Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 219 There is really so much gold! Network garbled!

When Lu Feng got this information ball before, he paid great attention to it and asked Cheng Sisi to lead people to crack it.

After all, there may be an artificial intelligence system in it.

Now Cheng Sisi led people to crack the encryption program of the information ball, and there is indeed an artificial intelligence system in it.

This made his eyes brighten.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

In the real world, the topic of artificial intelligence has never stopped, but artificial intelligence is still very far away from the real time.

After all, Qingfeng Smart Assistant is not real artificial intelligence. It is so unsolvable that it directly crushes domestic intelligent programs and easily becomes the top three Internet giants.

Now there is real artificial intelligence in it, just like Marvel's Friday and Jarvis.

Moreover, it can be seen from the notes that it is powerful.

After all, it is necessary to limit the growth of artificial intelligence thinking.

This is also a good thing.

Otherwise, if this artificial intelligence grows into Ultron like in Marvel movies, thinking about destroying humans, it will be troublesome.

With this restriction, although it cannot fully play the advantages and functions of artificial intelligence like Iron Man, it is definitely powerful enough in the real world.

Lu Feng looked at the notes and asked Cheng Sisi again: "Is there a holographic virtual computer in the fortress now? Bring me the best one."

"Okay, boss!" Cheng Sisi nodded and left, and immediately took out a watch-sized holographic virtual computer and handed it to Lu Feng: "Boss, this is the most advanced computer in the fortress, and it is also a computer that was just released before the end of the world."

Lu Feng was a little surprised when he took the watch-sized holographic virtual computer. It was worthy of being ahead of reality by nearly 100 years. This computer has been condensed to this size.

After Cheng Sisi's explanation, Lu Feng also knew how to use this holographic computer. After wearing it on his wrist and pressing the start button, a holographic virtual screen popped up, condensing into a computer desktop and keyboard.

This is to operate directly on the holographic virtual screen by touching the screen.

Then, under Cheng Sisi's teaching, Lu Feng took the information ball and connected it to the holographic virtual computer.

After operating it for a while, the artificial intelligence system on the information ball was started, and then a prompt for automatic installation and a progress bar appeared on the holographic virtual screen.

At the same time, a prompt appeared in Lu Feng's mind:

[Congratulations, the artificial intelligence system is being installed... The artificial intelligence system has been installed successfully, please name it! ]

"???" Lu Feng was a little helpless when he got the prompt from the system.

It was obviously difficult for him to name it, but he was asked to name it.


Lu Feng could only think carefully and choose one in the end.

There is nothing wrong with calling the artificial intelligence Xiaozhi, right?

How appropriate, isn't it?

[Congratulations on your successful naming, the artificial intelligence Xiaozhi has been successfully activated! ]

The next moment, the desktop of the holographic virtual computer changed completely, and a series of QR codes began to condense, and finally the image of a puppy appeared: "Master, hello, I am Xiaozhi, happy to serve you."

Lu Feng was stunned when he looked at the image of the puppy.

But he also understood that the image of this intelligent system was determined by the designer.

It can be seen that the designer of this artificial intelligence must be a dog lover.

"Xiaozhi, help me call a movie from the computer." Lu Feng also ordered, and began to try to experiment with this artificial intelligence system.

"Okay, Master!" Xiao Zhi responded, and then the holographic computer screen turned into garbled code again. After a moment, a video popped up.

This video quickly spread out in all directions, covering the surroundings, and constructed a holographic virtual movie screen.

A very beautiful teacher was giving a lecture on the podium. She had a good figure and wore a white shirt and a black short skirt.

The movement of the beautiful teacher writing on the blackboard seemed to drive the graceful figure.

Lu Feng felt as if he was there.

Although the students below were all wearing school uniforms, they were obviously older, and two of them were older than the teacher.

Suddenly, a student took out the remote control and pressed it, and then...

Lu Feng was a little embarrassed by the next scene.

Cheng Sisi next to him blushed.

"Xiao Zhi, stop the movie!" Lu Feng hurriedly ordered.

This is a movie, but it's not a normal movie.

The previous owner of this holographic virtual computer didn't know who it was. It was insulting to have such a movie in the computer.

"Okay, Master." Xiao Zhi took action immediately, the movie ended, and the surroundings immediately returned to normal.

Next, Lu Feng tried the various functions of this artificial intelligence, which made him exclaim that it was magical.

Artificial intelligence is indeed artificial intelligence. No matter how powerful the supercomputer system in reality is, it will be killed into a scumbag in the face of Xiaozhi.

After getting to know Xiaozhi roughly, Lu Feng also quit the game again and appeared in the middle of the nearly 700 tons of gold.

Then, Lu Feng asked: "Xiaozhi, is there any way to connect to the real network?"

This was the first thing he thought of.

If Xiaozhi connects to the real network, there is an artificial intelligence system monitoring, and anything that uses the network will definitely not escape monitoring.

"Okay, Master!" Xiaozhi's voice sounded on the holographic computer on his wrist, and then he said, "Master, several networks have been discovered. This network model is too old-fashioned. I can easily invade, crack, and connect without being discovered."

Lu Feng thought that he should get a Bluetooth headset to connect to the holographic computer, otherwise it would be a bit weird to talk to Xiaozhi outside.

Thinking about it, he entered the game again, told Cheng Sisi about his requirements, and took a sci-fi Bluetooth headset out of the game a moment later.

Then, Lu Feng walked out of the warehouse.

The little guy Jinwen immediately followed and left the warehouse together.

When he arrived outside the warehouse, Lu Feng also called Hongli and asked Hongli to notify Baguda and others to come to the warehouse.

On the other side.

In the presidential palace.

Baguda, Dalai and others were a little worried. After all, the new bank of the Xuanfeng Alliance has been announced, just to see the collapsed central bank change its signboard.

But there is still no news about gold, can they be anxious?

Weisen and Brin were looking forward to it, wanting to see if that person was really that amazing.

You know, that person was talking about hundreds of tons of gold, which is definitely not easy to get, unless there is support from those big countries.

But those big countries are not fools, how could they support so much gold for no reason?

Just at this time, the phone in the conference room rang, and Baguda answered the phone immediately. The voice of Red Lizard came from the other side: "The Governor has ordered you to come to the warehouse."

"Warehouse?" Baguda naturally knew which warehouse it was. Before, that person asked Red Lizard to take those people to clear out a warehouse, and asked that no one should appear within 10 kilometers.

After Baguda hung up the phone, the Dalai Lama asked immediately: "What's going on?"

"That person asked us to go to the warehouse. Maybe the gold that the other party said has arrived?" Baguda said with a frown.

This made Dalai Lama, Brin, and Weisen look over.

Then, they couldn't help it, and they all left the presidential palace and went to the warehouse.

Soon, they saw Red Lizard.

Barking Sen asked immediately, "Where is the Governor?"

"Follow me." Red Lizard led the way immediately. He was also very curious about what the Governor wanted to do with this warehouse. Now he could obviously know.

Not long after, Red Lizard led people to the warehouse and saw Lu Feng.

The little guy with golden patterns beside Lu Feng was obviously very eye-catching. It turned its belly at Lu Feng's feet, and it was completely cute. It was hard not to attract people's attention.

This surprised Red Lizard and others.

When did this little guy appear?

The person before didn't have this thing.

"Sir!" Baguda stepped forward immediately, and while greeting, his face was already anxious.

Lu Feng also pointed to the warehouse and said, "The gold is inside, Red Lizard, you are responsible for transporting it to the bank."

This made others couldn't help but walk into the warehouse.

When they saw the scene in the warehouse, they were all stunned, looking at the scene inside with shock on their faces.

In the warehouse, there was a golden glow, and the gold on the ground was piled up like a small mountain.

That person actually got so much gold.

"Is this gold real or fake?" Dalai couldn't help asking Lu Feng.

"Let me take a look." Weisen immediately stepped forward to check.

He and his brother Weilin had done gold business. Although they didn't make a name for themselves, they still had ways to identify gold.

He squatted in front of the gold and checked it. After a while, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Really, it's all real gold..."

At this moment, Baguda couldn't hold it anymore and said to Lu Feng: "Sir, you really found it."

Looking at Lu Feng, he couldn't help but have a little more respect.

With so much gold, they can survive this crisis. At that time, their economy can double directly, and the people's GDP can also double.

But that Opens is going to be unlucky. The other party is shorting their currency, which will cause their current economic crisis.

At that time, all the other party's money will be trapped here, and they will even have to bleed and lose money.

Thinking of this, Baguda immediately said to Red Lizard: "Commander Red Lizard, please quickly transport the gold to the new bank of Xuanfeng Alliance. The people waiting there should be blocking the street."

"Yes." Red Lizard had received Lu Feng's order, so he naturally acted quickly and immediately found some special warriors.

Baguda also made a phone call to make arrangements. After the gold was transported, how to exchange it for the people was also arranged.

First of all, the national ID card is required.

There are many other verifications.

It is also necessary to monitor internal personnel to prevent internal personnel from doing dirty things.

At this time.

In front of the newly opened new bank of Xuanfeng Alliance, as Baguda expected, the street has been crowded with people, all of whom came to exchange gold.

On the other side, Osborne was also in a room, watching the video uploaded on the screen. The video was also in front of the new bank of Xuanfeng Alliance, the street was crowded with people.

"So, only idiots would come up with such a bluffing idea." Osborne sneered disdainfully. Bluffing can only be used against fools, but he is not a fool.

"Without enough gold, they will collapse completely, and then it will be time to reap a lot of profits." Osborne said, and walked to the computer beside him to check the trend.

The situation is very good now. When the economy of Xuanfeng Alliance completely collapses, the situation will be even better.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and called Linsda's number. When the economy of Xuanfeng Alliance completely collapses, he will need this person's cooperation to create chaos and speed up the process.

But Osborne didn't notice that a piece of garbled code flashed on his computer!

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