Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 226 Xuanfeng Bank is too arrogant! 10 billion US dollars reward?

The news that Xuanfeng Bank is developing international business is still making a lot of noise internationally.

Especially the fact that 10.5 billion US dollars were deposited in Xuanfeng International Bank has caused a stir. Who knew that Xuanfeng Bank has another shocking news.

"Xuanfeng International Bank has launched the latest bank network system, which is ahead of the world and is currently the most advanced bank network system. International depositors are requested to trust our bank!"

When this news came out, well-known international banks were blown up.

What the hell?

You are the most advanced, so what is their bank network system?

They admit that the network system of Ruishi Bank is the most advanced.

But the small Xuanfeng Bank dares to be so arrogant, and thinks it is Ruishi Bank?

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"I don't know what a small bank is!" A well-known international bank.

"Haha, ignorant banks are always arrogant." Ruishi Bank!

All of a sudden, the news spread all over the world, especially after Ruishi Bank spoke out.

This made many people feel that Xuanfeng International Bank was indeed a little arrogant.

But at the same time, it made many people curious about what Xuanfeng Bank's network system was like.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

Prison No. 1.

Chen Hao walked into the prison with his head held high.

Behind him was a group of prison guards from Prison No. 1, who were all respectful.

As Chen Hao walked by, the prisoners in each cage immediately quieted down.

All prisoners knew that they should not offend the prison guards here, let alone this one, because he was the boss here.

"Cousin, what is the mission today? Why is there such a big battle?" A young man from Longguo in a suit asked next to him. .

"Awen, don't worry about it. Just help me translate it later." Chen Hao said, and walked straight to the innermost cell.

"Oh!" Awen nodded.

He had just come to seek refuge with his cousin. He had committed some crimes in Tianzhou City and fled to the Great Beauty Country. He washed dishes and cars in the Great Beauty Country for 7 years, but his life was not good.

Before, he received a call from his cousin Chen Hao, saying that he was the warden of the prison in the Xuanfeng Alliance. He felt that his cousin was joking.

Fortunately, he was also unhappy, even though he knew that his cousin was joking, he ran over to see.

But when he saw his cousin, he was really shocked.

His cousin actually became the warden of the prison in the Xuanfeng Alliance. He also knew that his cousin followed a super big shot.

He didn't hesitate at all and immediately joined the job as a prison guard.

Today, because he had washed dishes in the Great Beauty Country for 7 years and knew some English, his cousin specially called him early in the morning.

Chen Hao quickly arrived at a cell.

There were several figures locked up inside.

He immediately ordered his prison guards in the local language that he was half-familiar with: "Bring these hackers out and follow me."

This was the language he had just learned.

After all, his subordinates were all locals, and he was anxious when his subordinates didn't understand his orders.

The prison guards didn't hesitate, and entered the prison one after another, and rudely arrested the hackers.

Chen Hao also said to Awen: "Tell them to come with us and cooperate well, maybe they will have a chance to get freedom."

Awen nodded and immediately spoke to the hackers.

Although his English was not standard, the hackers understood it.

They nodded one after another, and their faces showed joy.

Chen Hao also waved his hand and took the hackers out of the prison. Soon they arrived at a meeting room of Xuanfeng Bank, where Baguda was waiting.

"Sir, the people have been brought here." Chen Hao also reported to Baguda respectfully, still half-familiar with the local language.

He naturally also had to understand the way of survival here.

Although they came here with President Lu, he knew that if they didn't follow the rules, President Lu could replace them at any time.

He believed that if President Lu needed it, countless people would want to come and replace them with just one word.

Even Boss Chen has to follow the rules.

"Yeah!" Baguda nodded.

He was also tolerant of the people from Dragon Country, after all, they were the ones who brought them here.

Then, Baguda said to the hackers in English: "Ladies and gentlemen, now I can give you a chance, that is, let you attack our Xuanfeng Bank's network system. As long as you can successfully invade, you can be set free."

These words made the hackers happy, and someone immediately asked: "Are you serious?"

They really had a miserable time during this period. The food in the prison was too bad, and the prison guards were too barbaric. The key is that some prisoners were too rude.

One of them was too white and too young, and was beaten by a big man when he was out for exercise...

Now this is obviously their chance to leave.

Xuanfeng Alliance itself is a small place. How strong can the bank network system here be?

They are all top hackers, and they will definitely be able to invade successfully.

"Of course it's true." Baguda said, and asked people to bring computers, connect to the network, and then signaled the hackers to start.

The hackers did not hesitate, and sat in front of the computer and began to search for the IP address of Xuanfeng Bank.

When Baguda saw this scene, he became a little nervous.

The network system currently used by Xuanfeng Bank was just uploaded, and it was also brought by that person.

That person even wanted to issue a bounty to let international hackers attack to prove the strength of Xuanfeng Bank's network system.

But he was a little worried and didn't dare to publish that kind of news directly. He thought of several top hackers in prison.

Isn't this a waste that can be used? Let them attack this new network system.

Those hackers searched for Xuanfeng Bank's network system with almost all their strength and found it quickly.

"It has been found, everyone, invade with all your strength." A hacker said sincerely, he still felt a little pain in his **, that damn prisoner.

He never wanted to go back to that prison again.

The other people nodded and attacked with all their strength. They already knew each other's identities in prison and knew that they were all international top hackers.

They were confident that if they joined forces, there would be no network system that they couldn't invade.

But it didn't take long before the faces of these top hackers became more and more ugly.

They thought they tried to invade the network system again and again, but they were resisted every time when they were at the outermost edge of the network system.

Moreover, this outermost system was like a copper wall and iron wall, and they didn't even have the ability to break through.

Then, something happened that made them despair. They were surprised to find that the network system actually fought back.

A network system has a firewall or something like that, which can actively fight back against intruders. What the hell is this?

Soon, they found that they could not control the computer in front of them. A series of codes appeared on it, and then the screen was completely blue.

When have several top hackers encountered such a situation?

They tried to operate the computer, but they did not succeed at all. In the end, they could only exclaim helplessly:

"Why is there such a terrifying network system?"

"Is this defense really possible in our era?"

"Facing this network system, I find that I seem to be out of date."


Baguda also knew that these people had completely failed in the current situation.

His mobile phone also rang at this time.

It was a call from the bank's network department.

As soon as the call was connected, the voice on the other side came: "Mr. Baguda, our bank system has been attacked, but the other party has also been locked by our system. The other party seems to be inside our bank."

"I know, it's nothing, just a test." Baguda's face was even more joyful.

These hackers not only failed, but also got locked so quickly.

This is really unheard of.

Then, he waved to Chen Hao, signaling to take the hackers back to prison.

It was indeed the system that the person had taken out.

Through the decadent words of these top hackers, he also knew how powerful the network system that person had given was.

No wonder that person had such great confidence.

He did not hesitate and immediately called the person in charge of the bank: "Order it down, we are going to organize a bank network security event and reward 10 billion US dollars."

Since the governor had already ordered it, he was also sure of the power of this network system, so it was natural to execute it immediately.

Not long after, a piece of news about Xuanfeng Bank once again swept the entire world, making people drop their jaws.

Before, Xuanfeng Bank said that it had the strongest bank network system in the world, which made many people feel incredible, and many people did not believe it.

This time, Xuanfeng Bank actually did something bigger.

"Xuanfeng Bank sincerely invites international network masters to come and invade our bank's network. Within one month, anyone who can find a loophole in Xuanfeng International Bank and successfully invade will receive a reward of 10 billion US dollars provided by Xuanfeng International Alliance. 》

Oh my God.

How confident is Xuanfeng International Bank to release such news?

A reward of 10 billion US dollars?

Too arrogant.

Do they know how much noise and temptation this number will cause?

Even Ruishi Bank would not dare to make such a big thing. If some top hackers join forces, there is a possibility of accidents.

Now, Xuanfeng Bank dares to offer such a reward and give a month. How confident is it in its bank network system?

If it is hacked, it will really have to give 10 billion US dollars. If it is not given in this case, it will have no credibility at all.

If there is no credibility, who will keep money with you?

If the money is given, it will be hacked. Who dares to keep money with you? There are loopholes in your bank network.

There is no solution. There will be problems anyway.

It can be said that Xuanfeng International Bank is too arrogant and made such a stupid move.

Obviously, no one has thought about what would happen if no one could hack into Xuanfeng International Bank?

Does that mean that the network system of Xuanfeng International Bank is the safest?

After all, how could a small Xuanfeng Bank have such a banking network system?

Ruishi Bank.

In an office.

A man with a pointed nose looked at the news on the computer with a gloomy face.

He was the president of Ruishi Bank, Richards.

"Xuanfeng Bank is really annoying." Richards said angrily.

Their Ruishi Bank is in a bad situation now, all because of those damn guys above, who actually stood in a mess and destroyed the reputation accumulated by their bank for 200 years.

Their reputation had already collapsed, who knew that now a Xuanfeng Bank would appear and target them intentionally or unintentionally.

Isn't this adding insult to injury?

"10 billion US dollars? If you are so confident, then let's make it all go down the drain and show everyone how bad your network system is." Richas said coldly, picked up his phone and made a call.

Their Ruishi Bank has always been the strongest in network security, and there are naturally some powerful hackers secretly helping to test their network system.

If there are hacker attacks, these hackers will also take action to stop them.

Similarly, if the network systems of some banks are too prominent, these hackers will naturally take care of the other party's network systems.

Therefore, many international bank network systems have been hacked by hackers, and then customer information has been exposed. In fact, many of them are related to them.

Now Xuanfeng Bank does not understand the rules, and he does not mind letting the other party suffer.

Then see if the other party will take out the 10 billion US dollars.

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