Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 220 Comprehensive monitoring by artificial intelligence!

Xuanfeng Alliance.

The outside of the new bank was completely blocked, and cars could not drive in at all.

The crowd was so crowded that it was like an ocean.

If the Dalai Lama had not mobilized troops to guard the surroundings, there might be chaos.

There were even some international reporters filming nearby.

After all, the Xuanfeng Alliance has been very popular recently, and now there are capital tycoons like Osborne targeting the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This kind of news is also the most concerned.

So, naturally many reporters came here from afar.

After all, even the battlefield where two bears fight has reporters going, what is this?

In this case, the Red Lizard could only dispatch a helicopter, and then transport the gold to the roof of the bank, and then move it into the bank.

The people waiting outside naturally saw this scene, and all of a sudden, the dense crowd was in turmoil, like the sound of waves stirring up waves.

I don’t know how long it took.

The door of the new bank opened, and a group of people in police uniforms rushed out and guarded the surroundings of the bank.

Chen Bo also walked out with Hadona holding a big loudspeaker.

He is now the head of the police in Liping. Among the police around him, the leaders are also the ones he brought from China.

To be honest, they feel like they are dreaming about their current identity changes, and then they think that Mr. Lu is too awesome.

However, their current identity also makes them very enthusiastic, bursting with unlimited work enthusiasm, more serious and more police-like than those police.

"Don't worry, we have enough gold, so don't crowd, wait for the next one to line up for the staff to review." Hadona went outside and shouted loudly with a microphone: "If there is anyone who cuts in line and disrupts the order, we will arrest him for the crime of disturbing public order and will never tolerate it."

This scene shocked the people.

One by one, they lined up at the door to accept the review of the bank staff. Only if the review is passed and the assets are real and valid can they be accepted.

When the time comes, they will exchange gold, and they will get gold, and the corresponding assets will be transferred to the new bank.

It can be said that by then, the funds of the people of Xuanfeng Alliance will be gathered in this new bank.

Naturally, when the economy stabilizes, these people will need money, and they will have to exchange gold for coins.

At that time, they will get new coins with the Xuanfeng Dragon Flag logo, and they will also need to pay a handling fee.

These gold will also be returned to the bank, and the price of the new coins will be twice as high as before, allowing all people's assets to double.

The bank can also charge a terrifying amount of handling fees to develop the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Naturally, the unlucky ones will be Osborne's capital, and I'm afraid some people will jump off the building.

Soon, a group of people entered the bank after the review, and when they came out again, they all had gold in their hands.

In fact, this kind of gold exchange is very troublesome, because everyone's assets are different, and the bank has to use methods such as melting gold and cutting... to separate the whole gold bars.

But no matter what, the gold was exchanged for these people.

So, after the first batch of people who successfully exchanged went out, the outside was even more boiling.

It can really be exchanged for gold.

Then, a more shocking news spread from the first group of people:

Their assets were not exchanged for gold at the original price, but could be exchanged for gold worth twice the original price.

This shocked everyone.

They were satisfied with exchanging gold at the original price, but now they could even exchange it for double?

These people naturally didn't know the meaning of it, they only knew that they could exchange for more gold, and they became more anxious.

Then, the second group of people hurried forward and took out their bank cards and asset certificates for the staff to review and evaluate!

This is a very tedious job. The key is that many people don't have much assets, but it takes a long time to review.

There is no way. In a poor place, people originally have that little asset, so they naturally cherish it more.

The staff also understands that because they are part of this poverty, they are also very serious in the review.

The second batch, the third batch, the fourth batch... the tenth batch...

Batch after batch of people exchanged for gold, all of them exchanged for twice the original price.

At this time, some smart people probably saw something.

Doesn't that mean that you can buy something worth 20 yuan with 10 yuan before?

The premise is that the price of the things has not increased.

This news spread almost at the fastest speed.

Linsida also contacted Obens as soon as possible.

As soon as the video was connected, he immediately said: "Mr. Obens, the situation is a little different. The new bank has opened gold exchange, but their ratio is that the original gold can be exchanged for 1:2 gold."

"What?" Obens was in a conference room at this time, surrounded by computers, which were his capital operators.

He was stunned when he heard the news.

They all knew that the Xuanfeng Alliance could not take out so much gold, and even the exchange at the original price could not last long. Now they are implementing a 1:2 exchange?

What a joke?

Then, he reacted: "It seems that there are ruthless people in the Xuanfeng Alliance who want to use this method to make people afraid, or they did borrow some gold, but I believe that their quantity will definitely not be much."

Obens thought of many possibilities, but the final result would not change, that is, the Xuanfeng Alliance could not withstand their capital.

Thinking of this, he continued to order the traders: "Keep shorting!"

Now it is a test of patience and protracted war.

If you retreat after being frightened, then the opponent will win with this move.

Unfortunately, he is Obens and will not be frightened so easily.

In Liping City, the new bank of the Xuanfeng Alliance, gold exchange is still continuing, and the ratio of currency to gold is still 1:2. After half a day, the new bank has exchanged 50 tons of gold.

But it is precisely because of this that the people have become confident after seeing this scene, and the economy has a tendency to recover.

This is the role of gold.

Internationally, no matter where, as long as there is enough gold, the economy there must be very stable and will not be chaotic.

But just when the economic trend has just recovered a little, the market has a problem again, and it has started to be chaotic again.

"Damn, bastard!" Baguda smashed a cup in front of Lu Feng.

He was not targeting Lu Feng. After smashing the cup, he started to curse again: "More than 50 tons of gold have been sold. There is obviously a trend of recovery, but the other party is still shorting it crazily. This Obens thinks we are easy to bully and wants us to die."

"Why are you in a hurry? It's only 50 tons." Lu Feng said to Baguda calmly.

This also made Baguda stop making trouble and calm down.

"Do you believe that I can solve the problem immediately if I want to? But I want to swallow up all the other party's capital." While Lu Feng was speaking, Xiaozhi's report came from the Bluetooth beside his ear: "Master, the specific location of the other party has been determined, and the other party has a total of 43 computers running, and 43 people are operating at the same time."

"If you need, I can intercept their operations at any time and let their funds be invested in shorting at that time!"

"And, don't worry, the total capital of the other party is almost the same as the gold you prepared, and it has not been fully invested yet."

"If necessary, I can lock all their accounts, and they will not be able to withdraw a penny in the end."

Lu Feng smiled when he heard Xiaozhi's words from the Bluetooth headset. This is his confidence.

Real artificial intelligence is really terrifying to reality.

He just sat here and did nothing, but he knew the capital situation of Obens and the position of the other party. If Xiaozhi made another move at the critical moment, the other party would lose all his pants.

When the other party found something wrong, they would definitely want to stop the loss in time and withdraw the funds.

What would happen if they found that their accounts could not be operated at this time?

However, 700 tons of gold and nearly 300 billion capital are enough to show that Obens, the crocodile, is indeed powerful.

You should know that the assets of the richest man in the country are only more than 300 billion, and that is still assets. If they are asked to take out liquid funds, they can't take out much.

Obens has liquid funds. Behind his capital, I don't know how many companies support him to have such a large amount of liquid funds.

But it's not right to think about it.

Because Obens is shorting, he has increased the value of the new currency, which is 1:2 exchange.

Then Obens needs to lose at least 600 billion in the same amount, provided that the other party does not have the opportunity to withdraw or stop the loss.

In other words, this time Obens is going to play with the funds of the two richest people in the country, and as for those capital companies, they deserve to be unlucky.

In fact, he could be more direct and let Xiaozhi take away their funds, but that would be too ostentatious. Xiaozhi still has to use the knife to the edge and not expose it if possible.

The key is that even if it is regarded as hacking, such a thing is not in line with international rules, and it will cause a lot of trouble out of thin air.

Is it ridiculous?

Is this not okay?

Indeed, after all, Obens is on the side of Da Piaoliang.

The other party has a way to make so many things.

Now I don’t have that strength, so I’d better hide first.

Lu Feng thought about it and ordered: "Continue the exchange, Hongli, this time transport more gold."

"Okay!" Hongli immediately arranged it.

The exchange of the new bank of Xuanfeng Alliance continued. For three consecutive days, a total of 200 tons of gold were exchanged.

Not only Liping, but also banks in other cities gradually changed to the new bank of Xuanfeng Alliance during these three days, and opened gold exchange.

And Liping served as the head office.

Exchanging gold for three consecutive days is absolutely incredible for a small force like Xuanfeng Alliance.

Therefore, even if Obens has been shorting, the economy of Xuanfeng Alliance has stabilized.

This made Obens a little weak. Where can a poor place like Xuanfeng Alliance get so much gold? Moreover, if there is any country supporting it, why can't he get any information?

This time, Obens couldn't help but call Linsda for the first time: "Linsda, now I need you to do something, help me find out how much gold there is in Xuanfeng Alliance."

"Now they haven't investigated whether you are cooperating with us in secret. With your power, you should be able to find out the truth through connections."

He was a little unstable at this time.

He had no idea.

If Xuanfeng Alliance really has enough gold, it would be bad. He naturally knew what the X2 gold exchange meant.

He firmly believed that such a thing was impossible.

The other party absolutely could not have so much gold.

But he had to make more preparations. If this happened, he had to withdraw in time and find a way to counterattack and make a comeback!

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