Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 233 A powerful tool for developing the Xuanfeng Alliance!

Lu Feng returned to the villa first and took a shower, then went to find Yang Qingxue and went shopping with her.

I used to be poor when I worked in Youcheng Factory, but I still met Yang Qingxue every day. Yang Qingxue didn't mind that he was poor, and they were in love happily.

Otherwise, her best friend Lin Jiajia would have introduced her to outstanding people.

Those people are indeed richer than him, at least their BMWs and Mercedes-Benz are beyond his reach.

On the contrary, now that he has money, he has less time to compensate Yang Qingxue, and he feels somewhat indebted.

"Lu Feng, do you think I can introduce a boyfriend to Jiajia (Chapter 11)?" Yang Qingxue held Lu Feng's arm and entered a high-end style restaurant: "Now Jiajia's family is worried, it seems that the man from Youcheng She doesn’t even like it now, so she wants to go on a blind date and ask for the full payment of the house and her own career!”

"Uh!" Lu Feng asked in astonishment: "These young people are all young and promising, right? They don't need a blind date at all, and they don't like her, right?"

He was telling the truth, not because Lin Jiajia often introduced people to Yang Qingxue in Youcheng before to make him angry.

The objective condition is that Yang Qingxue, my best friend, is really not qualified to ask for such conditions.

"Don't get involved in this matter." Lu Feng said tactfully.

Seriously, who among A Pao, Yang Lin, Da Fei and the Youcheng brothers assigned to the field can't drive the Panamera?

Go ask them if they want to see Lin Jiajia.

When they heard Lin Jiajia's request, they might all say, why don't you look in the mirror?

But there is no way, this era has given too much indulgence to women, so many women cannot see themselves clearly, let alone carry themselves.

Otherwise, there would be no social problems such as soaring betrothal gifts.

Nowadays, many women are unscrupulous when faced with the issue of bride price. If they can't afford the bride price, they don't love me and would rather stay single.

But the same goes for men. Given so many colorful gifts, they would rather stay alone.

It is conceivable that in the future there will be more and more single men and women who do not want to get married.

This is also a very bad social situation.

Love and marriage are originally beautiful and willing, but they eventually become transactions.

"You two, please come inside." The waiter welcomed the two to a table with a smile on his face.

A surprised voice suddenly sounded: "Mr. Yang, it's really you."

I saw a woman in her 30s immediately ran to Yang Qingxue from the other side.

When looking at Lu Feng, he also subconsciously showed a hint of respect.

"Who are you?" Yang Qingxue was a little confused. She really couldn't remember the person in front of her.

The woman explained: "Mr. Yang, my name is Liu Fei. You don't know me, but I often go to your beauty shop for beauty treatments and see you often. By the way, this restaurant is owned by my family, and Mr. Yang came to my restaurant today. I must treat you to this meal.”

Liu Fei was really surprised. She didn't expect to see this person in her restaurant.

She went to the beauty salon after being recommended by a friend. She knew that the beauty salon she went to was a reputable place and it was a good place to expand her network.

Indeed, when she went to the beauty salon, she met many group company bosses and wives of big shots.

Moreover, everyone knows that the boyfriend of the beauty salon owner is very scary and is completely out of reach of people like them.

I guess it's the guy next to me.

"Thank you Sister Liu, I will give you a set of services next time you go to the beauty shop." Yang Qingxue responded with a smile.

Lu Feng watched this scene from the side and said nothing.

Yang Qingxue's beauty salon is obviously developing very well, and Yang Qingxue's behavior is becoming more and more elegant.

He is naturally very clear about the reasons, and they are all based on personal connections.

In fact, it's not just Yang Qingxue's beauty salon, but also the tea city that Da Fei is in charge of.

Many people know the background of Qingfeng Teahouse, and they will go to Qingfeng Teahouse to make tea intentionally or unintentionally, or take customers to Qingfeng Teahouse to discuss business.

Liu Fei was obviously very sensible. She called the restaurant manager to give an explanation and then left. She flattered Yang Qingxue without disturbing anyone or making anyone feel disgusted.

Lu Feng accompanied Yang Qingxue after dinner, and then went back to the villa to discuss their personal lives together.

Really just exploring the human body.

After Yang Qingxue returned to the beauty salon with a blushing face, Lu Feng also called Yang Ming and asked: "Cousin, is there any business aspect in our relationship? Especially cross-border business? There is also development and reform*. "

"Xiao Feng, I'll make arrangements to meet at the tea city!" Yang Ming said immediately after hearing this.

He naturally understood what his cousin meant by relationship.

There were a lot of people in the information that Mr. Chen left behind, and he had already used the information to contact them one by one.

At the beginning, many people were still very aloof, and they passed on the information. After knowing about Qingfeng Network Company, they immediately changed their opinions, and they were not as tough as their brothers in the world.

Lu Feng hung up the phone and drove to Qingfeng Tea House.

Parking the car in the parking lot, you can clearly see all kinds of luxury cars parked in the parking lot in front of the tea city, all of which can attract the attention of "socialites" and "goddess", even if the owner is 50 years old.

This also shows how high the quality of Qingfeng Tea City’s current customers is.

Lu Feng got out of the car and as soon as he entered the teahouse, he saw Xiaoyao in uniform running over in surprise: "Mr. Lu, you are here. Brother Ming and the others are in the Dinghai box on the third floor!"

Lu Feng nodded.

Xiaoyao is now less of a gangster girl and more mature and steady.

Yes, at least the people you meet in Tea City are successful people, not the gangsters you think they are. People are divided into groups and things are gathered together, and they will always be affected.

Tea City has several internal boxes that are not open to the public. Generally, they are reserved for special people except for their own people.

After all, some people have special identities and don’t want to appear in the teahouse too openly, such as the people from the Development and Reform and Commerce Departments that Yang Ming is going to arrange now.

They are all official, and even if they are making tea, they can’t be too open.

When Lu Feng arrived at the Dinghai box on the third floor, Yang Ming was already chatting and laughing with two middle-aged men.

He naturally knew the identities of the two middle-aged men.

Leaders of the Commerce Department and the Development and Reform Department.

Although he brought more than 30 billion US dollars in infrastructure contracts, this kind of infrastructure project that boasts a country needs to be approved and filed by these two local departments in China.

Moreover, the infrastructure companies that cooperate with them must obtain relevant certificates before they can go abroad.

According to normal procedures, this is definitely a very troublesome and tedious matter, but those who engage in engineering generally have connections in this regard.

"Xiao Feng, you're here." Yang Ming saw him coming and immediately stood up to greet him, and introduced: "These two are Mr. Chu and Mr. Lin from the city."

When Mr. Chu and Mr. Lin saw this, they immediately looked at Lu Feng with a hint of complexity and respect.

After all, they knew that Mr. Chen was really embarrassed by this person and ran away. They couldn't compare with Mr. Chen. The key is that all the handles left by Mr. Chen are in this person's hands.

Lu Feng looked at the two and smiled and said: "You two, please sit down. I invited you here today because I have something to trouble you."

Mr. Chu immediately said: "Mr. Lu, what's the trouble with your business? We thank you for your kindness."

Mr. Lin also said immediately: "Yes, Mr. Lu, if you have something to do, just tell us, and we will try our best to do it!"

If the outside world saw the attitude of the two, they would definitely be shocked, because in the eyes of many companies, it is difficult to get along with these two.

Lu Feng took out the 30 billion US dollar infrastructure contract and handed it to the two people: "You two, this time I am building an infrastructure project for a friend abroad, which requires a lot of infrastructure manpower. This cooperation may require your help. Please organize it and help contact the higher-ups."

Mr. Chu and Mr. Lin took the contract in confusion.

This Mr. Lu's network business and entertainment venue business are doing well. Now he wants to do infrastructure business again, and he wants to do it abroad?

"Xuanfeng Alliance? 30 billion US dollars?" Mr. Chu was shocked when he saw the content of the contract.

"Mr. Lu, is this true?" Mr. Lin was incredible.

30 billion US dollars is 200 billion in China. This kind of project is definitely a super large project.

This kind of project, even the higher-ups have to pay attention to and attach importance to it, no wonder they said they would contact the higher-ups.

The key is that this is a project of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now everyone knows the Xuanfeng Alliance, and even heard that the higher-ups want to establish a relationship with the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Who knew that Mr. Lu would actually take out the $30 billion infrastructure contract from the Xuanfeng Alliance? The higher-ups would definitely ask about it.

The two then remembered that the other party was the boss of Qingfeng Network Company, and Qingfeng Network Company had capital from the Xuanfeng Alliance.

It was also heard that Xuanfeng Bank also had capital from their Dragon Country, and the shareholder might not be this person in front of them?

Oh my God!

The power of this person is much more terrifying than they know.

The key is that the economy is in recession now, many industries are in bad condition, and domestic engineering companies are not doing well.

It is also a great achievement for them to be able to connect with the higher-ups to complete this $30 billion infrastructure project.

The two immediately became more enthusiastic and more respectful to Lu Feng.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will go back and simulate the documents and apply to the higher-ups!" Mr. Chu.

Mr. Lin also said immediately: "Yes, I will also go back to gather the infrastructure companies in Tianzhou City, and I will definitely not let Mr. Lu down."

The two of them left after a while. Soon, Tianzhou City was also alarmed by the project contract and held an emergency meeting. Then, the project was reported to Beijing!

The 30 billion US dollar project is big, and more importantly, the Xuanfeng Alliance will definitely be surprised.

Not long after, the domestic infrastructure companies were also sensationalized by an official news release.

In this period of economic downturn, a 30 billion US dollar infrastructure project, even a share of it can make oneself feel better, or get through the difficulties.

One by one, domestic infrastructure companies also began to inquire about it.

After Cheng Jian finished the meeting at the company, his secretary immediately sent him a document: "Mr. Cheng, take a look at the official newly released document!"

Cheng Jian took the document and his eyes lit up: "The infrastructure contract of the 30 billion Xuanfeng Alliance, the Tianzhou City government has finally done something."

After reading the document, he immediately ordered his secretary to prepare relevant materials. The previous project he visited in Myanmar failed, so he must get a share of this project.

I don't know who is so awesome that he can silently connect such a project.

After Lu Feng arranged the matter, he also returned to the villa and entered the game to check it out.

He went directly to the scientific research department that Lin Jiao had specially built.

In the future, the development of the Xuanfeng Alliance will still rely on this department in the game.

Before he reached the research department, he saw a young man hurried over and stuffed a glass of wine to Lu Feng: "Boss, look at my wine, my family researched it."

"Lin Song, I've told you so many times, your wine is useless in the end times." A guard in the research department immediately scolded, obviously afraid that this man would bump into Lu Feng.

At the same time, he also wanted to carry Lin Song away.

"Wait, let him go." Lu Feng shouted hurriedly.

Because he saw the note information of the glass of wine, his eyes showed an incredible look.

Is there such wine in the game world? Or is it that someone can make such a magical wine after a few decades of delay in real time?

Alcohol is indeed useless in the end times, and drinking in the end times is dangerous.

But it's different in reality.

When he saw this wine, he immediately knew that this wine could definitely be used as the first weapon to develop the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Because he had seen some of the conditions of the Xuanfeng Alliance, it seemed that there was a large amount of dried potatoes and two of the materials needed to brew this wine.

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