Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 232 He is a big shot!

On the plane.

Lu Feng closed his eyes and thought about something.

To be honest, Xuanfeng Alliance was not actually in his plan at the beginning.

Unfortunately, what he got in the game world was too incredible for reality. Just a Qingfeng smart assistant alone made people jealous.

The special system and the unspoken rules in the country forced him to come up with the Xuanfeng Alliance.

But since it has come to this, he should naturally think about how to develop the Xuanfeng Alliance.

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After all, this is completely his territory.

In his own territory, he is free to take things out of the game in the future, and no one can restrict him.

Moreover, there is a whole game world that is nearly a hundred years older than reality. He doesn't believe that he can't develop a Xuanfeng Alliance well.

Not only should it be developed well, but it should also be very eye-catching and become a place that everyone yearns for.

Now infrastructure is only one aspect.

The small population of Xuanfeng Alliance is also a problem.

Before, that place was in chaos for many years, and it was only after a long period of war that Baguda and Dalai stabilized Cambodia.

Many men died naturally in the war, and there were more women than men, the ratio was unbalanced, and the labor force was insufficient.

The key is that there are not many talents.

As we all know, if a place wants to develop, talents are indispensable, and all kinds of talents are needed.

He has an idea, which is to attract domestic talents to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

In China, even talents have to face the problems of bride price, house, car, and qualifications...

If the Xuanfeng Alliance can provide benefits, only people can go, and they can be equipped with cars, houses, and even... He can arrange wives for real talents.

After all, the current situation of the Xuanfeng Alliance is that there are more women than men.

The key is that the beauties in Cambodia are really not ugly, and they look similar to those in China, and they also have an exotic style.

This beauty plan seems to be really good.

However, to give such treatment, the economy must be developed, and it is not enough to rely on a Xuanfeng Bank alone.

And to develop the economy, even if he can take out various technologies from the game world, it is also necessary to have smooth roads and complete basic facilities.

So, infrastructure is still a prerequisite.

While Lu Feng was thinking, the middle-aged man sitting next to him asked in a familiar way: "Little brother, are you also going to Myanmar to investigate business?"

Because the Xuanfeng Alliance has no domestic flights, he can only return to China through the Myanmar airport again.

"Brother, how did you see that?" Lu Feng did not explain, but asked back.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a suit and tied a tie meticulously. He was obviously a very stable businessman and was very familiar.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Young people nowadays, who dares to travel to Myanmar? It's better not to want to lose money."

This made Lu Feng sigh. Yes, Myanmar is too chaotic. Many people in China went to Myanmar because they were deceived by recruitment and lost their money in the end.

The Xuanfeng Alliance area was originally more chaotic than Myanmar. There were also many social scums in it. It was necessary to let Hong Xi lead people to clean it up.

Otherwise, even if people in China were attracted to immigrate, as long as there was a problem, the country would probably explode. At that time, there might be a warning not to be deceived to go to the Xuanfeng Alliance to lose money.

The middle-aged man said again: "By the way, brother Cheng Jian, who is engaged in infrastructure projects, went to Myanmar to inspect a project this time, but he returned disappointed. It was too chaotic there, and no project was stable."

After hearing this, Lu Feng asked: "Brother Cheng's company should be very powerful, right? He went abroad to inspect projects."

For those who are engaged in engineering, those who can cross borders are either small-scale and non-compliant, or they are very powerful.

When asking people such questions, you should naturally ask the good ones.

Cheng Jian smiled confidently: "I have been engaged in infrastructure projects for 15 years, and my company is also of a small scale."

That is very large.

Lu Feng can understand this kind of modesty, especially the confidence on Cheng Jian's face that can't be concealed.

Tianzhou International Airport.

There are already many people waiting at the terminal, looking inside, obviously afraid that the person they are receiving will not see them.

Of course, there are also some pomp and circumstance, 4 or 5 people waiting together, holding eye-catching big signs.

For example, the sign of "Mr. Cheng of Zhonghe Construction Group" is the most eye-catching.

Everyone knows that this is called a group, and the one who can be called Mr. Cheng, in the eyes of ordinary people, must be very wealthy.

A sound of footsteps also sounded at this time.

A group of fierce people came here, even if they were wearing suits and ties, they could still make people see the atmosphere of the underworld at a glance.

The arrival of this group of people naturally made others subconsciously avoid some.

These people suddenly unfolded a banner: Welcome Mr. Lu back to China!

This scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Who is Mr. Lu?

It was like shooting a movie.

Yang Ming and Ah Pao didn't care about the eyes of the people around them.

Although it was very ostentatious, the status and position should be there.

Moreover, in Tianzhou City, after the death of Mr. Chen, relying on the information left by the other party, it can be said that they can use many people in the official Tianzhou City.

There is really no pomp, but it makes people look down on it.

Lu Feng and Black Snake quickly came out of the terminal, accompanied by Cheng Jian and three employees of the other party.

The conversation on the plane was about speculation, and since we were sitting in the same row of seats, we got off the plane together.

When they arrived at the departure gate, Lu Feng also saw his cousin Yang Ming and A Pao.

The sight of a group of brothers holding banners to welcome us was too eye-catching.

Cheng Jian also saw that scene and whispered to Lu Feng: "Brother, have you seen those people? They have a very big background."

"Do you know Brother Cheng?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.

Cheng Jian shook his head and said, "How can I know him? However, I met the leader at a banquet hosted by a gangster brother. You know that when I work on projects, I will inevitably come into contact with gangsters."

"The gangster brother I know is already quite famous, but he is still respectful in front of the leader. His name seems to be Brother Ming, and he is the person in charge of Qingfeng Entertainment Company."

"My brother is also from Tianzhou City. Do you know Qingfeng Entertainment Company? The boss of this company is the same as Qingfeng Network Company. This brother Ming is one of the other party's spokespersons in Tianzhou City."

"The Mr. Lu they are about to welcome should be the big boss behind the scenes. I heard rumors that this guy is the real boss. Even the famous Mr. Kai from Tianzhou City helps him run errands."

"Anyway, not many people in a certain circle in Tianzhou City have seen this person, but no one knows his name."

Black Snake was listening to Cheng Jian's words and smiled inwardly.

I'm afraid this person doesn't know that Mr. Lu is around.

As Cheng Jian spoke, he and Lu Feng had already left the departure gate.

The few people holding the sign of "General Manager of Zhonghe Construction Engineering Group" also came over immediately and greeted them respectfully:

"Mr. Cheng, you are finally back."

"Mr. Cheng..."

"Mr. Cheng..."

Cheng Jian smiled and said to Lu Feng: "Brother, I have some business in Tianzhou City, and we are destined to take the same plane. I wonder what your last name is? You can visit my company when you have time."

Obviously, he still has a good impression of the young man in front of him. He is quiet, calm, and has the demeanor of a general, and he wants to help him.

However, seeing that the other party is still surrounded by followers, he must have some kind of career of his own.

At this moment, Yang Ming and A Pao also came over with people in a swarm, and they had already seen Lu Feng. As soon as they arrived in front of Lu Feng, everyone shouted respectfully.

"Mr. Lu, you miss us so much." A Pao said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu!"

Others also said hello one after another.

"Xiao Feng!" Yang Ming also stepped forward and hugged Lu Feng.

"Cousin!" Lu Feng responded with a smile.

Cheng Jian next to him was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. He never thought that the young man flying back with him was Mr. Lu.

But how could that famous figure be so young?

In his mind, the other party must be a bit old.

It's incredible.

Lu Feng also smiled at Cheng Jian and said, "Brother Cheng, I forgot to introduce you. My surname is Lu. We should still have a chance to meet."

"Ah...!" Cheng Jian took a long time to react, but found that the man had already left the airport surrounded by Brother Ming and others.

This made him open his mouth.

Then, there was a moment of embarrassment.

Didn't he chat with the other party in front of the real owner before?


"Mr. Cheng, who was that just now?"

After a while, one of Cheng Jian's employees asked. Naturally, they could tell that something was wrong with their boss just now.

"A big shot!" Cheng Jian said, looking at the disappearing figures of Lu Feng and the others.

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