cost of 55,000, the profit is 445,000 Xuanfeng coins.

The cost is negligible.

All profit.

"So making wine is so profitable?" Baguda was shocked.

Huo Si on the side widened his eyes. This is more than just making money. If he had known that he was doing a weapons business, he would have gone straight to making wine.

But he thought about it and shook his head again. He couldn't take out Huimeng wine.

Lu Feng smiled and said: "In Longguo Bar, the purchase price of a fake Mingshi is 120 yuan, and the selling price is 1,200 yuan, which is 12,000 Xuanfeng coins."

"..." Baguda.

"..." Huo Si.

The two of them were even more silent.

So dark and cruel, aren't you afraid of being beheaded?

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