Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 250: Shocked! Crazy! Anxious!

Yang Ming found a sofa in the banquet hall and sat down, drinking the drink in his hand. He even took out his mobile phone to take a picture of Kai Ye and Ah Pao's embarrassing appearance.

Is he now considered as being sober while everyone else is drunk?

Baguda and Huo Si have also determined that the abnormality of these guests must be related to Huimeng wine.

This made the two of them look at each other.

Is this the magic that the Governor is talking about?

They couldn't help but drink the wine glasses. Unlike Yang Ming, they had never experienced this Huimeng wine, so they could only experience it by drinking it themselves.

Soon, the two drank the Huimeng wine in the cup, and an unspeakable emotion almost surged out in an instant.

That emotion was very complicated and difficult to control.

Huo Si thought of his illegitimate son in his mind.

Yes, he had an illegitimate son. Before, in the town of Dara, although he was a weapons dealer, many people wanted to kill him.

One of his sons was also killed.

He didn't know whether he would be killed at any time, so he didn't dare to bring the illegitimate child to Dara Town.

This kind of thing is too common in Dara Town.

He could only take care of the illegitimate child in secret.

But now he is the president of Xuanfeng Bank of Xuanfeng Alliance. Although he has no troops, he knows that the Wind City is very safe.

The special warrior troops of Honglizard will not allow any attacks here.

Those people are too scary.

Moreover, he is now the president of the head office of Xuanfeng Bank, and he has great power. He is definitely a noble of Xuanfeng Alliance. Now even some international tycoons have taken the initiative to contact him.

The influence of Xuanfeng Bank is already very large, and this influence will be even greater as time goes by.

This is definitely better than his previous job as a weapons dealer, and it is stable.

So, he also took the illegitimate child back, and he felt very happy to have him by his side.

Now, he couldn't help but burst out with that happy emotion, and a silly smile appeared on his face uncontrollably.

Baguda also smiled silly.

He was also very satisfied with the current situation.

He was born in a poor family in Cambodia and witnessed too much poverty and disaster here. He went to study in the West, learned all kinds of knowledge, and finally came back here, step by step to the previous position, just to benefit the people.

Unfortunately, his ability is limited, and he has not been able to lead the people on the road to wealth.

Until the governor appeared, this place became the Xuanfeng Alliance, which made him see hope, especially the changes in it. Seeing the praise of the rural people for the Xuanfeng Alliance, he was very satisfied.

Because there was his credit in it.

Now this sense of satisfaction came out uncontrollably, and it was very strong, so strong that he was addicted and enjoyed it.

You know, normally, he would never do such a thing.

Now the two finally determined why those people were so abnormal, it was the effect of this dream wine.

This time the dream wine was so magical.

Time passed.

Slowly, everyone in the banquet hall returned to normal.

They were a little at a loss, and they couldn't get out of the strong and addictive emotions just now.

This is incredible and intoxicating.

Louis was also holding his phone in a daze. He had never felt the happiness he had just felt since his wife left.

But the feeling just now was too clear, too wonderful, and too fascinating.

He subconsciously looked at the Huimeng wine.

Could it be because of the wine?

He had that condition because he drank the wine, and the others also had that condition because they drank the wine.

He was stunned.

Is this the magical and special wine that Xuanfeng Bank said?

Why do people like wine? There are different reasons, but one thing is certain, wine can affect people's emotions and make people let go of themselves.

But wine definitely does not have the ability to affect people's emotions and make people immerse themselves.

If it does, then this wine will definitely be popular all over the world and become a sought-after existence. No matter how much money it has, someone will buy it.

He knew he had made a mistake. This is not an ordinary wine.

Where did Xuanfeng Bank ask to go to their channel?

This is what they asked Xuanfeng Bank to put this wine on their channel.

They can even think that if they don't have this kind of wine, and their opponents have this kind of wine, it will definitely be a blow to their business.

Baguda also recovered at this time.

He knew that he was going to lead the banquet, and immediately said to the guests around him: "I think everyone has also experienced the magical effect of this wine, and should be satisfied? If everyone wants to experience this effect again, you can ask the waiter to continue to pour wine for you."

When those people heard this, they did not hesitate at all and immediately asked the waiter to pour wine.

Just now, they also suspected that it was related to this wine.

Now that they are sure, why hesitate?

They have not come out of that emotion yet.

That strong emotion is too enjoyable.

Soon, as one cup of wine after another was drunk, the atmosphere in the banquet hall began to be wrong again.

This time, Baguda did not drink again, but remembered the governor's reminder that this wine was a little special, and he would know it after experiencing it himself. At that time, those guests and international wine agents would definitely ask about the wine.

Time passed.

The effect of Huimeng Wine would not be infinite, which depends on the special elements in the wine.

This special element cannot affect the hippocampus normally in an instant, and can only have an effect under the stimulation of alcohol.

Therefore, the effect depends on the consumption of that special element.

When the special element was consumed, those who drank the wine began to recover slowly again.

Kai Ye also recovered quickly, and subconsciously walked to the side of Yang Ming who was drinking the drink, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "Brother Ming, we are going to get rich."

Think about the 1.4 billion people in China, how many people drink?

Their agency is the only agent in the country. Once this wine is promoted, how popular will it be? How much profit will it make? I can't imagine it.

He looked at Yang Ming with envy. After all, who doesn't want a cousin like Mr. Lu?

As more and more people recovered, some people couldn't wait to continue pouring wine.

Some people couldn't help but walk towards Baguda and Huo Si. They wanted to ask where they could buy this wine?

If there is this kind of wine, they will definitely prepare more.

Who can resist it after drinking this kind of wine?

Louis was the fastest person to get close to Baguda. He knew the effect of this dream wine best.

The bosses of several other wine agency companies followed closely, and they also felt that what they said at the beginning was a bit embarrassing.

This time, Mengjiu is definitely the best wine in the world, and they even made fun of it.

Now they are afraid that they can’t sell this wine on behalf of others.

They are glad that Xuanfeng Bank invited them this time, and they are even more glad that they came. Otherwise, they know what it means to miss this kind of wine.

Louis asked Baguda anxiously: "Mr. Baguda, is it easy to brew this wine? If this wine is sold to the outside world, how to distribute this wine?"

Other wine distribution company bosses also spoke up and asked anxiously:

"Yes, Mr. Baguda, how to distribute this wine?"

"Mr. Baguda, how much is the output of this wine?"

"How can we distribute this wine?"


These people are obviously eager to be the distributor of this wine immediately, and then take it back to sell.

Baguda ignored Louis and others, and said to everyone: "Today is the banquet of Xuanfeng Bank. We will not talk about business, but invite everyone to drink. A lot of wine is prepared. Everyone continue to drink. As for other things, we can talk about it later."

After saying this, Baguda turned around without any hesitation and walked out of the banquet hall with Huo Si without looking back.

This is also the reminder of the Governor, to keep these people hanging and make them anxious.

Because these Westerners are very arrogant and have many small thoughts, they will agree to the offer as soon as the other party brings it up, and their attitude will definitely be wrong.

Only by making them anxious and panicking can they serve as a better tool for selling wine.

Watching Baguda and Huosi leave, Louis and other international wine agency bosses were indeed anxious, and very anxious.

They found this kind of good wine that can even affect the international wine industry. If they can't discuss it as soon as possible, they are afraid that they will not be able to sleep well when they go back.

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