Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 215 An egg exploded? Solve it with hundreds of tons of gold!


game world.

Lu Feng's head ached as he watched the experts in front of him talk about a lot of economic knowledge and international situations.

He has no knowledge of this area at all, let alone understands it.


He could only say: "Just tell me, what should I do in this situation? The fastest way!"

One of the economic experts immediately said: "Boss, the easiest way is to find the instigator and deal with them directly, or directly arrest them and bring them back to the country for trial."

"But someone who can engage in such economic activities must be very powerful. Even if everyone knows what he has done, there is no evidence. The key is to capture the person back to the country."

Lu Feng nodded.

He naturally knows this. You must know that Soros caused such a big economic crisis in their country, and he was not punished in the end.

Because there was no direct evidence, he was not caught on the spot, and there was no way to bring the other party back to the country.

So, this approach may not work.

Lu Feng immediately asked: "Is there any other way?"

Another economic expert immediately said: "The other is economic war, using economy against economy. This is the most direct besides the previous one."

"How?" Lu Feng asked.

Another economic expert said: "In this case, it depends on the situation of the country's banks, because in response to inflation, the functions of banks are very important, and the other is how much gold the banks control."

β€œGold has always been a powerful tool for stabilizing inflation, and it is also recognized as the most important defender and holder of protection against inflation and other financial storms.”

"Due to some special international environments, the hard currency properties of gold remain unchanged. As long as there is enough gold as a guarantee, the economy will definitely be as stable as Mount Tai."

"Similarly, having enough gold exchange capital can also give the people enough confidence."

Lu Feng understood what this meant.

It's a very simple reason. For example, in a country, due to inflation, the original 10 yuan can only buy 5 yuan of things.

But if there is enough gold, the domestic gold exchange price is still the same as before, there is an exchange guarantee, and the quantity is large enough, it is equivalent to giving the country's currency a special value-preserving guarantee. Then the currency value will recover and inflation will That's it.

Even if gold exceeds a certain limit, it can even increase the value of the currency and increase the international exchange ratio.

Unfortunately, it is known that the earth's gold has a certain amount, and each country has a limit on what it can control.

Unless a new source of gold can be found.

Therefore, this is also why countries will regulate and arrest small amounts of private gold transactions. This is to maintain the legal system.

But once there is a large amount, the superiors will not even care about it, and will find people like Mr. Kai to act as middlemen. That is because gold is really good for the country.

Therefore, he took out a ton of gold, and Mr. Kai solved it immediately, or directly asked him to allocate funds from the Head Office of Industry and Commerce.

In other words, if you want to solve the crisis of Xuanfeng Alliance, the best way at present is gold.

Naturally, if there are other materials such as oil, it will also have this effect.

It's a pity that Xuanfeng Alliance doesn't have any of these and is still very poor.

Therefore, the Xuanfeng Alliance's situation can definitely be stabilized by spending hundreds of tons of gold.

If someone is doing something behind the scenes, they can even trap the other party's funds and make it impossible to withdraw them.

The key is gold.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng immediately called Lin Jiao and asked, "Lin Jiao, how much gold do we have now?"

Lin Jiao immediately explained: "Boss, although we have been sending a team out to look for gold, the gold in a city is limited after all, so we have almost obtained 25 tons of gold now."

25 tons of gold is definitely not enough.

Moreover, a city is definitely more than just gold.

He has seen the size of Tianhai City, and it will definitely not be smaller than the real Tianzhou City.

You know, Tianzhou City has more than 700 tons of gold reserves.

There must be a lot of gold in Tianhai City in the game world. .

I just don’t know where the gold is now.

Thinking of this, he ordered Lin Jiao again: "Lin Jiao, go to the Shidong Alliance and announce the news, saying that we want to collect gold, which can be exchanged for energy, crystal source value, food, or weapons, especially food and weapons. As long as there is gold!”

In the real world, food is not a problem at all. As for weapons, the weapons dealers in Dara Town can produce them.

Those outputs may not be exchanged for a small amount of gold in the real world, but they can definitely be exchanged for a lot of gold in the game world.

You know, gold in the game world is worthless at all.

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao heard the boss's instructions. Although she didn't know the reason, she nodded immediately and went out to do it.

Lu Feng didn't know how much gold he could get in Tianhai City, so he immediately called Wang Cheng and Zheng Lin to ask: "Do you know where there will be enough gold? The quantity needs to be large!"

Wang Cheng shook his head decisively when he heard this.

He was a soldier, a member of the Salvation Army before the apocalypse and after the apocalypse. He had never paid attention to news in this area.

Instead, Zheng Lin said: "Mr. Lu, if you need a lot of gold, I know that there is a lot of gold in one place, and there are still hundreds of tons."

"Where?" Lu Feng's eyes lit up.

If what Zheng Lin said is true, with these millions of tons of gold, plus what Lin Jiao exchanged, the amount should be enough.

Zheng Lin immediately explained: "Mr. Lu, you should know that the Yan Emperor of the Shidong Alliance and several powerful nobles are from the same military district, right?"

"The things are in that military district. When Yan Emperor founded the Shidong Alliance, he took people back to the military district to collect various strategic materials, including a batch of gold that was to be transported to a secret laboratory before the end of the world."

"No one knows where the laboratory is and what it does, but so much gold is needed. Although some technological restoration requires gold, the Shidong Alliance's current demand is also limited."

"So, Yan Emperor only took people out a little gold at that time, and the rest was left there Moreover, the location is not good in that place, surrounded by mountains, and there are many mutant beasts gathering. "

"So, after collecting the strategic materials, Emperor Yan didn't care about it anymore. Mr. Lu needs gold, where can he go to get it."

Of course Lu Feng needs it, and immediately asked: "Do you have map coordinates? Where do I want the location?"

"Well, I'll get the map now." Zheng Lin nodded immediately and turned to go out. Not long after, he came in again with a message ball in his hand and handed it to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, the map coordinates are in this message ball."

Lu Feng immediately connected the message ball with a holographic virtual computer and got the location of the military district.


Lu Feng also left the hall and found Wang Cheng: "Come out with me!"

"Well!" Wang Cheng nodded and followed Lu Feng out of the East Suburb Fortress.

The location of the military district happened to be in the direction of the East Suburbs, near a highway service area.

Now they can go to the service area via the highway, and then go to the military district.

It happened to be the end of the world, and no one was in charge of the highway.

The military area was not far away. After about an hour, Lu Feng and Wang Cheng arrived here. The two had already put on their mecha weapons.

No one had been active in the military area for a long time. It had been abandoned and everything was in ruins.

"Boss, there may be a lot of mutant beasts here. There are a lot of mutant beast footprints around." Wang Chengcai reminded Lu Feng after walking a distance.

"Yeah!" Lu Feng nodded, and the next moment, he heard low roars from all around, and several spotted cheetahs surrounded them.

This cheetah was much bigger than the one before the end of the world. It stared at the two of them as soon as it appeared, and then pounced on them.

Facing this scene, the two did not hesitate. Design holes appeared on the mecha weapons one by one, aiming at those cheetahs.

Almost the next moment, lasers flew towards those cheetahs in an instant.

Those cheetahs almost pounced on those lasers, and then were directly pierced and died.

[Congratulations on killing two mutant spotted leopards and gaining 280 experience! 】


These cheetahs are very fast. If they encounter a team of ordinary people with ordinary weapons, the entire team will be destroyed in an instant. These cheetahs are not weaker than killing dogs.

Killing dogs do not have a single bullet.

Even if there are only one or two people with special abilities, they will be killed if they encounter these cheetahs.

However, facing the two mecha weapons and the messy laser shooting, these cheetahs are no different from sending themselves to death.

The two stepped forward and dug out the crystal cores in the brains of the cheetahs, and then stored the crystal source points in the energy storage device.

It can be said that they did not consume any energy in this wave, but made a pure profit.

"Let's go!" The two continued to move forward and headed to the warehouse where the gold bars were stored according to the location marked on the map.

Almost not far away, they actually encountered two waves of mutant cheetahs sending crystal cores in succession. .

The two also understood why the Yan Emperor of the East City Alliance gave up this military district. Is this the mutant cheetah giving birth here?

Roar! ~

A louder beast roar sounded.

Before Lu Feng and Wang Cheng had time to dig the crystal core, they saw a more powerful mutant beast cheetah slowly approaching, and behind it, there were a number of small mutant leopards.

These small mutant leopards seemed to be under command and were in order.

"Beast King!" Wang Cheng was surprised to see this scene.

The beast king is the king of those mutant beasts. It is rumored that Emperor Yan had a decisive battle with a beast king in the East Suburb Alliance in the early days of the establishment of the East Suburb Alliance.

It was also because a beast king was killed in the East Suburb Alliance that other mutant beasts dared not approach.

I didn't expect that there was a mutant beast king here, and there were so many small mutant beasts.

If there were not enough firepower or mecha weapons, all the people in Qingfeng Base would be wiped out in the face of these mutant beasts.

Roar! ~

The mutant leopard king roared again and pounced on the two of them.

Wang Cheng immediately spread his palms, and the laser port in the palm instantly fired several laser rays.

Surprisingly, the mutant leopard king actually dodged it, and only one of the lasers landed on the mutant leopard king.

The laser caused the mutant leopard king's skin to be scorched and fumes to appear, and the wound was even more hideous.

But this laser did not cause too much damage to the leopard king. Instead, it took the opportunity to pounce on it, and its speed increased instantly, which shocked Lu Feng and Wang Cheng.

Then, it bit Wang Cheng's head directly at that incredible speed, and there was a creaking sound.

Wang Cheng couldn't even react at this moment. If it weren't for the helmet protection of the mecha weapon, he would have been dead.

Two laser gun muzzles appeared on Wang Cheng's shoulders and instantly aimed at the mutant leopard king for close-range shooting.

At that moment, the mutant leopard king raised his head and howled, and was directly rolled on the ground by the impact. There were actually two hideous gaps on its abdomen.

Seeing this, Lu Feng directly controlled the mecha weapon, and two laser guns appeared on his shoulders. The two laser guns directly hit the mutant leopard king, and directly snatched the monster and killed it.

When the mutant leopard king was killed, Lu Feng got a prompt in his mind again:

[Congratulations on killing a mutant spotted leopard king and gaining 2000 experience! ]

Obviously, 2000 experience is the highest experience he has ever gained from killing zombies and mutant beasts.

2000 experience is indeed much stronger than ordinary mutant leopards.

There is no doubt that he and Wang Cheng have no mecha weapons today, and Wang Cheng will at least be explained here.

Just when Lu Feng was surprised by this experience, he looked at the body of the mutant leopard beast in surprise. There were several lights floating around its body.

This was another big explosion.

The key was that in those light curtains, there was obviously an egg wrapped in light.

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