Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 214: The crisis of Xuanfeng Alliance! Being used as a whetstone?

(It is stipulated that foreign countries cannot build *, and use Xuanfeng Alliance instead!)

Lu Feng frowned when he heard the news from Xuanfeng Alliance.

Xuanfeng Alliance did annex Cambodia.

But the special method they used could not completely stabilize Cambodia at once, but instead brought many unstable factors to Xuanfeng Alliance.

Just like when the military first entered a certain sea city in China, some people took advantage of it and played economic warfare, causing serious inflation.


As a result, some people could not even afford a bowl of noodles with a monthly salary under such circumstances.

This situation caused severe turmoil.

If there were no powerful economic experts above and enough gold intercepted to back it up, there would be another huge change.

Now Xuanfeng Alliance is facing such troubles.

Some people are secretly making troubles and collecting profits. Now the entire Xuanfeng Alliance is suffering from serious inflation. It would take a process for Cambodia to be incorporated into Xuanfeng Alliance.

The people and the public in various provinces of Cambodia need to be appeased.

Now that such an incident has happened, unrest may occur at any time, and the two countries that have been merged will fall apart again, or the economy will collapse, the system will collapse, and the entire Xuanfeng Alliance will completely enter a chaotic era.

This is obviously a big trouble.

Lu Feng also knew the seriousness of this matter, and immediately asked the phone: "Hadona, have you found out who is behind this?"

Hadona immediately replied: "Governor, Honglizard and Brin are already leading people to investigate, but no trace has been found yet. They just caught some guys who were used, and got some information that they are some Westerners, maybe some economic capital villains!"

Lu Feng frowned more deeply when he heard this.

He knew what Hadona meant by economic capital villains.

There is such a group of people in the world, they will engage in economic activities all over the world, causing economic turmoil there, and they will benefit from it.

These people are generally called capital crocodiles.

Inflation and wars that broke out under economic collapse in many places are related to them.

Lu Feng understood that the Xuanfeng Alliance was too high-profile before, and those capital crocodiles might be about to carry out a capital activity, so the Xuanfeng Alliance came into their eyes.

Of course, this is just his guess, but it is very likely to be so.

But this is the worst.

Even if the Xuanfeng Alliance annexed Cambodia, it is still a very small country. If it is used as an economic battlefield by these capital crocodiles, it is likely to collapse and fall apart.

If inflation really reaches the extreme, the people will not care, they will definitely make trouble and definitely rebel. No matter how much you say or how many benefits you promise, it will be useless.

You can't put electronic chains on everyone, right? The key is that he must have so many electronic chains.

"I will go to the Xuanfeng Alliance as soon as possible, and you try to stabilize the situation over there." Lu Feng said, and hung up the phone.

Faced with this situation, he was originally just a nobody and didn't know how to solve it at all.

However, he also has his own talent reserves.

Find a room and lock it, Lu Feng entered the game with a thought and found Lin Jiao.

"Boss!" Lin Jiao came respectfully.

Lu Feng immediately ordered: "Help me find some economic experts among the survivors, especially experts who can deal with inflation. I want them to be really capable. If anyone dares to fish in troubled waters, just solve it directly."

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao nodded and went to deal with it immediately.

Not long after, she brought several people: "Boss, they were all economic experts before the end of the world. I have checked the information and it is all true."

The economic experts also looked at Lu Feng with some fear.

They naturally knew that this person was the real controller.

Lu Feng nodded and asked those people: "Now I bet with others on an economic issue. The other party raised a question, saying that there is a country that has just annexed another country. Now the merger of the two countries is very unstable."

"Moreover, there are people who want to engage in capital economic activities, causing inflation in the merged country. Now it is a mess. How to deal with it?"

When the economic experts heard Lu Feng's words, they also looked at each other and immediately began to talk.

No matter what the purpose of this person asking these questions is, it is always good for them to solve the other party's problems.


Xuanfeng Alliance

Weisen, Hongxi, Huosi, Brin, Baguda, Dalai, Hadona, and the former Cambodian dignitaries all gathered in a conference room.

You can see that a video is playing on the screen in the conference room, which shows people holding banners to protest.

"Oppose joining the Xuanfeng Alliance!"

"The Xuanfeng Alliance is not worthy of leading us, restore the original economy!"

"We don't want to join the Xuanfeng Alliance in this economic situation!"

And the place where these people protested was just outside their presidential palace.

They blamed the current economic problems on the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Weisen and Huosi frowned slightly when they saw this scene.

The two of them now feel very involved in the affairs of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

At the beginning, their forces were annexed by that person, and they still felt a little uncomfortable.

But after the unification of the town of Kala and the establishment of the Xuanfeng Alliance, they were given a place to stay, and they had a sense of belonging to a certain extent.

After all, the situation is already like this, it is better to mix better in this force.

Until the Xuanfeng Alliance defeated Cambodia in that way and annexed it, they were completely convinced.

Now the Xuanfeng Alliance, even in their current position, is at least better than an arms dealer.

At least there is no need to worry about whether they will be killed in the future and have a bad end.

There is no doubt that this is basically the case for people in their line of work. The leader of the town of Dara has been changed countless times.

Wasn’t the Kudar family’s Weilin killed by his younger brother Weisen?

Baguda, the Dalai Lama and those important officials looked a little ugly.

Regardless of whether they were right or wrong in attacking the Xuanfeng Alliance, they really cared about the Cambodian people, so they wanted to seek development.

Therefore, now that they are targeted by the capitalist economy, they are really helpless, and the situation outside is really bad now.

"Hasn't it been investigated yet?" Baguda asked with a frown.

He didn't mind changing from the position of president to vice president, but he really just wanted to solve the current dilemma now.

Red Lizard frowned and said, "Another group of people were captured. There was a foreigner. He tortured and got some information. This time, the one targeting us might be Osborne Capital. They seem to be going to start a new economic crisis. I just don't know why they are targeting our Xuanfeng Alliance. A small country like us is no different from chicken ribs to them, right?"

"Osborne Capital?" Hadona's face changed: "The other party is a complete villain."

Osborne is a guy who only cares about interests.

The other party has no mercy at all. He has caused economic turmoil in many places, and I don't know how many people have died.

This guy is also a disciple of Soros.

At that time, he dared to target even that Eastern country. He was directly confronting a superpower. How terrifying it was.

Osborne doesn't have that kind of energy, but the Xuanfeng Alliance is also poor now, and it doesn't have that much power to face this kind of economic crisis.

This news naturally made everyone look even worse.

Worth frowning, he asked, "Where are the people inside? Haven't they found out?"

He didn't believe that there was no one inside the Xuanfeng Alliance or Cambodia involved in this matter.

It's impossible for these people in the conference room.

Baguda and the others were all wearing electronic chains.

Although Cambodia is not a big country, it has 12 provinces. The leaders of these provinces may have some ideas.

Upon hearing this, the Dalai Lama immediately said: "Our military has already found some clues and will soon know who it is. This time, there may be people from more than three provinces involved. They may want to seek independence."

After that, he asked again: "Where is the new president? Where is he now?"

The new president is Lu Feng, but he has not officially taken office yet because he is not here at all.

But obviously, Lu Feng has not shown up until now, and the Dalai Lama is a little dissatisfied.

This is a general with a very straightforward temper.

Hadona immediately explained: "The Governor will be back soon, I believe he will find a way."

The Dalai Lama snorted! "It's better this way."

On the other side.

In a villa in Padok Province of Xuanfeng Alliance (formerly Cambodia), a middle-aged man met with a Westerner here and was holding a video conference. Across the video conference was an old man with a full beard.

If someone knows the inside story, he will definitely recognize that this person is the famous capital tycoon Osborne.

And the middle-aged man in the villa is Linsda, the highest person in charge of the province of Padu.

"Mr. Osborne, I wonder when this matter will come out?" Linsda asked Osborne in the video.

"Linsda, don't be too anxious. It's only 5 times inflation now. It's still early." Osborne said nonchalantly.

Capital activities, how can they end so quickly?

He wants to end it, but other people in his capital don't want to.

At least it has to be 20 times.

Linsda said anxiously: "Osborne, those people are already in turmoil. If this goes on, there will be big problems."

"Isn't that better? When you take action, won't it be easier to take over the entire country?" Osborne said nonchalantly: "Moreover, when the time comes, we will invest in the Xuanfeng Alliance. With our reputation, we can pull the economy of the entire country back again. Isn't it just to increase your prestige?"

Linsda heard this, although he still frowned, but his expression eased.

As long as they can take down the Xuanfeng Alliance and change it back to Cambodia, all this is worth it.

He really despises those people like Baguda and Dalai.

If they can annex the Xuanfeng Alliance, it will be fine.

The key is that the other party is now being annexed by the Xuanfeng Alliance. Have they asked their opinions?

So, this time there are also three provinces supporting him.

This is enough. If other provinces do not participate, they will not help each other.

The smile at the corner of Osborne's mouth is even more undetectable. These are just pawns.

Capital economic activities are all based on interests. Who cares about the lives of these people?

At that time, just invest a little to deal with it. The other party has no idea how much money they have made.

The final mess is none of their business.

In fact, the Xuanfeng Alliance is not their goal. Their goal is a big country.

But who made the Xuanfeng Alliance suddenly emerge and become so famous? The key is to merge. They happened to see it. It's embarrassing. Use the Xuanfeng Alliance to practice.

Why did Soros first attack those small countries and then attack the big country with a thunderbolt?

In addition to joining forces, it is also to accumulate capital and momentum.

Moreover, this time things went surprisingly smoothly, which allowed them to make a small profit.

The only problem is that the Xuanfeng Alliance was unlucky and was used as the first whetstone.

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