Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 227 The hackers are all dumbfounded! Why is this happening?

This award issued by Xuanfeng International Bank really shocked people from all over the world.

The temptation of 10 billion US dollars is very great.

I don’t know how many hackers have the idea of ​​​​this 10 billion US dollars.

After all, it was the Xuanfeng Alliance that asked them to invade.

A beautiful country.

In a luxurious manor villa.

A white man is enjoying a glass of red wine.


If anyone sees this white man, he will definitely recognize him as Thomas, a very famous rich man in the beautiful country.

Thomas has many properties under his name and his company is also very famous.

But he himself has never been good at management, and many times his decisions are wrong, causing the company to continue to lose money.

Miraculously, his company has never closed down, and it has always occupied a position in the market value ranking of American companies. .

When everyone thinks he's doomed, his company always gets an injection of capital.

What's puzzling is that no one knows who injected funds into him. Once someone wants to follow the funds to investigate, they always lose all clues on the Internet.

A figure hurried into the villa. When he saw Thomas, he said: "Thomas, your company is short of funds again. Now there is 10 billion US dollars delivered to your door."

"What 10 billion US dollars?" Thomas asked doubtfully.

The figure immediately took out a piece of news and handed it to Thomas: "Look, it's news about that Xuanfeng Bank. This Xuanfeng Bank was so arrogant that it allowed computer experts from all over the world to invade their bank network system, and even To give you 10 billion US dollars as a reward is not to give you money.”

After Thomas read the news, his face suddenly showed joy: "I want this 10 billion US dollars, and I really want to thank him."

His face is full of confidence, because he is the world's number one hacker Black Thorn.

Many times, he is also called the God of Hackers.

Even though he has been wanted by the beautiful country, no one has ever been able to find out his true identity.

His company has always made wrong decisions and has continued to suffer losses. It is precisely because of his status that he can get funds.

To be honest, even Swiss Bank was almost invaded by him, if the other party hadn't paid for it...

The network system of Xuanfeng Bank is absolutely impossible to be better than that of Swiss Bank. It can be said that Xuanfeng Bank is fearless even if it is ignorant.

Thomas did not hesitate and immediately entered a secret room in the manor to make preparations. Inside, he could see computers that were obviously valuable.

I don’t know how many hackers and computer experts around the world are also beginning to make preparations.

That's 10 billion US dollars.

In Qingfeng Network Company.

Wang Kai also looked at his brother Wang Xin in shock: "Brother, do you really want to try? This Xuanfeng Bank may belong to Mr. Lu."

Wang Xin nodded and said, "I know it might be Mr. Lu's. If that's the case, I definitely won't be able to hack it, but I always want to give it a try, because there are already several very skilled guys in our group who want to try. "

Wang Kai nodded.

If my brother wants to challenge himself, just let him. The result is destined anyway.

In this case, Xuanfeng Bank did something even more arrogant, that is, they directly created an official website page and displayed it to the world. There was only one content on the page:

Number of attacks suffered: 0

Counterattack captured intruder: 0

This is obviously statistical.

Even the most stupid person can see that Xuanfeng Bank wants to count the number of attacks it has suffered, and even wants to capture the intruder?

This is a bit whimsical. Once the most powerful hackers attack together, this statistical data should be replaced by how long it lasts.

Just when everyone was paying attention, the number of attacks jumped. Soon, the number exceeded 10...and then 20...300...1000...20000...

This number has grown almost geometrically, which means that someone has begun to invade the Xuanfeng Bank network system. Moreover, more and more people are participating, and in the blink of an eye, the number has reached tens of thousands.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

In a conference room.

Lu Feng was also looking at and counting the numbers, and at the same time said to Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, are you sure there is no problem?"

Xiaozhi immediately replied: "Master, don't worry. The bank network system I wrote is definitely not something that the so-called hackers can invade. Moreover, you can rest assured. I have monitored the world network. There is no One escaped."

In a short period of time, the number of attacks exceeded 100,000, and after 100,000, the number actually exceeded 200,000.

If Xuanfeng Bank had not committed fraud, 200,000 people should have invaded Xuanfeng Bank at the same time. That's not right.

This is enough to show how attractive that 10 billion US dollars is.

But this is also a shocking amount.

You want to know what will happen if more than 200,000 people attack a network system at the same time? Squeezing can bring the system to its knees.

It can be said that this is definitely a prosperous era in the computer industry.

Everyone doubted whether Xuanfeng Bank's network system could last five minutes.

Swiss Bank.

President Richards also arrived in a spacious conference hall.

There are already several video calls inside.

The environment where the video is being played is very dark, and only the computer and the covered person in front of the computer can be seen.

These people are the hacker masters contacted by Richas. They are also a sharp knife of Ruishi Bank. It is unknown how many times they have helped Ruishi Bank in secret.

"Do you have confidence?" Richas asked these people.

One of them immediately said: "Mr. Richas, is this necessary? How strong can the network system of the small Xuanfeng Bank be?"

Another person also said: "Indeed, even if the other party's network system is good, it can't be stronger than that of Ruishi Bank. How can it resist our invasion."

Richas said proudly: "Then please start!"

Since this Xuanfeng Bank has such a big appetite and wants to replace their Ruishi Bank, then this time let the other party be doomed.

Those hackers also took action immediately:

"Several, take action!"

"Well, let's do it in the same way as before!"

After a while, in the video, these people began to frantically tap the keyboard, and the code on their computers began to jump wildly.

They are all top hackers. Although they don't know each other's identities, they have cooperated more than once, so they are naturally familiar with each other.

After an unknown amount of time, several people started to speak:

"We have found the network IP of Xuanfeng Bank!"

"We have also found their network perimeter defense, let's start to break through!"

"Okay, together!"

Several people typed faster, and rushed towards the network system of Xuanfeng Bank. .

But just after invading the network of Xuanfeng Bank, they suddenly found that their computers were not right, becoming very stuck and out of control, and then there were a series of garbled characters, followed by a blue screen.

In addition, a line of words appeared on the blue screen: You have been captured.

Several people were stunned by this:

"What's going on?"

"Damn, why is this happening?"

"What's going on?"

These people didn't understand and tried to regain control of the computer, but not long after, suddenly, someone's door was knocked.

This person didn't understand what was going on, and suddenly, the door was kicked open, and several uniformed policemen rushed in: "Xingniu, you are arrested."

This sudden change made the hacker stunned.

Richards and several other hackers were also shocked. They didn't understand why their companions were suddenly found by the police.

And this was what they feared the most, because their backgrounds were not clean. If their identities were exposed, they would be in trouble.

Now this companion was obviously exposed. More importantly, this companion turned out to be Xingniu, a well-known super hacker.

"Look at the information on the official website of Xuanfeng Bank." One person exclaimed in panic.

Richards and others immediately went to see the official status of Xuanfeng Bank, and then they were all shocked. The number of captured information had begun to jump, and it had reached 10,000 people in a short time.

10,000 people were captured?

Moreover, below this, there were actually rows of name information. Seeing that information, they knew what was going on.

Behind those names, there were actually everyone's identity, address, real name, and their hacker code name, and even signs were hung.


Then, several people widened their eyes and saw some of the top names.

The titles behind the top names are almost all very well-known hackers internationally.

The first person to be captured was Xingniu. He lived on Ruishi Hook Street. He was an engineer at a network company. The photo showed a bald head.

They even saw their own names. When they saw the accurate information, they were sweating profusely.

How did the other party do it?

They just hacked into a system. How did the other party get their location in such a short time and investigate their information so carefully? ?

This is simply impossible.

Now he understood what capture meant.

The next moment, these people turned pale and exposed themselves.

They had to leave this position immediately.

But at this moment, the sirens sounded in the video, and someone else was found.

Next, Richas was dumbfounded. He watched a video where another top hacker was taken away.

He had never thought it would be like this. It seemed that the others were about to be finished.

But these people were the sharp knives of their Ruishi Bank.

They were supposed to teach Xuanfeng Bank a lesson, why did it end like this?

At this time.

People who followed the official Xuanfeng Bank also knew what capture meant.

Seeing more and more information being exposed, everyone felt incredible.

So many hackers, hacking into the network system of Xuanfeng Bank together, how could they fail, be captured, and expose all the information?

It was as if Xuanfeng Bank was fishing.

At this time, everyone was shocked to see the latest name information officially issued by Xuanfeng Bank:

Thomas... Los Angeles... Manor No. 34, Meirui Street... Black Thorn!

As soon as the two words Black Thorn came out, the international network community was in an uproar.

Everyone knew who Black Thorn was, he was the world's number one hacker.

Now the world's number one hacker came to hack into Xuanfeng Bank, but was also captured?

How is this possible?

Is Xuanfeng Bank so powerful?

Great United States.

Thomas, the world's number one hacker, looked at the blue screen computer in front of him and the words "You have been captured" on the computer, and his face was full of disbelief.

What kind of joke is this?

He is the world's number one hacker. He just broke in, why was he discovered? After all, there were so many people attacking at the same time, and he used so many people as cover.

Moreover, why did he not even have the opportunity to withdraw after being locked, and then the computer was controlled by the other party.

Who is the world's number one hacker?

The man before rushed in: "Thomas, it's bad, your identity and position have been exposed by Xuanfeng Bank."

Thomas' eyes widened when he heard this. He knew that he had been wanted for a long time because he had done a lot of illegal things for the previous funds, and people in a certain department hated him.

"Damn it!" Thomas cursed angrily and was about to leave in a hurry, but when he arrived in the hall, he heard the sound of propellers outside.

Thomas was dumbfounded when he saw the scene outside. Helicopters surrounded his manor, and soldiers with weapons slid down from above and surrounded the place.

Why did they come so quickly?

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